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View Full Version : Anybody got Paul Revere 250 and Firecracker 400 news and notes?

07-04-04, 12:40 PM
Just a post to remind myself, as an expatriate from the Nascar Nation, what racing used to be at Daytona....

07-05-04, 07:40 AM
I normally hate all restrictor plate races, but for some reason I actually enjoyed Sat night's race. For starters, there was some passing at the front, and at one point Dale jr, pulled down and did some cool passing like his dad at Talladega in 2000 (without a partner). However, Jeff Boredom won the race. As much as I hate plate races, there must be something about doing it at night that makes it more interesting. Definitely one of the better ones I've watched. I've yet to watch a Grand Am race other than Daytona, but I'd like to now that they have some more teams and guys like Pruett.


07-05-04, 08:38 AM
Between the late start and a long day I fell asleep about halfway through the Cup race.

I tried to watch some of the Grand Am race yesterday but it was like watching old people ****.

boogity boogity snzzzzzzzz

07-06-04, 02:11 AM
I was there until Friday. It was stupid hot and muggy Wed, Thur & Fri. Close to the beach it was OK, but at the track it sucked big time. Actually when I left, Friday afternoon it was pouring, I can't believe they got the Busch race in. The grand-am was cool. The Cort Wagner, Terry Borcheller accident was a lot worst then it looked on TV. Starting a race at midnight is pretty wild, I think I got to the hotel at 5 am.

Nascar fans are special animals. Miller time starts around 8:30 am, and at the many 7-11 along Atlantic blvd you'll see them in Dale Earnhardt jr tank tops picking up a Bud or a Miller while normal people might be getting a Snapple or some coffee. :shakehead

The city of Daytona pretty much sucked. 90% of the people that live there are pretty tweeked. I think they should change the name of the town to Methville..........

Also, people in Florida need to know that going 45mph in the fast lane is, imo a penalty for death! Next time I'm getting full coverage on an SUV rental car. :rofl: