View Full Version : HEy YOU CARt Strret race loosers
02-16-04, 01:13 AM
YOur worse nightmare just camed true again. I got my website back and Im all ready for a nother season of CARt smack down hahahahahaa
02-16-04, 01:27 AM
Welcome back to the World Wide Web BiF#, why did I ever think I should have fun races??? :thumbup: :rofl: :rofl:
02-16-04, 11:46 AM
The finest photo gallery on the net. Bar none. :thumbup: :thumbup:
02-16-04, 01:47 PM
Hey Bif# - i found you a new outfit you can wear to the jiffylube!
Get used to it-Its the direction TG and BF are taking your favorite sport
-better snach that up quick beforeit becomes a hot item!
02-16-04, 04:37 PM
Man, am I glad I found this thread. :rofl: AND the other 'un.
From BiF's site: "NOw that CARt is bout dead hahahahah I had to laugh when I found out at TRAckForem that SEven Snear that CARt hate site is gone."
Holy SmoKes ! ! ! !
He's right... it links you to some babe-splattered page with ToneY's series and a bunch of other nancy-boy wanna be Fiagot Rally-ers. I guess it'll be a cool site once Sarah goes over to Europe to slap around those pansy F wankerers though. :laugh:
02-17-04, 12:42 AM
The Brittney Spears of racing. That makes me laugh everytime I read it! :rofl: :rofl:
02-17-04, 03:59 AM
That Brittney/Fisher thing got me too, but it was the way he doesn't just say that, but then follows it up with "think bout that." Freaking brilliant! :rofl:
JACk ARoot called GReg RAy the TIGer WOod of racing. I call SArah the BRitny SPears of racing... THink bout that.
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