View Full Version : All Quite on the Rahal/Letterman Front
08-15-03, 10:34 PM
Few words coming from that camp these days. Is the aura of the hallowed ground beckoning ever nearer?
For an ex CART prez, Champ Car legend and an owner of a top tier team, he sho' nuff is quite. Pissed off about losing Mid Ohio? I remember about three years ago Bobby said that if MO goes, so does he.
Anyone heard anything?
I'll play. Giante re-up's with Jourdain and gives Rahal enough $$$ to stay in 2004. He gathers his Honda bucks until the chips fall. Even Booby must understand MO w/ IRL is way less than MO w/o champcars.
If it wasn't for Toyota and Honda the IRL would be a cherry picker only fer the 500. Remember, Rahal never said "save" the IRL, he only wants to save the 500. As Hootie says, "Let Her Go...", that being the loser league.
CART will again be the place to be. Mark my words.
He seemed pretty adament on NOT losing either MO or RA. Neither fits the "new" business model.
08-16-03, 12:18 PM
There are a lot of us that are adament about not losing natural terrain road courses. My particular problem is that it's a hard case to make when my local race, which was extremely well promoted this year by CART, doesn't draws about as many people on race day as the North Plains Garlic festival...
08-17-03, 11:50 PM
If Bobby really has the passion for MO then show it! :rolleyes: Bobby likes to talk the talk but rarely do I see him walk the walk. Mr. Rahal if you really want to keep MidOhio then do a Mario over it!
08-18-03, 05:26 AM
He's quite? Quite what?
Originally posted by Mariofan
If Bobby really has the passion for MO then show it! :rolleyes: Bobby likes to talk the talk but rarely do I see him walk the walk. Mr. Rahal if you really want to keep MidOhio then do a Mario over it!
Exactly. It seems Mr. Rahal has become a "businessman". Sad really.
For those who like to bash Bobby, he's no longer in any position to speak for C^RT in an official capacity as was Mario to save RA. In C^RT's current mess of affairs, wouldn't it be more prudent for all involved to focus on saving C^RT to ensure that there is a C^RT to race @ MO? Yes, Bobby is a businessman...quite a successful one @ that. Is that a crime?
08-21-03, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by dando
For those who like to bash Bobby, he's no longer in any position to speak for C^RT in an official capacity as was Mario to save RA. In C^RT's current mess of affairs, wouldn't it be more prudent for all involved to focus on saving C^RT to ensure that there is a C^RT to race @ MO? Yes, Bobby is a businessman...quite a successful one @ that. Is that a crime?
dando, I agree that Bobby's first priorities are himself, his team, his business, his employees, etc., as well they should be. Not a crime at all. I also agree that saving CART and racing at M-O should be a focus of all involved. But you can't always meld the two. Bobby will be racing next year, CART or no CART, M-O or no M-O. I would love to see him step in and "save" M-O if indeed the event is in jeopardy. Sombody told me at M-O this year that Bobby was on a Columbus morning TV show the morning of or before the race and was asked about next year. He said he would be racing at M-O in 2004, in one series or another. I pray it is CART.
08-21-03, 01:26 AM
08-21-03, 08:55 PM
Do any of you sexperts have any idea about what that scheduled Friday afternoon press conference is all about?
Originally posted by lone_groover
Do any of you sexperts have any idea about what that scheduled Friday afternoon press conference is all about?
l_g, word is that Bobby has just purchased the Hair Club for Men, and will announce them as a title sponsor for a 2nd ChampCar.
His new slogan will be;
"I'm not only the president, I'm a client too" :D
Originally posted by Lizzerd
dando, I agree that Bobby's first priorities are himself, his team, his business, his employees, etc., as well they should be. Not a crime at all. I also agree that saving CART and racing at M-O should be a focus of all involved. But you can't always meld the two. Bobby will be racing next year, CART or no CART, M-O or no M-O. I would love to see him step in and "save" M-O if indeed the event is in jeopardy. Sombody told me at M-O this year that Bobby was on a Columbus morning TV show the morning of or before the race and was asked about next year. He said he would be racing at M-O in 2004, in one series or another. I pray it is CART.
Lizzerd, I live in Cbus, and I did not see, hear, or read anything about BR's statement mentioned above (and I watch Cbus media on C^RT like a hawk). That being said, BR has stuck around while other members of the former CART owners/board have jumped off the ship. Give the man his due. I firmly believe that if C^RT is salvaged, BR will put forth his best effort to save M-O.
08-22-03, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by dando
Lizzerd, I live in Cbus, and I did not see, hear, or read anything about BR's statement mentioned above (and I watch Cbus media on C^RT like a hawk). That being said, BR has stuck around while other members of the former CART owners/board have jumped off the ship. Give the man his due. I firmly believe that if C^RT is salvaged, BR will put forth his best effort to save M-O.
We agree again, dando. I was told what Bobby said on race morning, I think. Could have been Saturday. Anyway, I'm sure he would make his best effort to ensure that M-O is on the schedule, should CART survive. Keep in mind, though, that he is currently a fence-sitter, ready to go where his business sense takes him. Conversely, if he happens to go Earling full time, expect him to lobby for M-O on the Inferior League schedule.
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