View Full Version : airbus 380
i assume you're referring to the A380, cause the 787 is a beaute. the a380 engines aren't GEnx's but they are impressive nevertheless. very kool.
He actually worked on both the Dreamlifter and the 787's. He's the Senior Stress Engineer for the 787 Primary Exhaust over at Goodrich Aerostructures.
06-17-07, 04:06 PM
He actually worked on both the Dreamlifter and the 787's. He's the Senior Stress Engineer for the 787 Primary Exhaust over at Goodrich Aerostructures.
I've read some things about the dreamlifter but I have a lot of questions as well. It's a 744 but they got rid of the wingtips, I assume its because of the vortexi's coming off the increased fuselage. Lots of other stuff. That's pretty great though that he works for them.
Also just read that Boeing should have an idea about deliveries/delays in the 787 by mid-September. The first one will be ready on 7/8/7(less than a month!!!), in static form, and production problems should be assessed 2 months there after.
Pretty sweet.:thumbup:
06-17-07, 05:59 PM How about a windsock as well..? :gomer:
06-19-07, 09:49 AM
Paris airshow news. Boeing gets $8.8 billion ILFC plane order AIRSHOW-Emirates boss says Airbus closing in on Boeing 787 Delta may buy up to 125 Boeing 787 jets
Paris airshow news. Boeing gets $8.8 billion ILFC plane order AIRSHOW-Emirates boss says Airbus closing in on Boeing 787 Delta may buy up to 125 Boeing 787 jets
But, but, but...the A380 will save the world!
But the company's sales chief John Leahy went a step further, heading one section of a presentation: "Saving the planet, one A380 at a time."
:gomer: :saywhat:
06-19-07, 01:00 PM Delta may buy up to 125 Boeing 787 jets
:thumbup: Gotta get something to replace all those aging 767s. Can't wait to be on a packed 787 puddle jumper from JAX-ATL.
The A380 is coming out just before the 787, and the A350 is planned to come out in a few years! 14 firm orders, and over 100 soft, my God.
Airbus should be ashamed. pwn3d.
06-19-07, 01:47 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
06-19-07, 02:12 PM
Prince Bandar again?
06-19-07, 02:26 PM
Prince Bandar again?
Mine is bigger than your's... oh wait, I have no place to land. :rolleyes:
using the model (A380) as a private jet could be problematic, because its weight and size mean it can only be landed at a limited number of airports, by certain pilots. Meanwhile, Airbus picks up orders for their A350 vaporliner due primarily to Boeing having sold out 787 production through 2013. :D
But using the model as a private jet could be problematic, because its weight and size mean it can only be landed at a limited number of airports, by certain pilots.
Environmental groups were annoyed by the news, saying that buying a superjumbo for private use was like "buying a filthy coal-fired power station just to use to charge up your mobile phone."
The model is set to come into use later in 2007.
Am I the only one that read the last line as, "The mobile is set to come into use later in 2007".?:D
Am I the only one that read the last line as, "The mobile is set to come into use later in 2007".?:D
Lack of wisdom teeth contributing to this? :p
Lack of wisdom teeth contributing to this? :p:laugh:
I had a total Darvocet (tm) moment yesterday, but I've beaten that topic to death already.
06-20-07, 03:30 AM
787 nose installed.
06-24-07, 02:20 AM
First 8 planes and their liveries.
First 6 are the test models. Start of full moving production line starts at the 3rd ANA. 8th plane goes to Air China in time for the Beijing Olympics!
06-25-07, 02:03 PM
From the Boeing assembly floor:
Update 2 - June 25, 2007
Dreamliner One has been lowered onto its own landing gear for the first time and the tooling towers were being pulled back. Engine installation was complete and it should be heading to the paint shop today or tomorrow.
06-27-07, 03:12 AM
rollout for paint last night. forgot to post. carbon fibre never looked so good(cept on a ferrari) those trent engines are gorgeous. can't wait to see the GENx's on the 5th plane going to Royal Air Morac!! :eek:
07-07-07, 04:51 PM
tomorrow is 7/8/7. F1 race, Champ Car race, and the Dreamliner. Time to get geekekekekekekked!!!!!
07-07-07, 04:54 PM
the plane is painted and still under wraps, but the final assembly building got a paint job for all to see:
I saw a piece the other day that said that Airbus had edged back ahead on orders. Seems hard to belive but I suppose with the backlog of 787 orders it could happen.
07-07-07, 06:24 PM
Looks like an airplane. :p
07-08-07, 12:29 AM
I think NRC Airbus got ahead because of the Paris Airshow. They always announce their big orders then so that might be it for the year. Just my guess.
07-08-07, 01:43 AM
You're right coolhand. If I can find the stats, I'll append them here.
From the Travel Insider June 29:
The Paris Air Show has now finished, and as expected, Airbus was true to form and announced order after order during the week of the show. Prior to the show, Airbus had taken 201 new firm orders for planes this year, while Boeing had 417 new orders on its books.
During the show, Boeing added almost 100 new orders, bringing its total up to 510 orders so far this year. But Airbus added an extraordinary 400 new orders, rushing past Boeing and ending the show with at least 600 orders, and booking still more last week. A veritable marketing (or timing) tour de force, with Airbus finally getting some good support for its new A350 (it now has 154 'firm orders' and 78 'commitments' for the A350) and even a token sprinkling of extra orders for its A380 (13 more ordered by Qatar, Emirates and Air France for a new total of 173 on order), although the rate of new orders for the A380 is terribly low and must be worrying to Airbus.
These total order quantities contrast poorly with Boeing's runaway best seller, the new 787. According to this source, Boeing currently has a whopping 634 firm and 45 pending orders for the 787.
Disclaimer - always keep in mind that new plane orders can be as much illusionary as real, with much ambiguity surrounding when an order becomes a firm order that should be counted. For example, the order totals above were from a USA Today article, but another article gives totals of 519 rather than 600 orders for Airbus year to date. About all we can conclude is that Airbus was formerly clearly lagging behind Boeing in new plan orders this year, and has now caught up with and possibly overtaken Boeing.
07-08-07, 11:36 AM
All of the airbus orders assume the A350 is going ahead. That may not be so, but only time will tell. Airbi is so far behind on that, and at the same time, in need of concentration of the A380, who knows what will happen. This is for 2007 orders however, and Boeing did have many 787 orders completed last year.
Either way, the tide has turned in favor of Boeing thanks to idiocy at the top of EADS.
Today is the day for the 787, its time to get pumped.
07-08-07, 04:12 PM
is the best place to see it online?
is the best place to see it online?
right here
07-08-07, 04:43 PM
right here
07-08-07, 07:00 PM
right here
and its on now!!!!!
Italians said they were boozing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
gotta love'em. now brokaw said we have to beat them in our drunkin. WERD!!!!
bring on the 787!!!!:cool:
07-08-07, 09:29 PM
07-08-07, 09:31 PM
some video just before the launch:
07-09-07, 10:10 AM
This was funny:
In a rare tip of the hat to the competition, Airbus congratulated Boeing on the 787, whose commercial success has chipped away at the edge the European plane maker once held over its Chicago-based rival.
"Even if tomorrow Airbus will get back to the business of competing vigorously, today is Boeing's day -- a day to celebrate the 787," Airbus co-CEO Louis Gallois said in a letter to McNerney.
"Today is a great day in aviation history. Whenever such a milestone is reached in our industry it is always a reflection of hard work by dedicated people inspired by the wonder of flight," the letter said.
Isn't that a little like Coke giving a nod to Pepsi? :)
07-09-07, 01:21 PM
Isn't that a little like Coke giving a nod to Pepsi? :)
nah. its like stewarts cream soda giving a shout out to coke. :gomer:
07-09-07, 01:24 PM
from a-net:
from flight blogger:
Trent 1000:
07-09-07, 01:28 PM
here is some good info on the 787:
click 'inside the plane' and check out how huge the windows are compared to other things. all go towards the creature comforts that the interior designer lady spoke about during the launch. :thumbup:
07-10-07, 08:34 PM
Good summary piece on the 787. Big buzz about the roll out party in these parts of course. Very hard to get an invite to that. I've only managed one over the years (767).
The part I'm most jazzed about won't really get under way until May when they start snapping the production aircraft together. When they get the line up to full speed this is really going to be something to see. :thumbup: :D
I really need to get the Everett and take a plant tour. Next year. :thumbup:
07-11-07, 02:11 AM
The part I'm most jazzed about won't really get under way until May when they start snapping the production aircraft together. When they get the line up to full speed this is really going to be something to see. :thumbup: :D
1 every 3 days if I remember correctly. We can nit pick over the fact that the carbon has to be baked and all that, but assembly of full pieces and install of internals is 3 days. very nice.
i'm still impressed that s/n 0001 had 1/10000th(something crazy small) of a inch gap on one side of the wing/fuslage and 0" gap on the other. literally no gap. perfect fit undetectable with equipment. very very impressive.
07-11-07, 04:05 AM
Oddlycalm, and FG, I am aware various parts are made around the world, however how much design was done overseas?
I really need to get the Everett and take a plant tour. Next year. :thumbup:
I did that back in about 85. They were building 747's at the time. Pretty amazing facility. I wonder how much has changed in twentysomething years?
07-11-07, 07:26 PM
Oddlycalm, and FG, I am aware various parts are made around the world, however how much design was done overseas?
from wha ive read ba did all of its own design work. as far as aerodynamics of the body were concerned, as well as hiring a new interior designer for creature/humidity comforts.
then the multinationals got drawings, measurements and time frames for each piece. those companies the decided how best to make the parts in the allowed time.
that is how i under stand it from everything that ive read that i being published.
07-23-07, 02:34 PM
Looks like UPS's first 747 is now delivered.
UPS's (NYSE:UPS) first 747-400 arrived at the company's global air hub here today for its public debut, ready to begin fulfilling the global mission emblazoned on its fuselage - "Synchronizing the world of commerce.",1088,4906,00.html
Are these the ones to replace the A380s?
07-24-07, 06:33 PM
The 744's are not to replace the 10 a380s. They were a pre-exsiting order in the 744F lineup.
Here is what wikipedia has to say(it is updated by airline fanatics from various websites):
United Parcel Service had ordered ten Airbus A380 freighters and had options on ten more. This order was canceled on March 2nd, 2007, one day after Airbus announced that it would halt development and production of the A380 freighter to prioritize the production of the A380 passenger version. To replace those orders, UPS may order a mixture of 777 and 747-8 freighters instead. [4] [5]. UPS has also ordered eight Boeing 747-400 freighters to increase capacity on its major "trunk" routes to Europe, Asia, and North America. The first was delivered on July 19, 2007 [6] and the latter deliveries go on through 2008. [19] UPS Airlines placed a firm order for 27 additional Boeing 767-300 Freighters in February 2007 to be delivered 2009 to 2012.[20] Most UPS Airlines flights go through the UPS Worldport at Louisville International Airport, but also use hubs at Chicago/Rockford International Airport, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Philadelphia International Airport, Ontario International Airport, Miami International Airport, Columbia Metropolitan Airport, and Bradley International Airport in Hartford (CT).
UPS hasn't been identified in any 748F orders that I've seen, but there are some UFO's in the F lineup and some new 777F orders as well.
Time will tell, and will all pretty much come down to the 748 getting more orders to lock in when the 748 will be produced in the future.
07-28-07, 08:11 PM
BWB test bed
08-17-07, 04:08 PM
Singapore Airlines, the first carrier in the world to fly the new superjumbo A380, said Thursday the first delivery of the hulking jet has been set for Oct. 15. The double-decker aircraft - the world's biggest passenger jet -will have its inaugural flight Oct. 25 to Sydney.. Singapore Airlines had earlier announced it will auction all seats on the first A380 flight on eBay and donate the proceeds to charities. The plane will be configured with 471 seats in three classes, the airline said.
Okinawa, Japan: China Air 737-800 skids into parking spot, bursts into flames, everyone OK. :thumbup: Story (
What was the evac time for a A380 again? How about the 787? :eek:
08-20-07, 07:41 PM
losing a plane like that can devastate and airline.
China Airlines' 737-800 had CFM 56 engines, made by CFM International, a joint venture between GE Aviation, a unit of General Electric Co., and France's Snecma, Boeing spokesman Jim Proulx said. All 737-800s are built with the same engine.
Is this the same deal that will go on the 380? Snecma engines
08-20-07, 07:55 PM
B-18616 was delivered to China Airlines on July 26, 2002 and the CFM56-7B engine is as common as dirt. I'm guessing some sort of maintenance faux pas.
08-20-07, 08:00 PM
Is this the same deal that will go on the 380? Snecma engines
Half of the a380s use the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines.
The Engine Alliance GP7200 (GE + Pratt & Whitney) is the engine for the other half of the a380 orders.
08-20-07, 08:39 PM
Half of the a380s use the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines.
The Engine Alliance GP7200 (GE + Pratt & Whitney) is the engine for the other half of the a380 orders.
I thought some continental euro company was wanting to get in on the 380, maybe it is the 350 i am thinking of
08-20-07, 09:36 PM
The CFM56-5C is in the a340-200 and a340-300.
The CFM56-5A/B are in the a318-319-320-321 series.
08-21-07, 12:58 PM
B-18616 was delivered to China Airlines on July 26, 2002 and the CFM56-7B engine is as common as dirt. I'm guessing some sort of maintenance faux pas.
Yep. The airline reportedly has a crappy maintenance record with several "occurences" in the past 5 years. :rolleyes:
Production of 787 could grow to 10 planes per month from 7
Bloomberg NewsChicago Tribune
Boeing Co. might boost production of its new 787 to 10 per month from seven "in the next few weeks," according to the general manager of the Italian company that is providing fuselages for the Dreamliner.
more here
The demo plane was just that
The first 787 Dreamliner, which Boeing rolled out with great fanfare July 8, is now sitting in the assembly bay in Everett missing big structural pieces though Boeing says its first flight is just over a month away.
The airplane on display in July appeared complete on the outside. But it was a partially empty shell, and its engines, vertical tail fin and doors were dismantled after the rollout ceremony to allow installation of systems and interiors that had been left undone.
the article goes on to say
the delay in finishing Dreamliner No. 1 is creating a "bottleneck" that is holding up delivery to Everett of sections for the subsequent airplanes.
Andrew Longman
08-22-07, 11:23 AM
Yep. The airline reportedly has a crappy maintenance record with several "occurences" in the past 5 years. :rolleyes:
My paper said there is a suggestion that a fuel pump leak dumped fuel.
Anyone know enough about these plane to guess why the pump would start leaking minutes after landing and at about the point the engines were to shut down. Also pilots reported nothing from the cockpit. They were told about the leak/fire by groundcrew.
Just seems odd that a leak would start at the end of the flight.
08-29-07, 03:51 PM
Seems that if you leave the lock-washer off when doing maintenance on the wing slat downstops the bolt can work loose. I mean it isn't like wing slats experience any vibrations or anything:rolleyes: . Anyway if the bolt does work loose it can punch a hole, clearly a rather large hole, in the fuel tank causing the plane to burn to the ground. Ooops. Anyway the FAA said today that they have found at least two other 737s (from unnamed airlines) have had similar maintenance problems and the FAA as reduced the window for the airlines to complete the inspections by a couple of weeks.
Andrew Longman
08-30-07, 10:08 AM
Yes, I saw in today's paper they reduced the time to inspect the bolts to 10 days.
Hugely lucky the bolt fell off when the slat was lowered for landing rather than when it took off.
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) — An Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger jet, scraped the tip of a wing on a building at Bangkok's international airport Saturday as it was preparing for a demonstration flight, officials of the aircraft company and Thai Airways said.
Not really related, but could be useful in the future:
Andrew Longman
09-05-07, 04:45 PM
Not really related, but could be useful in the future:
Technical training? Who needs technical training?
09-06-07, 02:15 AM
Not really related, but could be useful in the future:
qantas never crashed
better to sacrifice a kangol than g0@t.
787 test flight delayed...
struggles with uncompleted work by suppliers, delays in programming the flight control software and a shortage of bolts.
A bolt shortage? Were those made in China and recalled, too? :gomer:
A former senior aerospace engineer at Boeing's Phantom Works research unit, fired last year under disputed circumstances, is going public with concerns that the new 787 Dreamliner is unsafe.
Forty-six-year veteran Vince Weldon contends that in a crash landing that would be survivable in a metal airplane, the new jet's innovative composite plastic materials will shatter too easily and burn with toxic fumes. He backs up his views with e-mails from engineering colleagues at Boeing and claims the company isn't doing enough to test the plane's crashworthiness
CF composites have survived flying crashes with flames repeatedly. Hasn't this nerd watch an IRL race? Oh, I forgot. Nobody outside of 10K :gomer: s and a few cynical Champ Car fans watch crapwagons.
CF composites have survived flying crashes with flames repeatedly. Hasn't this nerd watch an IRL race? Oh, I forgot. Nobody outside of 10K :gomer: s and a few cynical Champ Car fans watch crapwagons.
Do we need a Boeing Futility Watch?
This thread is sort of the Airbus Futility Watch already.
re: suppliers
bud from Alcoa was telling me they were having some major problems implementing the mandated procedures for 787 related production. But they're Alcoa, plus Boeing's helping, so they're able to push right through.
His concern was, if a company like Alcoa's having some major issues, imagine the issues some smaller and less experienced outfits overseas will be experiencing, and that it'll probably throw some big kinks into the supply chain here and there.
09-18-07, 11:33 AM
A bolt shortage? Were those made in China and recalled, too? :gomer:
-Kevin Chinese bolts in an airplane is a horrifying thought :saywhat: I would'nt use them to fix my mailbox.
Chinese bolts in an airplane is a horrifying thought :saywhat: I would'nt use them to fix my mailbox.
If you've fixed yer 'box in the last 5 years or so, you have prolly already used them.:shakehead
09-18-07, 04:17 PM
Chinese bolts in an airplane is a horrifying thought :saywhat: I would'nt use them to fix my mailbox.
Care to show me where I might buy a non-Chinese bolt, nail, nut or screw?
09-18-07, 08:29 PM
Most airplanes don't hold up well in crashes. ;)
Care to show me where I might buy a non-Chinese bolt, nail, nut or screw?
well, we go with Taiwanese, but it's a little pricey :D
Boeing late by 6 months.
11-27-07, 08:50 PM
The aircraft is scheduled to land at 11:45 a.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007, on the south side of the airport and taxi to the Flight Path Learning Center/LAX Imperial Terminal.
The Flight Path Learning Center and adjacent airport property will be closed to the public all day on Wednesday, Nov. 28 and Thursday, Nov. 29, as well as the morning of Friday, Nov. 30, for private events related to the A380. The center will reopen to the public at 10 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 30.
The aircraft is scheduled to takeoff and land for a demonstration flight on Thursday, Nov. 29 at 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., respectively. It is scheduled to depart LAX for Sydney, Australia on Friday, Nov. 30 at 8 a.m. These flight operations will occur on LAX's south runway complex. Viewers may park at Dockweiler Beach, owned and operated by the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors, to see the aircraft taking off overhead.
For further information, please contact LAX Public Relations at (310) 646-5260 or 24-hour duty officer pager at (310) 523-8994.
12-04-07, 12:24 PM
Bumping this up to say that I did manage to see the plane. It is truly amazing. I couldn't get over the wingspan.
I was on a plane taking off from LAX at 1 AM on 11/29 so I knew I had a small chance of catching a glimpse. I had just about given up when I saw it, all by itself, parked on the tarmac between two of the buildings at the "south" terminal, beautifully illuminated. Just gorgeous.
Bumping this up to say that I did manage to see the plane. It is truly amazing. I couldn't get over the wingspan.
I was on a plane taking off from LAX at 1 AM on 11/29 so I knew I had a small chance of catching a glimpse. I had just about given up when I saw it, all by itself, parked on the tarmac between two of the buildings at the "south" terminal, beautifully illuminated. Just gorgeous.
One was parked at Sydney airport on last thursday morning (same one?), but I did not get much of a view; just the section of fuselage with the name on it. :irked:
01-11-08, 12:06 PM
A flight by an Airbus A380 had to be abandoned after its tow-truck failed in Singapore, as it was being guided towards the runway for take-off.
The plane was preparing to fly to Sydney when part of it ended up on a grass verge, Singapore Airlines said.
The superjumbo's 446 passengers, who were moved to another plane, got off without injury.
The accident at Changi airport left the plane with minor damage, possibly to the tyres, according to the airline.
The accident occurred when the hydraulics failed on a truck towing the plane, which was not running on its own power at the time.
"The damage is very limited, it's superficial in the sense that there is possibly damage to tyres," airline spokesman Stephen Forshaw told AP news agency.
Andrew Longman
01-11-08, 12:34 PM
The plane is so big it can't taxi on its own? Sheesh
07-28-08, 05:11 PM
It's here....
The A380 will take-off for the United Arab Emirates on July 29, arriving at Dubai International Airport in the afternoon. Emirates’ first A380 commercial service is on August 1st between Dubai and New York.
Press Release (
Oh my...
Fulfilling the A380 dream has required vision, innovation, a lot of courage and determination. Emirates shared in this vision early on and today the result is the world’s most modern, innovative and eco-efficient aircraft ever built. The A380 is changing the way people travel. Airbus is proud of all the engineers, staff and customers such as Emirates who have made the A380 a magnificent reality
Four years and 475 posts later:eek:
07-28-08, 06:39 PM
It's here....
Press Release (
Oh my...
Four years and 475 posts later:eek:
Fulfilling the A380 dream has required vision, innovation, a lot more time and money than we told people up front. Emirates got suckered in early on by our lame dog and pony show and in the end even our government backers were barely able to print enough money to float this turkey. The A380 is changing the way people travel, as long as they aren't in a hurry since maneuvering on the ground is all but impossible. Airbus is proud of all the engineers who have made the A380 years late and billions over budget
"Plus, ours is bigger."
07-28-08, 09:55 PM
I always laugh when Boeing and Airbus talk about how much more "eco-efficient" their aircraft are now as if that was the main reason for fuel efficiency increase. I guess the general public cannot understand that all airlines what is to reduce costs and fuel happens to be expensive.
Opposite Lock
01-12-09, 06:29 PM
Apologies if this is a repost. I didn't seem to see it after a couple of searches, and I'm not about to look through all 475+ posts. :gomer:
A380 cockpit 360 degree view (
01-12-09, 06:39 PM
Cool! Lots of cupholders so nobody spills their beer :thumbup:
01-12-09, 07:08 PM
Maybe EADS can license it as a video game if the airplane business doesn't pan out for them...
On the center display is the view from a camera mounted on the tail. I would put that up on the main screen and fly that sucker like a simulator. ;)
You'd think they'd give the pilots some nicer seats.
01-12-09, 09:48 PM
You'd think they'd give the pilots some nicer seats.
You only get leather cockpit seats if you order the cockpit comfort group for $3.4 million extra....:gomer:
01-12-09, 09:49 PM
You'd think they'd give the pilots some nicer seats. Maybe some nice Recaros would bolt right up.
I wasn't sure which thread to put this in. It's got unions, airplanes, economics, and politics...
FedEx May Cancel 30 Boeing 777s over Union Legislation
Upset by the threat of more unions, FedEx is fighting back by clamping down its pocketbook. It might cancel orders for up to 30 new cargo planes from Boeing if lawmakers pass the bill. That would have been a $7 bilion purchase.
Will be interesting to see how it plays out.
03-25-09, 05:23 PM
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters called FedEx irresponsible and shortsighted.
This coming from a group that has turned the simple act of shooting oneself in the foot into a friggin art form.
03-25-09, 05:43 PM
Will be interesting to see how it plays out.
Yep, this one could have gone into a number of threads...
Biting one's nose to spite one's face almost always works out the same. The DC-10's certainly aren't going to get any younger. Ideology vs reality, good luck with that....
BTW, this is the same company that bought heavy hauler Flying Tigers then immediately sold off their hinged-nose 747's effectively killing their nice new heavy hauling division....:tony: :shakehead
And on the other side we have the brain trust at Teamsters. :gomer: :shakehead
12-11-09, 03:53 PM
Well, the Airbus A400M had its first flight today.
Now the 787 is supposed to fly next week, the 15th.
WTH? Looks like a C-17 with somd gd propellers. Hey Europe, got jets?
12-11-09, 07:43 PM
Nicely fit half way between a C-130 and a C-17.
Pretty quick too cruising at 480 mph.
Almost double the payload of a C-130J.
About half the payload of a C-17.
It only took them 27 years to design & build it:saywhat:
12-11-09, 08:05 PM
Known previously as the Future Large Aircraft (FLA), the design has been around since the mid-1980s and is still supposedly vital for European defence needs, yet it remains a paper ’plane. The Editor reviews the programme and its current position, relative to other transport aircraft.
Design for the Airbus A400M military transport is underway with wind tunnel models tested (below) as far back as 1997.
The overall requirement emerged in May 1991 as the FLA Outline European Staff Target (OEST) stating the need for an aircraft with a 32-tonne payload carried in a 4m-wide cargo hold, a 700km/h cruise speed and a range of between 4,000 and 5,000km.
All the major items of military ground equipment in service or under development would be capable of carriage in the hold (apart from main battle tanks), including helicopters such as the Super Puma, NH90, Apache, etc.
Early indications showed that an initial production run of at least 300 aircraft was likely with entry into service planned for 2003 and full operational capability in 2004/2005.
As the governments discussed the options and the programme began to come together, Lockheed moved to offer present and future operators of the Hercules an updated version designated C-130J. This had, on paper, much to commend it - improved performance, Allison AE2100D3 engines driving composite multi-bladed propellers, a two-crew cockpit with digital avionics, etc - but in retaining the basic fuselage cross-section and overall design, it failed to meet the needs of the European requirement for a larger, longer-range aircraft. Boeing too made offers of C-17 Globemaster IIIs, but these were too big and too expensive. As Nino d’Angelo, chairman of Euroflag, said in June 1993, ‘...why should Europe spend our valuable financial resources across the Atlantic when we ourselves can design and build a better aircraft?’ And take 20 years to do so.
12-11-09, 08:23 PM
Nicely fit half way between a C-130 and a C-17.
Pretty quick too cruising at 480 mph.
Almost double the payload of a C-130J.
About half the payload of a C-17.
It only took them 27 years to design & build it:saywhat:
Really expensive too
12-11-09, 08:50 PM
Really expensive too
It's a "European" design, that goes without saying...
Bet the doors make a solid sound when you close them. :gomer:
12-12-09, 12:16 AM
Why would Western Yurp need anything to move their military beyond their borders? They're not willing to use their military to defend themselves WITHIN their borders, let alone anywhere else....
12-12-09, 03:30 AM
Why would Western Yurp need anything to move their military beyond their borders? They're not willing to use their military to defend themselves WITHIN their borders, let alone anywhere else....
Many of the A400M customers are in ISAF/Afghanistan, EUFOR/CHAD, UNIFIL/Lebanon (Heck the French are all over their old colonies in Africa and need the USAF to lift them out a few times).
Also Many European nations need to contract out to Ukrainian and Russian firms with Antonovs to get equipment to Afghanistan.
If the A400m works as promised it should be good, but it is expensive and still overweight. In that video check out the takeoff distance.
12-12-09, 04:45 AM
United buys 25 787s and 25 A350s. First new order in over a decade for UAL
I guess that gets them the most planes quickest.
12-12-09, 05:52 PM
United buys 25 787s and 25 A350s. First new order in over a decade for UAL
I guess that gets them the most planes quickest.
You can buy all sorts of cool stuff when you don't have to pay your employees' pensions anymore.
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