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12-09-03, 02:07 PM
Scott Brayton's car (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2771846072&category=1228)

Is it just me or do you also feel this should not be on Ebay?

12-09-03, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by jcollins28
Scott Brayton's car (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2771846072&category=1228)

Is it just me or do you also feel this should not be on Ebay?

It probably should be but with proceeds going to a charitable cause.

12-09-03, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by FRANKY
It probably should be but with proceeds going to a charitable cause.

Who would want to buy that? Offer it to his family, if they don't want it, destroy it.

12-09-03, 03:33 PM
That's disgusting. What's next, selling pieces of Renna's car?

12-09-03, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by RaceGrrl
That's disgusting. What's next, selling pieces of Renna's car?

Wasn't that a joke over at cw? Apparently, at least this earl team owner know's no boundaries. :shakehead

12-09-03, 04:13 PM
:saywhat: :shakehead :(

12-09-03, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by cart7
Wasn't that a joke over at cw? Apparently, at least this earl team owner know's no boundaries. :shakehead

I don't know if it was a joke made at CW or not. I haven't read the similar thread over there. It's not surprising though, I do have a sick and twisted sense of humor.

12-09-03, 06:40 PM
I really can't believe this. If anyone in this organization had any class, a die grinder and saws all would have been taken to this hunk of crap. Its not like Greg Ray didnt wad up any cars.They have never wanted for wrecked racecars at "Menarts"

This does not surprise me, nothing does anymore. You think about how often Tony Stewart is purported to have "won the pole at Indy in 1996" when he took the grid slot due to the death of his teammate. Moving over a position to fill the spot is ok, to mention "pole winner" in a media guide is tacky.

We could sell it to Robbie Buhl, he seems fond of things Brayton once possessed....

Screw em' and the horse they rode in on


Sean O'Gorman
12-09-03, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Ziggy
We could sell it to Robbie Buhl, he seems fond of things Brayton once possessed....


12-09-03, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Ziggy

We could sell it to Robbie Buhl, he seems fond of things Brayton once possessed....

Screw em' and the horse they rode in on


:rofl: in a sick sorta way

12-10-03, 12:48 AM
Spot on Ziggy. And the Buhl comment is even more so.

That whole ebay thing is sick.

12-10-03, 01:34 AM
What is with the Buhl comment? What I'm I missing?

Sean O'Gorman
12-10-03, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by jcollins28
What is with the Buhl comment? What I'm I missing?

Robbie Buhl married Scott Brayton's wife after his death.

12-10-03, 01:53 AM
You know as I was asking my question I figured that is what it meant. Still creepy though!

12-10-03, 02:20 AM
I have the highest level of admiration for Scott Brayton for what he did off the race track. His death was a source of sadness for me. Brayton never won a race, and was a journeyman driver on his best day, but for what he did for those who had special needs he was a true champion.

12-10-03, 05:04 AM

I guess Menard really is as much of a scumbag as he seems.

12-10-03, 06:49 AM
Menard gave the tub away years ago, it's some other scumbag trying to turn a buck.

12-10-03, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by Railbird
Menard gave the tub away years ago, it's some other scumbag trying to turn a buck.


What I meant was that Menard's a scumbag for letting the tub ever see the light of day - especially as a show car, if we're to believe what the auction says.

See? There's more than one way to be a scumbag, and good old Johnny seems to have all the bases covered.

12-10-03, 12:40 PM
Looks like it's been pulled (or ended early).

I have to wonder if the story is true. It's pretty far out there.

12-10-03, 04:23 PM
Unreal, and I would have never believed it had I not seen the wreckage of Patsy Clines airplane for sale a few months back on the internet.

12-10-03, 09:28 PM
in the "when men were men" era they just pulled it straight on the bear rack, hosed out the cockpit and hired a new shoe.

off the top of my head I seem to remember the Bill Vukovich death ride sitting on the front row at Indy the next year with Jim Rathmann behind the wheel, and I believe the car that Jim Hurtibise shatered the Indy track record with was the same one Ed Elisian perished in just a few months earlier.

The tasteles part in this whole deal, if this was ever real, was promoting it with Scotty's death as the story.

12-11-03, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Railbird

The tasteles part in this whole deal, if this was ever real, was promoting it with Scotty's death as the story.

Exactly, as I recall, the information supposedly came from Menards team manager or someone from Menard. Since the lumber salesman originally just gave it away, why not just destroy the thing? :confused:

12-11-03, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Hink
Looks like it's been pulled (or ended early).

I have to wonder if the story is true. It's pretty far out there.

Don't know whether it's true or not, but the seller ended the auction himself. He may have gotten some emails he was uncomfortable with. I emailed him asking for the serial number, and never got a response.

12-11-03, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Racewriter
Don't know whether it's true or not, but the seller ended the auction himself. He may have gotten some emails he was uncomfortable with. I emailed him asking for the serial number, and never got a response.

a few people sent complaints to ebay. I went a little further and sent complaints to Lola and to Scott's agent.


12-12-03, 06:59 AM
I've been wanting to add this for these threads...It's interesting when there is a fatal accident in the operation of vintage flying warbirds, the aircraft is often sold, then rebuilt to fly again with absolutely no complaints from anybody. Many warbirds flying today once had accidents that resulted in fatalities. Others, such as the Mustang at RAF Hendon are on display in museums after being rebuilt to static display. In the aviation world, the airframes are just too rare and valuable to scrap if they are rebuildable. There's a Skyraider and a Sea Fury flying that both flipped over with fatal results on landings in Florida in 1992 and 1996, yet today these aircraft are flying with different owners. The owner/founder of Ilmor Paul Morgan's Sea Fury is being rebuilt with a new owner after his 2001 fatal crash.With race cars such as this that are really not that rare or even valuable, I am definitely one of the first to chip in with how tasteless, revolting and plain rotten this kind of sale is. But even vintage race cars that have had fatal crashes, such as Spencer Flack's 1959 BRM (in which he was killed last year) have been rebuilt to race again as it did at Goodwood this year.


12-12-03, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by JohnHKart
I've been wanting to add this for these threads...It's interesting when there is a fatal accident in the operation of vintage flying warbirds, the aircraft is often sold, then rebuilt to fly again with absolutely no complaints from anybody. Many warbirds flying today once had accidents that resulted in fatalities. Others, such as the Mustang at RAF Hendon are on display in museums after being rebuilt to static display. In the aviation world, the airframes are just too rare and valuable to scrap if they are rebuildable. There's a Skyraider and a Sea Fury flying that both flipped over with fatal results on landings in Florida in 1992 and 1996, yet today these aircraft are flying with different owners. The owner/founder of Ilmor Paul Morgan's Sea Fury is being rebuilt with a new owner after his 2001 fatal crash.With race cars such as this that are really not that rare or even valuable, I am definitely one of the first to chip in with how tasteless, revolting and plain rotten this kind of sale is. But even vintage race cars that have had fatal crashes, such as Spencer Flack's 1959 BRM (in which he was killed last year) have been rebuilt to race again as it did at Goodwood this year.


True. But is the person selling the Sea Fury using the fact that "Paul Morgan was killed in this plane" to sell it?

12-12-03, 07:10 PM
No. Actually Morgan's family dispersed of his airplanes after his death. Another difference is airplanes are never/would never be marketed as "this is the plane John Doe was flying when he crashed."


12-17-03, 05:13 PM
I do think it's tasteless to auction this off.

Does anyone know what happened to the tubs from Greg Moore's car? or Senna's? Or Earnhardt's? Were they destroyed, were they rebuilt, were they preserved?

I'm not morbid and I don't want to buy one. I'm just curious about what usually happens in these situations. JHK laid it out pretty clearly when it comes to vintage aircraft and some vintage racing cars. What about these more recent cars? Anyone know?

12-17-03, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by cartcanuck
I do think it's tasteless to auction this off.

Does anyone know what happened to the tubs from Greg Moore's car? or Senna's? Or Earnhardt's? Were they destroyed, were they rebuilt, were they preserved?

I'm not morbid and I don't want to buy one. I'm just curious about what usually happens in these situations. JHK laid it out pretty clearly when it comes to vintage aircraft and some vintage racing cars. What about these more recent cars? Anyone know?

Senna's was kept as evidence for the investigation by the Italians, which eventually lead to charges against Head, Newey, Williams, and a few others on the Williams team.

I'd imagine it's still being held by Italian prosecutors. I remember hearing that the appeals were overturned just recently, so Newey and Head may actually have to face the charges again? Ridiculous...


12-17-03, 05:54 PM
Sennas car is back (http://www.f1-news.com/2002/e03.htm) in Williams hands. Article partway down.