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01-15-04, 02:06 PM
"In the IndyCar Series, Rahal is pleased with the hierarchy he answers to. "With Tony [George] and Brian , you know where the buck stops. I'm comfortable with the changes as they come down. The last 10 years have been fractious [for the sport]. I give all credit to Tony through the pressure and criticism he gets. I see impressive crowds and the racing is so exciting sometimes I can't watch!"

You see, that is why there are diminishing crowds at IRL races! The racing is [B]so exciting...people can't stand to watch! Now we know. :gomer:


01-15-04, 03:42 PM
"In the IndyCar Series, Rahal is pleased with the hierarchy he answers to. "With Tony [George] and Brian , you know where the buck stops. I'm comfortable with the changes as they come down. The last 10 years have been fractious [for the sport]. I give all credit to Tony through the pressure and criticism he gets. I see impressive crowds and the racing is so exciting sometimes I can't watch!"

You see, that is why there are diminishing crowds at IRL races! The racing is [B]so exciting...people can't stand to watch! Now we know. :gomer:


From the same article...
Team Rahal believes in the IRL formula. "It's excellent," Rice declared. "It could maybe use a few little things like more SAFER barriers, but I leave the implementation of rules to them. It takes time to iron things out and I think the cars now are quite safe. The fact that Kenny's still here and hopes to come back is a credit to the League," Buddy said.

And the fact that Renna is not? :shakehead

Sorry, the formula blows, it's the first thing they need to fix.


Don Quixote
01-15-04, 04:31 PM
Kroger's must have just run a gigantic sale on koolaide.

01-15-04, 04:32 PM
That whole article is such IRL fluff. You'd swear that TG's thugs were writing this stuff for them to recite. Either that or they're mixing the Koolade a little stronger with extra sugar.

01-15-04, 05:39 PM
"you know where the buck stops" kind of a backhand slap at the past management of CART, right? Which of course includes Rahal. Who was as responsible for the mess in Texas as anyone.

01-15-04, 05:43 PM
I can't watch the races either Bobby.

01-15-04, 05:49 PM
I can't watch the races either Bobby.

Because of all of the excitment right!?! Sometimes, when Helio climbs a fence, I get so excited I just want to explode! :eek:

01-15-04, 05:54 PM
Rahal knows he's embarassing his family when he spews this crap. That's why he wears the novelty Groucho nose 'n glasses deal.


01-16-04, 12:08 PM
^big LOL^


01-16-04, 02:00 PM
That whole article is such IRL fluff. You'd swear that TG's thugs were writing this stuff for them to recite. Either that or they're mixing the Koolade a little stronger with extra sugar.

In all seriousness, where do you think this stuff comes from? The quotes are straight out of the IRL weekly teleconference with Rahal. Whoever Anne Proffitt is, she just picked up the quotes online. No big deal.

As far as what these guys are saying, they're saying that which will keep them making a living. Just like when they were with CART.

It's hilarious to me, both on OC, CW, and TF, how people take these PR quotes and make them the 'gospel' of openwheel racing. All these guys have a real opinion, but unless you're a friend and there's no tape recorder, you ain't gonna hear it.

01-20-04, 12:44 AM
In all seriousness, where do you think this stuff It's hilarious to me, both on OC, CW, and TF, how people take these PR quotes and make them the 'gospel' of openwheel racing. All these guys have a real opinion, but unless you're a friend and there's no tape recorder, you ain't gonna hear it.

True. You cannot take these kinds of public statements seriously. Whenever a team hires a driver, for instance, they act as though it was the greatest thing that ever happened until the day they fire him...and then they announce it was a "mutual" agreement :rolleyes:

Rahal is saying whatever he has to keep dollars flowing to his team, and nothing more.

Never forget that the principals in this mess do not now nor ever have cared about the fans which is why so many are alienated, present company included.

01-20-04, 08:13 AM
Rahal is saying whatever he has to keep dollars flowing to his team, and nothing more.

Fernandez just cashes the checks. He keeps his nouth shut.