View Full Version : College Decisions Continued...
03-29-04, 01:05 PM
As I mentioned previously at 7G my daughter has started her application process this past fall. The original plan was to go to our local community college, but her SAT scores kind of changed that. Not sure if I should return her to the hospital 18 years later, obviously she doesn't have my brain cells.
Her choices were Butler University, Ball State, Hofstra University and Pepperdine. The idea is to major in Telecommunications, Corporate Communications with a minor in Political Science.
The results are s-l-o-w-l-y coming in. She has received acceptance from Butler and Hofstra. Still awaiting word on the others.
The scholarship hunt has been interesting to say the least. But she has gotten one for Hofstra.
03-29-04, 02:19 PM
If you put scholarships ahead of academics or her choices, that's the worst kind of tight.
If money's an issue, maybe you should sell that wooden boat of yours. Surely your daughter is worth it, isn't she? :p
My suggestion is to apply for the federal aid even if you don't think you'll qualify. At the minimum she will have access to work-study jobs on campus and low interest loans. Also, many schools (especially the private ones) have grants and scholorships available that are funded by alumni. This type of aid is not usually listed in public databases.
Just a point of opinion...don't let money be the deciding factor. She needs to go to the school where she feels the most comfortable. If you push her towards the school that will cost the least, you won't regret it, but she might for the rest of her life. Trust me, I 've been through that one.
Pepperdine would be my choice due to the fact that it is affiliated with the Malibu Church of Christ for campus ministry.
03-29-04, 04:08 PM
My suggestion is to apply for the federal aid even if you don't think you'll qualify. At the minimum she will have access to work-study jobs on campus and low interest loans. Also, many schools (especially the private ones) have grants and scholorships available that are funded by alumni. This type of aid is not usually listed in public databases.
Just a point of opinion...don't let money be the deciding factor. She needs to go to the school where she feels the most comfortable. If you push her towards the school that will cost the least, you won't regret it, but she might for the rest of her life. Trust me, I 've been through that one.
Going the Federal Aid route, in fact I kicked her out of the house and over to her mom for 50.1% of the time because evidently with FISA that's what determines what the package will be.
I don't want money to be the deciding factor, but Hofstra offered her $50,000 in scholarships. It was 3rd or 4th on the list. Now I may need to fly back and visit the campus (
I would be more than willing to part with material possessions to make her education happen. The 59' Chris Craft may go out the door with no regrets.
Pepperdine would be my choice due to the fact that it is affiliated with the Malibu Church of Christ for campus ministry.
Yea... my first choice too for the same reason. I just hope she gets a shot.
The worst thing is that the final scholarship that may make this education a reality won't be awarded until end of July. Which means applications and deposits will be sent in all directions.
03-29-04, 04:17 PM
What, no Virginian schools on your list!?!?! We have fine education facilities here in the Old Dominion. William and Mary, Virginia Tech, University of Virginia. Heck, there's even one called Old Dominion down in Virginia Beach. Big party school! Oh, skip that one... :)
03-29-04, 04:24 PM
What, no Virginian schools on your list!?!?! We have fine education facilities here in the Old Dominion. William and Mary, Virginia Tech, University of Virginia. Heck, there's even one called Old Dominion down in Virginia Beach. Big party school! Oh, skip that one... :)
I think she went to and typed in the type of curriculum she was interested in.
03-29-04, 06:22 PM
Butler University has an excellent radio/televison department. It is a smaller campus as well. When I attended, way back in the day, most class sizes were around 25 students. It done learned me good. ;)
No car is required because everything is within walking distance. The food in Atherton Center was excellent. The last I knew there were 14 live in fraternities, 7 of each sex. It is located in a quiet neighborhood, but there are plenty of things to do a couple of miles away in Broad Ripple. There are safety phones every few hundred feet to call campus police should the need arise. It is a beautiful campus as well. The buildings are almost all made of stone. The landscaping and gardens are first rate.
03-29-04, 10:07 PM
Her choices were Butler University, Ball State, Hofstra University and Pepperdine. The idea is to major in Telecommunications, Corporate Communications with a minor in Political Science.
They're all fine schools. I don't think you can go wrong academically with any of them.
And, if she changes her mind somewhere along the line, I know that California has a fine state education system - offering just about every major you can think of. So the good news is that there's plenty of options.
Tough of luck with them!
03-29-04, 10:23 PM
Butler University has an excellent radio/televison department. It is a smaller campus as well. When I attended, way back in the day, most class sizes were around 25 students. It done learned me good. ;)
No car is required because everything is within walking distance. The food in Atherton Center was excellent. The last I knew there were 14 live in fraternities, 7 of each sex. It is located in a quiet neighborhood, but there are plenty of things to do a couple of miles away in Broad Ripple. There are safety phones every few hundred feet to call campus police should the need arise. It is a beautiful campus as well. The buildings are almost all made of stone. The landscaping and gardens are first rate.
I thought the campus was very nice.
03-29-04, 10:40 PM
Well, if she's interested in Dentistry I suggest COLGATE. Poultry Science? PERDUE. Abrasives Engineering; EMORY.
Hope this helps.
that's really weird brick
I had all my results in middle of the 2nd week of march during spring break, the rejections came april 1st and 2nd (the last listed day for decisions)
03-30-04, 12:53 AM
that's really weird brick
I had all my results in middle of the 2nd week of march during spring break, the rejections came april 1st and 2nd (the last listed day for decisions)
Weeks and weeks went by between the two. Still two out. But the real killer on this thing is end of July scholarship... long time to wait.
03-30-04, 01:42 AM
Was i the only that went to the website and didn't find the typical college website I am used to?
No webcam links, no flashy banner ads, no offers of free stuff, no asking for credit card details, and worst of all no **** :shakehead
03-30-04, 01:57 AM
I too was extremely disappointed ***... ;)
06-21-04, 10:48 PM
Took the red eye to Long Island today. Looking down on ground zero was sobering. A beautiful sunny Monday morning. Three days of orientation to be followed by hours of discussions, a couple other schools have raised their scholarships and a nonspecific school scholarship due in July, but it's time to decide and start on the great adventure. I always loved going to NY State, I was surprised (when flying over) how close Pocono Speedway is the NY area, just didn't seem that close when I drove there from the finger lakes region years ago.
Drove over to Jones Beach and the turbulent Atlantic Ocean, a boat was breaking up a couple miles down the beach, parts of the small boat were floating by, ice chests, cushions, etc. Wierd watching the sun set and calling back home where it wouldn't be for hours. I'm easily amused. ;)
I have a stepson who is doing the exact same thing.
I dont share it on message boards
Your a dweeb
06-21-04, 11:43 PM
Having a bad day, Ziggy?
06-22-04, 02:22 AM
I'm not sayin' a word or else it will look like we are all perverts Downunder. ;)
Oh wait, I just did......... :D
(Take care Ziggy, he's not FTG. ;) )
06-22-04, 12:30 PM
I have a stepson who is doing the exact same thing.
I dont share it on message boards
Your a dweeb
As usual you're incorrect.
IF I were a "dweeb", at least I would reply civilly when participating in an online community. A civil suggestion... unless you prefer a where the sun don't shine type. ;)
Buddy/Ignore lists:
To remove a user from either the Buddy or Ignore Lists, delete their name from the appropriate box. To add a user to either list, enter their name in one of the empty boxes for that list.
06-22-04, 12:47 PM
As usual you're incorrect.
IF I were a "dweeb", at least I would reply civilly when participating in an online community. A civil suggestion... unless you prefer a where the sun don't shine type. ;)
Buddy/Ignore lists:
To remove a user from either the Buddy or Ignore Lists, delete their name from the appropriate box. To add a user to either list, enter their name in one of the empty boxes for that list.
Appearantly, you're not taking your own advice, since Ziggy obviosly is not on your ignore list. :shakehead :confused: :shakehead
06-22-04, 01:24 PM
Sell that sweet boat to help with the expenses yet, Brickman?
06-22-04, 03:30 PM
[self-appointed forum cop]Some of the responses in this thread seem an awful lot like someone's marking their territory. The guy's just relating his experience dealing with something most people worry about when it comes to their kids. Let him. Quit p*ss*ng in his thread.[/self-appointed forum cop]
06-22-04, 03:44 PM
Sell that sweet boat to help with the expenses yet, Brickman?
Trying not to sell it. But priorities are family first and fun second. The "sweet" old Chris Craft will go if it must. JLMannin... Ziggy doesn't get uner my skin, actually no one does. I never have a problem with people telling me I'm wrong, they can tell me I'm part of the evil empire if they want.
Pepperdine would be my choice due to the fact that it is affiliated with the Malibu Church of Christ for campus ministry.
Sean O'Gorman
06-23-04, 06:04 PM
You must not have kids. :D
You must not have kids. :D
None that I know of or had paternity proven as of yet :gomer:
Sean O'Gorman
06-24-04, 01:51 PM
None that I know of or had paternity proven as of yet :gomer:
And you STILL haven't figured out what he meant? :laugh:
And you STILL haven't figured out what he meant? :laugh:
ummm...... :rolleyes:
BM: maybe you should send the kid to a public university, that would allow you to keep your boat.
Letterman went to Ball State
06-25-04, 04:00 AM
BM: maybe you should send the kid to a public university, that would allow you to keep your boat.
Letterman went to Ball State
She likes Dave and applied to Ball State and was also accepted there.
But after looking over the different campuses in different states and going through the registration process and orientation, she has chosen Hofstra. She was awarded the Presidential Scholarship and Honors College Scholarship.
Mind you as a parent I understand the need for a child to grow into an adult. There is a letting go process that is called growing up for both sides. I hope she will do well in whatever major she chooses, with a pinch of luck and hard work she should get there.
It's not easy out there (,0,2927356.story?coll=ny-linews-headlines) as I read in the Long Island paper while visiting, anymore than in any city including my own here... Nothing good happens after midnight. Personally I think self defense courses are a must in today's society.
On a lighter note... NY Long Island has a lot of BMW's, very few Lexus except for the SUV 330. Hardly a truck in site. Mechanics must love the constant "go fast to stop" driving. I doubt they go 40,000 miles between brake jobs. ;)
06-25-04, 12:44 PM
She likes Dave and applied to Ball State and was also accepted there.
But after looking over the different campuses in different states and going through the registration process and orientation, she has chosen Hofstra. She was awarded the Presidential Scholarship and Honors College Scholarship.
Mind you as a parent I understand the need for a child to grow into an adult. There is a letting go process that is called growing up for both sides. I hope she will do well in whatever major she chooses, with a pinch of luck and hard work she should get there.
It's not easy out there (,0,2927356.story?coll=ny-linews-headlines) as I read in the Long Island paper while visiting, anymore than in any city including my own here... Nothing good happens after midnight. Personally I think self defense courses are a must in today's society.
On a lighter note... NY Long Island has a lot of BMW's, very few Lexus except for the SUV 330. Hardly a truck in site. Mechanics must love the constant "go fast to stop" driving. I doubt they go 40,000 miles between brake jobs. ;)
But the most important thing:
Is she hot?
06-25-04, 01:17 PM
...Mind you as a parent I understand the need for a child to grow into an adult. There is a letting go process that is called growing up for both sides. I hope she will do well in whatever major she chooses, with a pinch of luck and hard work she should get there.
It's not easy out there (,0,2927356.story?coll=ny-linews-headlines) as I read in the Long Island paper while visiting, anymore than in any city including my own here...
Brick, I wish for your daughter as little of the bad stuff and as much of the good stuff as possible. Our eldest will leave the nest in 6 short years (and they will fly by)...I get shivers thinking about it!! Not that my own experience at university was horrendous, not at all...but you look back and see the poor decisions that caused you pain, and wonder if you could have learned that particular life lesson a different way. :) But as you said, it's a growth process for everybody, and we parents can only try to be there for whatever gets thrown our kids' way. I hope she will quickly develop a network of good friends she can trust.
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