View Full Version : Concrete domes in hurricanes' paths
Some of you know we are planning to build a monolithic dome within the next few years. There are some domes in Ivan's path, and others that went through Charley and Frances. Here are a few links:
1) This dome is near Pensacola. Television crews from ABC and NBC are staying with the family to document the storm (in the interview, the homeowner says they will be evacuating, but apparently they changed their mind):
2) This dome is in Stuart, Florida. Frances' eye passed over it. The homeowners are filmmakers, and are producing a 24 part series for PBS:
3) Not affected by this year's storms, this dome is in South Carolina. ABC did a feature on the home:
Eye of the Storm
09-16-04, 01:19 AM
Thinking about building one of those things, anait? I hear those Category 5 Canunckicanes are brutal. :D
Thinking about building one of those things, anait? I hear those Category 5 Canunckicanes are brutal. :D
Heheheh....they're good for withstanding floods and tornadoes, too. And they're incredibly energy efficient. :thumbup:
I'm staying up late watching hurricane coverage on CNN...I hope all those reporters standing outside are tethered to something!! :eek:
09-16-04, 01:35 AM
I'm staying up late watching hurricane coverage on CNN...I hope all those reporters standing outside are tethered to something!! :eek:
It's obligitory. "Yeah, it's windy here! Yep! You bet! Sure is windy! I'm getting drenched! Why the heck did I get this gig!?!?! Oh yeah, I'm low man on the totem pole! Yep, sure is windy. Getting worse, I think."
Sheesh. All they need to do is re-run same stuff from past storms. Stupid reporters (and producers)...
Seriously, though... I pray for everybody's safety down that way, tethered to a pole or not.
WTF? A house with it's own website and t-shirts?
Some people reallly need to get layed ;)
Massively expensive. No wonder the reason for the Tshirts sales.
The guy with the best idea will be the one who can retrofit existing homes to prevent roof blowoff and wall collapse.
I've thought about an leading edge piece of aircraft aluminum that would extend over the front of the guttering. Upper edge would force air onto the roof top creating more downforce, the lower edge would force air down diffusing the windstream hitting the sidewalls of the structure. By cutting large vents in the roof eaves, the air pressure building up on the side walls would be pulled up through the vents up and out onto the roof. This prevents the air pressure differential that causes too much pressure under the roof and not enough on top which then causes roof blowoff and sidewall collapse.
Or maybe not.
09-16-04, 07:44 AM
Massively expensive. No wonder the reason for the Tshirts sales.
The guy with the best idea will be the one who can retrofit existing homes to prevent roof blowoff and wall collapse.
I've thought about an leading edge piece of aircraft aluminum that would extend over the front of the guttering. Upper edge would force air onto the roof top creating more downforce, the lower edge would force air down diffusing the windstream hitting the sidewalls of the structure. By cutting large vents in the roof eaves, the air pressure building up on the side walls would be pulled up through the vents up and out onto the roof. This prevents the air pressure differential that causes too much pressure under the roof and not enough on top which then causes roof blowoff and sidewall collapse.
Or maybe not. Won't work, it's the vertical acceleration components of the gusts that get ya, not the horizontal wind velocity.
09-16-04, 11:48 AM
Domes are for hippies, man.
09-16-04, 11:49 AM
Some of SpongeBob's pals live in those.
09-16-04, 12:17 PM
I've thought about an leading edge piece of aircraft aluminum that would extend over the front of the guttering. Upper edge would force air onto the roof top creating more downforce, the lower edge would force air down diffusing the windstream hitting the sidewalls of the structure. By cutting large vents in the roof eaves, the air pressure building up on the side walls would be pulled up through the vents up and out onto the roof. This prevents the air pressure differential that causes too much pressure under the roof and not enough on top which then causes roof blowoff and sidewall collapse.
methinks Cart7 has been sneaking into the meetings trying to figure out how to stop crapwagon blowovers...........
Or we've found Franklin?? ;)
MSNBC: "Dome Home" weathers storm
Massively expensive.
Actually, it doesn't have to be. Although many existing domes are indeed luxury homes, you can build a dome for close to the price of a standard construction custom home. Last month, a 40' diameter dome was built in Saskatchewan for $110,000 Cdn, for the shell. It went up in 10 days. The interior work should be finished in November; usually the finishing work doubles the cost, if it's all contracted out. Our own budget is currently $250,000, although that may increase if we wait a few more years. A smaller dome for a single person or couple could cost even less.
methinks Cart7 has been sneaking into the meetings trying to figure out how to stop crapwagon blowovers...........
:rofl: Ya Got me!
MSNBC: "Dome Home" weathers storm
Any pics of that place after the storm?
Domes look strange to me. I'd be more apt to go for an earth sheltered home.
nissan gtp
09-16-04, 06:17 PM
A smaller dome for a single person or couple could cost even less.
yup :D
09-16-04, 06:18 PM
Any pics of that place after the storm?
The article says they lost the breakaway stairs. Three homes to the east are completely gone!
Sean O'Gorman
09-16-04, 06:48 PM
An igloo? ROFL! I figured this is much more affordable:
..and glass domes full of plants...
09-16-04, 09:07 PM
If I was going to build out of concrete, I'd go for a two story square. Sort of a **** Bunker motif. Paint it flat grey, put a surplus anti-aircraft gun on top and you're good to go.
09-16-04, 09:09 PM
If I was going to build out of concrete, I'd go for a two story square. Sort of a **** Bunker motif. Paint it flat grey, put a surplus anti-aircraft gun on top and you're good to go.
WTF :saywhat: **** is a banned word? Then Republican should be banned too.
The article says they lost the breakaway stairs.The breakaway stairs broke away :rofl:
MSNBC: "Dome Home" weathers storm
I caught the report on MSNBC last night. They musta figured out how to get down on the ground. Incredible damage. Several homes including one that apparently was just sold for $950k were swept clean off the sand. There was no road as it was either swept away or buried in sand. I imagine the damage down by the bridge and the Pensacola Beach beachball water tower may be devastating.
Thanks for the info on price anait.
:cool: The wife and I are contemplating moving to PC Beach in a couple years. This dome home certainly seems like way to go. :thumbup:
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