View Full Version : Manning Replaces Renna At Ganassi
Doh, I can't add a "?" to the topic!
Interesting quote from Darren:
"I totally enjoyed my team and racing in CART this year. It was fantastic," said the former F1 test driver for BAR/Honda whose ride with Walker was financed by CART. "But I have to look at my longterm future and maybe being with a big team or manufacturer.
"The IRL has the appeal of manufacturers, the Indy 500 and lots of television. That's a big appeal for a driver and I think I have to consider the IRL. CART has no downsides, other than the possibility that I might not be with a manufacturer-based team."
In the latest edition of Autosport, Manning confessed that the IRL gave him cause for concern. "It's the only time in my life when I've been considering a drive that the element of danger has entered my thoughts.
"That's a big consideration and it never crossed my mind until I considered the IRL. Fans often asked if I get scared and my stock answer is that if you're not scared, you're going too slow. But the danger factor in the IRL is a big one to be considered."
Good for him that he is now considered by big teams, but it really sucks for those of us who don't watch or care about the IRL.
11-04-03, 06:57 PM
That's sad. Very sad that Darren would knowingly jeopardize his future health for a shot at hooking up with a manufacturer.
Darren, you have no "long term future" in that league. I hope you reconsider.
11-04-03, 07:12 PM
Damn shame to lose the kid. I hope he gets out with few injuries.
11-04-03, 07:34 PM
Gotta chase that paycheck.
Racers have been known to do that.
11-04-03, 07:38 PM
Doesn't Manning realize that the guy he replaces didn't last a full day at his job?
Don't come crying to me when you croak, Darren. :shakehead
Originally posted by lone_groover
Doesn't Manning realize that the guy he replaces didn't last a full day at his job?
Don't come crying to me when you croak, Darren. :shakehead
11-04-03, 07:42 PM
:p :p :p :p :p :p
Originally posted by lone_groover
:p :p :p :p :p :p
I'll pass on a rebuttal.
11-04-03, 08:09 PM
ok nancy boys
who replaced Gregg?
who replaced Gonzo?
who replaced Krosnoff?
I hate to see Darren leave CART but I would imagine even Cheap pays better than a pay for play gig at Walker.
Darren loves to race...and he'll race ANYTHING. He loves CART, and that would be his number one choice of where to race in 2004 (apart from maybe an F1 seat with the top teams), but if he could not get a seat there (without being asked to pay money he doesn't have), he'd race elsewhere - IRL, Nascar, he'll do it all.
Currently, I don't think there is an open seat in CART that doesn't require the driver to bring a sizable cheque, which Darren doesn't have to's very sad, not so much for Darren IMO, but for CART. He'll be back - I guarantee it. If there's a team owner in CART, that wants him to drive for him (without asking Darren to pay), I have no doubt he'll be back. I just pray he comes back in one piece.
What an absolute waste of talent. :shakehead
11-04-03, 08:16 PM
The IRL's 2003 injury/death rate was one of the worst since the heyday of F1 in the 70's. Absolutely brutal. I wish him well, but I think he is making a big mistake, the IRL doesnt seem too concerned about making changes.
11-04-03, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Railbird
ok nancy boys
who replaced Gregg?
who replaced Gonzo?
who replaced Krosnoff?......
Spurius, species, and ludicris.
These dead guys did NOT drive crapwagons.
Heh bird. Are you still sitting by the rail?
If a crap wagon flies into you, how should we react?
Fans have been killed before, get over it?
11-04-03, 08:32 PM
get over it or turn away from the sport.
The IRL's gig is over the top in risks imo but that's never been anything to stop a young driver looking for a full time paying deal.
All I'm seeing here is crocodile tears over a political loss.
If any one of you were truely concerned about a driver's safety, your career advice would lean toward retirement.
But you don't want that and neither do they.
and so it goes
11-04-03, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Railbird
ok nancy boys
who replaced Gregg?
who replaced Gonzo?
who replaced Krosnoff?
I hate to see Darren leave CART but I would imagine even Cheap pays better than a pay for play gig at Walker.
If you're talking about in the same team....
Tag replaced Moore, Castroneves replaced Moore who was going to drive for Penske, but not in the third car, and Papis I believe replaced Krosnoff. Please correct if wrong.
Moving on, I really think that this is a situation that both sucks and blows (pardon). Manning recognizes the danger, and to some extent all drivers do, but I've never really heard such a bold statement of it before. Its almost as if he places his fate with a higher power, to let the chips fall where they may.
I wish him well, but will miss seeing him in the paddock. :(
At least Darren so boldly states what so many others have been beating around the bush about the last 2 years. It's sad that Cart has sunk to the point that Manning, a driver that should be looking at stepping up in the league after this years performance, is forced to risk his personal health to maintain his career. Although why he thinks that hooking up with Ganassi and Toyota is going to get him anymore of a look at a future Toyota F1 seat is beyond me. I'm sure it's the money and the realization that he had his moment in the sun and now he has to accept cr*p.
11-04-03, 10:54 PM
Someone else mentioned this on 7g, and I'll echo the sentiments. I really enjoyed watching Darren race this year, too bad I won't be seeing that anymore. He is such a likeable guy, and he (like Dario) belongs here.
This makes me sick...and the IRL makes me sick...:shakehead
11-04-03, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Railbird
get over it or turn away from the sport.
The IRL's gig is over the top in risks imo but that's never been anything to stop a young driver looking for a full time paying deal.
All I'm seeing here is crocodile tears over a political loss.
If any one of you were truely concerned about a driver's safety, your career advice would lean toward retirement.
But you don't want that and neither do they.
and so it goes
The way I see it, Manning (and I can't believe he's getting the attention he is, wow, ninth place) is chasing H ant T dollars to hopefully achieve manufacturer support for career longevity. Other ex-CARTers have done the same and they are official wankers.
Floyd dangles a couple of mil in front of him spread out over five years with the promise of an Indy win and Manning is jumping at it like a kid to candy.
After a year of circles he'll be like some poor gin joint crooner, waking up on some Monday morning asking "where the hell is Kentucky and who the hell are you?"
11-04-03, 11:00 PM
All this ***** is really making me sick. Manning goes to the IRL and Robin Miller writes a fluff article for ESPN. Well, FRobinMiller too.Maybe he forgot what he wrote last week, maybe payday is tomorrow. I like Manning. His oval debut in England, his personality in those promo pieces and now this crap. Screw you Floyd..ya needed somebody to replace the dead guy, what do you care if the cars are flying deathtraps. You flaming *********.
I guess all the top F3000 talent stopped returning Chip's calls.
Originally posted by nrc
I guess all the top F3000 talent stopped returning Chip's calls.
Thankfully for Floyd, Krispy Kreme is on speed dial, and DOES return his calls.
Somebody archive this thread so we dont have to wade through all the BS about "poor Darren Manning", " what a sport he was".
Open Wheel Racing is dead
Hippodromes rule
Can you hear me now?
11-05-03, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by Ziggy
Can you hear me now?
Ziggy [/B] Loud and Clear. I'm ready to throw in the towel.
Like Dixon, Manning won't find flooring the throttle and steering a little that hard.
Im sure the hardcore IRL fans will take Manning to their bossom. Didnt he race sprinters at Salem?
why couldn't cheap have hired Enge or someone?
Assuming Walker had no salary to offer, I would have made the same decision as Manning. He's probably never been paid alot (if anything) to race.
As I look at the IRL line-up for 2003, though, I count about 16 drivers that I'd bet would rather be racing in CART if it weren't for the crappy state of American racing. Real racing is just about dead here, and you've got to make a living as a racing driver.
Dr. Corkski
11-05-03, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by RichK
Assuming Walker had no salary to offer, I would have made the same decision as Manning. He's probably never been paid alot (if anything) to race.
As I look at the IRL line-up for 2003, though, I count about 16 drivers that I'd bet would rather be racing in CART if it weren't for the crappy state of American racing. Real racing is just about dead here, and you've got to make a living as a racing driver. Agreed. Too bad it had to get to this point. :thumdown:
This is now official:
11-05-03, 06:36 PM
Why do I get the feeling that this rampant I*L ANGLO-MANIA is a response to the negative backlash at the Brazillication of the bottom-feeder league? I don't see too much outrage lately from those cross-burning, sheet wearing a$$licks at TurdForum. Taylor, Wheldon, Manning, have found a warm, comforting teat, it seemz.
11-05-03, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by lone_groover
Why do I get the feeling that this rampant I*L ANGLO-MANIA is a response to the negative backlash at the Brazillication of the bottom-feeder league? I don't see too much outrage lately from those cross-burning, sheet wearing a$$licks at TurdForum. Taylor, Wheldon, Manning, have found a warm, comforting teat, it seemz.
Well, Wayne mounts the tires, Dan pumps the gas and Darren does inspections at the local Gomer gas station.
Hard to find a Helio.
This ****ing sucks. I still love Darren, wish him the best, but the state of open-wheel racing in North America almost makes you want to cry.
11-05-03, 08:51 PM
Ganassi sucks, TG sucks, the IRL sucks, and now Manning sucks. :flame:
11-05-03, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by RaceGrrl
Ganassi sucks, TG sucks, the IRL sucks, and now Manning sucks. :flame:
That's what I meant to say.
11-05-03, 09:51 PM
Damm this sucks!!! hope darren lasts longer than renna else Im going to kill TG :flame: :mad:
11-05-03, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Railbird
get over it or turn away from the sport.
The IRL's gig is over the top in risks imo but that's never been anything to stop a young driver looking for a full time paying deal.
All I'm seeing here is crocodile tears over a political loss.
If any one of you were truely concerned about a driver's safety, your career advice would lean toward retirement.
But you don't want that and neither do they.
and so it goes
Thanks JG, my thoughts exactly - he knows what he's getting into.
Seems to me that several other posts in this thread are perhaps more suited to crapwagon than offcamber.
11-05-03, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by trubritz
Who you trying to insult; a sista fan site, your fellow postaz, or both?
Crocodile tears? Such a hard heart...
A guy some of us like has hooked up with what is arguably the most dangerous series on earth. This is bigger than motorsports politics. But then some folks may not believe in genuine concern for the well being of the drivers who entertain us on the weekends.
Originally posted by pchall
Crocodile tears? Such a hard heart...
A guy some of us like has hooked up with what is arguably the most dangerous series on earth. This is bigger than motorsports politics. But then some folks may not believe in genuine concern for the well being of the drivers who entertain us on the weekends.
Not when people say "now Manning sucks. :flame:". That's not concern, that's politics.
However concern is a real issue, especially since young Renna lost his life with the same series, same team, same seat. A 100% valid concern.
11-06-03, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by FRANKY
Not when people say "now Manning sucks. :flame:". That's not concern, that's politics.
However concern is a real issue, especially since young Renna lost his life with the same series, same team, same seat. A 100% valid concern.
"people?" You don't even have the stones to call me out directly, even though you quote my post. Don't presume to judge me or my feelings on this issue. The reason that I am so pissed is because I am concerned. You don't have a clue.
BTW, FRANKY, you play politics here just as much as anyone. Don't think that I, and others, haven't noticed that.
Originally posted by RaceGrrl
"people?" You don't even have the stones to call me out directly, even though you quote my post. Don't presume to judge me or my feelings on this issue. The reason that I am so pissed is because I am concerned. You don't have a clue.
BTW, FRANKY, you play politics here just as much as anyone. Don't think that I, and others, haven't noticed that.
You are the one spinning "Manning sucks" into a concern issue.
I read it like you spelled it. Nothing more. Of course there should be concern about Manning, Helio, Dixon and for that matter all IRL drivers. They are driving flying Crapwagons.
For me to say "they all suck" would be a pretty strange way for me to show my concern, wouldn't it?
I'm not a mind reader.
Another way to look at it is that you are really concerned. RaceGrrl says "Ganassi sucks, TG sucks, the IRL sucks, and now Manning sucks."
Evidently you are concerned about Chip, Tony, and Darren?
Not to get off course, but when mapguy calls people liars, he meant it. He believes it so he wrote it. I took issue to it not because I'm some lemming but because I thought he was wrong. He typed it in black and white and I disagreed. You typed in black and white "Manning sucks". I disagree. I think Darren, Ryan, Sebastien and (surprise) Mario were the best darn thing to happen to Champ Cars in the past few years.
I apologize if I misunderstood your meaning behind "Manning sucks". I made an error. I now can guess that your frustation with the situation made you say disparaging remarks about Mr.Manning that you did not honestly feel.
Originally posted by RichK
Assuming Walker had no salary to offer, I would have made the same decision as Manning. He's probably never been paid alot (if anything) to race.
As I look at the IRL line-up for 2003, though, I count about 16 drivers that I'd bet would rather be racing in CART if it weren't for the crappy state of American racing. Real racing is just about dead here, and you've got to make a living as a racing driver.
Exactly. Although I am not happy about his decision, I don't blame him at all. It's probably his first paid gig he's had.
Originally posted by FRANKY
I'm not a mind reader.
What a brilliant bit of self analysis.
Maybe if your head wasn't so far up your butt you'd be able to tell sincere emotions from politics.
I'll repost here what I posted in "The Truth" over on the CART Forum:
I look at it this way. Manning is a guy who has worked his butt off his entire career to get to the top. He's probably having more money waved under his nose for next season than he's made his entire career.
Remember the SPEED Feature where they followed him around? The guy was living in an empty apartment in Indy, driving a Crown Victoria that Ford gave him to use during the season. We're not talking about a guy who lands his personal helicopter in the backyard of his movie star wife's estate.
He's got an opportunity to get rich racing cars. He knows the risks, but he also knows the rewards. When you're in the spot he is in, its tough to say no to that sort of deal.
The guys who are rich and choose to get richer rather than doing what they really want to do are greedy bastards. I have a harder time saying that about a guy who is putting his own desires aside for a little while in order to become rich.
11-06-03, 12:13 PM
Mannings the next Senna!
That guy's not worth this many pixels.
Should we all pitch in now and buy him a back brace, or should we wait until he needs it? Either way it won't be too long.
hopefully he has a stint like Hornish instead of a stint like Gil.
11-06-03, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by lone_groover
Who you trying to insult; a sista fan site, your fellow postaz, or both?
Neither, just my observation. Seems that he made his choice based on all the information he had, plus "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" after all.
I guess he got little or no readies from the Walker gig, and with CART's future looking p*ss poor right now he has the right to earn a living wherever he can.
He was a breath of fresh air for CART and was praised accordingly here and at other sites; now he's being made out to be a red coat turn coat. Jeez, let the guy make a living for heavens sake.
L_g, if you read my reply as being a "diss", that's your perogative; I was always under the impression that we could post opinions on all sides of a discussion here.
JoeBob's post above is as apropos as 'birds IMO; let the guy make a living based on his choice, not ours.
11-06-03, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by trubritz
Neither, just my observation.
Here's my observation...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsnorezzzzzzzzz zzzzz.
Originally posted by pchall
What a brilliant bit of self analysis.
Maybe if your head wasn't so far up your butt you'd be able to tell sincere emotions from politics.
Manning sucks is sincere? :shakehead
I would say you got the two reversed.
Dr. Corkski
11-06-03, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by JoeBob
Remember the SPEED Feature where they followed him around? The guy was living in an empty apartment in Indy, driving a Crown Victoria that Ford gave him to use during the season.Which, I bet, is the sort of high life that the "FDarrenManning" crowd is so used to.
JMO - But if some bloke went up to me and told me that I suck because my career decisions didn't suit their agenda, and trying to pass it off as safety concern, I would probably tell them to stuff it.
Dirty Sanchez
11-06-03, 04:08 PM
This thread is one reason why I hesitate to label drivers as "a CART guy" or a company man of some kind... I've seen that attached to Darren Manning a bunch of times this year and never really understood the connection.
Loyalty-smoyalty... its all about little bits of paper with pictures of the queen's or king's or dead presidents' head on it.
Sucks. Time to move on to the next young gun that wants to be here (if only for a little while)
Originally posted by FRANKY
Manning sucks is sincere? :shakehead
I would say you got the two reversed.
You have no clue.
11-06-03, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by trubritz
L_g, if you read my reply as being a "diss", that's your perogative; I was always under the impression that we could post opinions on all sides of a discussion here.
With all due respect, tb, why would you make the comment then, that some of the posts in this thread belong at crapwagon? Which is it- all opinions are welcome, or only some are?
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