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View Full Version : Most under rated US road racer

06-28-04, 03:57 PM
has to be Boris Said.

At Infineon, the guy runs a Southwest race on Saturday, leading until he has a spin on the second to last lap, then does the Cup race, finishing sixth. Most of you probably saw the condition of some of the cup guys after that race. I'd bet most of them went back to their air-conditioned motorhomes and relaxed. What did Boris do? He got into his Trans Am car and won that race!

He's ugly, but he's good!


06-28-04, 04:01 PM
Bob's blood runs thick.

Meanwhile, Neckblood runs thin...


... but the wallets are still fat.

06-28-04, 04:32 PM
has to be Boris Said.

At Infineon, the guy runs a Southwest race on Saturday, leading until he has a spin on the second to last lap, then does the Cup race, finishing sixth. Most of you probably saw the condition of some of the cup guys after that race. I'd bet most of them went back to their air-conditioned motorhomes and relaxed. What did Boris do? He got into his Trans Am car and won that race!

He's ugly, but he's good!


Um.....Boris is Canadian.

Anyway, I met him at Road America over along the Andretti straight. He was running Trans Am at the time and had the team scooter parked up against the fence. He was watching the Champ cars go by at full chat. The look on his face was sheer joy. He races sports cars AND still gets off on watching others.
A racers racer. (not to mention a great interview)(P.S. Ever hear of No Fear?.................)

Andrew Longman
06-28-04, 04:38 PM
Um.....Boris is Canadian.

Umm... Born and I believe still lives in Carlsbad, CA.


You're probably thinking of Ron Fellows, that other road racing NASCAR ringer.

06-28-04, 04:39 PM
Boris Said is THE MAN.

Not only is he a hell of a road racer but he's also a total class act. Didn't bitch, whine or moan publicly after he got SCREWED out of a win at Long Beach by bad officiating, unlike some people :cough: PT :cough: who bitch, whine and moan for BS reasons.

He would have won the Southwest Series race except that his engine blew and seized up in Turn 11 coming to the white flag, causing him to spin and collect Kevin Harvick.

Boris also might have had a damn good chance to challenge Jeff Gordon in the feature Cup race, but he bobbled a bit on his qualifying lap and in the later stages of the race, just wasn't getting through the corners as good as he should have... I don't think his car was quite right. Still a darn good effort.

The Trans-Am win was exactly what the entire ACS Express team deserved - a dominant, spectacular performance with a dominant and spectacular driver.

Caught him in the Trans-Am paddock as I was leaving the track... got him to sign my Team PTG M3 hat from last year's World Challenge :thumbup: He still hadn't even taken off his Team Centrix firesuit!

06-28-04, 06:33 PM
Scott Pruitt had that title in my mind for a long time. But, Boris is no slouch either. Too bad the Trans-Am is not in it's glory days when Boris, Scott, Tommy Kendall, Dorsey Schroeder, and Ron Fellows ran the circuit. Once even Bill Elliot joined in. Then we can have a good basis for evaluating the most underrated road racer.

06-29-04, 12:48 AM
Man, I wish I had Boris Said's racing career. 1 week he's at the Nordschleife racing a factory BMW, the next he's at the Glen racing in Grand-Am cup on Saturday & the next day in the 6-hours, and the following week he's racing a Nextel Cup car at Infineon. Hey, Boris what do you have planned for this weekend? You know with the Grand-Am race on Thursday, you can actually race something else on Sunday.......... :cool:

06-29-04, 09:07 AM
Umm... Born and I believe still lives in Carlsbad, CA.


You're probably thinking of Ron Fellows, that other road racing NASCAR ringer.

My bad.
You are correct.

06-29-04, 10:15 AM
I'd say Boris is widely appreciated for being a great driver and therefore, not underrated.

06-29-04, 12:01 PM
When Boris first raced in Trans Am, during the Kendall dynasty, he was kind of all over the place on the track. Really wild, if I remember correctly. He's come a long way since then! It's excellent to see a driver jump from car to car during the same weekend.

06-29-04, 12:40 PM
And here I thought this thread was going to be about Rich K!

Sean O'Gorman
06-29-04, 12:43 PM
And here I thought this thread was going to be about Rich K!

If that were the case, the thread title would be "Most under rated US off road racer"


Boris must be taking this weekend off. Only Grand-Am on Thurs. No Trans-Am on Friday, no American GT on Saturday, no ALMS on Sunday, etc. ;)

06-29-04, 12:52 PM
Does anyone know why we never see Boris in any open wheel (or even open cockpit) cars?

06-29-04, 12:55 PM
And here I thought this thread was going to be about Rich K!

Hey, RacinM3 started the thread, I thought he was going to be talking about himself. :p :laugh:

06-29-04, 12:56 PM
Does anyone know why we never see Boris in any open wheel (or even open cockpit) cars?

He's too tall.

Personal Information:

Born September 18, 1962 (41), grew up in Connecticut
Height: 6’4” (Too tall for most open-wheel racing)
Resides in Carlsbad, California
Racing since 1987 (age 25)
Director of Motorsports at No Fear and SPY Optics since 1990
International Private Driving Instructor
When not on a race course, look for him on the driving range. Golf handicap – 6.
New father of Boris Said, Jr. born in January 23, 2004

06-29-04, 01:01 PM
Scott Pruitt had that title in my mind for a long time. But, Boris is no slouch either. Too bad the Trans-Am is not in it's glory days when Boris, Scott, Tommy Kendall, Dorsey Schroeder, and Ron Fellows ran the circuit. Once even Bill Elliot joined in. Then we can have a good basis for evaluating the most underrated road racer.

that's when i first started watching TransAm. I was, and still am, a Fellows fan (Yeah, I'm a homer when it comes to Canadians in racing, which is why I want JV to land an F1 ride again).

06-29-04, 04:55 PM
Does anyone know why we never see Boris in any open wheel (or even open cockpit) cars?

Boris started out in sedan type cars and has always stuck with them. I wouldn't blame it on height, Joel Camathias is taller than Boris and RHR isn't a short guy either.

06-29-04, 05:24 PM
Boris started out in sedan type cars and has always stuck with them. I wouldn't blame it on height, Joel Camathias is taller than Boris and RHR isn't a short guy either.

But the cars are designed with more room up front these days. The taller drivers have a better positiion in the cars than the taller drivers of the past.

There is a photo around of Chris Kniefel back in the day driving a ChampCar, the top of his head is almost above the roll hoop.

06-29-04, 05:30 PM
Justin Wilson is 6-4.

06-29-04, 06:07 PM
Justin Wilson is 6-4.

Again, the cars of today allow for a taller driver, back in the mid 80's, late 80's the drivers were way forward.

Peter Venkman
07-02-04, 08:18 PM
Justin Wilson is 6-4.

Pete Miller (Senior Advanced Instructor at Bondurant) is 6'-8.3125866~" tall.

Hard to fit almost any race car, but can still hustle 'em.

07-02-04, 10:31 PM
Pete Miller (Senior Advanced Instructor at Bondurant) is 6'-8.3125866~" tall.

Hard to fit almost any race car, but can still hustle 'em.

I've heard that he's a pretty good racer. :) What's he up to?

07-03-04, 01:17 AM
There is a photo around of Chris Kniefel back in the day driving a ChampCar, the top of his head is almost above the roll hoop.
I remember that shot. Not as spooky as Gurney in the F1 Porsche (Dan once said it looked like a giraffe sitting on a plate!), but that car was obviously not made with Kniefel in mind! :eek:

07-03-04, 12:26 PM
Boris record speaks for itself.

Said Start/Finish Cup Road Races

19/6 (last weekend)

Although I like the guy I think his results show that he's less than spectacular. I always tune to him on the scanner. His last lap loss while running in the Southwest Tour was undeserved. On one hand I thought he was cherry picking the lesser series, on the other he hasn't really produced much so how could he be.

Peter Venkman
07-03-04, 03:05 PM
I've heard that he's a pretty good racer. :) What's he up to?

Still teaching the great and not so great how to turn right, and mean it, but since he broke some bones in his back at Daytona, he's been keeping a low profile.

He just got married this past May, and he's enjoying those kind of things.

He did decide that he wants to race on "other people's nickles" instead of his own, and for that, he's not getting much work lately.

Thanks for asking.