View Full Version : Richmond
06-26-04, 07:51 PM
Damn, they went into the crowd for a fan session.....looks like a few thousand of the extras who auditioned for Deliverance got free tickets. Lots of aluminum........shrapnel under the lights.........drop the rag.
Earl officiating at it's finest. White and green flags while the track lights are still yellow. Helio passes Vitor as Meira slows when he see's the yellow. :laugh:
I pass him under yellow, I pass him under yellow! :gomer:
06-26-04, 10:11 PM
We all know the color of the light is irrelevant. The true color is what ever Brian Barnhart was thinking at the time. And the color of the light on Helio's dash.
06-27-04, 09:46 AM
Am truly sorry I taped this bore.....That's it I'm out for a few months...I might watch Fontana and will check out Texas, F TG, F MA FAF FBH F all the loser drivers in this pathetic series, and oh by the way F RP and CG. Bye all you losers I HATE YOU ALL!
What happened at Richmond? Was there a race or something?
06-27-04, 05:50 PM
They were like fighter jets in a jism-nasium.
There were several "Problems" - new earl lingo for crashes. Such as, "Mark Taylor had a problem at hoestead, and he had a problem at monteggi and during the 450. He also had a problem last week at Texas and tonight he had a problem here at richmond. But he didn't have a problem at phoenix, the only race he completed."
06-27-04, 06:47 PM
Even with the crap package they run, putting on a show at that place is nuts. I'm glad nobody got hurt. BTW, how many "fans" did they count? :gomer:
06-27-04, 08:04 PM
Can't imagine any cirmumstances that would have me watching, but maybe if I was laid up in the hospital with plenty of painkillers and nothing to do. I'd much rather clean the ash pit in my BBQ, wash the car or pull weeds.
06-27-04, 08:11 PM
I watched about 20 laps because of I was curious about the crowd. I was at the Milwaukee Champcar race and there was a definite buzz and excitement about it. Richmond looked dead by comparison, at least on TV.
I had to chuckle as they cut away for a break, showing a clip of some wheel banging, and PP saying "Now that's good racing." :shakehead
I received four free tickets to Richmond and I live only 45 minutes away so I attended it. My biggest fear about attending this race was that I would leave as some sort of closet IRL fan. After attending this race however I don't think I'll ever go back to an IRL show anytime soon. I went to the USGP the weekend before last, the IRL last week and I am going to Cleveland this weekend so I really just wanted to say I attended 3 major OW races in as many weeks.
I cannot understand what people like about this race; the cars look like they are towing invisible parachutes. The racing is really close but tough to follow, once you realize that the cars have such an incredible amount of downforce, the racing doesn't seem that impressive. The idiots sitting in front of me insisted on giving Tomas Sheckter and Dan Wheldon the finger every time the came by.
40 MPH quicker than NASCAR? Maybe in qualifying. The IRL cars didn't seem that quick to me. My buddy who was with me has been to some races at Elkhart Lake and is a casual fan compared to me was not real impressed either.
The cars seem to be always going the same speed and the engines always sound the same. The cars looked like canaries racing in a birdcage or two SUVs trying to race around a cul-de-sac. They were not as loud as I expected them to be and they don't sound any better in person than on TV.
It's scary to think that some powers that be think that racing at Richmond is a step in the right direction. I can't honestly believe that a guy like Penske sees this kind of racing as legitimate. I think that some if the CART teams that are in the IRL must be getting restless.
Also, I will add this caveat. There is no way in hell there were 40,000 people there. I would say it was closer to 25,000-30,000 tops. One of my other friends who was with me who knows nothing about racing thought it might be even lower than that. He goes to about 20 games at Yankee Stadium every year where they actually announce attendance and he based his estimate off of that.
Marlboro was giving out free Marlboro Team Penske hats to smokers. All you had to do was show your tickets.
06-29-04, 10:13 AM
I received four free tickets to Richmond and I live only 45 minutes away so I attended it. My biggest fear about attending this race was that I would leave as some sort of closet IRL fan. After attending this race however I don't think I'll ever go back to an IRL show anytime soon. I went to the USGP the weekend before last, the IRL last week and I am going to Cleveland this weekend so I really just wanted to say I attended 3 major OW races in as many weeks.
I cannot understand what people like about this race; the cars look like they are towing invisible parachutes. The racing is really close but tough to follow, once you realize that the cars have such an incredible amount of downforce, the racing doesn't seem that impressive. The idiots sitting in front of me insisted on giving Tomas Sheckter and Dan Wheldon the finger every time the came by.
40 MPH quicker than NASCAR? Maybe in qualifying. The IRL cars didn't seem that quick to me. My buddy who was with me has been to some races at Elkhart Lake and is a casual fan compared to me was not real impressed either.
The cars seem to be always going the same speed and the engines always sound the same. The cars looked like canaries racing in a birdcage or two SUVs trying to race around a cul-de-sac. They were not as loud as I expected them to be and they don't sound any better in person than on TV.
It's scary to think that some powers that be think that racing at Richmond is a step in the right direction. I can't honestly believe that a guy like Penske sees this kind of racing as legitimate. I think that some if the CART teams that are in the IRL must be getting restless.
It looked the same as you discribed on TV. It was a horrible, horrible race. The IRL seems to have short little sprints in between long yellow flags.
I'm surprised Robin Miller was such a cheerleader about this crap on Speed News. :thumdown: It sucked.
I couldn't believe my ears when I heard what RM said about the racing at Richmond. If he was sitting where I was, I bet he would have fell asleep like I almost did. I just wish I could email the guy and tell him it was a total snore.
Andrew Longman
06-29-04, 01:23 PM
I couldn't believe my ears when I heard what RM said about the racing at Richmond. If he was sitting where I was, I bet he would have fell asleep like I almost did. I just wish I could email the guy and tell him it was a total snore.
I think Robin was comparing it to the NASCAR Richmond race. For that, you would be asleep. By comparison the IRL looks much better.
But I think Robin would also say that the best race of the weekend might have been Sonoma. A road race makes even NASCAR more interesting. :)
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