View Full Version : While I don't condone throwing chairs at fans,
the Golden Rule DOES NOT say "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, unless you bought a ticket."
Hecklers who cross the line deserve what they get.
09-14-04, 07:48 PM
No verbal assault whatsoever warrants a chair in the face.
I'm not endorsing assault. But people shouldn't act self-righteous when they suffer the consequences of being an @$$.
Totally out of line.
Sean O'Gorman
09-14-04, 09:22 PM
Don't worry, things will all even out in the fall when an Oakland Raider mugs a fan from Texas. :laugh:
Jervis Tetch 1
09-14-04, 09:26 PM
Was that a woman attacked? Sure looked like one...but since he/she is from Oakland, one can never really tell.
nissan gtp
09-14-04, 09:52 PM
saw in on Headline news.... thought it was a WWE commercail :laugh:
09-14-04, 10:11 PM
Eff 'er. When I act like an ass, I know there's a good chance I'm gonna get what's comin' to me. That's why, 9 times out of 10, I behave quite angelic.
09-14-04, 11:46 PM
Gotta take into consideration that she was collateral damage..
Heckler was her husband.
Why do you figure she's $miling?
Smells kinda like the Dodgers-Cubs fiasco of a few years ago. I think the Golden Rule in this situation should be not to take matters into your own hands. Get security to haul the offending fan out of the park. After the ChiSox 'fans' incident, there should be zero tolerance for verbal or physical abuse by fans. And, as I noted in Philly last month, fans are reminded that such behavior is not acceptable, with penalties including fines and imprisonment.
09-15-04, 12:15 AM
Throwing chairs is for pussies. Take 'em on their own turf, I say. :laugh:
(scroll down)
"On the 5th January 1995 at Selhurst Park, post sending-off, Cantona is confronted by a laughable example of terrace trash shouting vile abuse from the apparent safety of the family stand. In an heroic gesture of the first water, Cantona reacts with a two-footed leap into the crowd, catching the villain squarely in the chest, and follows up with two or three good, solid punches. Fantastic stuff - at long long last an individual stands up against the mob mentality and gives it a good hiding. In the aftermath, of course, Justice puts on her blindfold and vanquishes the hero. On the night of the 5th January 1995, however, Eric Cantona showed the world a genuine redress ..... administered raw."
Dr. Corkski
09-15-04, 12:19 AM
Johnny Cage?
09-15-04, 12:23 AM
Thanks, Corkski - I've gotta figure out how to post pics one of these days! :laugh:
09-15-04, 01:54 AM
09-15-04, 07:06 AM
Did you see the dude duck the chair?
"Heads up honey"
09-15-04, 08:01 AM
What position does Bobby Knight play for the A's ? :confused: I thought he was only into Bucketball.
I think the Golden Rule in this situation should be not to take matters into your own hands. Get security to haul the offending fan out of the park.
According to a report I read, the bullpen called security more than once during the game but nothing was done.
Jervis Tetch 1
09-15-04, 10:01 AM
Can you imagine if that was da Raider Nation? Those idiots have been out of the looney bin for quite awhile and heckle fans of other teams.
Totally out of line.
HOLY CRAP, its Bartman
HOLY CRAP, its Bartman
It took me a minute, but :rofl: .
09-15-04, 05:18 PM
Can you Sue for Damages if you actually look better after getting hit in the face with a chair ??
I sympathize with her but What's the Damage here??? ;)
09-15-04, 06:27 PM
Oh brother.
Is this another one of baseball's unwritten rules?
If you can't take the verbal abuse from fans, get out of the sport.
It's not like they were throwing batteries at the players.
Gotta take into consideration that she was collateral damage..
Heckler was her husband.
Does she have a #3 shaved outta her back too?
Eh, they deserved it. (
OAKLAND – The husband of the A's fan whose nose was broken by a chair thrown by Rangers reliever Frank Francisco described himself Wednesday as a veteran heckler who enjoys needling opposing players.
"It's a part of the game. It's an American tradition," said Bueno, a fire battalion chief in Hayward. He said he and his wife, Jennifer Bueno, bought season tickets near the visitors' bullpen just "so we can get on them on a little bit."
The couple appeared at a news conference with their attorney, who said they plan to seek compensation for her injuries. "We definitely feel the Texas Rangers are responsible for this and that they should pay for this," said personal injury lawyer Gary Gwilliam.[ :rolleyes: ] I hope they get jack squat. It will set a dangerous precedent to award them money. Pretty soon you'll have professional hecklers out there just trying to bait players into an altercation just to make a buck. :thumdown:
Sean O'Gorman
09-16-04, 04:18 PM
I hope they get a chair thrown at them in the courtroom. :thumbup: :thumbup:
In a joking manner, of course. ;)
09-16-04, 04:51 PM
Eh, they deserved it. (
I hope they get jack squat. It will set a dangerous precedent to award them money. Pretty soon you'll have professional hecklers out there just trying to bait players into an altercation just to make a buck. :thumdown:
"But Mommy, He called me a name!" doesn't cut it.
You can say anything you want to someone and under no circumstance are they entitled BY LAW to physically attack you. I hope the scumbag gets shaken down for every penny he has, the thug moron. Barring that, I hope the next time he talks smack to someone's wife or girlfriend he gets a 2"x4" upside his big round head. (Because he asked for it, you know).
I don't recall Robin Ficker ever being accosted. Nowadays though, the thug, bad boy mentality is so prevalent that these guys think they can act like 5 year olds and get away with it. I hope he burns.
"Eh, they deserved it."
Gimme a break. Heckling is part of going to sporting events. I'd be surprised if nobody hear heckled Mikey during his "F-You CART Fans Tour" a couple years ago.
If I or my wife or daughter were injured by some overpaid jackass with a temper, they'd pay one way or the other.
Heckling has always been a part of sports, but it has gone to a whole nother level lately. It has gone beyond "You $uck!" or "Your mother wears army boots." The taunts have become extremely personal, with some regular hecklers going so far as to dig up personal information about a player for material. Heck, I've been heckled at games I've covered. I've got no problem with someone calling me names or cussing me out. I can deal with it. And I believe most professional athletes can too. But when they start in on a parent's death (like some losers from Cleveland did to David Wells) or something like that, with the sole purpose and intention of pi$$ing someone off, they shouldn't act surprised and indignant when someone does get pi$$ed off.
I don't agree with what Fransisco did, but I don't think they should get a dime for baiting someone.
if you talk **** to a big guy downtown, you wouldn't be surprised if he decked you, why should you be if you got it at a stadium?
Jervis Tetch 1
09-16-04, 09:21 PM
The Great Joe DiMaggio made this remark about heckling during his day compared to later.
"In my day, they just called you a bum."
09-16-04, 09:55 PM
I'll start going to golf tournaments if they ever allow heckling. 'Bout time those fairies earned their money. :cool:
09-16-04, 09:57 PM
This is a case of a player who lost it under very minor pressure from fans. I am a professional photographer and a friend of mine shoots some pro football games. He has been showered with coins, cups, batterys, iceballs, pens, spit and just about anything else you can imagine while covering the "sport". The fans scream the most obscene stuff imaginable and the violence on the field is brutal. He saw one end go into a seizure after a big hit. The defensive back stood over the guy and said "y'all come into my house again I'll hit ya so hard your mama will die". Meanwhile the offensive player is shuddering and twitching like a beached fish. The fans are juvenile, stupid pigs, but the players have to ignore it. It's part of the job.
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