View Full Version : Well, they did it again
08-29-04, 08:42 PM
This time Sam the Sham takes out his fueler in a big way . . . Sam tries to drive off with the fuel rig still attached to the car. Fuel hose tears, fueler goes down in flames. Luckily he got doused real quick.
This has become a regular occurance in the earl this year.
Jervis Tetch 1
08-29-04, 08:49 PM
Incompetence at its finest, but that's what the I*L is all about isn't it?
Sam the Sham.
Predicted to dominate the IRL this year in a big way. This year he's a one-hit wonder and NO he ain't gonna be running at the front in their pathetic attempts on the road neither.
08-29-04, 08:57 PM
Let's analyze this one. Fuel hose rips and spills methanol all over the pit box. We have Golden Boy Hornish sitting in his car in a pool of flammable methanol and an innocent crewmember soaking in it like Madge the Palmolive gal. It's a bad situation, but not too bad since nothing has ignited yet. So if your Sammy Boy, what's the best course of action? Well, spinning the tires seems to be a great idea - the heat from the friction will dry everything up! :eek:
What a bunch of idiots! I want to see action taken besides a fine and a butt-chewing during the next drivers meeting.
Let's analyze this one. Fuel hose rips and spills methanol all over the pit box. We have Golden Boy Hornish sitting in his car in a pool of flammable methanol and an innocent crewmember soaking in it like Madge the Palmolive gal. It's a bad situation, but not too bad since nothing has ignited yet. So if your Sammy Boy, what's the best course of action? Well, spinning the tires seems to be a great idea - the heat from the friction will dry everything up! :eek:
I caught a 'highlight' on the local news (I wouldn't be caught dead watching that cr@p)...with the fueler down, another one of the crew disconnected the hose from the car so's that Shammy could get back into the race. :shakehead
08-29-04, 09:16 PM
Does Champ Car still have the rule that states that if you hurt a crewmember, you're race is over? I know they did a few years ago.
Amazing. I haven't seen anything of the IRL this year except what they show on Speed News. From that it appears the IRL is giving bonus points for crewman hit and volume of fuel spilled. I haven't heard a word about penalties, but maybe Speed just doesn't mention them.
They won't do anything about this until Tony's toadies come up with something they can slap an acronym on and claim they've invented another big safety inovation.
08-29-04, 09:22 PM
You guys are just a bunch of lying haters. That didn't happen today. It couldn't have. I mean, Brian Brainfart fixed everything cuz everybody respects him so much. :gomer:
08-29-04, 09:46 PM
. . . . . I haven't heard a word about penalties, but maybe Speed just doesn't mention them.
. . . . . .
Last weekend Dario slung his fueler across the pit box and goes on to win the race!! Penalties? We don't need no stinkin' penaties!!
08-29-04, 09:51 PM
I think the "others" forum should be deleted. WGAF x 2
08-29-04, 10:12 PM
It was the major "sports" highlight on our local news.
Funny - they didn't even bother to mention who won. Just who caught fire. :rofl:
I think the "others" forum should be deleted. WGAF x 2
Naah. We need a place to talk about "Drifting".
Maybe they should rename it "Indy Roasting League"????
Would not want to fuel the car in the air, takes like 1 second longer, right? Well, the argument about what pigs these cars will be road racing is, "does not matter, they are all the same", correct?
Would'nt making everyone fuel the car while on the jack, and then not allowing the jack to retract by a mechanism connected to the buckeye work?
An idiot could run the IRL......... Oh, wait, that position is filled!
08-29-04, 10:44 PM
Naah. We need a place to talk about "Drifting".
that's coming our way
Sean O'Gorman
08-29-04, 11:19 PM
Naah. We need a place to talk about "Drifting".
Drifting has as much to do with car racing as synchronized swimming has to do with swim racing. :gomer:
Sean O'Gorman
08-29-04, 11:58 PM
Oh yeah, according to the local NBC affiliate's news (who only showed the pit incident as well), teh race was won by Scott Wheldon. :rofl:
why don't they do a deal that electronically prevents the gearbox from ingaging if the fuel hose is conected. I don't think it won't be that hard to do.
They will do whatever Honda and Toyota tell them too.
How do you tell the difference between Penske and Hemelgarn????????????
Penske does not try to fuel his cars when they are on fire
I hope all the idiot original teams were taking notes, thar's gold in them thar hills :gomer:
08-30-04, 07:07 AM
Drifting has as much to do with car racing as synchronized swimming has to do with swim racing. :gomer:
my thoughts exactly... if this is the new thing to do in motorsport count me out
08-30-04, 11:43 AM
They need to mandate the cars stay on jacks during refueling and while at it grow some brain cells and move the air hose jack to the back of the car like Champ Car does.
08-30-04, 12:05 PM
Drifting has as much to do with car racing as synchronized swimming has to do with swim racing. :gomer:
Yep. I predict the same long-lasting success and legacy as the van-ins of the 70s...
Drifting is the only thing these days that lets youngsters see what you old fart grew up with, cars going so fast through the corners that the rear ends are sliding around.
Hook em on drifting, then upgrade them to Champ Car. It's all a lot better than manufactured racing.
08-30-04, 12:28 PM
They need to mandate the cars stay on jacks during refueling and while at it grow some brain cells and move the air hose jack to the back of the car like Champ Car does.
I agree but take it one step farther. The car must remain on the jacks until the fueler is back over the wall. That way there is no doubt the fueler is out of the way.
I agree but take it one step farther. The car must remain on the jacks until the fueler is back over the wall. That way there is no doubt the fueler is out of the way.
Then I'll see your step and raise you two.
How about leaving the POS crapwagons behind the wall and let the fuelers duke it out???
Think American Gladiators on crack, if you will.
08-30-04, 01:10 PM
Think American Gladiators on crack, if you will.
Well, I always thought to watch that show you had to be on crack......
Ahem..... of course i'm not making any comments you vic Rauter lover you......
;) :D
the inane pointless commenter is back! lock up yer kids!
Sean O'Gorman
08-30-04, 01:51 PM
Hook em on drifting, then upgrade them to Champ Car. It's all a lot better than manufactured racing.
That would never work, trust me. Talk to a drift fan for more than 5 minutes and you'll figure out why. The only form of real racing that someone who is into drifting would end up becoming interested in is WRC.
See, according to the drift morons, there are two forms of racing: Drifting, and "grip racing." Grip racing is of course those forms of motorsport where the object is to go as fast as possible through a corner. Strange concept, huh? :rolleyes:
Everyone I talk to who is into drifting says that "grip racing" is a thing of the past, and it is boring, and they aren't interested. I'm afraid that if drifting is introduced to Champ Car events, it'll just end up stealing some of our fans, rather than the opposite.
Back on topic here:
Today's pit incident answered a question that has been lingering in many people's minds: Just how many times does something bad have to happen before IMS ackowledges a pattern?
"There's clearly a pattern developing," Barnhart said after Sam Hornish Jr. caused a fire Sunday at Nazareth Speedway by leaving his pit box before the fuel nozzle was disconnected.
In other words - we may be getting close to our first IMS Endorsed "pattern." There isn't one yet, but there is one "developing."
Another question in my mind - did Sam really stamp on the gas pedal for no good reason? If you look at the video, it was none other than Mr. Roger Penske positioned on the pit wall watching the pit stop, hand on radio. If somebody said, "Go... Go... Go..." early, it would have been Roger.
When asked what happened, Sam had 2 options: Jump on the sword, or blame Roger Penske. I have to wonder if having a guy pushing 70 in charge of a safety related job like that is really a great idea. (And, I also thought the rule said that if you're not wearing a firesuit in the pit lane, you're not allowed to leave the timing stand.)
08-30-04, 02:04 PM
Drift Ya think they would buy my pile of used up, greasy racing tires?
You guys are just a bunch of lying haters. That didn't happen today. It couldn't have. I mean, Brian Brainfart fixed everything cuz everybody respects him so much. :gomer:
Pay the man, Shirley.
08-30-04, 02:40 PM
Back on topic here:
Another question in my mind - did Sam really stamp on the gas pedal for no good reason? If you look at the video, it was none other than Mr. Roger Penske positioned on the pit wall watching the pit stop, hand on radio. If somebody said, "Go... Go... Go..." early, it would have been Roger.
When asked what happened, Sam had 2 options: Jump on the sword, or blame Roger Penske. I have to wonder if having a guy pushing 70 in charge of a safety related job like that is really a great idea. (And, I also thought the rule said that if you're not wearing a firesuit in the pit lane, you're not allowed to leave the timing stand.)
Pimpske is one of few if not the only team left that allows someone on the stand to send the car.(Roger himself) Most all have the crew chief / front rt tire guy send the carcorrect? I think the IRL is waiting for "the big one" before htey do something. Sad Sad Sad but par for the crack head.
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