View Full Version : A very close friend had a heart attack this morning
She lives one province over, with her husband and three kids. She's the same age as me, 34. Her sister-in-law, another very close friend, said apparently the cause was a blood clot that came loose.
Tonight she was flown to a larger centre's hospital. Her mother-in-law will drive out tomorrow to be with the kids, so her husband can fly to the hospital as well. He's a pilot.
Prayers appreciated for her and her family.
04-10-04, 10:35 PM
Most definitely Anait ... sorry to hear about this... especially a Mom who is so young !!
nissan gtp
04-10-04, 11:17 PM
oh my. 34 is very young for this. best wishes to everyone.
a good friend of mine, same age, had a heart attack when he was in his early 40s... and is fine now. modern medicine can work wonders.
manic mechanic
04-10-04, 11:33 PM
Prayers on the way from "El Norte" Mexico (southern Cal).
Just one more reason they don't put expiration dates on birth certificates.
Sometimes the power of prayer can be the best medicine, hopefully things will turn out well, Best wishes, Rick
04-11-04, 11:22 AM
Definitely too young. Prayers and good thoughts going out to her and the family, anait..
04-11-04, 11:24 AM
Thoughts and prayer for sure !!! :)
If you need any medical stuff explained, please feel free to PM me, anait. :thumbup:
04-11-04, 08:59 PM
Thats real young
thoughts are coming up your way, hope everything turns out ok
Condolences, I know I was certainly not the same for quite a while after my buddy from HS passed from a heart attack, hope you're alright. :(
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers on their behalf, folks. :)
Things were a little more settled by Sunday morning. Here's the story:
She hadn't been feeling well Friday, had a high fever all night. Her husband took her to emergency Saturday morning. The ER doctor called in the cardiologist, who happened to be at the hospital. After examining and questioning her, he told her she was having a heart attack as they spoke. She was given a drug to clear a bit of the blockage, which alleviated much of the pain - but there was still 80% blockage. They decided to air ambulance her to Sudbury.
Doctors operated Saturday night, put in a shunt (stent?). She will be recuperating there for a few days, they'll find out how much damage was done, and what the next step is.
This couple has been part of my life for a loooong time. The husband and I grew up together, part of a close-knit church/youth group/school bunch - his big, burly dad was our Sunday School teacher and youth leader for a long time. She was from a little town west of ours. Her brother was also one of our youth leaders. The first time I met her, she dropped in at a youth group meeting at her brother's house, and I and the other girls were some ticked off, because she's so gorgeous all 'our' youth group guys were drooling all over her...including the guy I was after. :D
I sang at their wedding. After half of our crowd moved into the city as young adults, we continued and deepened our friendships, attended church together, our kids play/played together. Even though they moved away a few years ago, they're still close enough for lots of visits and phone calls...friends that stay close friends no matter where they live.
Edited to add: Just received an email, there was minimal damage to her heart. :thumbup: She is still sedated and in the ICU, but is in good spirits and doing well. She should be back at home tomorrow night.
04-12-04, 11:02 AM
Hey Anait,
I just read this thread for the first time this morning and I'm sure happy to hear that she's gotten some treatment and is on the mend. You never know how much damage is done in a situation like this but it certainly sounds like she got good and timely medical attention.....which likely saved her life.
And I know what you mean about how close you can become with friends. I recently had a friend tell me that "friends are family that you choose" :)
My prayers and well wishes will be with your friend and for a quick and complete recovery from this, and for her family's strength during her recovery. The body's an amazing thing and can rebound from so much, and what's more amazing is a person's inner strength when it's reinforced with a strong faith.
Keep us up to date Anait.
04-12-04, 11:12 AM
Great to hear she's feeling some better. I hope her recovery is speedy and complete. :thumbup:
04-12-04, 04:22 PM
Prayer works, it sounds like your friend is in good hands. Good Luck. I know what it is like to have an unsure future.
04-12-04, 04:49 PM
So glad she's doing so well! And thanks for keeping us updated on her progress. Will keep her in my thoughts.
And as I read your update, all I could think of was "You know, I keep hearing that women don't have the same heart attack symptoms as men." :eek:
04-12-04, 05:03 PM
Thoughts and prayers for your friend, anait--and she's so young! Was this that Deep Vein Thrombosis thing I keep hearing about?
Heart stuff is so scary. A friend of mine just had a stent put in last week; he had a huge blockage. Actually, he has 2 blockages, and is going to have another stent put in sometime in the near future.
04-17-04, 02:50 PM
Sounds like it might be DVT. My mother had the same thing after a 15 hour flight, got a clot and has been on warfarin ever since to avoid the sort of thing that has happened to your friend. Best wishes..
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