View Full Version : HAy LOOSers
12-12-03, 12:03 PM
GUess YOur ALL jeST SItten ROUnd thINKIng oF TRying to MKAke pLAns For nExT yearS? WEll, GUess WHat, CArt IS deAD, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Stead OF wrITTen TO SannY Claws YOu sHOUld mAybe FIre oFF a LEttEr to TOny, YOu kNOw, THat TOny, THe guYS wiFF thE VIsion. YOu beTTer jest TRy TO SweEt TalK HIm INto LEttin YOU buY SOem TIcketS fOR thE SPring KLassic sO MAYbe YOu aLL CaN ENjoy REaL RAcin aGAIns.
I CAInt WAit TO MEEt SOmes OF yOU GUys. SUm oF yoU SEEm PURty cOOl. GUys LIek ZIggY And CAm anD RAcer2See NEEd TO gET a MAjor ATTitude ADJEstment forEs theY COme baCK to TOnys MEcca.
LIek MY goOD FRIend BIrD Says, DRop THe FLAg, TOnys DOne DRoppin THE Hammer
OnlY IN thE IRL baBY, ONLy in THe IRL
BiF# OUr CArs REAlly FLy
Ps, MApguY, YOu Suck
Hey BiF, seein's how Sarah ain't got no ride for next year, maybe you can talk to your boss and get him to hire her to work with you down in the pit at Jiffy Lube. ;)
Don Quixote
12-12-03, 12:48 PM
I thought Tony was Santa Claus. :confused: :gomer:
if only he was, then he'd be dead :)
12-12-03, 01:33 PM
:rofl: "OUr CArs REAlly FLy" :rofl: :thumbup:
BiF#ster, I'm working on a new squirrel-skin hat. Any tips on what type O thread I need to use?
Welcome back.
I might go to Indy this May.
If I bring a bottle of wild turkey, can I crash at the Jiffy Lube? (There's no way I'm bunking with Buck or getting between you and Adrian.)
Haha! I'm famous! :thumbup:
I just knew that I'd get called out by BiF# before JT did!
neener neener neener! :p
12-12-03, 02:52 PM
Has anyone else noticed a difference in BiF#'s writing style? It has deteriorated somewhat or mutated in someway. I walk away feeling like I've seen some cheap imitation of the old BiF#.
Ever since his site went down, things just haven't been the same.
Is anyone willing to do a comparison between the old bif stylings and those of recent to detect subtle differences in style and form?
I think we have some imposter BiGirlFan.
Opposite Lock
12-12-03, 02:54 PM
Isn't "BIF" good ole' "Cheeberfan" from another board?
12-12-03, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Opposite Lock
Isn't "BIF" good ole' "Cheeberfan" from another board?
That would be like say that CURLY sounds like JABBERJAWS.
12-12-03, 03:10 PM
Agree with Koby, BIF has gone downhill. The spelling is the same. But the use of caps is different. And the flow isnt what it used to be.
O Lock, I've watched posters try to guess who the BIF was for the past 5 years! No one knows! Except, a year ago there was a strong suggestion/rumor that The BIF was Mapguy,,,,,,,,, and since they both registered here in Dec 2002,,,,,,,, and mapguy couldnt wait to stick his toungue out at JT,,,,,,,,, could it be mapguy and The BIF are one and the same??
Originally posted by Electrocuted
Agree with Koby, BIF has gone downhill. The spelling is the same. But the use of caps is different. And the flow isnt what it used to be.
O Lock, I've watched posters try to guess who the BIF was for the past 5 years! No one knows! Except, a year ago there was a strong suggestion/rumor that The BIF was Mapguy,,,,,,,,, and since they both registered here in Dec 2002,,,,,,,, and mapguy couldnt wait to stick his toungue out at JT,,,,,,,,, could it be mapguy and The BIF are one and the same??
While I am flattered by the thought. I can assure you that I am not BiF#. Others here can back me up.
Originally posted by Opposite Lock
Isn't "BIF" good ole' "Cheeberfan" from another board?
I think Cheeberfan is a cheap BiF knockoff. And, BiF is not mapguy.
My favorite BiF rumor was that BiF is Robin Miller.
Originally posted by BigIrlFan
I CAInt WAit TO MEEt SOmes OF yOU GUys. SUm oF yoU SEEm PURty cOOl. GUys LIek ZIggY And CAm anD RAcer2See NEEd TO gET a MAjor ATTitude ADJEstment forEs theY COme baCK to TOnys MEcca.
OMG! Why do a see a visit to the Classy Chassis in my future?!?! :gomer: :D
I think I know who Bif is but I don't think he'd ever fess up even if I ask him in a pm.
Hot Rod Otis
12-12-03, 03:47 PM
I know who BiF is!:D :p
If you want to know who Bif is I will tell you.
look below if you want the staight answer....
Bif is Bucks ex-brother in law. I don't know if there really is such a thing as an ex brother in law so, maybe you should just say he is a runnin' buddy of Buck and James Robert.
Thats who he is alright. Don't you feel relieved knowing that?
12-12-03, 03:56 PM
I'm out the loop, but I think I know who BiF# is. He used to post some funny stuff under his own name.
Unless I'm wrong.
Maybe some investigative reporter can do sum digging...Tippy?
12-12-03, 04:13 PM
Back when was up I did some internic searching and thought it was strange that the host was located in Austrialia.
Personally though, bif is like santa to me. He's real and I never want that to end. :D :gomer: :cool:
12-12-03, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Electrocuted
Agree with Koby, BIF has gone downhill. The spelling is the same. But the use of caps is different. And the flow isnt what it used to be.
Exactly! The flow before was poetic in a jiffy lubed hillbilly sort of way... I mean, did you ever read his lyrics? Man that sheet was solid! His message was insightful and his stubby index would only hit the shift key accidently when another anti-cart volcanic eruption spewd forth and he needed to type fast. And I mean fast like Sarah Fisher. Have you ever tried to type with used car oil all over your fingers??? Just think, BiF# can probably hardly read the keys being that they are so blackened by old jiffy lube and tenderloin grease.
Now I find myself scratching my head thinking that some impostor just put their message into one of those internet jumbler translators. You know the ones that can do hillbilly or jive.
I just want to know who infiltrated james robert's double wide and stole Bif#'s offcamber password. :flame:
12-12-03, 05:04 PM
Bif has changed. It's hard covering up the dissapointment that Tony has bestowed upon his minions. It takes allot out of a gomer to defend ex CART owners and rich brazilian drivers. Hopefully the new British invasion, with names the gomers can pronounce, will turn things around and we'll get the old bif back.
Originally posted by KobySon
I just want to know who infiltrated james robert's double wide and stole Bif#'s offcamber password. :flame:
Nahhhh.... It's the real BiF. I think he was just sober when he posted! :eek:
12-12-03, 05:28 PM
I've had beers with BIF (well, he was chugging Wild Turkey) and he's not such a bad guy. He scared me some when he got his shotguns out, though.
You guys sure are holding the bar pretty high for an ex jiffy lube employee of the month.
I think you are expecting a bit too much from the guy. Just keep reminding yourself he's a greasy lemming, no good, kool-aid swilling, tooney lovin, mari hulman googlin', hoosier.
Cut him some slack.
Ozzy's songs, and Tony George's business decisions, show the same detoriation. The cause is obvious.
12-12-03, 05:58 PM
vintage bif:
IM WARming you now ! !!!
ITs just liek the US of A agains those damed terrarists. ITs time to take soem action. If you pucnks are taking the side of ROBin MIller then you shoud be prepaired to pay the prize. ANd it aint gone to be perty. Frists of all, the race aint been ranned yet so how can it be over? HUh tell me that. ANd HElls BElles we all know RObin MIler aint got no frends so we knows he made that part up. ANd if he made that part up then he probly made up the rest to. YOU no hees a CARt employee and writes for there website. NOw hees wrting for this damed hippy paper. I betCArts evel genyous CHRis POOk probaly paid him to write this crap bout the IRl . Well whose he thinks hees kidding anyway. TOney GOrge aint gone to settle for this. HE better hope hees got a satylight dish cause he aint gone to see INdy live no other way on SUnday. Or the BRIkcyard or FORmola 1 in SPetember. HEs done. THe fine famly of channels at ABc aint gone to let him on the air ever. TOast is what he is. WE need to get a bucnh of gooD TRAckFOremers and lynch this jerk. Weel lure him out with a tenderloin and a 6 pack of MIller light and then weel get him and give him up to AJ. WHen he gets done with MILler even a damed JAp NANcyBoy ought ot be able to whip is boney ass.
RIp RObin MIller and anyone that is on his side. THis is war. ANd it aint gone to be over until CARt is hammered into dust. ANd anyone one on CARts side. TOO bad. YOU loose. We got INdy and it aint dead but you will be you CARt strret race loosers hahahahahahahaha
SCRew you CARt strret race loosers. SCRew you ROBin MIller. BUck and me is pissed off.
BEtter wach your backs you INdy killers. ITs time to for you to accept the blame for the mess open wheels is in. CARt screwed up and the fix aint gone to be perty bUT it will get fixed and TOney will be the one to do it. ANd IM on his side and so is BUck and so is hunnerts of fans just liek me. MAtter of fact they is egsackly liek me. WEre gone to give you pucnks hell from here on out. YOU rat bastiges calls it FOrmola ******** and you made fun on TOney using crack or whatever he did ANd then you made fun about his MOm being some kind of a track whore or whatever you say she did. ANd then you spit on INDy and now INdy aint as grate as YOU think it shoud be. Well I got news for you. GO away Weel be fine without you whiney snot nosed strret racer loosers. WE did fine with the NOvis and the OFfys and the AUroras and weel be fine just by ourselves. WE got INdy on our side and out side INdy there aint much else. SPecially when you live in INDy. WE got INdy and you dont so get over it. If you had it you woud nt say it was bad. We sure as hell dont. SCRew you.
A conspiracy is afoot! You cannot convince me otherwise. This is the prose of a genius. Every last sentence - genius. This is not the same BiF# as the impostor that started this thread.
I'm telling you, james robert must have been held up at gun point and forced to give away BiF#'s password.
If it wasn't that, then one of you low down bastages paid one of the fine ladies down at the classy chassis to seduce #BiF and steal his password. ESPIONAGE! TREASONOUS IMPERSONATORS! LIES! LIES! FALSE!
Opposite Lock
12-12-03, 06:37 PM
Thanks for posting the vintage Bif - I hadn't read the original before. You're right, the others are obviously just cheap knockoffs by comparison, too deliberate, and lacking in that certain flow that can only come from too many years of kool-aid and tenderloins. The stream-of-consciousness style borders on the poetic.
I'm not entirely sure that his password was ripped off, though - I bet it is something simple to crack, like "500".
Originally posted by Opposite Lock
the others are obviously just cheap knockoffs
You calling me cheap? Eh, Nancy boy?
Opposite Lock
12-12-03, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by mapguy
You calling me cheap? Eh, Nancy boy?
So you're saying that you are the brains(?) behind Cheeberfan? I didn't say it isn't funny, though.
BTW, that's the first "Nancy boy" I've ever drawn on a board. I guess I'll need a doily.:)
Originally posted by Opposite Lock
So you're saying that you are the brains(?) behind Cheeberfan? I didn't say it isn't funny, though.
BTW, that's the first "Nancy boy" I've ever drawn on a board. I guess I'll need a doily.:)
I'm pretty sure that BIF is really from Pennsylvania. I've seen his sister "SaraHotPennGirl" post (Hey LOoser BabBies, LeAF HIMM Allone) on the boards at Yahoo
12-12-03, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Opposite Lock
You're right, the others are obviously just cheap knockoffs by comparison
I'm sure BiF will appreciate your referencing him and his pal KnockOff in the same sentence.
Sean O'Gorman
12-12-03, 11:44 PM
Knowing BiF's real identity would take all the fun out of it, so why would you want to know?
Maybe this ( ecplains BiFs strange demeanour?
I just saw this over at the other site.
WEll HElls BElles aint this speciel. ALl the damed winey CARt bitter beer faces that was runned out of SPeeDNEt are hear being damed egsperts. TOO bad you aint got no series now. hahahahahahh SO dont be tellin us whats worng with the IRl. WE got TONey GOErge and he knows what to do with INDyCARs. YOu already runned your frutey cup series into the ground. WE sure as hell dont need you to ruin the IRl. IF there is soemthing wrong wihth the IRl I spect TOney will tell us soon enough. ANd then heel fix it and then it will be OK again until he tells us it aint again. THAts a hole bunch diffrent than CARt everyone was tellin you guys what was worng and you never did nothing. YOU shoud listen to TONey. He knows whats up. HIs grandad invented open wheel racing. WHAt did CHris POoks granddad do? HUh? What maybe he had tea an crumpets hahahahahah BUt he sure as hell dint have INdy.
THe IRl - were gone to soar in 2004
Definitely something different there.
12-19-03, 11:19 AM
with that kind of dexterity, I'm suprised he's even able to hold his shotgun!
The Jiffy lube must not be giving bonuses this year-first his site goes down, then it sounds like he's sobering up! Not eough $$$ to buy the wild turkey?
Originally posted by KobySon
Has anyone else noticed a difference in BiF#'s writing style? It has deteriorated somewhat or mutated in someway. I walk away feeling like I've seen some cheap imitation of the old BiF#.
Ever since his site went down, things just haven't been the same.
Is anyone willing to do a comparison between the old bif stylings and those of recent to detect subtle differences in style and form?
I think we have some imposter BiGirlFan.
nah...he just changed his vision
BiF, how's the dental work coming?
04-18-04, 11:13 AM
Ps, MApguY, YOu Suck
Got that right!
While I am flattered by the thought. I can assure you that I am not BiF#. Others here can back me up.
I'll back you on that.
I'm sure BiF will appreciate your referencing him and his pal KnockOff in the same sentence.
I thought KnockOff was involved with Gilby? Please don't say that BiF is light in his RedWings...
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