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View Full Version : Super Bowl Half Time Show Fiasco

02-01-04, 11:20 PM
Granted, I thought it sucked to begin with but it appears that the NFL was unhappy with the crotch grabbing and apparent planned breast shot.

Yes, I usually am the first to enjoy the pseodo porn, but this was not the time or place...

And lets not talk about the streaker!


02-01-04, 11:50 PM
Damn.... I must be getting old and not noticing! I completely missed the nipple shot. But that may have been because I was trying to remind the has-been that her brother is a pedophile..... But the Streaker? :saywhat:

Don Quixote
02-01-04, 11:58 PM
one word: skank :saywhat:

02-02-04, 12:05 AM
This picture makes it look like she was surprised:


02-02-04, 12:25 AM
Ahhhhh..... I now see the streaker was Mark Roberts..... He is a Professional streaker.....

02-02-04, 12:37 AM
Aha! I thought I was right about that. I said "did you see that?" to my buddy and his wife when her nip popped out. They said, "what?" I said "never mind... I think I was just seeing things."

I also saw the streaker. I first noticed what I thought was a towel by the ball on the tee, then I saw the guy doing the high step dance. Niether one of them saw that, either.

02-02-04, 12:52 AM
so is all this just over the breast shot? or was there other parts of the half time show just as bad?? cause if it was an accident and not on purpose then those are pretty harsh comments by the nfl themselves..

I didn't watch the half time show btw that's why I ask.. heh

02-02-04, 12:56 AM
Well..... The 1/2 time show was probably OK if you are into hip-hop.... Otherwise it was simply noise pollution! :puke:

02-02-04, 01:02 AM
Our local station just replayed it many times. It looks like she had on pasties, so this was most likely planned....

[EDIT] now they are saying its a nipple ring

02-02-04, 01:06 AM
Our local station just replayed it many times. It looks like she had on pasties, so this was most likely planned....

[EDIT] now they are saying its a nipple ring

Here..... Judge for yourself! Pretty damn tame!


Boss..... Sorry if you feel this is inappropriate..... If so clobber it!

02-02-04, 01:53 AM
Hmmm. Me thinks this was planned...

02-02-04, 06:37 AM
They're both claiming it was unrehearsed (which, of course, we KNOW they didn't rehearse it) and an accident.

Linkie to close-up: http://www.drudgereport.com/jjt.jpg

02-02-04, 08:44 AM
That's one scary-@sses lookin' nipple ring. I wonder what her clitoral piercing looks like... a guillotine?

I guess that's what ya get when you hire second-rate entertainment...

Winter Warlock!

02-02-04, 09:36 AM
OK, a few of the lyrics to the Timberlake song he was singing are:

"I'm gonna get you naked by the end of this song"

The breast plates were attached with velcro?? :rolleyes:

Gimme a break.

02-02-04, 11:11 AM
Brings new meaning to the term, "boob tube."

02-02-04, 11:17 AM
Dont watch halftime. There was not enough talent on that stage to poor piss out of a boot.


02-02-04, 11:38 AM
i was so repulsed, i went to watch the lingerie bowl.

02-02-04, 11:44 AM
kid rock, janet jackson, the nfl was in a time warp, the 90's were back... and not the good 90's either.

02-02-04, 11:56 AM
I changed channels at the half and watched Scientific American with Alan Alda. :gomer: :D

What ever happened to the good old days of the Butt Bowl?


02-02-04, 12:23 PM
MTV2 is showing a whole bunch of old Beavis and Butthead this weekend! (Also Celebrity Deathmatch, Aeon Flux and 3-South)

02-02-04, 12:39 PM
Bring back marching hs or college bands. Won't watch them either...but it won't be nearly as an embarassing display for all the world to see.

I swear, we can promote crap better than any other nation in the world. It's good for a laugh..nothing else.

And who the hell is Janet Jackson?! We get enuf 'female Jackson' forced on us by her sister..er, brother.


02-02-04, 12:45 PM
I was out of the room, missed the boob shot. Mr anait and our 11 yr old must have missed it, too, or I would have heard a reaction!! :D

Enjoyed the rest of the game - when I wasn't watching the Fab Five make over a Marine and his apt.

I enjoyed the marching band.

Oh, and there was way more nudity on Survivor: All Star, following the game. Man, that Richard is one big dood. :eek: :o :rofl:

02-02-04, 01:03 PM
Two words............Carol Channing!!

02-02-04, 03:16 PM
Looks like a cocoa puff or a chewed on piece of puppy chow.

02-02-04, 03:57 PM
I wish I had MTV2, if that's where Beavis and Butthead are......at.


02-02-04, 05:48 PM
MTV Before: "There are some shocking moments in there too." ( on+shocking+moments&hl=en&start=1&ie=UTF-8)
MTV After: "unrehearsed, unplanned, completely unintentional" (http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/040201/nysu032_1.html)
Web page disappears: (http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1484644/20040128/jackson_janet.jhtml?headlines=true)
Google has it cached: on+shocking+moments&hl=en&start=1&ie=UTF-8
:rolleyes: :laugh:

02-02-04, 05:54 PM
Yeah I am sure it was completely spur of the moment for her to wear a sheriff's badge on her right nipple.


02-02-04, 10:24 PM
I've seen more talent at an open mike night and better boobs at Classy Chassy.

the NFL does themselves no favors with that nonsense.

02-02-04, 10:51 PM
I've seen more talent at an open mike night and better boobs at Classy Chassy.

the NFL does themselves no favors with that nonsense.Yup, no-talent whore and a no-talent moron are hired to grind and flip out a tit before 100s of millions of people. Amazing and disgusting.

02-02-04, 11:47 PM
How much do you want to bet that the sunburst nipple decoration is the logo for her next album?


02-03-04, 12:41 PM
How much do you want to bet that the sunburst nipple decoration is the logo for her next album?


Oh it has to do with her new album allright - free publicity is the best publicity!


02-03-04, 07:54 PM
I can't see what all the fuss is about really...
So we saw her tit, big deal :rolleyes:

02-03-04, 08:35 PM
Fake one at that! Like her nose, her chin, her cheekbones, and probably her booty.

She gives FREAK a bad name!
