View Full Version : "Speadfreaks".....
Mr. Vengeance
10-05-04, 06:54 AM
got cancelled! hhhhhhaaaaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaa!
(and to quote "the DJ"):
"Bury them!".
10-05-04, 07:22 AM
Never watched it, never listened to it.......Good Riddance!!!!!
Not surprising....It wasn't a NASCAR show, they were smug, too much 'tude to play in Peoria....any semi-knowledgeable motorsports fan would have found them sophmoric.
This brightens my day a little bit. :) :laugh:
10-05-04, 09:59 AM
Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead!
Hey, dont offend sophomore's like that
Looks like the jerky boys are gonna have to go back to MTV.
I watched once. Ray Everham was on. They lobbed such pathetic softball questions at him I'm surprised Ray didn't walk out puking right in the middle of it.
Maybe this will finally be the end of all their spam Emails. :thumbup:
10-05-04, 10:26 AM
They are such morons. The real question is how did they get a show in the first place?
Sean O'Gorman
10-05-04, 10:33 AM
And who said it's all bad news in motorsports these days? :D
They tried too hard to look cool and it showed. They were pathetic, so fake acting, and not cool at all.
Did both the radio and SpeedTV show get yenaked? Or is just the SpeedTV slot gone?
10-05-04, 03:07 PM
Just the TV show.
For now :rofl:
I guess the spamming didn't pay off. I guess folks in the vast wasteland somewhere off to the East didn't buy the 'tude.
10-05-04, 03:14 PM
Lamest 30 minutes on television.
CART T. Katz
10-05-04, 03:27 PM
what's a "Speedfreaks"? :gomer:
I guess the spamming didn't pay off. I guess folks in the vast wasteland somewhere off to the East didn't buy the 'tude.
I think I'll take offense to that! Some Western wastelanders were put off as well. :)
10-06-04, 10:18 AM
Hey NRC, It's time for Off Camber TV!! I'll host it for free!! ;) :D
Rogue Leader
10-06-04, 06:33 PM
Can I get a giant...
10-06-04, 06:35 PM
OCTV? I like it... I nominate JoeBob to host ;)
:D best news I have had in days!!! :D
Now the question is what nascrap filler Bull s*** will take its place.... :shakehead
10-06-04, 09:03 PM
Aw, man... it got cancelled?
Well, sometimes bad things happen to good people.
In this case, something bad happened to a bunch of schumcks.
10-06-04, 10:42 PM
It's CART's fault. :gomer:
10-12-04, 08:34 AM
Nope, just talked to them the other day and then also a friend at Speed - they didn't get canceled. rather they wanted time to regroup before they come back in '05 so when their contract expired, they chose not to renew. AND since they were new to TV, they didn't want to jack with MNF,either. Though my friend did tell me that there is still a chance they may start back in Dec rather than wait till 05.
as much as you here may hate it, these guys (and gal) ain't going anywhere but up - sponsors love them, as do the drivers... oh well, can't win them all.
10-12-04, 09:57 AM
as much as you here may hate it, these guys (and gal) ain't going anywhere but up - sponsors love them, as do the drivers... oh well, can't win them all. Pretty much sums up American Motorsports.
10-12-04, 10:36 AM
Nope, just talked to them the other day and then also a friend at Speed - they didn't get canceled. rather they wanted time to regroup before they come back in '05 so when their contract expired, they chose not to renew. AND since they were new to TV, they didn't want to jack with MNF,either. Though my friend did tell me that there is still a chance they may start back in Dec rather than wait till 05.
as much as you here may hate it, these guys (and gal) ain't going anywhere but up - sponsors love them, as do the drivers... oh well, can't win them all.
I'll believe it when I see it. Sounds like the classic "I didn't get fired, I quit" spin. Until I see them back, their going down, not up in my book. Softball, mis-informed, amateur level "interviews" are not what hardcore racing fans flock to, obviously.
Sean O'Gorman
10-12-04, 10:52 AM
they didn't want to jack with MNF,either.
That explains why Al Michaels seemed so shaky on the air the past few weeks. I'm sure he can breathe a sigh of relief now knowing that the Speed Freaks wont be killing them in the ratings. :rolleyes:
10-12-04, 11:00 AM
Nope, just talked to them the other day and then also a friend at Speed - they didn't get canceled. rather they wanted time to regroup before they come back in '05 so when their contract expired, they chose not to renew. AND since they were new to TV, they didn't want to jack with MNF,either. Though my friend did tell me that there is still a chance they may start back in Dec rather than wait till 05.
as much as you here may hate it, these guys (and gal) ain't going anywhere but up - sponsors love them, as do the drivers... oh well, can't win them all.
That's funny for about 148 different reasons.
Maybe they can get some "regrouping" lessons from Shelley Long. :laugh:
10-12-04, 11:04 AM
That explains why Al Michaels seemed so shaky on the air the past few weeks. I'm sure he can breathe a sigh of relief now knowing that the Speed Freaks wont be killing them in the ratings. :rolleyes: :D
10-12-04, 11:14 AM
That explains why Al Michaels seemed so shaky on the air the past few weeks. I'm sure he can breathe a sigh of relief now knowing that the Speed Freaks wont be killing them in the ratings. :rolleyes:
They didn't want to "jack with MNF?" Is that more superstah hipster lingo from the ever trendy mid 40's SpeedFreaks? :)
Mr. Vengeance
10-12-04, 05:13 PM
So, "overlandave", what's your connection to the show? Almost all of your posts have been in defence of this puerile group of hacks. You don't seem like an objective party...
If you're not, that's fine, but at least be honest about it.
Don Quixote
10-12-04, 05:23 PM
Wait, I know. This was not a lockout, Speedfreaks is "boycotting" their own show. :gomer:
Crash Gladys makes me want to watch or listen to John Kernan. ;)
Nope, just talked to them the other day and then also a friend at Speed - they didn't get canceled. rather they wanted time to regroup before they come back in '05 so when their contract expired, they chose not to renew. AND since they were new to TV, they didn't want to jack with MNF,either. Though my friend did tell me that there is still a chance they may start back in Dec rather than wait till 05.
as much as you here may hate it, these guys (and gal) ain't going anywhere but up - sponsors love them, as do the drivers... oh well, can't win them all.
Lovely, maybe next time they figure to edit their TV version to 30 minutes that might actually interest genuine motorsports fan on Speed. Having the drummer for Sugar Ray on, and stupid banter not having anything to do with any recent race really doesn't do it for many people in a 30 minute show. You know, with all those drivers "loving them", a lot of people might actually be interested if they play the interviews - even if the driver is on the phone.
They need to watch Howard Stern's E Show and then figure out how do get it done.
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