02-19-03, 04:19 AM
Some WOO items: My wife and I will be at the door Saturday night to meet and greet anyone who is coming to Columbus that day. You'll know me by my blue Dr's Scrubs(yes I really wear them for my
shows),remember, you get a 10% Discount on Saturday and the cover charge is being waved, just mention that you are there for the CART race...Sunday the door opens at 11 am, the Pre-Race on SPEED starts at 12:30... Be sure to check out the Miller Lite Stock Car model on top of the standing cooler towards the back, I put a well placed sticker on the car today...Remember that nothing is set in stone as far as times go for Sunday, only the actual race, and the fact that Woo Doggies is providing a FREE Buffet...I got a stack of Crapwagon T-shirts today in the mail as well as Crapwagon stickers, courtesy of Matt and Marissa, the shirts will be auctioned and the proceeds given to the Cornbread Relief Fund...Miller(I hope)will have the Welcome sign delivered tomorrow, Thankyou Wickerbill for the use of the Off Camber logo and to Matt and Marissa for the use of the NEW Crapwagon Logo...trophies for the Woo Doggies GP are ordered and there are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Fastest Lap, Ricer Concours and one special one that you'll see on Sunday, the trophies were bought by Woo Doggies...I purchased a special plaque to present to Woo Doggies on everyones behalf, thanking them for allowing us to invade their bar, it has a laser cut image of Mario's Lola on it...Warlock as you know was able to get the good folks at Mid-Ohio to donate sweaters and tickets for the Champcar race, as doorprizes...the games for the day are being organized by Napolean, please read his link on Woo Doggies Games for the explanation...some FORMER employees of Team Rahal have indicated that they will be joining us...I think that just about covers everything except that I will be donating my time after the event to provide entertainment for your enjoyment, and you never know what surprises there may be, see you all this weekend!:D
shows),remember, you get a 10% Discount on Saturday and the cover charge is being waved, just mention that you are there for the CART race...Sunday the door opens at 11 am, the Pre-Race on SPEED starts at 12:30... Be sure to check out the Miller Lite Stock Car model on top of the standing cooler towards the back, I put a well placed sticker on the car today...Remember that nothing is set in stone as far as times go for Sunday, only the actual race, and the fact that Woo Doggies is providing a FREE Buffet...I got a stack of Crapwagon T-shirts today in the mail as well as Crapwagon stickers, courtesy of Matt and Marissa, the shirts will be auctioned and the proceeds given to the Cornbread Relief Fund...Miller(I hope)will have the Welcome sign delivered tomorrow, Thankyou Wickerbill for the use of the Off Camber logo and to Matt and Marissa for the use of the NEW Crapwagon Logo...trophies for the Woo Doggies GP are ordered and there are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Fastest Lap, Ricer Concours and one special one that you'll see on Sunday, the trophies were bought by Woo Doggies...I purchased a special plaque to present to Woo Doggies on everyones behalf, thanking them for allowing us to invade their bar, it has a laser cut image of Mario's Lola on it...Warlock as you know was able to get the good folks at Mid-Ohio to donate sweaters and tickets for the Champcar race, as doorprizes...the games for the day are being organized by Napolean, please read his link on Woo Doggies Games for the explanation...some FORMER employees of Team Rahal have indicated that they will be joining us...I think that just about covers everything except that I will be donating my time after the event to provide entertainment for your enjoyment, and you never know what surprises there may be, see you all this weekend!:D