View Full Version : Ichiro
Jervis Tetch 1
10-02-04, 12:51 AM
Well he did it. He ended one of baseball's oldest records.
Now one can truly say the St. Louis Browns are no more.
Congrats Ichiro.
10-02-04, 01:39 AM
And no rape allegations, throwing firecrackers at fans, demeaning teammates in the press, or complaining about being underpaid.
Imagine that.
Not to take anything away from Ichiro but George Sisler's 257 hits were in, what, 154 games? Makes it all that more amazing!
10-02-04, 03:01 AM
Even more importantly out West, IMHO, THE ANGELS SLAUGHTERED THE A's TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup: :cool: :thumbup:
10-02-04, 03:24 AM
Even more importantly out West, IMHO, THE ANGELS SLAUGHTERED THE A's TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup: :cool: :thumbup:
Dr. Corkski
10-02-04, 04:04 AM
So is Artie "wannabe Steinbrenner" Moreno's team the latest bandwagoning trend in SoCal now that Gagne has a bum shoulder and only the rapist ballhog is left in FakerLand? :gomer:
10-02-04, 07:40 PM
So is Artie "wannabe Steinbrenner" Moreno's team the latest bandwagoning trend in SoCal now that Gagne has a bum shoulder and only the rapist ballhog is left in FakerLand? :gomer:
No, Cork, THE ANGELS ARE THE 2004 AMERICAN LEAGUE WESTERN DIVISION CHAMPS! (and as I type, the Rally Monkey is turning BLUE!!!)
10-02-04, 07:42 PM
No, Cork, THE ANGELS ARE THE 2004 AMERICAN LEAGUE WESTERN DIVISION CHAMPS! (and as I type, the Rally Monkey is turning BLUE!!!)
10-02-04, 09:03 PM
No, Cork, THE ANGELS ARE THE 2004 AMERICAN LEAGUE WESTERN DIVISION CHAMPS! (and as I type, the Rally Monkey is turning BLUE!!!)
I hear there's gonna be a rally at the Irvine Spectrum on Monday. I need to look up the proceedure for calling in sick, I feel "something coming on."
Dr. Corkski
10-02-04, 09:52 PM
I hear there's gonna be a rally at the Irvine Spectrum on Monday. I need to look up the proceedure for calling in sick, I feel "something coming on."Bandwagoncitis? :p
The Angels deserve it though. The Bay Area blowpens probably aren't good enough to stop teeball kids. :shakehead
After today, I'd just like to repeat... 'stros, beetches.
Jervis Tetch 1
10-03-04, 12:23 AM
Not to take anything away from Ichiro but George Sisler's 257 hits were in, what, 154 games? Makes it all that more amazing!
I just knew I was going to get one of those who would love to attach an * to the record ;)
Well, maybe, but then again Gorgeous George didn't have to contend with coast to coast travel, night games nor the screwball and he didn't do it with the intense media pressure not only from the U.S. media, but the ever present Japanese media as well who track your every move from your snoring at night to using the John.
Not to demean George, especially when he was a great, great .400 hitter, but Ichi doesn't get an * from me.
10-03-04, 02:14 AM
Bandwagoncitis? :p
I've been an Angels fan since 1985, but it's nice to see you're not bitter Cork. :p
Ichi doesn't get an * from me.
Nor I.
Well, maybe, but then again Gorgeous George didn't have to contend with coast to coast travel, night games nor the screwball and he didn't do it with the intense media pressure not only from the U.S. media, but the ever present Japanese media as well who track your every move from your snoring at night to using the John.
Sisler did had to face screwballs and also spitballs. Spitballs pitchers were grandfathered in. He also had a bigger, pitcher-friendly strike zone. Never the less I agree with everything else.
Not to demean George, especially when he was a great, great .400 hitter, but Ichi doesn't get an * from me.
Or me. Gorgeous George was one of the greatest hitters of his era. His numbers speak for themselves and need no defense or explaination. For that matter Ishiro is one of the great hitters of his era and his numbers need no defense or explaination. If he were alive today, I betcha Sisler would be the first to congratulate Ishiro.
If you took Sisler, Hornsby, Gehrig, Foxx, Keeler, either Waner brother, or any other great hitter from that era and put them in their prime in a uniform today they'd still put up the numbers. Great hitters are great hitters no matter the era. For that matter, Walter Johnson, Lefty Grove, Christy Mathewson etc would mow down today's hitters like they did the hitters of their era.
Greatness is greatness.
the cubs suck.
that is all.
oh ya... the derivative of OU sucks, is OU sucks. kind of like e^x, only different.
Jervis Tetch 1
10-03-04, 11:14 PM
Totally concur with Dave L.
I forgot about the spitter during Mr. Sisler's era, especially when he went against Cleveland's Jim Bagby, a notorious spitter (when it was legal). And he also went against greats like Walter J, Carl Mays, Ted Lyons, et al.
Sisler could have put up more great numbers but he missed an entire year due to either a sinus infection or eye problem. I have books that says he either suffered from one, the other or both.
Great, great ball player...and one of the few Browns who made St. Louis (A.L.) respectable.
10-04-04, 11:55 AM
I read somewhere that Sisler used a 46-ounce bat. :eek:
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