View Full Version : Sunday May 30th Season finale

CART License
05-15-04, 04:07 AM
Any So.Cal. “OC” “old 7g” interested in getting together at my place (Rancho Cucamonga) on the 30th? Hosted entirely on me! (And the wife of course) Food & adult beverages!!! With exceptions. If it gets tiresome you will watch what Tivo has in store.

05-15-04, 08:50 AM
Can we go swimming too? :D

Count Connor and I in. He saw the word "food" :rofl:

Seriously though, what can I bring so Yo doesn't haven't to do all the work?

Thanks for the invite

Fitti Fan
05-15-04, 12:44 PM
Season finale of?

Sean O'Gorman
05-15-04, 07:13 PM
Indy Racing League

05-16-04, 02:59 PM
Even a one race series gets a season finale! :rofl:

manic mechanic
05-16-04, 09:35 PM
Mrs. Manic and I may very well commit to being there..Are we supposed to watch a race or something?

Oh yeah...The Coke 600 starts at 2:30 PM :rofl:

If you tivo F1 at Monaco, that might be a fitting lead-in.

Throw down some specifics as to time(s), and we can confirm. :D


05-17-04, 11:35 AM

Although Mrs. 'NUT, the Lockwashers and I would love to be there, 'cause we had such a great time for the Surfer's race last year, but we will have to pass this time. No, it has nothing to do with your FRIENDLY k-9 ;) , but rather, for the first time in a LONG time, I have to work on Memorial Day weekend!

My how the world changes: Last year, I WENT to that race! :saywhat: This year we have something a little more important going on the following weekend, so my regular holiday of choice got switched around a bit.

Anyway, have fun! I'm sure we'll see you all later in the season!

'NUT :gomer:

Fitti Fan
05-18-04, 12:19 PM
This year we have something a little more important going on the following weekend, so my regular holiday of choice got switched around a bit.

Awwwwwwww! We're working like mad to get things put together!!!! Still need to get race tickets!! lol!


CART License
05-18-04, 05:48 PM
I was thinking we can do this one of a few ways, I think the 500 start's at 9:00am. If the consensus will allow I will start TiVo recording and have the interested party's arrive around 10:ish (so you all don’t need to get up at the crack of dawn to drive to Cucamonga) . With a few fast forwards during commercials we will be back up to real time in no time.

If the interested party's prefer to start the social gathering on time, let me know. Keep in mine I’m driving back from Palm Desert that morning (wedding Saturday night)

Provisions are taken care of BMary, Mimosa’s, Beer (mostly Coors light Manic) and breakfast is covered. Anything not listed just bring it..

05-21-04, 08:51 PM
10ish works for me. Shouldn't be too much holiday traffic out there at that time. Coming home may be a different story ;)

I'll bring something besides my new, bright, shiny smile. Thank goodness the dentist hasn't taken all my money yet :rolleyes:

Thanks again Jamie.

We know where CARTNUT will be. Manic chimed in. Where's Dave? Anteaters? hellllooooooooo out there


05-21-04, 08:55 PM
Where's Caroline? ;)

05-21-04, 09:38 PM
We know where CARTNUT will be. Manic chimed in. Where's Dave? Anteaters? hellllooooooooo out there


Mr. Anteater is stunned that there is a get-together in honor of an IRL race. :confused:

05-21-04, 10:28 PM
In my opinion....I would call it a Memorial Day Weekend Race Fest. F1 is on before...the 600 later....everything in between is just a commercial :D


CART License
05-24-04, 02:44 AM
I’m sorry to publicize the cancellation of the Indy 500, Well the So. Cal. Get together that is. Due to the lack of interest we will put “owr” efforts towards an up and coming Champ Car Race! Sorry for any inconvenience.

Jamie & Yo