View Full Version : Attention all geeks, dorks and nerds, Return Of The King DVD release date..
02-17-04, 12:35 AM
Before any of the old guard jump all over this as being NOTHING related to racing in any way shape or form, may I politely suggest that they bugger off.... ;) Hey! It ain't political so pipe down!!
That being said, and with my 'Geek Of The Month Club' hat proudly perched upon my bonce, I have learned that this year's likely Oscar Best Picture winner, "Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King" is scheduled to be released on DVD on May 25th, 2004.
The extended edition is slated to be released in September with a total running time of 4 hours and 20 minutes. It will include 50 minutes of additional footage not seen in the theatrical release.
WOO HOO!!! :thumbup:
Edited because I put in the wrong year.. :shakehead DOH!!! :D
CART T. Katz
02-17-04, 12:39 AM
which means i am starting my marathon of lord of the rings xed. in october.
what is that, near 12 hours? i'm gonna need a small soft drink for that.
We're going to hold out for the mega-$$$ all-encompassing platinum edition 3-movie 46-disk set, due out sometime in the next 5 years or so, we figure. :p :D Maybe by then we'll also have our giant screen TV on which to watch it!! :thumbup:
Mike Kellner
02-17-04, 01:58 AM
Hey, there's some Tolkien Geeks here. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the list owner and moderator of the world's largest Tolkien Fan Fiction writer's discussion group, Henneth Annûn. We have 1100+ members, including all the best and most famous of the genre. I was one of the people who founded the Henneth Annûn Story Archive, and am currently working on a new story archive, and a major Tolkien Fan Art archive with a group of artists.
Don't get me started, or you'll be sorry.
"We're going to hold out for the mega-$$$ all-encompassing platinum edition 3-movie 46-disk set, due out sometime in the next 5 years or so, we figure."
The group consensus is that the Super Director's Cut, Unabridged, Ultra Extended 72 hour Version, AKA The Footlocker Full of Tolkien should be out in 06. Christmas of 05 will see the boxed collector set with a longer re-edited 8 disk movie, plus all the bonus disks from the old sets, plus more bonus disks. Then in an effort to milk the cow one last time the FFoT will be released in Nov 06.
02-17-04, 03:37 AM
Regardless of which set you get, you know that the day will come when you fork out the coins for the HiDef version. ;) The good news is that this is one of those few cases where you will actually be happy to do so.
In addition to the long list of things Peter Jackson deserves credit for, paying attention to the DVD content is yet another. It's clear that he loves the format. :thumbup:
02-17-04, 03:52 AM
I'm actually not a Tolkien guy, but it just didn't feel right not to poke my head in and say "hi" in a thread calling out geeks, dorks, and nerds. :gomer:
Mike Kellner
02-17-04, 04:02 AM
"it just didn't feel right not to poke my head in and say "hi" in a thread calling out geeks, dorks, and nerds."
Don't you know the lost Ninth Beatitude?
Blessed are the Geeks and Nerds, for they know how the world works.
02-17-04, 05:27 AM
Okay, two things:
TrueBrit: 2005??!!
Kellner: Wow, I *knew* there was more to you than racing.
WB :gomer:
Mike Kellner
02-17-04, 09:48 AM
Well, let's just say that the last 18 months have been a real learning experience.
Another possible Beatitude, if I may...
Blessed are the moderators because...
1)It is not as easy as it looks.
2)You can't please all the people, all the time.
3)Moderate people lurk, fanatics post.
4)They have served their time in Hell.
5)All of the above.
"...The Footlocker Full of Tolkien..."
Heheheh...that's a good title. I like that. :D
02-17-04, 10:10 AM
You forgot dweebs (an important demo). :D
I'll probably buy it once the complete set comes out then goes on clearance a year later. Of course, that will also make it necessary for me to trade in the Betamax on one of them DVD thingies.
...I am the list owner and moderator of the world's largest Tolkien Fan Fiction writer's discussion group, Henneth Annûn. We have 1100+ members, including all the best and most famous of the genre. I was one of the people who founded the Henneth Annûn Story Archive, and am currently working on a new story archive, and a major Tolkien Fan Art archive with a group of artists.
Don't get me started, or you'll be sorry.
I'm not getting you started, just discussing a mutual interest...yeah, that's it... :p
I'll have to check out your site! I love to spend an afternoon reading fanfic instead of doing laundry. Good times.
(I myself wrote 2 fluff pieces of XF fanfic...although there wasn't much XF in the plot, other than one character... :o ...definitely not for any 'best of' know that Geek Flow Chart?? This got me placed waaaaay further along than I'd expected... :thumbup: )
I never read the books but have enjoyed the first two DVD's. I look forward to the conclusion of the story.
Mike Kellner
02-17-04, 10:44 AM
"I never read the books but have enjoyed the first two DVD's. I look forward to the conclusion of the story."
The movies provide beautiful pictures and the cliffnotes version of the story. You should read the books, which really begin with The Hobbit, followed by Lord of The Rings if you want to know the story. The three books have the same titles as the movies. All totalled it is about 1400 pages of reading, but it is an epic story with little fluff.
02-17-04, 11:08 AM
yep, also waiting for the one-package deal. Hey, MK, do you know if there's any place with pictures of the sets/scenery from the movies posted -- or plans for something along the line of coffeetable book? I just want a closer look at all that....
02-17-04, 11:12 AM
Mike's got it right. Now's the time to read the books. Not the easiest of reads, but much of it will have you saying "Oh! That makes SO MUCH more sense now!"
Mike Kellner
02-17-04, 11:36 AM
"do you know if there's any place with pictures of the sets/scenery from the movies posted"
Here is a great DVD scene capture site with tons of movie stills. It is phone line slow, because it is on a free server. It is thumbnailed and well sorted.
I have asked if anyone knows the address of the set & prop site. There was one at one time, but things on the www are of fleeting nature.
Sweet! My advice is rent the initial release and buy the extended release in Sept. Otherwise you'll end up with an unopened DVD like I have from LOTR. ;)
Also, not sure if there was a thread or not about Star Wars 4-6 being released on 9/21 (
02-17-04, 11:43 AM
Not the easiest of reads...
No kidding. When I was 13 my brother handed me The Hobbit and said ", you'll like this". The he handed me a dictionary and said "... here, you'll NEED this."
02-17-04, 11:43 AM
Ok, ok. This is quite funny as I am going to stake claim in being the ultimate JJRT fan, which in turn makes me the ultimate geek I suppose which is why it is funny for one to stake claim to that.
As one who has read The Silmarillion three times (True.) and it bothered me that they had Arwen ride Frodo to Rivendell (we all know it was the male elf, Glinfindel!). To see the LotRs in a feature film made me quite warm and fuzzy to say the least. To hear my 13 year old daughter talk to her friends about who their favorite is (Legolas or Aragorn)m brings a smile to my face. I never thought the world outside of the fans of the book would ever know what a wonderful tale it is.
I have an entire shelf in my office dedicated to Tolkien and related Tolkien publications (one of my favorites being artwork throughout the years of the LotR). I also have a really cool poster that is in my office that I bought in '83 and I am guessing that it is from the early 70's. It depicts different elements of the LotR. I'll snap a photo tonight and post it. It's worth seeing as I've never seen it displayed in any of my LotR artwork books.
Here's hoping Peter makes The Hobbit (which I hear he proposed to the studio).
Here are two links that fans of the movie and books might enjoy. The Encyclopedia of Arda is an excellent resource. They also have a movie/book comparo without disparaging one or the other.
Encyclopedia of Arda (
Nit pickers guide to LotR (
02-17-04, 11:47 AM
Okay, two things:
TrueBrit: 2005??!!
WB :gomer:
WB, just checking to see if you were paying attention mate!!!
BTW..I have gone back and edited my error.... :o
02-17-04, 12:01 PM
MK and R2C -- thanks for the links. Already bookmarked. And R2C, you've read the Silmarillion?! :eek: :eek: Three times?!?! Three times more than I can get through it, even though I've got it, sitting nicely on my bookshelf. I bow to your much greater geekdom. ;) :D
02-17-04, 12:03 PM
"Don't you know the lost Ninth Beatitude?" - Kellner
Hey! I spent enough dateless Saturday nights eating Doritos and playing D&D (though I prefered Traveller) to qualify for geekdom. Don't question my credentials! ;)
02-17-04, 12:22 PM
MK and R2C -- thanks for the links. Already bookmarked. And R2C, you've read the Silmarillion?! :eek: :eek: Three times?!?! Three times more than I can get through it, even though I've got it, sitting nicely on my bookshelf. I bow to your much greater geekdom.
Manassas!?! I grew up in Manassas! Went to OPH class of '86. I'm down in Fred'burg now. I didn't know there was another Champ Car fan in Virginia. Hey, you aren't my sister are you? :)
Mike Kellner
02-17-04, 12:23 PM
OK, here is one the group gave me. There might be more later. It is in German, so things like The Black Gate become Das schwarze Tor, but it is also thumbnailed. It has a lot of still shots, stills and props.
Screen shots...
Beware folded links. I used the < > thingies which prevents it on some systems.
02-17-04, 12:57 PM
Thanks Mike. Very interesting.
For those who like collectables and want more than just 'plastic toys', check out Peter Jacksons company, WETA, made figures. Great stuff. Check this out!
02-17-04, 01:01 PM
May 25, 2005 is also the theatrical release date for Star Wars Eposode III.
May 25, 2005 is also the theatrical release date for Star Wars Eposode III.
2005 or 2004?
02-17-04, 02:17 PM
Manassas!?! I grew up in Manassas! Went to OPH class of '86. I'm down in Fred'burg now. I didn't know there was another Champ Car fan in Virginia. Hey, you aren't my sister are you? :)
Oh, man, I'd be your older sister -- and could very well be -- because my brother lives in F'burg also. However, I know that you're not him because he's not a Champ Car fan. sigh. Obvioulsy, good taste and discernment are not genetic traits. :shakehead :rofl:
02-17-04, 03:00 PM
2005 or 2004?
Thanks, cool. That should mean DVD in time for Christmas.
Gang, Episode III ( will be released next year. Episodes 4-6 are released on DVD on 9/21/04.
02-17-04, 07:53 PM
When I see the great things that were done with The Lord of the Rings, I can only think back to when I first heard of Frank Herbert's Dune being put to film...
I thought to myself that considering the complexity of the book, even a four or five hour movie couldn't do justice for it to make sense to the viewer unless you had read it beforehand. Alas, the movie pretty much sucked and a whole bunch of stuff was omitted or left unexplained. Very disappointing. And it RAINED! That wasn't supposed to happen!
Ah... what could have been...
02-17-04, 08:04 PM
Despite my previous review of this movie, I actually enjoyed it, and the series as a whole... I own the first two DVD's. :thumbup:
OK you can stop the death threats now! ;);)
nissan gtp
02-17-04, 08:16 PM
Manassas!?! I grew up in Manassas! Went to OPH class of '86. I'm down in Fred'burg now. I didn't know there was another Champ Car fan in Virginia. Hey, you aren't my sister are you? :)
LOL, dood, I'm in King George.
that's about 25 miles from ya. :D and my wife's a CC fan too (but likes F1 more).
02-17-04, 09:13 PM
As for the movies sets etc, just come on down under, there is many a place i have been while out in the wilderness of nz that turned up in the film (don't have the castles thou, cause if they did i wouldn't have frozen in my tent!)
:thumbup: :)
02-17-04, 09:56 PM
I wonder why so early. Not that I'm complaining, I just assumed that ROTK would come out late August/early September and the extended dvd in late November.
02-17-04, 11:00 PM
I wonder why so early. Not that I'm complaining, I just assumed that ROTK would come out late August/early September and the extended dvd in late November.
The only reason I can think of is that seeing as how there isn't a fourth movie coming out next December there was little point in delaying the release of either the theatrical or the extended edition to increase the hype??
Anyone that says that the movies sucked either wasn't paying attention or had waaaaaaaaaay too high a bunch of expectations...
Not being an anal purist I thought that they were superb, although I was disappointed in some of the unnecessary storyline changes. I think that most will find that when the extended editions are viewed back-to-back-to-back (!!) you will find yourself at a much closer interpretation of what Peter Jackson was trying to acheive but knew would have been box-office suicide if released with those running times...Hell most folks get fidgety if a movie approaches two hours in length, can you imagine the number of strained bladders if they had been released and they were over four hours in length??!!
It boggles the mind!!! :eek:
02-17-04, 11:56 PM
I bought a plasma TV just for LOTR...Fellowship was too disappointing on the 35 inch.
Call me a nerd - I don't care.
Mike Kellner
02-18-04, 01:22 AM
Another LoTR site. This is one of my favorites. (Bevrage/monitor/keyboard warning)
If anybody here is a Buffy/Angel/Joss Whedon fan, here's a bit of crossover goodness:
Once More, With Hobbits
02-18-04, 06:38 PM
Anait, I LOVE that episode of Buffy! My friends turned me into a fan of the series (they actually asked if they could) after it was over. I taped it, but the VCR isn't spitting the tape back out.
02-19-04, 10:03 AM
Gang, Episode III ( will be released next year. Episodes 4-6 are released on DVD on 9/21/04.
I was right the first time - I should have it my "final answer"
02-22-04, 01:36 AM
Hey, there's some Tolkien Geeks here. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the list owner and moderator of the world's largest Tolkien Fan Fiction writer's discussion group, Henneth Annûn. We have 1100+ members, including all the best and most famous of the genre. I was one of the people who founded the Henneth Annûn Story Archive, and am currently working on a new story archive, and a major Tolkien Fan Art archive with a group of artists.
Don't get me started, or you'll be sorry.
Holy Winged Balrog, Mr. K, I disappear from the racing boards for a year and come back to find a thriving JRRT subculture on a racing forum. I just got into LOTR fanfics about 18 months ago, and Henneth Annun was the site that got me hooked. Do you write, too, and under what name?
Please keep us up to date on the two new archives - hey, you don't think we could talk WB into adding a Tolkien forum, do you? ;)
Thirty-five-year Tolkien geek/dork/nerd
Mike Kellner
02-22-04, 02:35 AM
Do I write? Not nearly well enough to call myself a writer. As they say on my kid's newspeak report card, I'm Improving. While I am the group leader, as a writer, I believe I am their Eliza Doolittle project.
I am glad you enjoy the stories. Many of the best were written by friends, and as a whole, it is a wonderful community of people. When the two sites are made public, I will announce them here. One is in final development, and the other is at that stage where we tear our hair out and yell at each other a lot. If I may paraphrase an old saw, "If you like web sites, it is best to not watch them being built." However, with Aulë to guide us, and Irmo's visions, we'll stumble through to success, somehow.
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