View Full Version : ARTICLE --> Tracy symbolizes bush-league Champ Car series
07-12-04, 10:16 AM
Tracy symbolizes bush-league Champ Car series
As Jacques Villeneuve was mulling his career options last fall, his Formula One career in tatters, the charismatic Canadian was asked about the prospect of returning to his roots in North America. Villeneuve, after all, had made his name winning the Indy 500 and the Championship Auto Racing Teams crown in 1995; that before authoring his dramatic rise and fall on auto racing's biggest stage.
But he scoffed at the prospect of rejoining CART. He said open-wheel racing on this continent had already been "destroyed."
"The way it is now," Villeneuve continued, "there's no reason to get involved."
You can call Villeneuve one of the sporting world's all-time biggest talkers. You can mock him for squandering his racing career in the name of mega-dollar paydays from the British American Racing F1 team. But you can't deny this: If Villeneuve so desired, he could have been the star of the show at yesterday's Molson Indy. But he decided he'd rather be unemployed.
Villeneuve saw what any keen-eyed racing enthusiast could have seen yesterday, that Champ Car, the once-formidable circuit formerly known as CART, now mostly consists of a bunch of no-name chumps; that Hogtown's annual celebration of speed, although it's still a big-time event in the minds of the populace, has as its centrepiece a bush-league racing series.
Chief among the bush leaguers was Paul Tracy, the Toronto-born favourite who began the week with a pro-wrestling-esque war of words with fellow Canadian Alex Tagliani. The mudslinging was harmless fun and good publicity, but yesterday Tracy brought his penchant for cheap shots to the racetrack, ruining the afternoon for more than a couple of drivers, including the ticked-off Tagliani, with a series of hare-brained moves.
Tracy was slapped with two black flags — and the accompanying penalties of a pit road drive-through — for his irresponsible antics. But the doozy came in the race's dying laps, when the hometown shame, exiting pit lane, basically ran over Michel Jourdain Jr.
Tracy said he didn't see the guy. More like he didn't bother to look.
"He's just out there taking people out — like always," said Jourdain, who was as upset as he was correct. "He just doesn't think. ... That's why he never wins a championship. He's stupid. They should just park him."
You could see Champ Car's decline in the parking lot that houses its hospitality trailers. Previously a moneyed glamour-fest, awash in smiling celebrities and schmoozing corporate throngs, this year it was shockingly scaled back. There was no Ashley Judd, no David Letterman, no Sylvester Stallone — none of the famous faces that have formerly lent some undeniable appeal.
The advertising executives caught on long ago, of course. Tracy's car didn't even have the name of a corporate sponsor on its sidepods, which were decaled with the logo of Indeck, the power equipment company owned by racing-team proprietor Gerald Forsythe. If that wasn't a good sign, neither was a glimpse of the Champ Car schedule, which still has a race in November listed as TBA, nor was the pre-weekend defection of 18-year-old Frenchman Nelson Philippe, who quit the Rocketsports team complaining of inferior equipment ("My car is fairly old," he said) only to be replaced by journeyman also-ran Memo Gidley.
The crowd was still impressive, mind you, although there were far more empty seats than there have been in recent years. But it takes time for the masses to follow the lead of the informed racing fans that cannot deny the debacle this series has become.
Of course, the alternative is no panacea. Most of what we once knew as CART is currently doing underwhelming business in the Indy Racing League. But the IRL has the trump-card Indy 500. And if its brain trust has any vision, it is spending this morning putting in a call to Bob Singleton, the Molson Indy organizer, whose contract with Champ Car is up for renewal.
The IRL has talked of adding street races to its oval-centric schedule. Stealing Champ Car's Hogtown jewel could strike a death blow to what has become a limping, laughable show.
07-12-04, 10:21 AM
Ouch, baby... really "ouch"...
Sounds like the writer had already decided that he was going to write a "bush league" column and had to figure out a way to make that work in the face of a exciting race in front of a good crowd.
Tracy's drive was classic Tracy - fast, furious and sometimes stupid. The only difference from his drives in CART's hey-day was that the penalties didn't leave him as far back with the thinner field.
Complaining that the series is "Bush League" and then bemoaning Nelson Phillip's "defection" - how absurd is that?
although, i wouldnt say it is bush-league, there's no denying the quality of the series has decreased the past 3-4 years.
Opposite Lock
07-12-04, 11:16 AM
"But the IRL has the trump-card Indy 500. And if its brain trust has any vision,..."
Somehow I get the feeling that this "writer" first started following racing, oh, about a week ago.
07-12-04, 11:29 AM
Looks like the kool-aid got to this guy. :shakehead
Cmndr Keen
07-12-04, 11:47 AM
Must kill him all those fans attending that bush league race. Must really kill him all the excitement this race produced. He does protest too much.
07-12-04, 11:55 AM
Must kill him all those fans attending that bush league race. Must really kill him all the excitement this race produced. He does protest too much.
He hates ChampCar.... Actually, I think he hates everybody! Just look up Feschuk's other articles. Over the winter he said that Champ Car should just be killed.
I've written to the Sports Editor at The Star, Graham Parley, quite often. Forget it. They feel they are being objective. I think they are not. They don't even try to find a positive in anything Champ Car does. The ONLY guy with credibility at the Toronto Star is Rick Matsumoto.
The only accurate part of the article was "The advertising executives caught on long ago, of course." which in my mind is the most telling thing when he has just Forsythe's sponsorship. Otherwise the article sounds like Paul's drive this weekend. Yea he didn't win many friends this weekend.
07-12-04, 12:17 PM
SSDD, and not worth getting my panties in bunch over.
07-12-04, 01:06 PM
What's new, another press release leaked from 16th & Georgetown. At least our wrecking does not normally put people into the hospital or rediscover what the Wright Bros. accomplished 100 years ago. ;)
07-12-04, 01:08 PM
The IRL has talked of adding street races to its oval-centric schedule. Stealing Champ Car's Hogtown jewel could strike a death blow to what has become a limping, laughable show.
Doubtful. Very doubtful that it would be a death blow to Champ Car. It would, however, be the death blow to the Molson Indy Toronto.
07-12-04, 01:10 PM
Terrible writer symbolizes bush league newspaper!
Ruben Barrios
07-12-04, 01:22 PM
07-12-04, 01:57 PM
"He's just out there taking people out — like always," said Jourdain, who was as upset as he was correct. "He just doesn't think. ... That's why he never wins a championship. He's stupid. They should just park him."
What's up with that quote? Doesn't PT have one more championship than Jourdain? And isn't Jourdain's champ car championship count at zero? What the hell's he talking about?
07-12-04, 02:13 PM
One must also notice here, that the Toronto Star, has a different political editorial swing than the Toronto Sun does.
And the Toronto Sun, is the official newspaper of the Molson Indy Toronto. There are free copies of the Sun every day at the Track, big banners everywhere you can see, plus the Sun (as reported before) does a 72 page pullout for the race.
07-12-04, 03:30 PM
What bothers me the most about this garbage, is that this hack is so uninformed. To say that the split lessoned the appeal of Champ Car is one man's opinion, but to label Paul Tracy, a winner during CART's prime, is downright ludicrous.
This putz doesn't explain why he believes Champ Car to be a bush league series either. Because of the split? Because of he hasn't 'heard' of half the Champ Car field? Because Tracy's side pods say 'Indeck' instead of Coke a Cola? Because he didn't see Ashly Judd or Sly Stallone? Because ride-less Villenueve says he has no interest? Because of the on-track product at Toronto or all of the above?
He can't even get the facts straight. Phillipe didn't 'defect' anywhere.
He concedes that the crowd was impressive, but claims that it will take time for the masses to follow the "informed racing fans". Uh, I'm pretty sure that the "informed" fans where there.
Not once does he mention this to be the CCWS's first year. He didn't mention PLN who is a bigger 'star' than all of 'stars' he mentioned wrapped up in one. He did suggest that the IRL try and move in to replace Champ Car which pretty much sheds the true light on where this guy is coming from.
I have a feeling he was denied access to a VIP tent at the race and whipped up a scathing editorial so he could vent.
You think this guy actually gets paid? I went into the wrong line of work, I can make crap up all day long.
A Canadian 'journalist' denouncing a major racing event in a Canadian city by a series with a history of Canadian drivers and races and suggesting that a U.S. series with zero Canadian drivers or history, replace it, I find very strange. If I were Canadian, I'd be pissed.
07-12-04, 04:36 PM
I have a feeling he was denied access to a VIP tent at the race and whipped up a scathing editorial so he could vent.
You think this guy actually gets paid?
Right on target on both counts. He may have been denied access, or was unable to sponge off of the less numerous corporate buffet tables. People generally don't bite the hand that feeds them, but they bellyache endlessly when somebody moves the feed bag or blocks their access to it. There is a lesson here for Champ Car marketing folks. Most people here are aware that the regular NASCAR writers look like happy well fed hogs, something that hasn't hurt that series one bit.
Many op eds these days are nothing more than elaborate letters to the editor. I got a call myself last month from the local fishwrap asking for my permission to use my letter as an op ed along with a request for my personal information for the byline. Since it's an op ed the paper isn't required to check facts, and they get to fill some editorial space at no cost. In these times of pinched budgets, I'm guessing this happens frequently.
07-12-04, 05:48 PM
What's up with that quote? Doesn't PT have one more championship than Jourdain? And isn't Jourdain's champ car championship count at zero? What the hell's he talking about?
What the? :shakehead
If I pull out one of my taped races from the 90's and compare it to what I tried to watch yesterday, I can't see anything from the current version of champ car that ISN'T bush-league.
07-12-04, 06:19 PM
Stupid article and it's obvious that a-hole doesn't have a clue about Champcar racing.This was a great race, packed with action and Toronto has always delivered drama.
07-12-04, 06:19 PM
If I pull out one of my taped races from the 90's and compare it to what I tried to watch yesterday, I can't see anything from the current version of champ car that ISN'T bush-league.
C'mon. Sure it's slipped from that time, but they do a lot of things world class, and most of the people I shared the weekend's race with saw a professional series run a professional race.
07-12-04, 08:46 PM
Terrible writer symbolizes bush league newspaper!
you are right, the star is a LEFT WING piece of **** rag. I hate it ... subscribe to the NATIONAL POST instead.
07-12-04, 09:51 PM
Listen; this rag is just ticked off that it has NEVER had the access that the Toronto Sun has had and because they are not the "official" newspaper of the Molson Indy. As a result they have allowed an anti-ChampCar slant to invade their pages for most of the 19 years this race has been held. This is just hack job number 478.
Anyone who is a Champ Car fan doesn't read this paper anyhow. Hey they don't call this paper the Toronto Tass for nothing!
Remember: This is the paper that tried everything they could to kill this race in the first place. In fact they did kill it the first time around when a guy called Johnny Bassett who ran the fore runner to the Sun - the Toronto Telegram, attempted to run a race in the 70's. That was round one. Round two - the winter of 1985 - the Star then went out and tried getting the people who live in the area up in arms so they could run to the City about the noise issues and traffic problems they felt would result because of a car race. The Star lost round two. Molsons for the first few years offered to bus people out of town for the weekend who felt put off by the so called noise, (since proved that rush hour is louder - a fact) and put them up in hotels north of the city. Year one in 1986 - four, count them - four people took them up on this. Year two - no one. So much for the "car race problem" that the Star decided to create. The Star even had articles about how loud noise from race cars can harm your pets! This is who we are dealing with people.
Since 1986 this race has been a thorn in the side of the Star. Molson's has never forgotten all the problems this paper has caused this race and the company as a result has quite rightly given them access that is no greater nor no worse then what is granted a small town regional paper. The Star as a result has ended up making up a lot of crap just out of a sense of pay back. They must be green when they look across town at their arch enemy - the Toronto Sun - who year after year does an outstanding job on year round Champ Car coverage as well as the massive Indy Supplement the week of the race.
07-12-04, 09:56 PM
Listen; this rag is just ticked off that it has NEVER had the access that the Toronto Sun has had and because they are not the "official" newspaper of the Molson Indy. As a result they have allowed an anti-ChampCar slant to invade their pages for most of the 19 years this race has been held. This is just hack job number 478.
Anyone who is a Champ Car fan doesn't read this paper anyhow. Hey they don't call this paper the Toronto Tass for nothing!
Remember: This is the paper that tried everything they could to kill this race in the first place. In fact they did kill it the first time around when a guy called Johnny Bassett who ran the fore runner to the Sun - the Toronto Telegram, attempted to run a race in the 70's. That was round one. Round two - the winter of 1985 - the Star then went out and tried getting the people who live in the area up in arms so they could run to the City about the noise issues and traffic problems they felt would result because of a car race. The Star lost round two. Molsons for the first few years offered to bus people out of town for the weekend who felt put off by the so called noise, (since proved that rush hour is louder - a fact) and put them up in hotels north of the city. Year one in 1986 - four, count them - four people took them up on this. Year two - no one. So much for the "car race problem" that the Star decided to create. The Star even had articles about how loud noise from race cars can harm your pets! This is who we are dealing with people.
Since 1986 this race has been a thorn in the side of the Star. Molson's has never forgotten all the problems this paper has caused this race and the company as a result has quite rightly given them access that is no greater nor no worse then what is granted a small town regional paper. The Star as a result has ended up making up a lot of crap just out of a sense of pay back. They must be green when they look across town at their arch enemy - the Toronto Sun - who year after year does an outstanding job on year round Champ Car coverage as well as the massive Indy Supplement the week of the race.
finally, nice perspective for us on the southside of the border. :cheers:
07-12-04, 09:59 PM
A sad case of journalism run amuck.
Gives the whole profession a bad name, if you ask me.
(Wait, is it possible to give us a worse name than we already have?)
07-12-04, 10:16 PM
If I pull out one of my taped races from the 90's and compare it to what I tried to watch yesterday, I can't see anything from the current version of champ car that ISN'T bush-league.
I'm guessing you're having a hard time dealing with the lack of manufacture's gloss.
Dr. Corkski
07-12-04, 11:04 PM
This guy must be desperate for a job at RFM. :thumdown:
Right on target on both counts. He may have been denied access, or was unable to sponge off of the less numerous corporate buffet tables. People generally don't bite the hand that feeds them, but they bellyache endlessly when somebody moves the feed bag or blocks their access to it. There is a lesson here for Champ Car marketing folks. Most people here are aware that the regular NASCAR writers look like happy well fed hogs, something that hasn't hurt that series one bit.
Many op eds these days are nothing more than elaborate letters to the editor. I got a call myself last month from the local fishwrap asking for my permission to use my letter as an op ed along with a request for my personal information for the byline. Since it's an op ed the paper isn't required to check facts, and they get to fill some editorial space at no cost. In these times of pinched budgets, I'm guessing this happens frequently.
which is exactly why all sports writers are lil bitches.
nothing but jock sniffing never weres looking for a vicarious life to reconcile their own with.
but if they ever happen to agree with a sports fan's opinion, wtach out, they're god then...
hell i can't stand cowlinshaw and justice and they're both Texas Exes running the sports pages in dallas and houston, Justice especially, what a douche *puke*
07-13-04, 01:42 AM
which is exactly why all sports writers are lil bitches.
Dare ya to say that to 6' 7" Rabbit's face the next time everyone is at a track together....
;) :laugh:
Listen; this rag is just ticked off that it has NEVER had the access that the Toronto Sun has had and because they are not the "official" newspaper of the Molson Indy. As a result they have allowed an anti-ChampCar slant to invade their pages for most of the 19 years this race has been held. This is just hack job number 478.
Speaking of the Toronto Sun, I didn't see THIS ( coming.
07-13-04, 09:06 AM
that article pretty much defines "throwin' crap at the wall".
Notice that Mcnulty uses no quotes, not even from undisclosed scources, to back up his little daydream.
Opposite Lock
07-13-04, 09:28 AM
Daydream is right. And when was FTG ever a part of the Toronto history? Deep in his heart, McNutty must be on glue.
07-13-04, 10:43 AM
The Star *is* the paper that has the Paul Tracy column, though, so they aren't completely anti-Champcars and anti-MolsonIndy.
I find the paper has a wide range of reporters with their heads at various levels up their asses, from not-at-all to you can see the hair in their throat. :)
What's up with that quote? Doesn't PT have one more championship than Jourdain? And isn't Jourdain's champ car championship count at zero? What the hell's he talking about?
The way I heard the quote was more along the lines of - incidents like this are why he has not won more Championships, last year he controlled his driving and ran anway with the Championship.
Don't have a link for the quote but that is how I remember hearing what he said.
Dare ya to say that to 6' 7" Rabbit's face the next time everyone is at a track together....
;) :laugh:
wait, he's not one of the idiots in my local paper is he?
wait, he's not one of the idiots in my local paper is he?
No, I'm one of the idiots at The Lima (Ohio) News.
And I'm 6'8".
(Not that that means anything.)
No, I'm one of the idiots at The Lima (Ohio) News.
And I'm 6'8".
(Not that that means anything.)
oh ok, yer cool then, yer not on ESPN or posing as a big market paper editor who hangs out on ESPN all day (cowlinshaw), and please dont hurt me
07-13-04, 12:32 PM
oh ok, yer cool then, yer not on ESPN or posing as a big market paper editor who hangs out on ESPN all day (cowlinshaw), and please dont hurt me
[sh** Disturber Mode] Now wait a minute ank.... You said all Sports Writers are lil bitches. Rabbit is a sports writer. Why now is he not a lil Bitch?[/sh** Disturber Mode]
;) :D
cuz he's not lulu!
i bruise easily, be gentle
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