View Full Version : Hey FTG...how did it taste?

01-29-04, 01:14 AM
FTG, you miserable worthless bastard. Fans of openwheel racing have suffered for almost ten years because you wanted to the czar. Well, F You, it's over. We're gonna drop the rag and go racing. And when less than 33 cars how at the 497.5 we're gonna laugh our asses off. When Toyota goes to race cabs and Honda comes back to Champcars that will be even better. That will leave you with Chevworth. Of course, Cosworth will tell you to go to hell too, it's only a matter of time. So kiss my ass you jerk, you tried to ruin my sport and failed. Go cry in your mommy's lap you prick. I feel better now. Let's go racing.

01-29-04, 02:17 AM
Ditto to all you said, my friend...

Long live OWRS.

01-29-04, 06:53 AM
That's beautiful man.

01-29-04, 08:51 AM
I get the feeling M & brats isn't telling us how he really feels. :rofl:
Right on M & B! :thumbup:

01-29-04, 09:03 AM
I have to admit that since a few years ago, I’ve thought the FTG crowd ought to get over it, and CART ought to dwell on running their series without regard to the IRL.

But after the display Boy George put on the last few weeks, I have only one thing to say to Tony George: “you’re a jerk; you’ve always been a jerk, and you’ll always be a jerk. FTG. In fact, FTG has the makings of a might fine license plate.

01-29-04, 09:17 AM
I think many people saw TG for what he is in these proceedings.. Many were lying to themselves when they said TG didn't want to kill CART. Hey Tony, you've been found out, prepare to die. Long live OWRS.

01-29-04, 09:20 AM
Now is the time to bury the Twirl once and for all and it appears that Paul G. and the boys are the ones to do it. Go OWRS!!!

01-29-04, 10:07 AM
I think it's time to simply ignore the IRL - no more TG bashing etc. CART/OWRS has some new life in it, let's just concentrate on it and the racing. See you in Toronto.

01-29-04, 10:55 AM
I think it's time to simply ignore the IRL - no more TG bashing etc. CART/OWRS has some new life in it, let's just concentrate on it and the racing. See you in Toronto.

You say it like you believe it's possible... :)

The war is more alive now than ever, the big courtroom drama will just ignite it. Especially with the IRL still threatenning to go road racing, it's going to be head-to-head competition more than ever before.

This court decision didn't end the war, in fact it just ensured it would rage longer and more fierce than ever. :shakehead CART fans will still be obsessed with IRL-bashing, IRL fans will be obsessed with CART-bashing, and real race fans will be left in the middle shaking our heads. :shakehead :shakehead


01-29-04, 11:02 AM
CART fans will still be obsessed with IRL-bashing, IRL fans will be obsessed with CART-bashing, and real race fans will be left in the middle shaking our heads. :shakehead :shakeheadWhat is it with this "real race fans" bizness??? A person can't be just a CART fan or just an IRL fan and be still be a "real race fan"? I don't buy that for a minute. That like people who think that calling themselves political "moderates" somehow makes them superior to Democrats or Republicans.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Oh, and FTG

01-29-04, 11:07 AM
somewhat off-topic: what exactly is a real race fan? I enjoy many forms of racing, but not all types...I admit I'm not a fan of the IRL. Some of it is personal (I have to admit), but I also don't like their formula. I also don't watch NASCAR - it bores me. I enjoy F1, but I admit they can have some really boring races as well. ALMS is cool. Trans-Am is ok too. Sportbike racing (Moto-GP) is awesome.

Anyway, I think I'm a race fan. I suppose you can say a real race fan doesn't bash other forms of racing. That's fine...All this CART/IRL bashing has grown tired on me anyway. I'd rather just ignore it...

Yeah, that was a little sappy :p

01-29-04, 11:19 AM
So we're not "Real Racefans" huh?

You shouldn'ta outa said that bud. :flame:

01-29-04, 11:20 AM
The problem all along with the split, has been that CART owners wouldn't stay split. They kept crawling back.

I firmly hope the split is now finally permanent. No interaction, no "we'll run where our sponsors want," etc.

But I still think the best way to sum up my desire to keep the split permanent is with three little letters FTG.

Hot Rod Otis
01-29-04, 11:30 AM
CART fans will still be obsessed with IRL-bashing, IRL fans will be obsessed with CART-bashing, and real race fans will be left in the middle shaking our heads.


Define a "real" race fan for me. :rolleyes:

Stick it pal. :flame: Just what we need, another pompous *** labelling who is and who isn't a "real" race fan, and of course, HE'S the "real" racefan. :rolleyes: You sound just like Hooter/defender and the some of the other imbeciles @ TF.

01-29-04, 11:36 AM
What is it with this "real race fans" bizness??? A person can't be just a CART fan or just an IRL fan and be still be a "real race fan"? I don't buy that for a minute. That like people who think that calling themselves political "moderates" somehow makes them superior to Democrats or Republicans.

There are some people who are anti-CART or anti-IRL due to hatred of one guy, say TG, and not for objective reasons related to their enjoyment of racing.

To use your example, it would be like someone being against everything the Democrats ever did just because they are Democrats, and never really considering the issue at hand.


01-29-04, 11:41 AM
There are some people who are anti-CART or anti-IRL due to hatred of one guy, say TG, and not for objective reasons related to their enjoyment of racing.

Who are you to judge the reasons another fan chooses to watch or not watch a particular series?

01-29-04, 11:44 AM
[QUOTE=Hot Rod Otis]Define a "real" race fan for me. :rolleyes:

Someone who can appreciate what's on track regardless of the politics behind what got it there.

Just MO.


01-29-04, 11:58 AM
Jono, You're showing yourself as a proctologists dream. Take away the nonsense of the last 10 years, and I, as an "artificial race fan", have no use for a dumbed down foottotheflloor dronefest thrill show. Way back when, innovation used to be the hallmark of a great series. Now, watching Indylight clones and having to listen to the revisionist history that spews from Marion County is of no interest whatsoever.

I share the same view of Nascar and Grand Sham as well.

01-29-04, 11:59 AM
[QUOTE=Hot Rod Otis]Define a "real" race fan for me. :rolleyes:

Someone who can appreciate what's on track regardless of the politics behind what got it there.

Just MO.

The IRL's on-track product sucks.

F the product and F the politics behind it. :flame:

01-29-04, 12:01 PM
The IRL's on-track product sucks.

That's fair... :) I don't watch it either, but I can understand why some people do.


01-29-04, 12:43 PM
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Oh, and FTG

I second this.

Not having standards for the racing you support means you'll accept anything the sanctioning body rolls out. This accounts, to a large exent, for the lack of real racing and real sport in NASCAR and the IRL.

01-29-04, 12:48 PM
Idiotgrandson's attempt to "unify" the sport was as genuine as Gordon Gekko's efforts to save Blue Star Airlines.

In other news, Formula Nippon is beginning to print "The Road To Indy" stickers.

01-29-04, 01:26 PM
[QUOTE=Hot Rod Otis]Define a "real" race fan for me. :rolleyes:

Someone who can appreciate what's on track regardless of the politics behind what got it there.

Just MO.


I believe that's what we were all doing up until 1996 when a certain A-hole brought the politics to the forefront.
:saywhat: :flame:

01-29-04, 01:31 PM
Jono, You're showing yourself as a proctologists dream.

"Proctologist's Nightmare" might be more apt! ;)

01-29-04, 01:41 PM
I believe that's what we were all doing up until 1996 when a certain A-hole brought the politics to the forefront.
:saywhat: :flame:

I've seen IRL fans waste a lot of time trying to convince CART fans that their "street courses are boring parades".

Likewise, I've seen CART fans waste a lot of time trying to convince IRL fans that their "ovals are flat-out no-talent not racing".

Why can't fans of both just accept that they appreciate different things in racing? The bashing back and forth... it just goes on and on... nobody ever wins that argument, nobody ever comes around to the other's way of thinking...

Personally, I'd like to go back to talking about racing, so that's all I'm going to say on this thread.


01-29-04, 01:55 PM
Personally, I'd like to go back to talking about racing, so that's all I'm going to say on this thread.

Fair enough. Then lets stick to topic, which is racing, something that the earl and Nascar lost focus on many years ago.

01-29-04, 01:55 PM
jono, since you're done with this thread, maybe you could head over to the New England Patriots' forum, and convince them that they should love the Panther's way of playing.

"After all, we're all football fans, right?" :cry:

01-29-04, 04:47 PM
Another "real race fan" eh, Man, this forum is blessed.

The IRL never had "real racing" why do you think message boards are so much a part of the "fans" experience? Where I used to have to sit at a tavern and talk racing, or heaven forbid, go to a race and buy a pit pass, I can now do on this machine. For sure, having participated on message boards has enhanced my live racing experience twenty fold. The posters whom I enjoy reading what they have to say, I can actually meet if I choose.

Very cool. Passion for anything is worth sticking up for. Sticking up for a serious miscalculation which almost ruined motor racing is quite another.

Your knickers are showing

F**k the IRL
