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View Full Version : U-Haul bans towing with Explorers

Sean O'Gorman
01-16-04, 03:05 PM

Just when I thought that this article couldn't get any more ridiculous, I read this phrase:

"U-Haul has no ban on rentals to Mercury Mountaineer owners, although the vehicle is mechanically a carbon copy of the Explorer.

'We've had no issues with the Mercury Mountaineer,' Fried said."


01-16-04, 03:21 PM

I just scanned through the article but I also didn't see mention that the ban is on pre-2001 redesigned from the ground up models that are highly critically acclaimed.

01-16-04, 04:43 PM
You wonder how a company would stay in business with idiots like that at the helm. :rolleyes:

01-16-04, 05:29 PM
Too bad the just can't ban no driving hacks.

01-16-04, 05:32 PM
You wonder how a company would stay in business with idiots like that at the helm. :rolleyes:

Maybe they inherited the business when the man who was sleeping with their mother shot their father.