View Full Version : Robby Gordon should quit racing.
I've been watching Robby Gordon for over 10 years, and every year it's the same stuff. The guy keeps running into people, goes off the track almost every session, spins, breaks the car and then complains about. The guy is a 10-year rookie, without any talent and will never improve. Even in NasCab at road courses the guy is a w*nker. If he were racing in the IRL, he'd be causing a major crash every race. Can you imagine racing wheel to wheel with that guy at Texas? :shakehead Enough is enough Robby G, go back to off-road racing where you belong. :thumdown:
Funny you should mention Robby Gordon. According to my sources he's going to announce his "I'm An Incompetent Idiot" tour for the '05 season. His cars will feature special paint jobs and everything.
I'm of the opinion that he has pictures of Richard Childress taken in a motel room somewhere. His occassional good race doesn't make up for seasons worth of buffoonary on the track, and that includes the stunt he pulled today.
09-19-04, 05:17 PM
He should just drop down to a lower league.
Like the IRL.
He should just drop down to a lower league.
Like the IRL.
Or return to a place with real racing and real sport instead of hanging out in a closed shop like NASCRAP. It might be time to play kissy/make-up with Ford and redeem the last years of his career.
Or return to a place with real racing and real sport instead of hanging out in a closed shop like NASCRAP. It might be time to play kissy/make-up with Ford and redeem the last years of his career.
If that's an appeal to come to ChampCar, I couldn't disagree more. He was a rolling fiasco today, which is to say it was a typical race for him. Gordon coming to OWRS would lower the level of the talent in the series.
09-19-04, 06:16 PM
Or return to a place with real racing and real sport instead of hanging out in a closed shop like NASCRAP. It might be time to play kissy/make-up with Ford and redeem the last years of his career.
Good point. A drop all the way down to OWRS might work out for him.
09-19-04, 07:06 PM
God bless Robby but he is a moroon.
Guess he is going to be running in the Busch series next year full time. He won last week after the leader and second place car bumped together.
09-19-04, 07:27 PM
LOL, he's the only reason I watched Speed News NE. I heard he caused some trouble. Even though is terrible racing and even worse sportsmanship, I cant help but like him for stirring it up over there.
09-19-04, 09:13 PM
He's the American Montoya. Million dollar reflexes connected to a ten cent brain.
09-19-04, 10:12 PM
Could you imagine "Reckless" Robby and Thomas "Wreckter" starting on the front of row in an EARL race!
Could you imagine "Reckless" Robby and Thomas "Wreckter" starting on the front of row in an EARL race!
For added comedy: Row 2 would be Jacques Lazier & Greg Ray, Row 3 AJ IV & Townsend Bell. :rofl: :rolleyes: :laugh:
It would be like a normal grid racing on ice.
09-20-04, 12:57 AM
Could you imagine "Reckless" Robby and Thomas "Wreckter" starting on the front of row in an EARL race!
How in the heck did Robby Gordon and Paul Tracy share a racetrack back when they both raced in CART?
How in the heck did Robby Gordon and Paul Tracy share a racetrack back when they both raced in CART?
Paul was way ahead.
Or return to a place with real racing and real sport instead of hanging out in a closed shop like NASCRAP. It might be time to play kissy/make-up with Ford and redeem the last years of his career.
He probably makes more from T-Shirts,-even if he is hated by many Goobers- than what anyone would actually scrape up to pay him in CCWS or EARL
What's an OWRs???
Your colors are showing :gomer:
I remember 1999 when Robby had his team and I was on his Email list. It didn't take long to realize the guy was basically slinging s**** on the wall when it came to team ownership and driving. He's got an awful lot of unrealized potential that'll never be realized cause he can't seem to focus on anything for any length of time at all. His sound bites are classic but he's just too rough to ever move onto the next level.
09-20-04, 08:33 AM
Wow. So many haters.
Gordon has won in everything he's ever raced. He shoots from the hip and isn't afraid to piss people off. Who wouldn't have liked to see him knock the s**** out of Tony Stewart? He's an outsider in a private world and has won more NASCAR races than 2/3 of the field. More if Harvick hadn't punted him out of the lead while trying to get a lap back. Tracy has pulled MANY more stupid moves over the years, yet it seems that everyone loves him, no matter what ridiculous stupidity comes out of his mouth.
Whatever. :shakehead
09-20-04, 12:35 PM
Paul was way ahead.
He still had to lap him. Were there ever any incidents between Paul and Robby?
09-20-04, 12:38 PM
He still had to lap him. Were there ever any incidents between Paul and Robby?
I'm sure there was at some point. However they have been overshadowed by his run in's with the "Lesser Andretti".
09-20-04, 01:46 PM
Wow. So many haters.
Gordon has won in everything he's ever raced. He shoots from the hip and isn't afraid to piss people off. Who wouldn't have liked to see him knock the s**** out of Tony Stewart? He's an outsider in a private world and has won more NASCAR races than 2/3 of the field. More if Harvick hadn't punted him out of the lead while trying to get a lap back.
Yea one more, and that's if he let the lap down driver Hravick go on rather than battle with him and use up his tires.
"When approached by several writers after the race, Gordon said nothing, made an obscene gesture and drove away in a golf court."
Robby came from a road racing background, where a lap-down driver doesn't battle with the leader of the race. Only in NASCAR does a lapper punt the leader and it's practically the leader's fault.
chop, I agree with you (that's twice in a week if we count the chair-throwing topic! :eek: )
09-20-04, 02:07 PM
"When approached by several writers after the race, Gordon said nothing, made an obscene gesture and drove away in a golf court."
"golf court."
Wow, they're even writing the word cart like the gomers pronounce it.
Gordon is a rockhead of the first order. But it's stupid to say he has no talent. Or it least that he never did. I have no idea what's going on with him now.
In '94 and '95 Tracy and Gordon finished 3rd and 5th and then 5th and 6th in the championship respectively. Keep in mind that in '94 the Penskes were utterly dominant. Gordon never had the equipment that Tracy had but he still managed to win twice with Walker racing - once more than Gil de Ferran managed with that team.
Gordon is an idiot, but back in '94 he came into Champ car with big talent, and huge potential. He just didn't have the brains to make the most of them. Trying to re-write history and pretend he was a backmaker is nonsense.
09-20-04, 02:30 PM
"golf court."
Wow, they're even writing the word cart like the gomers pronounce it.
No I mispelled it. LOL :) I was typing my comments as my wife was telling me about Jury Duty at the County Courthouse, I took her over in the morning (no parking downtown) and just got back after she made the first cut. She goes back in two hours.
When I took my daughter to Long Island for school in September I ordered coffee at one of the local diners. The waiter came back and asked be where I was from because I didn't say Quoffee (sp?) right. ;)
09-20-04, 02:39 PM
Robby came from a road racing background, where a lap-down driver doesn't battle with the leader of the race. Only in NASCAR does a lapper punt the leader and it's practically the leader's fault.
In this case I think the leader should have known better. Here's a good article on it. ( Seeing that Harvick ended up 14th should indicate why he was fighting to get back on the lead lap. As big as a punk that I think Harvick is, I think he was right on this one.
For a dude who came out of off-road racing, Robby has done well for himself. He always bounces back from what looks to be career-ending moves.
What he needs is some ritalin.
He's sorry.
09-20-04, 06:09 PM
His temper has always clouded his judgement and he will soon be fired.
In this case I think the leader should have known better. Here's a good article on it. ( Seeing that Harvick ended up 14th should indicate why he was fighting to get back on the lead lap. As big as a punk that I think Harvick is, I think he was right on this one.
Sure, in NASCAR Robby should've known better. In real road racing, if you're a lap down, you respect the leader's position.
Jervis Tetch 1
09-20-04, 07:20 PM
While I'm in no way a lover of Robby, I have to agree with Chop. The guy's won in everything he's ever raced--sans a few I*L races, but had he done a full season in that, there's no doubt in my mind he would've won.
Sure, what he did was stupid, but name me one race driver who at least didn't do one thing idiotic in a race or in his career. Especially in NASCAB.
09-20-04, 07:22 PM
The Boston Herald is reporting.....Ricky Craven will replace the embattled Robby Gordon behind the wheel of the #31 Richard Childress Racing machine at Dover (Del.) this Sunday, has learned. Gordon’s contract was to expire at the end of the season and RCR is not seeking to re-sign him. Craven, of Newburgh, Maine, could not be reached for comment. Childress is expected to fire Gordon later this week after a poor showing at NHIS. Craven is without a ride after being replaced earlier this month by Bobby Hamilton Jr. He was asked to race the No. 32 Tide car at NHIS for the Sylvania 300, in which he finished 17th.(Boston Herald)(9-20-2004)"
but name me one race driver who at least didn't do one thing idiotic in a race or in his career. Especially in NASCAB.
Hey, doesn't taking the green in a NASCRAP show constitute doing something idiotic?
09-20-04, 07:37 PM
No I mispelled it.
You misspelled "mispelled", too.
09-20-04, 07:53 PM
You misspelled "mispelled", too.
Doh.. :o At least I spell NASCAR right. :D
09-20-04, 08:20 PM
Robby will never amoun to much inracing. He cannot grow up, it is just that simple. He could have beeb the greater "Gordon: over Jeff.
09-20-04, 09:40 PM
Well, guess I made a good call :D
09-21-04, 08:11 AM
Or return to a place with real racing and real sport instead of hanging out in a closed shop like NASCRAP. It might be time to play kissy/make-up with Ford and redeem the last years of his career.
You mean bring Robby "This @#$&ing car's a pig" Gordon back to Champcar?
Yeah, I miss the old Paul Tracy too. Might be nice to have a surrogate back in Champcar. :p :saywhat: One thing's for sure, Lola would like it (I'd buy stock if it happened!).
Doh.. :o At least I spell NASCAR right. :D
No you didn't: type 100 times, 'NASCRAP' to get it into you muscle memory.
You mean bring Robby "This @#$&ing car's a pig" Gordon back to Champcar?
Yeah, I miss the old Paul Tracy too. Might be nice to have a surrogate back in Champcar. :p :saywhat: One thing's for sure, Lola would like it (I'd buy stock if it happened!).
Robby Gordon is RacerX!!!
No you didn't: type 100 times, 'NASCRAP' to get it into you muscle memory.
"mispelled" "beeb" "NASCAB" "NASCRAP" "into you muscle"?
People people. Far too many spelling mistakes in this thread. :thumdown:
09-21-04, 04:46 PM
Awww, the hillbillies called for Robbie's head cuzzin' he punted someone 'tentional-like. I'm sure St. Dale has dun' soaked his Wranglers whilst havin' a conniption fit.
The series, and most of it's fans, are walking, talking (mostly), embarrasments. Just go away, scumbags.
Idiot or not, Robby deserves better. Jethro and friends don't like the taste of their own medicine.
[Edit] OMFG! My daughter is on the laptop playing some game on Just after I posted this, she did something that made the game say "Buggudah buggadah" :laugh:
09-21-04, 05:04 PM
Gordon is an idiot, but back in '94 he came into Champ car with big talent, and huge potential. He just didn't have the brains to make the most of them.
You're at least a season too late and actually about two seasons to make it accurate. Gordon had a limited CART schedule with Ganassi in 1992 before going fulltime with AJ Foyt in 1993. And the Foyt team wasn't so futile in 93 but had some fast cars, Gordon was on the podium in Australia and could have won Detroit in 93 if it weren't for his block headedness.
09-23-04, 02:37 PM
I always liked having Robby in CART. It was awesome watching him put the car through the switchback at Cleveland in '99 - I think that was when part of the track was experiencing rain and the rest was dry.
Definitely a personality.
I thought Rubby had already quit racing? :laugh:
BTW, NASCAR's lack of a penalty for a admitted intentional wrecking of a competitor is simply disgraceful. Rubby needs to me made an example and hung in effigy @ the driver's meeting. This wasn't a last lap bump from E or Gordon. :mad:
(Not that I give rat's @ss about NASCRAP)
01-01-05, 03:18 AM
Oh, By the way, Robby was the top finisher in today's SS stage of the Paris-Dakar, beating Masuoka and Kleinschmidt. New team, new event, new car, new co-driver. You know - Robby Gordon, the guy who sucks. You remember him, right?
Eat it. :p
01-01-05, 09:07 AM
Oh, By the way, Robby was the top finisher in today's SS stage of the Paris-Dakar, beating Masuoka and Kleinschmidt. New team, new event, new car, new co-driver. You know - Robby Gordon, the guy who sucks. You remember him, right?
Eat it. :pHey thanks for the reminder. :)
Oh, By the way, Robby was the top finisher in today's SS stage of the Paris-Dakar, beating Masuoka and Kleinschmidt. New team, new event, new car, new co-driver. You know - Robby Gordon, the guy who sucks. You remember him, right?
Eat it. :p
01-01-05, 10:53 AM
How the hell do you dudes remember threads from 3 months ago?? And on New Years Day even!!?
01-01-05, 11:24 AM
Doh.. :o At least I spell NASCAR right. :D
hangovers work wonders for the mind
01-01-05, 03:54 PM
Rubby's a dick for sure.
That's why I like him.
Sure wished he'd a won the Inny Fie Hunnert last year or the one afore it. Gomers woulda melted. :gomer:
Sean O'Gorman
01-01-05, 04:00 PM
No, they like him now because he said every day he wakes up for Indy, or something like that. :rolleyes:
01-01-05, 08:08 PM
No, they like him now because he said every day he wakes up for Indy, or something like that. :rolleyes:
Well. me too. But I live here n stuff.
01-02-05, 09:14 PM
It was just a four mile sprint that he won ( on a beach I think) not really that impressive. If he went up against the WRC guys in Finland and won a stage now that would be something to really get excited about.
01-03-05, 02:28 AM
Well if you're unimpressed, He should probably just quit right now. :shakehead
Robby Gordon, who last Friday became the first American to win a stage of the Dakar Rally, has moved back into the overall lead of the renowned marathon run through the deserts of North Africa after scoring his second stage win in the 76-mile Rabat-Agadir special stage in the fastest time with his works VW Touareg.
Gordon, a rookie in the event but a veteran off-road racing competitor back home, assumed the lead from Nissan driver Colin McRae, who finished 11th in this stage after a poor run across the first of the major African stages.
Don Quixote
01-03-05, 05:22 PM
Sure sounds washed up to me. :laugh:
I've never questioned Gordon's talent, only his common sense.
... only his common sense ...I doubt there is a person alive who hasn't done that.
Except for maybe Robby Gordon. :p
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