View Full Version : Its a good drunk no matter what

05-18-04, 01:38 AM
BUCk and me hit the TIme TRials on SAturday and boy was it drunk out hahahahahaha I neerly had a religigous egsperience. INDys liek that. TOo bad you INdy haters cant move on and relize that INdys Indy. WIht or without you. BUt hey. I Got better tickets this year. hahahahahahah JOkes on you looosers hahahahahahaha

BEtter check out my trackside report


THe IRl - Weer slow enough for INdy

05-18-04, 02:51 AM

05-18-04, 07:12 AM
BIF, hope you had no trouble getting a seat! Better get those race tickets now before it sells out. :gomer:

05-18-04, 07:27 AM
"PLeased to meet you
DOnt you know my face
WHats puzzling me
IS will you buy tickets to my race"?

Can't get it outta my head now... thanks, BIf#.


05-18-04, 09:31 AM
"PLeased to meet you
DOnt you know my face
WHats puzzling me
IS will you buy tickets to my race"?

Can't get it outta my head now... thanks, BIf#.

please allow me to introduce myself, i'm a person of ego and cocaine

05-18-04, 09:38 AM
Hey bif-I do know what indy means

it means being on the start finish line for the start of the formula one race!
At least drive by the speedway on the 20th and hear what real cars sound like.

05-18-04, 09:51 AM
Bif, Thanks.

This is what you need to know if you get an autograph this year.

Japanese (Japan) Arigato
Japanese (Japan) Domo arigato
Japanese (Japan) [act of thanks not ended] Arigato gozaimasu
Japanese (Japan) [act of thanks has ended] Arigato gozaima****a
Japanese [Izumo] (Japan) Dan san
Japanese [Kansai Ben](Kansai, Osaka Japan) Ookini
Japanese [Kansai Ben](Kansai, Osaka Japan) Ookini arigatou
Japanese [Kumamoto] (Japan) Kora doshi
Japanese [Kyo Kotoba] (Kyoto Japan) Ohkini
Japanese [Shodoshima] (Shodoshima Japan) Ookini
Japanese [Tohoku Ben] (northeast Japan) Oshoshina
Japanese [Uchinaaguchi] (Okinawa Japan) Nihwee-deebiru

05-18-04, 11:49 AM
SO if you meet me
HAve a money order
HAve a credit card, have same cash
USe all your well erned salry
OR i'll blind your eyes with glare

Heheheheheh... :thumbup:

You are the "Master Caster" Bif#

05-19-04, 02:28 PM
HoW WaS ClASSy ChASSis ThiS YeaR?, Bif

05-20-04, 10:10 AM
HoW WaS ClASSy ChASSis ThiS YeaR?, Bif

IM warming you. STop makign fun of BIf#.

05-21-04, 11:36 AM

"PLeased to meet you
DOnt you know my face
WHats puzzling me
IS will you buy tickets to my race"?

One of the best ever. I'm speechless.

Wish BIf# was on 'our side'....he's just that good.