View Full Version : Hey, Mom - Remember taking this to Goodwill???
10-19-04, 07:07 PM
You owe me money, woman! :cry:
1972 Mattel Big Jim Karate Action Figure with karate board, baseball, dumbbell and muscle band, a racecar driver outfit, a skin diving outfit, a US Olympic basketball outfit complete with basketball, a basketball outfit, and a woodsman/hunting outfit with rifle.
What, no 1972 Olympic Basketball Silver Medal included? :cry:
I'd say "what a waste of money" but then again I did just spend $125 on the series-killer 1973 917/30 Mark Donohue Porsche/Audi that some would consider just a toy car, so "to each his own".
Now, who wants to play JARTS? :thumbup:
Winston Wolfe
10-19-04, 08:50 PM
damn, dude.... that thing went for some CA$H munny....
But then again it was MIB and NRFB
(For those "non" Ebay freaks, that is "Mint In Box" and "Never Removed From Box"....), which means no one has ever had the pleasure of strapping the doll to an Estes rocket, dumping a "D" motor in there, setting up a fishing wire by hammering two LARGE nails into the blacktop approximately 100 yards apart from each other, sticking an firecracker fuse (unused of course, that you pull out of a blackcat firework), and then light that badboy, and watch that sucker haul ass down the street until it meets up with the end of that other nail that was placed in the ground, that temporarily slows the thing, but then it continues on down the street through a couple of neighbors yards, before the ejection charge goes off, and chars the whole bloody thing, including melting his psuedo afro style hair.
Nope. I never did that to the one that some kid on my street used to have.
Never. :D
10-19-04, 11:02 PM
Ah, Estes rockets. Small fugging miracle that I never won a Darwin Award with those damned things. :D Ask our former neighbor (no, he moved, it didn't kill him) about how well I tested the wings before sending those things off. :eek: Six feet off the ground, 90 degree turn, square into his door knocker at what looked like mach 3, then detonating in an orgy of cardboard, charred plastic parachute, and gunpowder resin. :rofl:
manic mechanic
10-20-04, 02:00 AM
Damn..You guys make me feel bad about all the D-12-5s I used properly!! :p
I did get a few "birds" over 1500 feet with 'em, but never tried them in "horizontal" fashion. :eek:
EnerJet E and F series were out of my reach (financially).
If we had only kept some of the stuff we blew up "under the auspices of learning" and put it on ebay, none of us would have a mortgage! :cry:
:D I don't think my cache of childhood toys would have paid my mortgage, but they still would have got me some spending money off ebay. :rofl: Never did blow anything up, though.
10-20-04, 02:30 AM
Ah, Estes rockets. Small fugging miracle that I never won a Darwin Award with those damned things. :D .......
I thought it might be interesting one time when I was a kid to pack stage 3 with the extract of several hundred black cats and use a stage 2 rocket instead of the stage 3 equipped with the ejection wad for the parachute. A very satisfying fireball at 300 feet was the result, but OMG, what the f@ck was I thinking? :shakehead
10-20-04, 03:29 AM
Hey, that Race Car Driver suit looks a lot like the one "Big Jim"my Vasser & RHR wore last year at ASTJ! Coincidence? I think not! :eek:
GO JEEMY!!! :cool:
'NUT :gomer:
Ah, Estes rockets. Small fugging miracle that I never won a Darwin Award with those damned things.
We used to strap the motors onto the backs of GI Joe's characters. Never did find the remains of a couple of them. :p
10-20-04, 09:52 AM
We used to strap the motors onto the backs of GI Joe's characters. Never did find the remains of a couple of them. :p
Is this you? :D
Perhaps as a young lad. :laugh:
10-20-04, 02:00 PM
Is this you? :D
I think there was a little bit of Sid in all of us, I'm afraid! :laugh: When I got my hands on a snap together model, a pack of firecrackers, and some lighter fluid, my patio was instantly transformed into Industrial Light and Magic, baby! :eek: :laugh:
10-20-04, 10:47 PM
Is it just me or does Big Jim look like he and Ken could be "close friends"?
....not that there's anything wrong with that.
10-21-04, 12:14 AM
Is it just me or does Big Jim look like he and Ken could be "close friends"?
....not that there's anything wrong with that.
What makes you say that?
Oh, and Winston Wolfe - I found your toy!
"Big Jim himself is missing his right hand; otherwise he is in great condition with no cracks or paint wear. The Whip has a melt mark under his left armpit and some small ones on his legs."
Winston Wolfe
10-21-04, 12:54 AM
What makes you say that?
Oh, and Winston Wolfe - I found your toy!
"Big Jim himself is missing his right hand; otherwise he is in great condition with no cracks or paint wear. The Whip has a melt mark under his left armpit and some small ones on his legs."
That's HIM !!!! What a fargin' riot.... :thumbup: :D
like someone had mentioned above, growing up, we soon found that if you removed the top of the Estes rocket motors (the clay-like substance cap, if you will...) and replaced it with the internals from as many as 15-20 fireworks (black cats, etc.), then resealed the top with some duct tape, the you could turn those rockets into GIANT exploding missles, but you had to get the engines that had the ZERO delay on the discharge, so the rockets never had much of an apogee... It took a while to figure the trajectory, so the key was to run the thing on the fishing line, using the two nails hammered into the blacktop, to at least get it started in the right direction.
Yeah, we had a whole bunch of close calls, but we all made it through with complete sets of fingers and toes.... how the hell we ever did, I'll never know, but we did.... I also recall taking the various WWII Monogram model planes (****e-Wolf, Spitfires, Hurricanes, P-51s, Mitsu Zero, etc) all of which were painstakingly painted and decalled by my bro, Dad, and me, when we were 8-12 yrs of age, and then sacrificing them to the gasoline\ rocket engine \ firecracker \ M-80 \ everything looks cool when it explodes and burns phase when I was 13-14.... Damn, it sure was alot of fun growing up back in the less government regulated late 70's & early 80's ! :)
10-21-04, 01:02 AM
I also recall taking the various WWII Monogram model planes (****e-Wolf, Spitfires, Hurricanes, P-51s, Mitsu Zero, etc) all of which were painstakingly painted and decalled by my bro, Dad, and me, when we were 8-12 yrs of age, and then sacrificing them to the gasoline\ rocket engine \ firecracker \ M-80 \ everything looks cool when it explodes and burns phase when I was 13-14.... Damn, it sure was alot of fun growing up back in the less government regulated late 70's & early 80's ! :)
Parallel lives. :laugh:
My dad still has photos of our model planes detonating in mid-air (yeah, he was the photographer!). Fishing line from the chimney down to the bottom of the fence in the backyard. Paper clip through the top of the model, stuff the bugger full of black cats and voila - it's Midway in the backyard! :laugh:
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