View Full Version : Taste tests according to my dog...
Over the last few days my dog has taste tested all the tortilla chip varieties left over from the weekend. After all the spicy or garlic stuff, the organics chips, and all the blue corn stuff, his favorite is clearly Tostitos Gold.
Anyone else have a pet approved favorite edible to share with the OC gang?
my buddy's dog sips on shiner
04-14-04, 11:27 AM
My dog eats anything except pretzels and jelly beans.
Favorite food is summer sausage.
Chips, don't know she eats it all and in order of what's the closest.
04-14-04, 12:26 PM
My cat prefers Planter's brand peanuts over the off-brands.
My inlaw's cat will eat anything; it'sa a feline garbage disposal. Once saw the thing eat a whole hamburger (big, homemade one).
Most dogs I've ever known would eat anything that even remotely seemed like food. One dog a neighbor had would eat your shoes if you were stupid enough to leave them around. Saw a black lab once eat half a plastic plate that had some peanut butter on it (my Buddy didn't notice until it was half gone... didn't seem to effect the dog any).
04-14-04, 12:41 PM
As we were eating supper last night (taco salad, the kiddies' favorite) the boy decides to throw up. He managed to get it all back in the bowl sitting in front of him (he was bragging about how "It's a good thing I didn't get any on the table, huh Dad"?). Anyhow, I tossed the contents off the back deck, where two dogs anxiously waited. They fought over it. Literally. I thought I was gonna hafta get involved until the big one finally backed down.
I think any type of rancid, rotten animal entrails are their favorite, tho...
04-14-04, 12:42 PM
I don't have any pets at the moment, but I hear that Sarah Fisher likes Lays© BBQ Flavored Pork Rinds.
As we were eating supper last night (taco salad, the kiddies' favorite) the boy decides to throw up. He managed to get it all back in the bowl sitting in front of him (he was bragging about how "It's a good thing I didn't get any on the table, huh Dad"?). Anyhow, I tossed the contents off the back deck, where two dogs anxiously waited. They fought over it. Literally. I thought I was gonna hafta get involved until the big one finally backed down.
I think any type of rancid, rotten animal entrails are their favorite, tho...
Thanks for sharing this info, it may my lunch that much more pleasurable.
04-14-04, 01:12 PM
My friends 2 dogs ate the dollars bills left on the counter in the kitchen...about $65 worth. They tried to retrieve it ,but all they got was some expensive manure. :p
Our cat absolutely devours that prepackaged, thin-sliced, pressed lunch meat. Not the name brands either, but the cheapest stuff you can pick-up at the local shop and slave store (home of no-name brands).
04-14-04, 04:53 PM
I no longer have him, but my Basset Hound would eat anything that wouldnt eat him first. He was known to consume a drinking glass, my $80 Spy sunglasses, a 2x4 and half of a bottle of the wife's Midol. As far as food goes, nothing was out of question. He was an eating machine. My in-laws bought me gift certificates to the local vet.
04-14-04, 05:37 PM
I had a Rott/Lab mix, "Molly". I got her as a companion for my other dog, a male mutt named "Buster". They were both fixed, though. I didn't want any little Rott/Lab/Mutts running around. I only had her for a year or so. I adopted her from the Humane Society shelter. She was as sweet as sugar, and very loving. The problem was that she had figured out how to get over the six foot high privacy fence surrounding my back yard. She would get up a head of steam and launch herself over it by first jumping on a low limb on a tree in the corner. I had to start putting her on a chain, which I think is cruel, so I gave her to a friend who was moving to southern Missouri just north of the border with Arkansas. Waaayyyy out in the boonies. I still keep in touch with my friend and her kids, and Molly became an outdoor dog and is doing great now having a lot of fun in the woods and barking at the cows.
Anyway, to stay on topic, Molly would eat anything that I eat. While preparing dinners, I would sometimes toss her a little chunk of whatever I was cooking. Carrots, lettuce, meat, pasta, whatever... Every now and then, I'll make a bunch of burritos, then wrap them in foil and freeze them. As I was mixing up the batch of ingredients one time while she was patiently sitting near me in the kitchen (tail wagging), I tossed her a slice of jalepeno pepper. She caught it and swallowed it without blinking. So, I tossed her another. Same thing. Didn't flinch... I didn't ask how her how things went when it came out the other end the next morning...
04-14-04, 05:48 PM
In my experience, dogs prefer eating:
Styrofoam vs. newspaper
Wet prestologs vs. dry prestologs
Habaneros vs. masking tape
Small dog ***** vs. large dog *****
A big bag of weed vs. clean socks
Fermented rotten apples vs. latex paint
Cedar shakes vs. vinyl siding
Autographed first editions vs. wife's Cosmo
Leather furniture vs. upholstered
Refrigerator seals vs. crappy flowery throw rugs
"Small dog ***** vs. large dog *****"
I concur.
weed over socks? :D
04-14-04, 08:05 PM
My old Bull Terrier once ate our TV remote.
& when we were filling the lawnmower, he'd lap up any petrol that spilt...
Sean O'Gorman
04-14-04, 11:21 PM
I heard Ank's dog like peanut butter. :saywhat: :eek: :laugh:
I heard Ank's dog like peanut butter. :saywhat: :eek: :laugh:
almost funny, except for the part where I've never had a pet...
04-15-04, 03:34 AM
My last golden retriever really liked grapefruit. There is a grapefruit tree in my backyard and after we played fetch with the fruits, she would nibble the skin off and the eat the juicy inside bits.
She also enjoyed terrorizing the ducks at the pond and liked to fish.. she learned to hold her breath and dive underwater to chase the fishes. I don't think she ever caught any though.
Purple Panic
04-15-04, 10:08 AM
I had a mutt (Chow and some other stuff) that once ate about 1/4 of my favorite Forsythe/Greg Moore hat when she was a pup. I yelled at her for a good 15 minutes and needless to say she never ate another of my hats again, even when she found one on the floor. She's still around and currently lives with my parents.
We have two white half-Siamese cats, sisters, turning 13 this summer. One has a thing for insect repellent and perfume. She'll start licking them off my arm. :saywhat: The other cat loves to eat freshly ground coffee beans.
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