View Full Version : Snowchicken Fantasy F1
Dirty Sanchez
03-02-04, 11:58 AM
Since Yahoo Fantasy F1 is no longer... I decided to look for an alternative.
Its free... and we can easily set-up a mini-league. Just post your registered team name here and I can e-mail the names of the teams that need to be added to the mini-league.
Team 666 registered :thumbup:
03-02-04, 11:59 AM
Since Yahoo Fantasy F1 is no longer... I decided to look for an alternative.
Its free... and we can easily set-up a mini-league. Just post your registered team name here and I can e-mail the names of the teams that need to be added to the mini-league.
Team 666 registered :thumbup:
TrueBritRacing registered...
Dirty Sanchez
03-02-04, 12:03 PM
I'm going to submit the names for our mini-league on Friday... it will be open to members of cw and oc.
03-02-04, 12:06 PM
I'm going to submit the names for our mini-league on Friday... it will be open to members of cw and oc.
Don't forget that Oz is almost a full day ahead of us....Perhaps you want to submit them on Thursday????
Dirty Sanchez
03-02-04, 12:13 PM
Don't forget that Oz is almost a full day ahead of us....Perhaps you want to submit them on Thursday????10-4... although I don't think there would be a deadline for organizing the mini-league. Its just a way to measure your performance against a select group of individuals (people you know) rather than against everyone as a whole. For example, I joined the OC Yahoo! league mid-season last year while still retaining all of my points that were scored up to that point.
I will check into it though. :thumbup:
03-02-04, 12:18 PM
10-4... although I don't think there would be a deadline for organizing the mini-league. Its just a way to measure your performance against a select group of individuals (people you know) rather than against everyone as a whole. For example, I joined the OC Yahoo! league mid-season last year while still retaining all of my points that were scored up to that point.
I will check into it though. :thumbup:
Fair enough..I wasn't sure and I just wanted to make sure that we didn't get frozen out of anything prior to the start of the season.......
Dirty Sanchez
03-02-04, 12:34 PM
Keep the teams coming :thumbup:
Here's the admin's response, btw:
Hi Jamie
There is no deadline for setting up a mini-league and you can add teams to the mini-league whenever you want.
It will be easier for me if you email the names in one shot, so wait until Friday to send me the team names.
03-02-04, 12:50 PM
Keep the teams coming :thumbup:
Warlock's Warcox
...ready to amuse the rest of the bottom feeders with my feeble attempts at contest supremacy. :rolleyes:
Winter Warlock!
03-02-04, 03:14 PM
Add me in
Now i got to work out how to play this silly thing :confused:
03-02-04, 03:37 PM
Wheel-Nuts Nuts checking in.
03-02-04, 06:22 PM
Robstar Racing in... :thumbup:
03-02-04, 06:58 PM
Lizzerd Motorsports
03-02-04, 07:18 PM
Scuderia FerrariGod, ready and waiting to demolish the competition :thumbup:
03-02-04, 08:23 PM
Okay, somebody help me out here...
There is a deadline of midnight GMT before a Grand Prix for your changes to count towards that Grand Prix.
I live in EST in the US, which is GMT -5 hours. The race here is on Saturday March 6, at 10PM. Midnight March 5, GMT, therefore, is 7PM Friday for me, some five hours before qualifying. Is this right? Somebody please help a time zone challenged race fan.
03-02-04, 09:31 PM
Okay, somebody help me out here...
I live in EST in the US, which is GMT -5 hours. The race here is on Saturday March 6, at 10PM. Midnight March 5, GMT, therefore, is 7PM Friday for me, some five hours before qualifying. Is this right? Somebody please help a time zone challenged race fan.
Is it 8:30pm Tuesday there right now...?
It's 12:30pm in Melb on Wednesday afternoon right now.
Does that help ?
I think I just confused myself...
03-02-04, 09:42 PM
Bird's Brazilionaires are locked and loaded.
well, at least loaded.
03-02-04, 10:52 PM
Is it 8:30pm Tuesday there right now...?
It's 12:30pm in Melb on Wednesday afternoon right now.
Does that help ?
I think I just confused myself...
Thanks to the woderfulness of google and this
link ( I think I confirmed my confusion. Friday, 7PM EST is the dead line. before qualifying. Dammmmmm... that sucks.
'king JT
ready and waiting to kick........well, something.
Hard Driver
03-02-04, 10:58 PM
Team Hard Driver
Just give me the title now. ;) :rolleyes:
Dirty Sanchez
03-03-04, 12:56 AM
Dang... this is gonna be one helluva e-mail. We're looking at 30 some odd teams already. :thumbup:
"rabbit F1" present amd accounted for...
03-03-04, 02:40 AM
Team Stinkpickle is in. :cool:
Hard Driver
03-03-04, 02:42 AM
When do we get to make our picks?
03-03-04, 03:21 AM
When do we get to make our picks?
As soon as you're registered. Log in and click on "my team" at the top.
03-03-04, 03:22 AM
Formula Tivo is in. :D
03-03-04, 04:24 AM
ScuderiaPinniped is registered :gomer: :cool:
Dirty Sanchez
03-03-04, 12:11 PM
As of Wednesday a.m. - 35 teams :thumbup:
Crapus - Team 666
Kahauna Dreamer - Formula Kahauna
Mrs. Maximus - gogofisico
Spartan07 - Spartan Grand Prix
pickaxe - Scuderia Crackbaby
cchen39 - cchen39
chop456 - Team Stinkpickle
mg5904 - Eat my Shorts
John Basetow - Getoutoftheleftlane!!!
McB - McB
HarryPara - BigBrassOnes
jbella - First Due Racing
downshift62 - Genoa Racing
ChampCarMonkey - My Big Right Foot
Ade - KG Racing
BartonTheWeird - Weirdo F1
King Ridiculous - DC's Year :D
redclayracer - LgL racing
TruBrit - TruBritRacing
Cam - f1cruisers
Dvdb - TeamTJB
Warlock! - Warlock's Warcox
nz climber - nzcSlowFolks
Wheel-Nut - Wheel-Nuts Nuts
Chaos - Chaos Reigns Wild
Robstar - Robstar Racing
Lizzerd - Lizzerd Motorsports
ferrarigod - Scuderia FerrariGod
Ankf00 - Chrome 'Horns
Railbird - Bird's Brazilionaires
JT265 - 'king JT
Hard Driver - Team Hard Driver
rabbit - rabbit F1
formulaben - Formula Tivo
pinniped - ScuderiaPinniped
03-03-04, 01:26 PM
Tiimi Solpadeine
Dirty Sanchez
03-03-04, 02:10 PM
'king JTOk... the mini-league has been set-up. 36 names have been successfully added. The only name not added is JT's... he was unable to find a team with this exact spelling. Please advise what your exact team name is and I can get you added.
I will also add "Tiimi Solpadeine" in my next batch update.
Rock on. :gomer:
03-03-04, 02:36 PM
Add me to the list pls :)
Scuderia RacinFo'Beer
Night Train
03-03-04, 03:24 PM
Night Train Engineering in the hizzle!
03-03-04, 08:31 PM
This is gonna be fun! ;)
Dr Luv Gluv & the Pleasure Mittens is ready to grid
03-03-04, 08:42 PM
Dr Luv Gluv & the Pleasure Mittens is ready to grid
There's a NanCy Bboy teeM name if I've ever heard one...
Dr Luv Gluv & the Pleasure Mittens is ready to grid
:rofl: :rofl:
'spirit of ayrton' is ready to do battle...
There's a NanCy Bboy teeM name if I've ever heard one...
...there's gotta' be some levity in the Piranha Club..... :p
03-04-04, 01:54 AM
dirtyboy racing is registered
03-04-04, 04:55 AM
There's a NanCy Bboy teeM name if I've ever heard one...
Hmmm, where is BIF anyhow? I'm sure he's got Sammy boy and Sarah on his roster! :gomer:
03-04-04, 08:20 AM
Please include Team Tomahawk
Dirty Sanchez
03-04-04, 10:44 AM
Everyone up to this point in the thread has been added. After you log-in ou will see a link near the top "View my mini-league". That should be functional for everyone by the end of the day today. Still time to add more teams... :thumbup:
Still need to hear back from JT regarding his team name.
Hey, I'm in fifth place. Can we lock those standings in?? :laugh:
:shakehead ....Last Place!...Well I guess when you don't make your picks on time.... :rolleyes:
Please would you add JoCoLo into the Off Camber league
03-22-04, 01:13 PM
Post-Sepang Results:
1 4 My Big Right Foot Greg Moffitt 1673
2 31 Spartan Grand Prix Eric 1662
3 32 Team Stinkpickle Rob 1662
4 50 Scuderia RacinFo'Beer Ted Martin 1656
5 54 FtheIRL adrian johansson 1655
6 99 McB Norman McBride 1644
7 104 Chaos Reigns Wild chaos 1641
8 108 Eat My Shorts mg5904 1640
9 133 Lizzerd Motorsports Bruce Anderson 1634
10 139 TeamTJB David Brennan 1632
11 143 nzcSlowFolks nz_climber 1630
12 161 rabbit F1 John Hullinger 1627
13 165 dirtyboy racing Leonard 1626
14 170 TLK Racing Kevin 1625
15 172 Bird's Brazilionaires JR Gaughan 1625
16 188 JB Grand Prix Jason Baer 1622
17 208 Formula Tivo Ben Quinby 1619
18 209 First Due Racing jbella 1619
19 220 Team Tomahawk Tom 1617
20 249 ScuderiaPinniped David 1612
21 301 Team Hard Driver Alex Wilson 1606
22 311 LgL Racing Erik Egsieker 1605
23 348 Scuderia FerrariGod patrick 1596
24 357 Warlock's Warcox Matt Lanzer 1596
25 386 Chrome 'Hrons Ank 1590
26 394 cchen39 cchen39 1588
27 416 BigBrassOnes HarryPara 1584
28 420 inhonorofjim jeff hansen 1582
29 432 nogardi spwango926 1580
30 437 Getoutoftheleftlane!!! John 1578
31 445 Genoa Racing downshift62 1576
32 507 Weirdo F1 Bart 1566
33 525 Team With No Name vinnie vaccarino 1562
34 534 Scuderia Crackbaby Matt Gristina 1561
35 574 FormulaKahauna Stevie Moquin 1553
36 581 Wheel-Nuts Nuts William Hayes 1551
37 586 KG Racing Adrienne Griffin 1549
38 651 Team 666 Jamie Sanchez 1533
39 666 Night Train Engineering Ed Morgan 1530
40 672 TrueBritRacing Ben Ogden 1527
41 714 gogofisico Jen Bakija-Sanchez 1513
42 731 f1cruisers Cam 1509
43 743 DC's Year RFreund 1504
44 763 Car-B-Q John Harvey 1497
45 766 Tiimi Solpadeine solpadiene 1496
46 768 Robstar Racing Rob Richardson 1494
47 790 spirit of ayrton baffle 1484
48 868 Dr Luv Gluv & the Pleasure Mittens 1427
Pos. Overall Pos. Team Manager Points
03-22-04, 01:21 PM
Post-Sepang Results:
1 My Big Right Foot Greg Moffitt 1673
48 Dr Luv Gluv & the Pleasure Mittens 1427
Only a 15% difference from 1st place to last in our group??? Either we're damn good at our picks, or SnowChicken has got a serious NACAR-style points system for this game...
Only a 15% difference from 1st place to last in our group??? Either we're damn good at our picks, or SnowChicken has got a serious NACAR-style points system for this game...
Oh yah!!! watch out for the Luv Gluv.... :saywhat: .....48th.... :shakehead
05-09-04, 09:31 PM
Uh-Oh, made the big move up to #9 today, watch out, with today's F1 point system I'll get one point for 1 more move up :p
05-09-04, 10:55 PM
it's becoming pretty evident that I suck at this.
The no-Schumi thing might be one of my problems but I'm beginning to think it's not all of them.
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