View Full Version : The changing of the guard
08-06-04, 08:43 AM
It's time.
A few months ago, it became glaringly obvious to me that I could no longer continue doing the moderation/maintenance of Off Camber to the level I wanted it done. I enlisted the help of two people to co-moderate, and due to many events, they have ended up doing 100% of the moderation of this site for quite some time. It is a tribute to them that the change has gone mostly unnoticed; these two are excellent at keeping the spirit that I envisioned for OC alive and well.
The severe time crunch has not lessened for me, so at this time, and with some agony, I have decided to transfer complete ownership of Off Camber to these two people. I will continue to support them in any way possible -- moderating advice, technical upgrades, etc. -- but they have proven without a doubt that they are capable of continuing and improving the ideas I had for OC long ago.
Please join me in supporting nrc and RaceGrrl as they fully take over Off Camber. I have full confidence in them, but please understand that they are not me. There will be times when they make different decisions than I would make. But I want you to know that they always have the best at heart for this site and they have my full support.
If anyone gets out of line or starts talking smack to the new management, I will retain my mallet and will personally beat you to a pulp, publicly humiliate you, and/or ban you. Although nrc and RaceGrrl can do that without my help, they may call upon me to be the bad guy. I really enjoy being the bad guy. So behave -- all of you.
Finally, thank you so much for posting here and keeping OC lively. I really love it, and I'm pained even as I type to think that I'm (mostly) done with the place. You're in great hands, and I know you will continue to make OC the best.
Please feel free to ask questions of the three of us here, and we will do our best to answer each one.
-- WickerBill (Laguna, Mark, Marc)
Racegrrl with authority.... <shudders> :p
WB - So you won't have any day-to-day involvement? :(
08-06-04, 08:58 AM
I shall be known as Boss Emeritus. "Retired but retaining an honorary title."
I'm honored!
Sad news that the WB is so streched for time that this action has to take place.
GREAT News that two people have that have the same moderation style and vision for this site have step up and filled in where time wouldn't allow for WB. That already speak volumes for the abilities this new duo.
See you around WB, don't be a stranger.
thanks for everything you did
08-06-04, 09:22 AM
"executive producer"
you should get a credit at the bottom of every page :thumbup:
on a side note: mmmmmm..... stiiiickey... aaaalllghhhh.
Thanks so much WB and good luck Racegrrl & nrc :cool: :thumbup: :thumbup:
08-06-04, 09:59 AM
Thanks for a very High Quality site WB, I wish you the best! :) :thumbup:
.....uh RaceGrrl? Does this mean we all have to learn how to bellydance now??? :D ;)
Damn Boss Emeritus, I'm getting a 7G flashback deal going on. :D
Anyway, don't be a stranger and thanks a ton for all this.
Now, about your new management. nrc is cool, but I'm kinda concerned about Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl.
See, the thing is, she scares me. ;)
Seriously, all the best to you guys. :thumbup:
Never enough time to enjoy life, hope you get a few more minutes. :thumbup:
Thanks for your leadership, WB. :) It'll be cool to know you're still lurking, keeping an eye on us. :cool:
Great job WB. Many thanks for providing this place and keeping it in line. Hope this gives you more time to enjoy life beyond the forums.
Now, for the new owners/moderators...
can we vote Brickman off the island? :D
08-06-04, 10:45 AM
Thanks for letting me hang WB! Thanks for giving us the best race forum there is. This is my only forum I post at because of your moderating. Good luck in your endeavers. BTW, bravo on the choice of new leadership!
Cheers! :thumbup:
08-06-04, 11:00 AM
can we vote Brickman off the island? :D
08-06-04, 11:02 AM
after laughing my S off, I got nostalgic. thanks WB for setting up a greatsite for us Champ Car fans. though you may not hear it too often it is very much appreciated.
08-06-04, 11:17 AM
nrc and RG are both fine choices.
The king is dead, long live the king.
Thank you so much for everything you've done over the years for ChampCar fans. Your running the forums you have has greatly increased my enjoyment of racing, and introduced me to some wonderful people.
That you did all of this while never expecting anything from those who enjoyed the forums speaks volumes of your contribution to the ChampCar community.
Grrl and nrc,
With you at the helm, OffCamber is in very good hands. There are very few that have what it takes to be great moderators. In conversations we've had over the years, I knew they both could do the job if asked. In the last few months you've proven that you have what it takes.
Thank you both for stepping up to the plate, and congratulations.
08-06-04, 11:35 AM
Someone new is in charge?
Psst - quick, everyone change names!
Sorry, middleschool flashback.
JoeBob said it well.
I did notice that you weren't around much & missed the witty messages.
Don't be a stranger, and thanks for all the hard work here and elsewhere over the years.
Sean O'Gorman
08-06-04, 01:18 PM
I noticed this awhile ago, but didn't want to say anything. Sad to see you have to move on, WB. Hope you'll be back again soon!
And RaceGrrl and nrc, good job so far. The fact that I haven't been banned yet shows you have a good eye for moderating. :D
08-06-04, 01:32 PM
I pretty much agree with what everybody else has said - things are certainly in good hands, but we're sad to see you go WB.
You've done a great job here...just like you did elsewhere. Don't be a stranger, 'cause we'll miss ya if you do :D
Classic Apex
08-06-04, 01:47 PM
If anyone gets out of line or starts talking smack to the new management, I will retain my mallet and will personally beat you to a pulp, publicly humiliate you, and/or ban you.
Beautiful and priceless.
Thanks for eveything you've done here, WickerBill.
And thanks to nrc and RG for keeping this place going.
08-06-04, 01:58 PM
If anyone gets out of line or starts talking smack to the new management, I will retain my mallet and will personally beat you to a pulp, publicly humiliate you, and/or ban you.
While FTG brings his hammer to work everyday, WB brings his mallet :D
Thanks for the great work, WB, and best of luck to the new leadership.
thanx for all your efforts :thumbup:
08-06-04, 02:32 PM
Thank you so much for all the hard work you have put in over these last few years. I am a great believer in your "firm but fair style." The thought of you speaking softly and carrying a big mallet obviously scares the pants off us because this place has really been free of all that crap we have had at other sites. Thank you mate. :thumbup:
To nrc and Grrl, a Big thank you too for picking up the mallet and running with it......
WB, I gotta say that your handle of 'Boss' always makes me picture you as Boss, the free-roaming hamster from the kids' anime series Hamtaro. :p He's the experienced, street-smart hamster with a heart of gold, always ready to talk/knock sense into his fellow hamsters. :D
08-06-04, 02:52 PM
^^^ What KiwiFan said. That's the reason OC is my favorite forum. Thanks.
Thank WB!
Good luck nrc and racegrrl!!!
Don Quixote
08-06-04, 03:18 PM
Thanks Wickerbill! I guess now I can't be banned for saying, for example, "Elway sucks".
Thank you also nrc and Racegrrl. Your work is appreciated.
08-06-04, 04:18 PM
Thanks for having me WB, and all the best to you and your outfit. :thumbup: You did a good thing, there is a great community of people here.
Racegrrl with authority.... <shudders> :p
Is she wearing leather with a whip?
08-06-04, 06:19 PM
THANK YOU for OffCamber WB. Sincerely, this time. :)
You couldn't have chosen a better pair fill your high heel pumps. Like Dinsdale Piranha, they may be cruel, but they're fair.
08-06-04, 06:26 PM
what they all said... thanks so much WB for setting up this site and keeping us under control with all that has happend in OW racing lately, Im sure the grrl and nrc will look after this place well
Wow, Im shocked. Thanks WickerBill for starting this forum to begin with. Having been on "The 'Net" for quite sometime, I have seen several of my favorite "hang outs" go to the dogs with either over moderation, or biased moderation. This is something that never happened here. Of course, Me being one of the eaziest guys to get along with makes it a pleasure for the moderators, Im sure ! ;-)
Thanks a million. Not only do I consider OffCamber the best public access racing Internet site, I also consider you a friend
All the best
Your Faithful Servant,
(dont be a stranger)
PS - Who is this nrc racegrrl person???????
PS2 - Im voting right now for that off the island deal, that would be
Thanks for all your work WB. I hope you'll stick around and post still. Heck, post some inappropriate stuff too so the new mods will have something to do. ;)
08-06-04, 09:05 PM
thinks that WB is a stand up guy. When I retire this coming fall I'll promise to not just lurk as I have in recent years, but participate.
Thanks WB :thumbup:
08-06-04, 09:23 PM
:cry: I had been expecting this for a while but I'm still sorry to see it. Sorry only because *you* are sorry. No one can know how much you must have given of yourself over the years. May you have many sunny days on beaches filled with tropical delights. I'm not going further. Let your imagination be your guide! ;)
Wow deja vu all over again........lets hope this place survives.
WB your still the best, Thanks for putting up with me. :thumbup:
08-06-04, 10:36 PM
Thanks WB for giving us a great place to hang out and waste brain cells .... :gomer:
08-06-04, 10:39 PM
I am truly saddened by this ....
WB ..... Thanks for opening my eyes to so much over these few years, I approach these racing websites with my eyes wide open now ......
It's been A Long Strange Trip !
Best of Luck !
To nrc & Racegrrrl ..... On with the fun !!! :cool:
nissan gtp
08-06-04, 10:43 PM
keep well WB...
08-06-04, 11:50 PM
HAhahahahahahaha JUSt liek a CARt strret race looser. CUt and run. HELls BELLes you probly gone to be just liek the rest of them NAncy boy team owners that baled on CARt and now making the big time in the IRL, you probly gone to open a IRL forem, aint you? hahahahah JOKes on you LOOsser. WE all ready got TRAckFOrem. THAt all the forem any IRl fan needs. TRAckFOrem is bout all you ever need.
JUSt one thing for you go. HOW int he hell do you pranounce nrc ?
THe IRl - NOW We got 2 road coarses just liek the NAscars do. NExt stop DAYtona baby.
JUSt one thing for you go. HOW int he hell do you pranounce nrc ?
BiF# - ster,
that would be "nerk". cool by you??
manic mechanic
08-07-04, 12:38 AM
sorry to see you go, WB..You have always been the most even tempered moderator I have had the pleasure of associating with. :thumbup: I can only hope that your chosen successors will be as even-handed as you have been (not just at this site...).
Fare ye well, my friend. I wish you continued successes at any endeavour you choose to undertake.
As you well know, you may always take umbrage under the skull & crossbones wherever the Pirate Truck may be flying them. :D
I would hope that you might consider putting past grudges aside, allowing "certain" members to post pertinent information even though you have considered excerpts from their past "traitorous" and disrespectful...
To do otherwise would certainly show bias, and good moderators don't let that happen :D
The best to you, nrc and RG.
Thank you all for your faith, kind words and well wishes. We are sorry that WB is stepping aside, but we are hopeful that he'll remain a regular fixture here. His are big shoes to fill, but we will do our best.
We too would like to thank WickerBill for all the blood, sweat and tears he has poured into this site and the 7G forums before it. His efforts helped build the Champcar online community, even if it is rather scattered these days. WB ran the best forums around because he recognized that he forums needed to be about the community and not about any one member or owner.
We have no plans to change how anything is done here. Over these past few months we have been guided by WickerBill's welcome message, and more recently we dug up the original rules from the site and posted them to the FAQ page. These will continue to be the guidelines we use to moderate these forums.
In our forums, we will talk about racing.
Richard & Missy (nrc & RaceGrrl)
I would hope that you might consider putting past grudges aside, allowing "certain" members to post pertinent information even though you have considered excerpts from their past "traitorous" and disrespectful...
To do otherwise would certainly show bias, and good moderators don't let that happen :D
We don't have the first clue what you're talking about. :confused:
08-07-04, 02:07 AM
This works for me.
Thanks so much to WickerBill for providing us this and other awesome places to remain a Champcar "family". Hope you'll be sticking around to post!
All the best to Racegrrl and nrc, thanks to you for allowing us to have a place to hang and "talk"!
Sean O'Gorman
08-07-04, 04:19 AM
We don't have the first clue what you're talking about. :confused:
I do, and I believe the answer is to not allowed said "announcements" be made on this forum. :thumbup:
08-07-04, 08:05 AM
Thanks WickerBill for the welcome, and for providing a comfortable place for ChampCar fans to gather. It's shelter from the storm indeed.
And welcome to nrc and Racegrrl.
08-07-04, 09:28 AM
What's going on?! I'm just now watching my tape of Milwaukee, so I'm used to being behind the times. But sorry to hear that things have gotten so busy that WB has to give up something that was (I hope) fun - that sucks. Wish you nothing but good times ahead, Wickerbill. :thumbup:
nrc & Racegrrrl: don't worry... we've all pledged to make it very easy on you. ;) Thanks for doing what you've been doing... for however long it is you've been doing it (WTH don't I ever get a memo or something?).
Seriously, thanks for providing and maintaining a site where you don't have to have the boxing gloves on all the time.
08-07-04, 11:31 AM
Wickerbill, thanks for your efforts. You had the foresight to start OC when you saw that 7th gear wasn't cutting it anymore, gave the displaced 7th gear posters a place to go to continue the conversation. :thumbup: :thumbup: :cool:
Fitti Fan
08-07-04, 11:41 AM
You have been missed WB. It has been noticed that you haven't been around too much of late. The temperament of the these forums has shown somewhat of a change but I am hopeful that NRC and Racegrrl can keep the true spirit of OC going.
Sigh, I hate saying good bye to a good thing. But you take care of yourself, Laguna, Mark, Marc, WB or whoever you are today!
P.S. Thanks again so much for the photo page, it changed my life!
Dave99 flashes 7G, whoops, OC hand-sign at WB.
Thanks for being such a mod Mod over the years, WB. :thumbup:
08-07-04, 08:42 PM
It's a credit to you WB, that this place is what it is... & that sentiment will ALWAYS remain... Good luck mate :)
manic mechanic
08-07-04, 08:43 PM
We don't have the first clue what you're talking about. :confused:
Check your PM..I believe my viewpoint was better explained privately. ;)
manic mechanic
08-07-04, 08:50 PM
I do, and I believe the answer is to not allowed said "announcements" be made on this forum. :thumbup:
Shut up and learn some grammar, WUSSY! :D
Meet me at the track and I might make you buy me as many beers as Ank did at LBGP! :rofl:
"not allowed said "announcements" be made on this forum" WHAT THE HE!! is that???
Repeat after me, Sean... "no tiene una pista".
Shut up and learn some grammar, WUSSY!
manic, what do you expect from a CPA*?
*Certified Parking lot Attendant or Constant Pain in the A$$...take your pick :)
08-07-04, 11:28 PM
I wondered if I was misreading SeanO or if he just left out a few words. I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused by his sentence structure (or lack thereof) :gomer:
08-07-04, 11:47 PM
Thanks WB, no need for me to add any fluff.
Thank You.
Sean O'Gorman
08-08-04, 12:05 AM
Shut up and learn some grammar, WUSSY! :D
Meet me at the track and I might make you buy me as many beers as Ank did at LBGP! :rofl:
"not allowed said "announcements" be made on this forum" WHAT THE HE!! is that???
Repeat after me, Sean... "no tiene una pista".
Hey, cut me some slack, when you are tired as hell and have nothing else to do on third shift, grammar isn't your first priority. :laugh: ;)
manic mechanic
08-08-04, 12:33 AM
Hey, cut me some slack, when you are tired as hell and have nothing else to do on third shift, grammar isn't your first priority. :laugh: ;)
It should be...Using the language poorly doesn't reflect well on your education. ;)
And don't talk to me about being tired...I'm twice your age and work half again as hard as you do (and commute 10+ hours a week to boot).
08-08-04, 12:41 AM
He's from Cleveland. What do you expect? :p
Sean O'Gorman
08-08-04, 01:19 AM
It should be...Using the language poorly doesn't reflect well on your education. ;)
And don't talk to me about being tired...I'm twice your age and work half again as hard as you do (and commute 10+ hours a week to boot).
My education? I think this ( thread tells you all you need to know about the level education my school gives. Its pretty bad when even I can get on the Dean's List (the good one, not the bad one from high school) in college!
And who ever said I worked hard? Being as lazy as I am does take its toll on your stamina, however. ;) I'm sure there are others on this forum who can vouch for that!
08-08-04, 01:52 AM
It should be...Using the language poorly doesn't reflect well on your education. ;)
And don't talk to me about being tired...I'm twice your age and work half again as hard as you do (and commute 10+ hours a week to boot).
And that's 10+ hours uphill. In the snow. Both ways.
08-08-04, 03:08 AM
You were one of the fairest mods I've experienced on any forums on the internet. Thanks for all the work you have done and I hope to see you around.
08-08-04, 04:56 AM
And that's 10+ hours uphill. In the snow. Both ways.
in bare feet too! :D
I wondered if I was misreading SeanO or if he just left out a few words. I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused by his sentence structure (or lack thereof) :gomer:
We're not going to get graded on sentence structure now are we? :gomer:
08-08-04, 03:53 PM
Hardly! Hey, BiF has always been understood in spite of his lack of ejuKAishun.
Thanks WB. You're the best.
And we couldn't be in better hands for the future. :thumbup:
Thanks to WB for everything he's done, and thanks in advance to nrc and RaceGrrl for what I know will be a fine job.
Hey, cut me some slack, when you are tired as hell and have nothing else to do on third shift, grammar isn't your first priority. :laugh: ;)
wussy, quit crying.
and yes, laziness is a sport in itself.
Thanks, Boss.
I am not too sure just how much "moderatin" WB had to do, but from my viewpoint what makes OC so special is you guys. You all seem to be able to say, "You're wrong", with total respect for each other. It truely is a community.
Welcome nrc and Grrl. Have fun!
08-09-04, 12:38 PM
...and thanks, 'Bill.
08-10-04, 12:42 AM
Thank-you, Wickerbill, for creating this place and developing it into what it is today. :thumbup:
This place couldn't have fallen into better hands. :)
Does this mean that WB can still ban people? :eek:
08-10-04, 01:11 AM
I'm a bit late here, but I too appreciate the great job you did creating and moderating this site, WB. It was a pleasant relief to have a place to come to without all the crap that that now defunct site deteriorated to.
Boss Emeritus. Fitting indeed.
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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