View Full Version : LOTR kicking *** at Oscars
Eight-for-eight so far! :eek: :D:thumbup:
03-01-04, 12:29 AM
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03-01-04, 12:34 AM
Must say, quite an awesome and well deserved evening for Peter Jackson & Company :thumbup:
03-01-04, 12:36 AM
9!!! :eek:
and counting!
03-01-04, 01:06 AM
11!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup:
03-01-04, 01:22 AM
what a shame
Sean O'Gorman
03-01-04, 01:23 AM
I'm too tired to come up with a nerd joke, someone want to help me out here?
03-01-04, 01:55 AM
Sounds like a good day to be a Kiwi eh? ;) I just wish I was that interested. :)
Good on them all the same but, next.........
03-01-04, 02:55 AM
Clean sweep!!!
Revenge of the Nerds!!!!!
03-01-04, 09:33 AM
Bah, I hate the Oscars. They are far from unbiased.
Bah, I hate the Oscars. They are far from unbiased.
That will be truly tested next year. The Passion of the Christ should be the movie next year to receive the lions share of the awards. However, I feel it will be shuned by the "unbiased" due to not fitting in the Hollywood agenda.
03-01-04, 10:00 AM
That will be truly tested next year. The Passion of the Christ should be the movie next year to receive the lions share of the awards. However, I feel it will be shuned by the "unbiased" due to not fitting in the Hollywood agenda.
Yeah, that's right it'll be shunned because of the Hollywood "agenda" and not because it's a crappy, poorly made movie... :shakehead
03-01-04, 10:17 AM
Yeah, that's right it'll be shunned because of the Hollywood "agenda" and not because it's a crappy, poorly made movie... :shakehead
I saw it... I thought it was pretty decent...
Winter Warlock!
'Hollywood Agenda'
LOTR won 11 and tied with Titanic and Ben Hur for most awards ever. Anyone else a little suspicious about LOTR not getting nominated in enough catagories to beat 11?
Hard Driver
03-01-04, 11:47 AM
That will be truly tested next year. The Passion of the Christ should be the movie next year to receive the lions share of the awards. However, I feel it will be shuned by the "unbiased" due to not fitting in the Hollywood agenda.
I have not seen it. But it seems to me by reading the reviews, that if you are going to seek religious inspiration, then it may be considered a great movie. But say you are not a christian, is it still a good movie as far as just being interesting and captivating story telling? But what I have heard, that is not the case. If you are Christian and watching a movie about budda, a great movie is one that still interests you. But if you have to be buddist to enjoy the movie, is it still great? By what I have heard, if you are not christian, the "passion" movie is just watching people be cruel and torture a guy.
Yeah, that's right it'll be shunned because of the Hollywood "agenda" and not because it's a crappy, poorly made movie... :shakehead
?? I saw it yesterday, I didn't think it was poorly made or crappy. The subject matter covered could be viewed as crappy treatment but, I thought the lighting and sound was good, the acting was good, the cinematography was good. The film delivered its plot very effectively.
Did I enjoy the movie? At times, no. However, the ending was miraculous and made the story complete and overpowered all the negative feelings that I had.
I suppose that is why sometimes you get two thumbs up, two thumbs down or a combination of both.
Dirty Sanchez
03-01-04, 11:56 AM
'Hollywood Agenda'
LOTR won 11 and tied with Titanic and Ben Hur for most awards ever. Anyone else a little suspicious about LOTR not getting nominated in enough catagories to beat 11?No... but I'm suspicious about such a weak movie being able to win 11. All that was missing was Peter Jackson's "I'm above the law/king of the world speech" :shakehead
Whatever. :laugh:
I have not seen it. But it seems to me by reading the reviews, that if you are going to seek religious inspiration, then it may be considered a great movie. But say you are not a christian, is it still a good movie as far as just being interesting and captivating story telling? But what I have heard, that is not the case. If you are Christian and watching a movie about budda, a great movie is one that still interests you. But if you have to be buddist to enjoy the movie, is it still great? By what I have heard, if you are not christian, the "passion" movie is just watching people be cruel and torture a guy.
If your not a Christian, Jew, or Roman, I can see how you would initially think that the movie would not interest you. If you remove the religious aspects and view it as a movie in which you see how easily it is for humans to become enthralled with deviant behaviors when a "mob" mentality takes over, it does an outstanding job of that. People often become more sadistic and cruel when they play off of each others emotions and end up doing things that they would not normally do. The movie is a prime example of activities that happen all too often in the world in a lesser degree where people reticule and denounce a person simply because they want to be part of the majority. It shows how quickly things can get out of hand. If you get nothing more than that out of the movie to remind yourself of this fact to try and counter those emotions, then you will still be the better for it.
03-01-04, 12:19 PM
No... but I'm suspicious about such a weak movie being able to win 11. All that was missing was Peter Jackson's "I'm above the law/king of the world speech" :shakehead
Whatever. :laugh:
How was ROTK weak?? It was brilliant in all respects and deserved every statue it got....
No... but I'm suspicious about such a weak movie being able to win 11. All that was missing was Peter Jackson's "I'm above the law/king of the world speech" :shakehead
I won't see it until the DVD is out but IMO the awards are for the entire trilogy not just the final.
03-01-04, 12:22 PM
I'm too tired to come up with a nerd joke, someone want to help me out here?
Look in the mirror Sean.
Dirty Sanchez
03-01-04, 12:33 PM
How was ROTK weak?? It was brilliant in all respects and deserved every statue it got....
TBimo, it was by far the weakest of the three... and I agree with KLang that it smacks of an achievement type award rewarding all 3 films instead of just focusing on ROTK.
Entertaining... but still an overhyped, longwinded let down. I own the first two DVD editions and will probably not be purchasing this one. Not better than City of God (up for best adapted screenplay/achievement in directing), not better than Lost In Translation (up for best film), imo ;) I don't have much of an opinion about the music-type awards. :blech: The make-up/costume awards were well deserved though. Basically not a good enough movie to warrant a sweep... but neither was Titanic.
03-01-04, 01:10 PM
Most critics agree that this was an award for the entire work of LotRs. Remember, the move was filmed all at once. So in essence, it's one movie just like Tolkien wrote one big book and the publisher split it up.
There were elements of all three movies that we not exactly 'Oscar material', but as a whole, I do not believe that a movie of such epic proportions has ever been made. The dedication, the magnitude, the passion in getting this story to the big screen was an incredible achievement worth all 11 Oscars last night and the many that the first two episodes garnered.
Now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Peter has it in him to make The Hobbit. I'm not thrilled about another King Kong. :thumdown:
03-01-04, 01:57 PM
I'm very happy for LOTR. I agree that the awards were probably for the whole project, not just the last movie. I'm especially pleased that Peter Jackson won best director. I mean, think about it - all of the other movies that were nominated for best director were pretty much a "ok you and you are doing this scene together and I need to you do this" kind of directing. Peter Jackson on the other hand is more like "ok, I need you 500 people to run this way and then you 500 people run this way and then I need these 10,000 computer generated orcs to run this way, etc., etc." I think that it was probably much more challenging to direct the LOTR trilogy than the other nominated movies and I'm glad that Peter Jackson was recognized for his efforts.
On another note, me and the wife rented Lost In Translation this weekend. That had to have been the most boring and plotless movie that I've ever seen. I was ready to fall asleep after the first fifteen minutes. I just don't see what was so great about it. Maybe someone can explain it to me. Maybe it was just a big inside joke for people that have been to Japan and have somewhat of an understanding of the cultural differences between the US and Japan. Personally it just felt like a documentary about Japan starring Bill Murray and that other chick. I'm certainly not trying to offend anyone that liked the movie and I've always been a big fan of Bill Murray, but I really just didn't get it.
03-01-04, 03:10 PM
I agree that the LOTR awards were for the body of work, not just the one flick.
I think it was well deserved, too.
If I had to pick between ROTK and Seabiscuit, with ROTK standing on it's own, I would have picked Seabiscuit as more inspirational, or maybe Lost in Translation.
OT - Saying "Passion" should get best picture, one day after the previous Oscars, with nearly a year left to go, is pushing it. There are a lot of movies coming out between now and when the nominations happen. Sort of like saying "March is the greatest month of 2004", when it's still only March of 2004.
I think Hollywood was afraid to piss off a bunch of dorks with swords. :)
03-01-04, 04:24 PM
I was happy to see Peter Jackson & company getting recognized for accomplishing something that I had assumed nobody would ever be able to.
The downside was that this was a great year for films, and there were several categories where every nomination was strong. In a normal year, a film like 'Seabiscuit' would have gotten some awards, as would 'House of Sand and Fog' and others.
Edit - I agree that the Oscars are biased, and I suspected the LOTR would suffer accordingly due to both the subject matter and the foreign director and crew. I suspect that in the end, like 'Titanic' the massive amount of boxoffice business done swayed some who would have voted for something closer to their own tastes.
03-01-04, 05:10 PM
Actors vote for the Actor Categories
Directors Vote in the Director Categories
Cinematographers Vote in that category
Etc. Etc.
Best Picture is voted by everyone.
I don't see last night where anyone got an award that didn't deserve it !
Maybe you thought someone else was better in a particular part, but it's really subjective. at that point.
Lord of the Rings was an incredible effort and it showed on the screen. Although I thought Clint Eastwoods Movie was better ( IMHO ) I certainly see where a larger percentage of people would think LOTR was. They're two completely different kinds of Movies.
03-01-04, 08:05 PM
That will be truly tested next year. The Passion of the Christ should be the movie next year to receive the lions share of the awards. However, I feel it will be shuned by the "unbiased" due to not fitting in the Hollywood agenda.
I haven't seen it, with no real plans to, but you can just look back over the years and see so many People/Films passed up.
03-01-04, 08:06 PM
'Hollywood Agenda'
LOTR won 11 and tied with Titanic and Ben Hur for most awards ever. Anyone else a little suspicious about LOTR not getting nominated in enough catagories to beat 11?
Don't you think that Titanic winning 11 in and of itself is suspicious?
03-01-04, 08:14 PM
How was ROTK weak?? It was brilliant in all respects and deserved every statue it got....
Yet the 2 before were crap? They are clearly inconsistent. I am not saying they didn't deserve them. All of the movies were amazing. Without question the sound, video, CGI were extremely impressive. That was the only movie of the five I have seen, so I'm not really in a position to say they didn't deserve best picture. Given that they won, was Cicago better than the TTT? I think A Beautiful Mind was better than FOTR. And Gangs of New York was better than TTT. But Chicago, please. The Academy clearyly made up for the snubbings the first 2 years this year.
03-01-04, 08:17 PM
Most critics agree that this was an award for the entire work of LotRs. Remember, the move was filmed all at once. So in essence, it's one movie just like Tolkien wrote one big book and the publisher split it up.
That's just not right. If they want to treat it as one film, then nominate it all as one thing. But they got nominated for each individual film every year (and they wouldn't have it any other way). The movie needs to stand on its own against the competition.
03-01-04, 09:40 PM
That's just not right. If they want to treat it as one film, then nominate it all as one thing. But they got nominated for each individual film every year (and they wouldn't have it any other way). The movie needs to stand on its own against the competition.
What I was referring to was media speculation. Obviously the academy did judge RotK on it's own merits and the outcome is...Best Picture.
This trilogy was a first in movie making in that it was filmed all at once and released as three movies. History was made and I personally do not find anything wrong if the academy was looking at the entire piece of work.
03-01-04, 09:49 PM
I also can see the LotR trilogy as being a watched movie twenty years from now. As good as A Beautiful Mind and Gangs of New York were (and I found them just OK) I do not see them doing the same. These movies transcends the average academy nominees.
03-02-04, 09:36 AM
What I was referring to was media speculation. Obviously the academy did judge RotK on it's own merits and the outcome is...Best Picture.
This trilogy was a first in movie making in that it was filmed all at once and released as three movies. History was made and I personally do not find anything wrong if the academy was looking at the entire piece of work.
IMO, the media speculation is accurate. These awards were mostly for all three movies. Since they were all filmed at once, what makes the final one that much better and worthy of winning every award (11 of 11) it was nominated? Or what makes the other ones so bad that they lost 9 of 13 and 4 of 6?
They can do whatever they want, but this just adds to why I don't like the Oscars. They are far from unbiased.
03-02-04, 09:42 AM
I also can see the LotR trilogy as being a watched movie twenty years from now. As good as A Beautiful Mind and Gangs of New York were (and I found them just OK) I do not see them doing the same. These movies transcends the average academy nominees.
Seeing how they are taken from a fictional book that is read by generation after generation, it should stand up against the test of time. But the awards are not for "What movie will we still watch X years from now?". It is all arbitrary. They don't have a set criteria for what the Best Picture should exemplify or contain. But they sure have no problem blocking out movies that are too violent and handing Oscars to child rapists.
03-02-04, 10:17 AM
Yet the 2 before were crap? They are clearly inconsistent. I am not saying they didn't deserve them. All of the movies were amazing. Without question the sound, video, CGI were extremely impressive. That was the only movie of the five I have seen, so I'm not really in a position to say they didn't deserve best picture. Given that they won, was Cicago better than the TTT? I think A Beautiful Mind was better than FOTR. And Gangs of New York was better than TTT. But Chicago, please. The Academy clearyly made up for the snubbings the first 2 years this year.
For the record, Chicago was DREADFUL (but I hate ALL musicals) and the Gangs Of New York was quite possibly one of the worst movies I have EVER had the misfortune to watch....I was actually mad, I mean PISSED when I finished watching that piece of celluloid dreck because I KNEW that I had just wasted three hours of my life that I would never get was vomitous....
BTW... all three of the LOTR movies should have won Best Picture in each year they were released but the Academy KNEW that there were three and so they waited to heap the praise on the final installment....
Dirty Sanchez
03-02-04, 10:34 AM
....but the Academy KNEW that there were three and so they waited to heap the praise on the weakest installment....Exactly :thumbup: :gomer:
03-02-04, 10:59 AM
Exactly :thumbup: :gomer:
If you're going to quote me please have the decency to do it ACCURATELY....I wrote the FINAL installment.....
Dirty Sanchez
03-02-04, 11:00 AM
Just funnin' dood. :D
03-03-04, 12:29 PM
BTW... all three of the LOTR movies should have won Best Picture in each year they were released but the Academy KNEW that there were three and so they waited to heap the praise on the final installment....
Which is my whole point and reason for hating the Oscars. They're just a bunch of nonsense.
03-03-04, 02:18 PM
Yeah, that's right it'll be shunned because of the Hollywood "agenda" and not because it's a crappy, poorly made movie... :shakehead
You are kidding me right? Have you actually seen it to make that assessment. Cause not only did I see it, but I thought it was quite good. Its an artistic piece at the very least, hollywood should be happy for a pure art form, but I doubt that. Something tells me they will be blinded by anything approaching religion as tb has perfectly shown here :shakehead
03-03-04, 03:05 PM
You are kidding me right? Have you actually seen it to make that assessment. Cause not only did I see it, but I thought it was quite good. Its an artistic piece at the very least, hollywood should be happy for a pure art form, but I doubt that. Something tells me they will be blinded by anything approaching religion as tb has perfectly shown here :shakehead
Yes and it was average at best. Mel is ham-fisted as a director...OOh I know, let's go to slo-mo if we want to highlight that the audience needs to pay attention to this part...Very amateurish....
Racing Truth
03-08-04, 03:23 PM
Yes and it was average at best. Mel is ham-fisted as a director...OOh I know, let's go to slo-mo if we want to highlight that the audience needs to pay attention to this part...Very amateurish....
Saw it yesterday, and I completely disagree. Very powerful, and the performance of Maia Morgenstern as Mary was equally moving.
This is NOT anti-Semitic. The film makes it obvious that it was Caiaphas and the High Priests that got the crowd riled up. Along the journey, the movie shows plenty of Jews supporting Jesus.
You are kidding me right? Have you actually seen it to make that assessment. Cause not only did I see it, but I thought it was quite good. Its an artistic piece at the very least, hollywood should be happy for a pure art form, but I doubt that. Something tells me they will be blinded by anything approaching religion as tb has perfectly shown here :shakehead
mel gibson is not the end all be all to jesus christ.
it's been done before
and personally I think it's been done better in other movies... but oh well, that's me.
but since it's a political cause to some it just has to be the greatest thing since turbochargers :rolleyes:
03-09-04, 12:48 AM
Well for all of us LOTR geeks, Return of the King comes out May. 25th with the extended version coming out near Christmas.
03-09-04, 08:37 AM
Well for all of us LOTR geeks, Return of the King comes out May. 25th with the extended version coming out near Christmas.
That's a huge gap between versions. Argh!
03-09-04, 10:24 AM
That's a huge gap between versions. Argh!
Last I heard Extended is due out in September....
03-09-04, 03:06 PM
Last I heard Extended is due out in September....
Only news I can find is when ROTK and the Box set come out: 5/25. I guess it's all speculation on when the EE comes out.
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