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View Full Version : Not to complain, but....

05-04-04, 12:51 AM
COULD IT BE ANY HOTTER?? Oh my gosh, it's only May 3rd and it's been over 100 degrees here in Long Beach (Doesn't the beach part means it's suppose to be cooler?) for two days and it was this hot last week too. :flame: I'm burnin up!

Sorry had to whine a little bit....it's the heat.


manic mechanic
05-04-04, 12:59 AM
COULD IT BE ANY HOTTER?? Oh my gosh, it's only May 3rd and it's been over 100 degrees here in Long Beach (Doesn't the beach part means it's suppose to be cooler?) for two days and it was this hot last week too. :flame: I'm burnin up!

Sorry had to whine a little bit....it's the heat.


girl, check your PM...I'm in two chat rooms hoping you will show up in one of them..


Oh yeah...IT'S HOT...86 on the breezeway here...

05-04-04, 01:00 AM
Yeah, yeah... break my freakin heart...

You SoCals whine and moan when it's 60 in December too, when it's -15 here.

Wah wah....

All in fun RaceCat. It'll be three digits here before too long too, I'm sure. Well, maybe not. I don't think we did last summer. Anyway, it ain't the heat, it's the humidity that gets ya. I just hope the fire thing is better this year for you all.

:D :D :D

05-04-04, 02:39 AM
Five fires over four counties have broken out since yesterday. None as big as last year as the fires are not being whipped by Santa Ana winds. It's unlikely there will be any rain over the next few months so this fire season might get scary when the Santa Ana's do return.

CART T. Katz
05-04-04, 10:23 AM
long beach is 100 degrees
louisville is 56 degrees, average temps are about the 70s

it's global warming changing the weather patterns yall. :gomer:

05-04-04, 10:40 AM
Racecat, what is up with Long Beach??? I lived there for a few years, and it's the hottest damn beach town I've ever been in! Now I'm in Huntington Beach, and it's usually a good 20 degrees cooler on a hot day than it is in the LBC. Same with the other beach communities. I also noticed that when it rains, it pours in LB when it's just 'raining' elsewhere.

What's up with that place? Bad karma, or what?? :gomer:

05-04-04, 10:41 AM
it's global warming changing the weather patterns yall.

"I was just trying to help."

"Well then help yourself to a *****ing science book because you're talking like a *****ing retard!"


05-04-04, 10:49 AM


The Discovery Channel is showing a three-part series about climate change and its effects. Interesting stuff. Some scientists (not necessarily the conspiracy theorist advocates :D ) feel the most drastic, far-reaching changes may occur in as little as 10-15 years.

05-04-04, 11:44 AM
Perfect here today... 55 and sunny, a slight breeze... if it stayed like this all Summer I'd have to actaully look around to see if I could find something to complain about.



05-04-04, 12:58 PM


The Discovery Channel is showing a three-part series about climate change and its effects. Interesting stuff. Some scientists (not necessarily the conspiracy theorist advocates :D ) feel the most drastic, far-reaching changes may occur in as little as 10-15 years.

In terms of geologic time, we are about half-way between ice ages. This planet has been on a cycle for millions of years, alternating in and out of ice ages. Guess when the global temperature would reach its highest point in this cycle - that's right, in the middle, between ice ages.

05-04-04, 01:46 PM
So it should be cooler tomorrow, JL? ;)