View Full Version : Gamers, I have a question for ya!
04-23-04, 02:02 AM
so, my husband wants an Xbox. I'm not sure he knows much about any other options. Is the Xbox better then Playstation? He will be playing golf games, I'm sure. I don't really know what else.
I know nothing about these things. I know someone out there can help me. If I do end up getting the Xbox is there any special bells and whistles that I should get to go along with it?
04-23-04, 10:24 AM
*Put's on Xbox hat* First, let me say that I do not work for Microsoft, even though after my recommendation you think I do. Also, let me add that the PS2 is a great and robust system with an incredibly large game selection and I myself have a PS2. I don't want to make this a PS2 versus Xbox editorial as I've been around in circles with gamers over the years on that. Then came 2003...
The PS2 came out a full year prior to the Xbox and in terms of shear hardware performance, it's a night and day comparison. But hardware isn't the end all be all for consoles as developers can tweak software do do some of the some good stuff. That is where the PS2 longevity comes in. But alas, they've gotten to the point where the greatly superior Xbox rendering capabilities have really come in to it's own. Add to that the absolutely incredible games that are now available for the Xbox and the fact that the Xbox is $149.99US and the PS2 is still $189.99 US, it's really a no brainer. The straw that broke the camels back is when Grand Theft Auto exclusivity on the PS2 ran out and that immensely popular game was released on the Xbox. Week by week the PS2 is becoming more irrelevant and the Xbox is still peaking. With three super mega releases due this year in DooM 3 and Half Life 2 and Halo, 2004 has been and is going to be a great year for the Xbox.
My 13year old daughter loves the karaoke for the Xbox. It's called Music Mixer and you can not only do karaoke, but you can load CD music to the Xbox hard drive (you can do this without Music Mixer too) and still photos from you PC to make cool slide shows on your TV! Cool stuff!
Xbox Live is an option to pay for. This allows you to play with other gamers from around the world. You have to own the game you want to play though.
Xbox rocks.
04-25-04, 01:34 AM
Thanks so much. I've purchase and Xbox and my husband is playing something on it as I type this. I'll have to get into it once the newness wears off for him. :)
I'm guessing nobody else responded to this thread because they all thought you had a question for "Gomers". :D
04-25-04, 12:07 PM
I'm guessing nobody else responded to this thread because they all thought you had a question for "Gomers". :D
oHH GAMERS! (Definately need new glasses)
Yes Xbox. Me and my brothers keep one in the 5th wheel to kill time when at the races. My nephews clued me in on renting from Blockbuster first before shelling out $50. It's worth the rental.
This one is fun.
I played Sega GT rally on my sons Xbox, beat it and haven't messed with it since. Pretty incredible graphics.
NCAA Football's where it's at :cool:
We received one for Christmas from mr anait's company, all employees got one (MS affiliated company). Our two oldest kids enjoy Wakeboarding, ST: Clone Wars, and, when we can rent it, Battle for Bikini Bottom. We had hoped to pick up Project Gotham Racing, Bionicle and Madden (our daughter loves that game), but decided to wait.
I occasionally play Tetris. :D
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