View Full Version : Pikes Peak - A 0.6
08-23-04, 06:41 PM
According to Trackforum, the Pikes Peak overnight was a whopping 0.6
08-23-04, 06:45 PM
According to Trackforum...
knowing them they would have upped it to look better....
I can see the growth from here :shakehead
08-23-04, 07:05 PM
Andretti,Rahal.Penske,etc.+ abc = 0.6? What are we going to do, I don't understand. M.Andretti said that.....ahh never mind. Idiot. :p
Don Quixote
08-23-04, 07:18 PM
Let's say, for arguments sake that the final drops to 0.5. This means that there are still roughly 0.5 million folks out there that have not yet been alienated by ftg. There is still plenty of work to do Tony.
Spicoli make me laugh bro....... :D
Back in the olden days of TV ratings threads some folks used to argue that a 1.0 rating was no better than a test pattern on network TV. They said that was what you would get just from people leaving their TVs on a channel and wandering off.
If that's the case it looks like the IRL has perfected a way to make those people wander back over and flick the TV off. I guess the blatting of the IRL engines combined with the bleating of Paul Page create some kind of hellish harmonic that can't be ignored even from the next room.
.6, .7...they're just numbers....besides, how can the EARL compete against them women beach volleyballers? :gomer:
It makes you wonder how long Honda and Toyota will keep pouring money into the teams, dont it? No matter how many promo's the shoot to hype the drama, it aint working. Watching these drone O matics run lame lap after lame lap seems to bore not only the haters :gomer: but the common fan as well.
I got a kick out of the close up's of the crowd shots. Three people per row and "THE PLACE IS PACKED, ITS THE BIGGEST CROWD SINCE JOHN DENVERS WAKE" Not to mention the Gomer specific red hat sections, with stunned onlookers explaining to the wife and kids that Little E was supposed to be here.
Im afraid that the Vision has poisened Openwheel Racing on TV forever. The money people have never understood the split, and nine years later are having a hard time shelling out the dough for what amounts to a private party
08-24-04, 08:33 AM
It makes you wonder how long Honda and Toyota will keep pouring money into the teams, dont it? No matter how many promo's the shoot to hype the drama, it aint working. Watching these drone O matics run lame lap after lame lap seems to bore not only the haters :gomer: but the common fan as well.
Im afraid that the Vision has poisened Openwheel Racing on TV forever. The money people have never understood the split, and nine years later are having a hard time shelling out the dough for what amounts to a private party
No question that the vision has brought open wheel racing to it's knees. The good news is that the whiners and problem owners are now in the IRL and they brought along the same problems that sank CART.
The small (even with massive ticket giveaways) crowds and horrible TV ratings are as obvious to Toyota and Honda as they are to everyone else. Honda has completed it's objectives so they will most likely move on after 2005 and Toyota is commited to Cup racing so why waste time in the Invisible Racing League. If the manufacturers bail the IRL will be back to square one because the teams that followed the money will continue to follow the money elsewhere.
According to Trackforum, the Pikes Peak overnight was a whopping 0.6
This might be the only time we hear the famous phrase, "It's a new IRL record!"
According to Trackforum, the Pikes Peak overnight was a whopping 0.6
The thread got closed. I guess they aren't allowed to talk about it. :rolleyes:
08-24-04, 01:45 PM
lets face it Champcars did manage to build a succesful series out of the Indy 500, something the EARL hasnt been able to do :cry:
08-24-04, 02:36 PM
The thread got closed. I guess they aren't allowed to talk about it. :rolleyes:
Probably so they won't have more people viewing the thread than people who actually viewed the race.
Probably so they won't have more people viewing the thread than people who actually viewed the race.
:thumbup: :laugh:
I thought the rate of decline would flatten out because there were fewer groups of fans left to alienate. Guess I was wrong. It's evident there is no telling how fall they'll fall. And the Lemmings who think everything is ok are the man falling from a skyscraper saying, "So far, so good"
08-24-04, 07:31 PM
And the Lemmings who think everything is ok are the man falling from a skyscraper saying, "So far, so good"
Falling doesn't hurt, its hitting the bottom that kills you! the earl look to be getting closer to the ground with each race :gomer:
08-24-04, 08:01 PM
Just when you think the EARL can't set the bar any lower...
They do.
Maybe all the Neilsen households are getting free race tickets.
08-24-04, 09:16 PM
The thread got closed. I guess they aren't allowed to talk about it. :rolleyes:
I posted there a couple weeks ago responding to a TF newbie who was introducing himself and wondering what the conduct "rules" were. I said to toe the irl line or risk being deleted and/or banned. It was my first post there in 8 months. The next day, cleanupcrew replied to my post saying "it ain't true!" The next day, the thread was gone.
08-24-04, 11:28 PM
I'm now banned from the IRL and IPS forum...something about a comment I made regarding little Foyt...
08-24-04, 11:33 PM
I'm now banned from the IRL and IPS forum...something about a comment I made regarding little Foyt... Well, don't feel too bad. All it means is you'll miss out on witty conversation with about 10 people.
I'm now banned from the IRL and IPS forum...something about a comment I made regarding little Foyt...
:p Join the crowd. They should re-word the mission statement over there to read:
criticisms of the series are welcome IF you're a fan of the latest version of the series, otherwise you're posts will be deleted and you'll be banned from the boards. ;)
08-25-04, 06:31 AM
This is all part of the Vision.
Let Tony hisself spalin it to ya.
Me N Fred :gomer: were concerned that the EARL growth rate was accelerating at too fast of a rate of the friction cohesive thing, so we decided to pull it back and "readjust" things.
"Growth at Pikes Peak"
As we prepare for the onslaught of new road racing fans, we thought it best to keep the rest of the season in hard to find TV slots (like 2:30pm on a major network on Sunday). You see, this way, the series won't feel the "ambush" of increased fan attention so painfully, as "Vision Version 9.8aRR/SR" commences. This new vision will take alot of work. We will have to add 4th and 5th cameras, get one of those graphics telestra..., delistrat, um...telepromstrater things, and teach Porky and Scooty how to follow directions other than circles. Fred and Barney say we have to get more insurance and more tow turcks too.
"Its 'Safer' if the fans stay back durin this crucial growth period"
There is much to do, and we don't really need fans getting in the way of our growth at this time. We have plenty of open seating available at IMS, if thoe fans want to be pushy about it. This is really all about preserving the Indeenaplis Five hunnerd's tradition as the most import...., um, well, one of the biggest races in the world....that's on a circle.
The nice men from Japan have been working hard to ensure our success. In fact one of the nice Japanese man told us that they are "just getting ready" for "new kinds" of racing in America. I'm just not sure how we are gonna get fenders on those cars. Maybe those fellers was right at Trackfroum, get the injubs back in front too.
"The fans want road racing...cause evidently the circle thing ain't workin too well."
08-25-04, 11:44 AM
:p Join the crowd. They should re-word the mission statement over there to read:
criticisms of the series are welcome IF you're a fan of the latest version of the series, otherwise you're posts will be deleted and you'll be banned from the boards. ;)
Amazing what one strategically placed "ROTFLMAO" can do. :rofl:
Since I've developed my own stalker over there, only about one of every three posts sticks these days. And I'm actually posting less - and more mildly - than I did a couple of years ago.
08-25-04, 12:32 PM
They're so pissed at me I can't even read the threads anymore. :laugh:
CART T. Katz
08-25-04, 01:46 PM
i got banned after 1-6 sweep years ago.
after making 1 post. my only post.
i feel proud of myself. :gomer:
POST 100 :cool:
Amazing what one strategically placed "ROTFLMAO" can do. :rofl:
Since I've developed my own stalker over there, only about one of every three posts sticks these days. And I'm actually posting less - and more mildly - than I did a couple of years ago.
Care to share which TF persona stalks you? I was stalked for a couple years in the forums by a couple of personae from TF (ultimately resolving into one identity) and ending in unsolicited e-mails that made me very irate.
08-25-04, 06:22 PM
Stalked? GMAFB.
I have a shoebox full of hate mail, and a special folder on my PC full of deaththreats, promises of mutilation, and certified psychotic fits of rage.
Funny, they all seem to be coming from the Speedway Indiana zip code. Well, some come from Alaska too. :gomer:
08-25-04, 06:27 PM
Stalked? GMAFB.
I have a shoebox full of hate mail, and a special folder on my PC full of deaththreats, promises of mutilation, and certified psychotic fits of rage.
Funny, they all seem to be coming from the Speedway Indiana zip code. Well, some come from Alaska too. :gomer:
so you get mail from mr fred and mr tony ? :p
How do you all keep getting banned from the Scuderia Gomerwagon town hall?
I have been able to post there for years without even being threatened to be banned.
:D :gomer:
I'm not surpised that R-Dub got banned. If there is one thing the Lemmings hate more than us CARTisans who recognized the IRL was a Big Lie on Day One, it's an ex-IRL fan like R-Dub who recognized the Lie later on.
08-25-04, 07:22 PM
so you get mail from mr fred and mr tony ? :p
I hear they have a pic of me up on a dartboard over there.
Seriously, you don;t know the half of it.
Them's some stange folk over there in gomer :gomer: land.
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