View Full Version : The Funniest Show On TV
If y'all haven't seen it, "Cheap Seats" on ESPN Classic is Must See TV.
Just trust me on this.
04-01-04, 12:10 AM
Right now I enjoy Who's Line is it Anyway. I'll be sure to check that one out.
04-01-04, 12:14 AM
Can't really comment on this - Every show that could be mildly entertaining or funny seems to be banned from NZ tv, thus tv in nz SUCKS :thumdown:
04-01-04, 12:26 AM
Cheap Seats, eh? I'll check that out.
My current favorites:
Most Extreme Elimination Challenge - The only show that makes me laugh out loud on a regular basis. Because it's funny when other people get hurt. :D
The Simpsons
Absolutely Fabulous
Significant Others
Sean O'Gorman
04-01-04, 12:31 AM
South Park. Just when you thought they couldn't stoop any lower, they break their own records. :laugh:
1 word
Sorry kids, Arrested Development has the funniest show on tv award won - hands down!
Now if only the ratings would increase, so it doesn't end up in the dustbin next to Andy Richter Controls the Universe...
04-01-04, 01:57 AM
Fox on Sunday night. King of the Hill, Simpsons, Malcomb in the Middle, and Arrested Development. They call it LOL Sunday. Andy Richter Controls the Universe was great too. Sorry to see that one go.
Dirty Sanchez
04-01-04, 02:31 AM
1 word
HE'S RICH! BIETCH!mmm... mmmmmm... beeeyoch!
look bietch, I keeps it real.
*what she didnt know was that these 3 women were serving consecutive life sentences.
they kept it realer.*
-when keeping it real, goes wrong. <---edited for article
04-01-04, 09:12 AM
Most Extreme Elim Challenge. "I have blood in my stool..." For those who haven't seen it, check it out on the 14 hour Marathon they're running today... 9AM till 11PM.
Right you are, Ken...
Insomniac (I guess I relate to bald, drunk guys)
Absolutely Fabulous
Remember that thread about the things we like that we're kinda embarrassed to admit? Ab-Fab is one I forgot. A vodka swillin', heavily made-up whore like Patsy? Mmmmmmm.....
Family Guy
South Park
Chappelle's Show
Whose Line Is It Anyway
And for some reason, I've found America's Funniest Videos hilarious lately, as long as Bob Saget isn't there
Sorry kids, Arrested Development has the funniest show on tv award won - hands down!
Agreed. Trying to get the girlfriend turned onto it, but she is kind of digging Deadwood and Sopranos.
And for some reason, I've found America's Funniest Videos hilarious lately, as long as Bob Saget isn't there
Call me a simplton if you like but, there isn't anything funnier than watching somebody else nearly kill themselves.
AFV is some funny stuff. Sometimes you can make stuff up that is funny but, it will never beat real life stuff.
Put me down for another vote towards AFV.
04-02-04, 11:26 AM
Cheap Seats, eh? I'll check that out.
My current favorites:
Most Extreme Elimination Challenge - The only show that makes me laugh out loud on a regular basis. Because it's funny when other people get hurt. :D
Ditto MXC. Had a marathon on last night. I've seen them all a dozen times each but I still almost wet myself laughing, especially on sinkers/floaters and log drop. New season starts week of April 19th (sorry, can't remember the date. 21st maybe :confused: ).
04-02-04, 11:31 AM
Call me a simplton if you like but, there isn't anything funnier than watching somebody else nearly kill themselves.
AFV is some funny stuff. Sometimes you can make stuff up that is funny but, it will never beat real life stuff.
Put me down for another vote towards AFV.
I was just going to say the same thing. The family enjoys AFV, but we wait til the kids go to bed before breaking out the MXC. I have no idea how we stumbled onto MXC but I can't think of another show in recent memory that made me laugh til I pulled a groin muscle :p ;)
Ank... Chapelle gets an honorable mention. He does have some funny skits. Love the bit with the Tidy Bowl man on a jet ski.
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