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View Full Version : Holy Crap! Vasser's Got a Home

01-22-03, 02:56 PM
Forget about this goofy stuff that says Jeeemy will be back with Rahal.

Vasser will drive one of "Stevie Johnson's" cars this coming season. I have it from someone on the team directly.

Great news as far as I'm concerned.


01-22-03, 03:06 PM
...and "Rookie" beneath my name?
I'm insulted by that.

I'm a seasoned veteran who has proven myself with valuable information and insight from another forum.

New here, sure.
But I was one of the first to sign on.

Take that insulting "Rookie" thing away for cryin' out loud!:D

01-22-03, 03:10 PM
I promise to get rid of your rookie tag the second you post for the 45th time.

Promise. I will not fail you.

01-22-03, 03:20 PM
Good to hear WB.
As I have stated in the past here, I am now Off Camber exclusive, giving my biz to the new guy on the block.;)

01-22-03, 03:21 PM
Thanks HC!

01-22-03, 03:59 PM
Holy Crap! I missed the attribution and now I have to edit my comment!

01-22-03, 04:54 PM
45? I'm going to have to bump up my output.

I hope the quality don't suffer. :D :D :D HA!

01-22-03, 04:57 PM
Just checking how many I have to go...not bumping my post count.


To make this relevant, I love the Holy Crap! included in each post ! :D

01-22-03, 05:13 PM

when did you get this information as its writen on the internet
as of this morning that shell and Rahal are running Vasser.

And the internet cant be wrong..

What is my COUNT :(

I have a long way to go but they give a trophy to a rookie
right WB


01-22-03, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Axel
when did you get this information as its writen on the internet
as of this morning that shell and Rahal are running Vasser.

And the internet cant be wrong..

If you're refering to the speedtv.com article, that was an error and has already been changed.

01-22-03, 06:18 PM
What's a post count? Rookie? :confused:



01-22-03, 11:51 PM
Its official!


01-22-03, 11:58 PM
It's good to see Jeemy stay in CART and RHR will really benefit from having Jeemy's professionalism and experience.

But why did it take a Swede to create an All-American team?


01-23-03, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by JoeBob
Its official!


Where's that woo smilie when you need him?
:thumbup: :D :thumbup: :D :thumbup: :D :thumbup:

01-23-03, 10:34 AM
I love it when I'm right!
Remember kids, ya heard it here on Off Camber from Holy Crap! first.

Now, about this American Spirit deal. Boy I hope they come up with some cool eagle-nosed, red white and blue cars now!:cool:

01-23-03, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by rabbit
Where's that woo smilie when you need him?

Like this one? http://bobcrews.homestead.com/files/Bounce__Green___URL.gif

Or did you mean this one? http://bobcrews.homestead.com/files/Bounce__Multi-Color__URL.gif

This one maybe? http://bobcrews.homestead.com/files/Bounce__Blue__URL.gif

Check out this guys page he has quite a few available for public use: similies (http://bobcrews.homestead.com/index.html)


01-23-03, 01:55 PM
DAMIANDOAN how do you post the smilies that you find on that site....


01-23-03, 04:16 PM
right-click the smilie, then click properties. Then copy & paste the URL for the smilie into your OC thread. Make sure to use the image tags though...



Don Quixote
01-23-03, 04:45 PM
This is great news. First, we get Jeemy back, and second, he doesn't have to race with the fence straddling Rahal team. Woo hoo indeed!

01-23-03, 05:00 PM
Warning to those who click on DD's link, Page 12 is NSFW. Kinda caught me by surprise.:eek:

01-23-03, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by rabbit
Warning to those who click on DD's link, Page 12 is NSFW. Kinda caught me by surprise.:eek:

:eek: :) :eek:

01-23-03, 06:20 PM
NSFW = Not Suitable For WORK or Not Suitable For Women? Just wondering...

(100 posts- woo hoo!)

01-24-03, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by rabbit
Warning to those who click on DD's link, Page 12 is NSFW. Kinda caught me by surprise.:eek:

:o ooops, sorry 'bout that, I haven't been that far into the site in a while, forgot about it. Sorry WB. :o


01-24-03, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by JoeBob
Its official!

