View Full Version : Internet issues
02-19-04, 06:44 PM
I don't claim to be internet or virus savvy so I'll come out and say I have no idea what I'm tlaking about and I need help.
Had a few virus's and worms, most notable were the trojans on my comp. Internet got shut off twice, if it happens again we won't get cable internet back. So here is my question.
My roomates comp is telling me when I'm online that my comp is trying to hook to his comp to try and get to his NetBios infor and Bios computer info. Now I did some steps that McAffee told him to do concerning shutting off the comp, and going into safety mode, and using a program they sent him to find the virus's that my norton and his mcaffee normally can't find because it hides.
So my question is for those of you out there that know what I've just said, do you know of why my comp is going after his NetBios, or have any idea what on earth is actually going on. I have another roomate on our wireless line that my comp never goes to, so I'm kinda confused. Is this a normal thing, or does anyone have any tips??
Next step is to nuke my hard drive and I'm really trying not to do that, any help would be appreciated.
02-19-04, 06:45 PM
If anyone even knows what this NetBios stuff is that would help also. I'm not up on any internet/virus stuff so any explanations are appreciated :)
02-19-04, 07:50 PM
Unfortunately to properly troubleshoot and diagnose your situation (if there is a situation) than you would need to define specifics in great detail. OS type for all networked PCs, wireless router info, networking info, PC configuration, how your roommates PC is communicating virus detection etc.
In a nutshell NETBIOS Short for Network Basic Input Output System, an API that augments the DOS BIOS by adding special functions for local-area networks (LANs). If you go to your network settings dialog box you will see where netbios is loaded.
I would simply download Adaware 6.0 and get rid of any spyware which can sometimes be detected as trojan virus's.
I would make sure my virus definitions are current to the minute and run the most in depth analysis that it offers.
My assumption is that your roommates PC claiming your PC is trying to get into it's netbios and your virus issue are un-related.
Hard Driver
02-19-04, 08:10 PM
Netbios is used to advertise PC services in in a Microsoft Peer-to-peer network. You can glean information, such as user names, through netbios. Netbios can be a protocol itself, or can run over IP. In you r network settings, you can see if netbios is loaded as a protocol. If not, you can go into the TCP/IP properties and check to see if the "Netbios over IP" is enabled.
First, for you to get so many virus's, you must not have been running anti-virus software. I suggest Symantec Norton Anti-Virus. If not, you can use McAfee. But get todays definitions and scan your machine. Also download lavasoft ad-ware and scan for spy software. If both of these come back negative, you should be clean.
You should also ensure you have a firewall on your internet connection. You should also make sure your wireless is configured to use WEP encryption.
You would have to say what you buddies PC is really saying you are doing. I mean, if you have a drive mapped to him or share his printer, you might be making legitimate netbios calls to him.
If this is too much information, you might want to get some geek type to look at it.
02-20-04, 12:33 AM
You should also ensure you have a firewall on your internet connection. You should also make sure your wireless is configured to use WEP encryption.
You would have to say what you buddies PC is really saying you are doing. I mean, if you have a drive mapped to him or share his printer, you might be making legitimate netbios calls to him.
If this is too much information, you might want to get some geek type to look at it.
Thanks everyone for your comments so far. First off my wireless router is a 812.11b the 22mbps router that is used with Cox Cable internet service.
I have a Pentium 4 1600mhz. Its a great comp, I wasn't running the firewall in my wireless I must say that. After I moved out of my apartment from last year into the house I didn't realize I hadn't set the firewall for the wireless that I installed and I only had one up for the LAN physical line I used last year.
I have windows xp as does my roomate, he has McAffee and after numerous annoyances of my i.p. address trying to access his comp he has me blocked so when I get on that line we can check and see what is going on. mostly it says my i.p address has tried to access his netbios information, and that worried us a bit because Cox said some worms and trojans I had and didn't know about could gain info about other comps and servers. Needless to say I got worried.
I do have lavasofts ad-aware program that I downloaded from, I also have peer guardian, and spy sweeper the ad finder also.
As I already said I did a step by turning off system restore to find the trojans and worms on my comp that McAffee told us to do. But I am still very worried about this netbios happening. It does try to connected at least once a minute while I am on our wireless network, and am just wondering if he or I should be worried about what someone can gain if anything from the netbios/trojan problems.
Thanks everyone for all your help, I'm gonna beat this thing. Since our problems we all have an anti virus, we all have our firewalls for the wireless connection up and running, and all have ad-aware and other blockers and ad finders. Thanks again :)
02-20-04, 12:39 AM
I'm gonna beat this thing.
That's the spirit !! [pat on back]
02-20-04, 02:30 AM
That's the spirit !! [pat on back]
AMEN. We just spent the better part of 3 weekends with TWO separate geek visits to straighten out a 3-computer network! :shakehead When the main one signed in, it signed in everyone's Messenger, and then again, just for good measure. Eventually it worked itself into an endless loop. Finally realized we could just disable that puppy (I never use it) and life is good. This doesn't help you, of course, except to say I feel your pain.
Post all of this info here,, and you would have a better chance of getting your problem resolved.
02-20-04, 10:04 AM
Why don't you have a virus scanner installed on your PC? (Or do you and you didn';t mention it). I also suggest you install a software firewall like ZoneLabs ZoneAlarm.
It sounds to me like you have the seminole.rix virus on your computer, it's very inconsistent from one day to another. :D
Ok in all seriousness, his computer could be setup as a "browse master" basically it would hold all of the computer names for your network, this could be why your computer is trying to contact his. Just get yourself a copy of McAfee Antivirus, update it to the latest specs (make sure your OS has the latest service pack too) and run scan on it.
02-20-04, 02:26 PM
Buy Norman Antivirus and install it. It's the best. Not Norton and certainly not McAfee, they suck. Then clean up your machine. Then download and install Zonealarm, a free firewall.
02-20-04, 04:16 PM
Buy Norman Antivirus and install it. It's the best.
Not Norton and certainly not McAfee, they suck.
That's a little bit contradictory, isn't it? :)
Sean O'Gorman
02-20-04, 04:22 PM
That's a little bit contradictory, isn't it? :)
Read it again...
02-20-04, 04:29 PM
Hey, they have a website! (
02-20-04, 08:58 PM
Read it again...
Hehe, that's what I get. Never heard of Norman so it just looked like Norton. :)
02-20-04, 08:59 PM
Now that I realize that, care to elaborate why Norman is so much better?
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