View Full Version : Finally, the proof that Nickelback sucks.
found this on another board, an mp3 with 2 songs playing through individual speakers.
Notice anything?
04-06-04, 08:55 PM
I like it! Whoops wrong answer.
Kareoke anyone?
Could be worse, they could be creed. :thumdown:
04-06-04, 08:56 PM
Funny!! Although I didn't need to hear it to know they were the same. ;)
Puddle of Mud sucks too and all those teenie wanna be 'new' punk kids who sing like someone has ahold of their *****.
I wonder how many rap songs you can overlay and convince someone that it was recorded that way. I think 12. :D
Oh, and Creed sucks too. Didn't want to exclude them. :)
If I were running MTV I'd play Spears new video over and over again. All day. All night. Not for the music. :gomer:
04-06-04, 08:57 PM
I could only stomach that for about 30 seconds, but I got the point. :P
yes, but now here's the physical evidence with which to defend your asserations :D
04-06-04, 09:30 PM
They're still cool IMHO... :cool:
Pretty exact though eh ?
I reckon that little experiment would work with thousands of bands though...
& Creed suck :thumdown:
Jervis Tetch 1
04-06-04, 11:02 PM
Nickelback puts on a helluva show. They are for real IMHO.
Now here's who really SUCKS and SWALLOWS:
Limp (Effing) Bisket especially that ******* Fred Durst
Linkin Park (They Effing suck and swallow ten fould)
Christina A.
Brittney and any other waif poptart (Jessica Simpson too)
Boys to Men
Most Hardcore Rap acts
They don't suck, but they are HIGHLY overrated:
No Doubt
Hey any of these bands make Poison look like the Beatles.
04-07-04, 08:44 AM
Nickelback puts on a helluva show. They are for real IMHO.
Now here's who really SUCKS and SWALLOWS:
Limp (Effing) Bisket especially that ******* Fred Durst
Linkin Park (They Effing suck and swallow ten fould)
Christina A.
Brittney and any other waif poptart (Jessica Simpson too)
Boys to Men
Most Hardcore Rap acts
They don't suck, but they are HIGHLY overrated:
No Doubt
Hey any of these bands make Poison look like the Beatles.
I would swap Linkin Park and Creed, Linkin Park overrated, Creed sucks hard.
04-07-04, 09:07 AM
Pretty funny. :)
No Doubt overrated? I don't agree, they have a unique style IMO. Of course, since I'm a fan I could be biased. ;)
That's hilarious, Ank. Not to pull a "me too", but I'll bet that there are many Creed examples that you could do the same thing with.
Is there any wonder that young kids today seem to be gravitating towards the oldies? It seems to me that the young-uns that aren't into Britney or rap are into Led Zep, Aerosmith, etc. Anyone else notice?
04-07-04, 09:57 AM
Ok, I must REALLY be getting old, I didn't get it. All I heard was two really mediocre songs that have the chorus start at the exact same time.
04-07-04, 10:45 AM
I heard 2 songs that have the same key and time, other than that, they are different. I bet I could find a few of everyones favorite bands and find at least 2 songs, if not more, that have the same key and time. The key and time makes rock music what it has its own feel.
I dont think they suck, I think they are on to something really. Seems to be working.
04-07-04, 11:00 AM
Same key. Same time signature. Same song measure structure i.e. verse, chorus, verse, chorus all parallel.
Lame. But it comes as no surprise. They, among with most of the other bands listed in this thread are record company manufactured and manipulated garbage.
oh ya, chad kroeger has admitted in the past that his secret recipie is uniformity and cheesy lyrics :D
forgot: he does get points though for wearing a cowboy hat down here and reciting tales of lollapalooza youth :thumbup: and they really are talented musicians imo, just sucks that Kroeger intentionally aims for crap
04-07-04, 11:58 AM
cookie cutter music. What a surprise. Find something that works and sells records, and then do it again and again and again until either you're bored with it as a musician, or you stop selling records. Then do something interesting.
The Beatles music all sounded pretty much the same for their first couple of albums too. And you could likely equate this to most acts out there today. The name Britney's been brought up more than once.
But I will admit, Nickelback is likely one of the best examples of formula music to bore yourself to death with . Good live shows, but repetitious to the point of being nauseaus. Right up there with Shania Twain, or Outkast, or many many others.
I wouldn't put No Doubt in this category in general. I liked their first couple of CD's a lot more than their most recent CD. The new one feels more "pop'y" than the others and is waaay to bubble gum for me. Plus, I don't think I've ever heard her voice sound good in a live performance, and that's a real let down. She's the definition of a "pitchy'" singer. But I their sound and style has always been a little different than all the manufactured garbage out there (I'll refer back to someone like Shania Twain again).
What's sorely missing from the music on the radio today is pure solid talent (i.e. strong voices) that are allowed to stretch and perform. Instead you have agents, managers, studio exec, etc. formulating an artists sounds.
There aren't very many new bands out there with the talent/style/creativity of a Rush, Yes, Queen, post-or-late Beatles John Lennon, etc.
04-07-04, 02:11 PM
Some years ago, a buddy and I would haul our equipment out to one of our employer's warehouses (who wisely provided me with a key) and rattle the windows.
One night we were working through all of the usual stuff, and I started jamming on 'Dear Prudence'. After a couple of bars my buddy jumped in with this mindblowingly beautiful harmony line, nice counterpoints, etc., and as we continued it felt as though it would loosen up and then gather itself together again every few bars. Absolutely the coolest thing I'd ever heard, and we jammed on it for a good 45 minutes, both grinning like fools.
We finally closed it up, and I told him that was the greatest harmony line I'd ever heard. He looked at me and said he thought I was playing the harmony, and that he couldn't believe how well it fit.
Turns out he thought we were playing 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'.
04-07-04, 07:21 PM
Same key. Same time signature. Same song measure structure i.e. verse, chorus, verse, chorus all parallel.
Welcome to the US Top 40... ;) :)
04-07-04, 07:25 PM
There are some new acts that are valid. I just got A Perfect Circle's newest CD and if you tried that two song deal, it wouldn't be close with any of the songs. The way they change up the music is pretty amazing, even within one song.
Dr. Corkski
04-07-04, 07:43 PM
Chad Kroeger looks like the devil.
Same key. Same time signature. Same song measure structure i.e. verse, chorus, verse, chorus all parallel.
Yep. The only good music is music that has no verses and no chorus. Melody, harmony and rhythm have all been done before too.
04-07-04, 10:38 PM
There are some new acts that are valid. I just got A Perfect Circle's newest CD and if you tried that two song deal, it wouldn't be close with any of the songs. The way they change up the music is pretty amazing, even within one song.
Im with you m3, Perfect Cirlce rock, and live in concert they are even better :) :thumbup:
Also Placebo have my vote (especially with their live DVD) :cool:
04-08-04, 01:00 PM
That is absolutely hilarious ankf00! :eek: :rofl:
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