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View Full Version : crash.net or selfdestruct.net?

02-15-04, 06:26 PM
I haven't been there. Why would I waste my time? So I don't know what's been said other than from the lucky CEO who got all the 7G refugees landing at his door.....and how well he's handled himself welcoming to extra traffic...

Bryn Williams
14 Feb 2004

Thanks for your sometimes constructive comments regarding Crash.
Firstly I welcome you all here, secondly if we can develop a Forum that's going to keep all you guys satisfied then we're happy to do that.

Hiwever in the past when we've opened up the Forum to new topics and given our users total freedom it's been abused, that's why we're careful these days due to minors getting online etc, at the end of the day it's down to you our users, behave responsibly and we'll play ball with you, abuse it and you can kiss it goodbye.

As regards SeventhGear.com, we were also fans of SeventhGear and are sad at it's passing, you'll have to contact the guys at SeventhGear to find out why it did cease but I guess the same old story of escalating costs and no hard cash being generated is the bottom line of any business be it online or offline.

If you, our new found visitors and users from SeventhGear.com can suggest additional and constructive developments on the site then we're more than willing to try and accomodate your wishes. However if it's mindless crap you're going to write then we'll treat it with the attention it deserves.

I look forward to hearing your comments in our feedback section and hopefully keeping you guys happy and loyal to Crash.Net in the same way you were to SeventhGear.com!!

Best Wishes.

Bryn Williams.

CEO Crash.Net

They must be right near the cut-off for their monthly bandwidth or something....

I invite Mr. Bryn Williams as our newest friend at offcamber.net, going outside the bounds of his position to ensure OC continue it's healthy expansion.

Come HERE 7-refu-G-ees, we still love ya even if everyone else has given you the a$$!

02-15-04, 08:19 PM
I haven't been there. Why would I waste my time? So I don't know what's been said other than from the lucky CEO who got all the 7G refugees landing at his door.....and how well he's handled himself welcoming to extra traffic...

Bryn Williams
14 Feb 2004

Thanks for your sometimes constructive comments regarding Crash.
Firstly I welcome you all here, secondly if we can develop a Forum that's going to keep all you guys satisfied then we're happy to do that.

Hiwever in the past when we've opened up the Forum to new topics and given our users total freedom it's been abused, that's why we're careful these days due to minors getting online etc, at the end of the day it's down to you our users, behave responsibly and we'll play ball with you, abuse it and you can kiss it goodbye.

As regards SeventhGear.com, we were also fans of SeventhGear and are sad at it's passing, you'll have to contact the guys at SeventhGear to find out why it did cease but I guess the same old story of escalating costs and no hard cash being generated is the bottom line of any business be it online or offline.

If you, our new found visitors and users from SeventhGear.com can suggest additional and constructive developments on the site then we're more than willing to try and accomodate your wishes. However if it's mindless crap you're going to write then we'll treat it with the attention it deserves.

I look forward to hearing your comments in our feedback section and hopefully keeping you guys happy and loyal to Crash.Net in the same way you were to SeventhGear.com!!

Best Wishes.

Bryn Williams.

CEO Crash.Net

They must be right near the cut-off for their monthly bandwidth or something....

I invite Mr. Bryn Williams as our newest friend at offcamber.net, going outside the bounds of his position to ensure OC continue it's healthy expansion.

Come HERE 7-refu-G-ees, we still love ya even if everyone else has given you the a$$!

Doesn't he now all us ex-7Gers talked about was mindless crap? :rofl:

Hard Driver
02-15-04, 10:34 PM
Well I don't know if or how much crash.net paid for 7G. I'd be curious, because he obviously doesn't seem to think much of the forum concept. Yes, it is often mindless crap.

02-15-04, 10:44 PM
Classless..... Absolutely classless...... :shakehead

02-15-04, 11:03 PM
I guess crash wanted to hook up with a USA based Champcar news website, I used 7G more for the forum than the news/rumours

02-16-04, 12:01 AM
That's because the news/"rumors" were all filtered to please the powers that be...not to inform the fans

02-16-04, 12:10 AM
That's because the news/"rumors" were all filtered to please the powers that be...not to inform the fans

Not Necessarily..... 4/5 years or so ago (whenever), I was on the New/Rumors page every other day at 7G..... I had friends that didnt have internet access ask me to print out the latest editions! Those pages when it first fired up were very informative!

02-16-04, 04:05 AM
I guess crash wanted to hook up with a USA based Champcar news website, I used 7G more for the forum than the news/rumours

Me too....I almost never looked at the news section.


02-16-04, 07:28 AM
Ahh....yer Cam, I was referring to AFTER myself and JP left 7G. But I can't expect my name to be remembered now can I :p

I'm not sure who created the rumors page, whether it be JP of MC, but it was already running when I arrived on the scene. When I became the editor though, the rumors hit big time. See, being in Australia I could hardly care less about getting my credentials ripped. What was a concern was that we would not post any knowingly false rumors. I'm proud of the fact that about 90% of the ratings we put on rumors were correct. I've got some old stats here......

One I picked out, Sept 13-19, 2000

1,792,117 hits total
256,016 hits per day
Average session length 13min 49sec (That is HUGE - it proves people weren't just running in and out all the time)

A further breakdown
Homepage 23.24% @ 3min 5sec
Rumors 15.16% @ 4min 3sec
News 6.11% @ 4min 32sec

Forum threads took spots 5-10 that week ;) Poor 'Guna!

Oh, and we were moving over 2 gigabyte of bandwidth PER DAY! Talk about a steam train!

But yeah, after the handover the new owners decided they wanted to please the big fish, hence the rumor site as we knew it died....soon to be followed by the rest of the show.... :'( It's like watching my first born die I tell ya!

02-16-04, 10:33 AM
It would be interesting to see the statistics from the last couple years comparing hits to the home page/rumors/news vs. the forums. I can't remember the last time I hit the home page. I normally linked straight into the forums.

02-16-04, 01:21 PM
I am wondering just what they got when they took over 7G. If they didn't want the forums, was it the two day old news, or the filtered rumors? And I can't believe the audacity of that response to a fan's inquiry about forums...if ever there was mindless crap that was it! I have removed 7G from my favorites list, they won't get me as a customer. "Crash.net" indeed :rolleyes:

02-16-04, 03:05 PM
Ahh....yer Cam, I was referring to AFTER myself and JP left 7G. But I can't expect my name to be remembered now can I :p

I'm not sure who created the rumors page, whether it be JP of MC, but it was already running when I arrived on the scene. When I became the editor though, the rumors hit big time. See, being in Australia I could hardly care less about getting my credentials ripped. What was a concern was that we would not post any knowingly false rumors. I'm proud of the fact that about 90% of the ratings we put on rumors were correct. I've got some old stats here......

One I picked out, Sept 13-19, 2000

1,792,117 hits total
256,016 hits per day
Average session length 13min 49sec (That is HUGE - it proves people weren't just running in and out all the time)

A further breakdown
Homepage 23.24% @ 3min 5sec
Rumors 15.16% @ 4min 3sec
News 6.11% @ 4min 32sec

Forum threads took spots 5-10 that week ;) Poor 'Guna!

Oh, and we were moving over 2 gigabyte of bandwidth PER DAY! Talk about a steam train!

But yeah, after the handover the new owners decided they wanted to please the big fish, hence the rumor site as we knew it died....soon to be followed by the rest of the show.... :'( It's like watching my first born die I tell ya!

Those numbers are very impressive, I was constantly refreshing the rumours page, I even remember when the news titbit page was created as the rumours page was clogged with them!
AR1 was created in May 2000 , just to know the timeline of ChampCar Fan Sites!