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View Full Version : Did SPIKE get the message ?

05-22-04, 10:26 AM
There was LOTS of commentary about SPIKES production of Long Beach. Many threads generated, criticisms/suggestions/comments made. As I understand it someone even forwarded a complete thread to the SPIKE folks.

Will any of these be addressed tomorrow ? Will the broadcast staff even acknowlege they were made ? Will Jenk learn how to pronounce the names of the drivers ? Will TK choke Jenk on live TV ?

Will SPIKE control the video, or just take the feed from a Mexican TV line (ala F1) ? If not this may not be a good venue to judge their performance.

Given the time between races, the learning curve better be pretty steep.

05-22-04, 10:34 AM
The production for this race is being done by the Mexican host broadcaster. The HDNet/Beetleguise/SPIKE crew is back in charge for Milwaukee. Hopefully the on-air crew listens, but the camera stuff will be handled locally.

05-23-04, 09:23 PM
Jenkins and Kendall mentioned several time that they had no control over the video, and seemed apologetic when mid-pack action was missed. There were at least four times I remember where there was no coverage of incidents further back in the field.