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Amanda B.'s Mom
10-31-04, 08:28 PM
Sorry I can;t talk about RA specifics due to certain circumstances. What I can say is that I do not understand why OWRS would drop a circuit that is on almost all of the drivers favorites lists. How they could drop a circuit that really makes the drivers show all of their talents. How they could drop a circuit that has ch a great historical significance in road racing. How they could drop a circuit that has had very reasonable crowds recently despite the demise of CART. How they could drop a circuit that essentially has something for everyone. It has family activities, a huge variety of excellent food stands, a variety of camping options, easy paddock access, nearby lodging, excellent hospitality facilities, and many other nearby attractions.

I just don;t get it :confused: :confused: :confused:

All I can figure is that the opinions of the drivers and fans are no longer important. This to me is very sad. As usual it all comes down to money. Money is the reason that so many talented drivers were never able to drive in CART, and others who are very deserving will never be able to drive in the OWRS. Again it is money that is causing OWRS to choose certain types of circuits.

Well, I wish the series my best in its new chosen direction of mostly street circuits in the US and overseas races. Unfortunately I doubt I will ever see a race in person again......I hope to be proven wrong, however ;)

It's interesting to me that I'm hearing ultimatums being laid down for Champ car, but none for Road America. Why do you assume that it's Champ car's fault after all the crap they've gotten from Road America over the last few years?

Are you saying that Road America is right no matter what kind of deal they're asking for?

Frankly if Road America won't make a three year commitment to the series at a reasonable rate then the series is better off without them. This annual, "will Road America stay our go question" only contributes to the instability of the series.

10-31-04, 08:40 PM
I can't speak about RA and MO (never been to either circuit), but I will concur about the LACK of promotion for Laguna Seca. Small amounts of signage and a downtown "street fest" do not make for an increased turnout, It takes a LOT MORE than a few driver appearances during the race weekend to bring out the "casual" fan.

This situation alarms me, because SCRAMP is one of the most accomidating groups I have ever dealt with when it comes to track personnell. It just seems like more businesses and civic groups should be "on the bandwagon" to make an event like that more successful, but they are not.

"Mus be 'cuz them cars 'aint got fennerz"... :laugh:

Ahh, the dumbing down of America...NASCRAP has screwed us all!


And it's only a matter of time before NASCAR runs its course... I mean it won't disappear but it's bound to become boring and the same , well its boring & the Same now... the people that read & write, and shower & shave will eventually faze out because it's hipness will be gone, and the frontrunner fans will desert for the next "groovy" thing.

Hopefully Champ Car & the SCRAMP people can agree on some mutually beneficial promotional Idea !

Sean O'Gorman
10-31-04, 09:44 PM
And it's only a matter of time before NASCAR runs its course... I mean it won't disappear but it's bound to become boring and the same , well its boring & the Same now... the people that read & write, and shower & shave will eventually faze out because it's hipness will be gone, and the frontrunner fans will desert for the next "groovy" thing.

Any potential downfall of NASCAR will do nothing to help make up for the incompetence of Champ Car management.

Besides, the next big racing fad is drifting. :thumdown: :thumdown: :thumdown: :thumdown:

10-31-04, 10:58 PM
Back to the midwesterer whine:

Not too many years ago I could attend six to eight races a year within easy driving distance which it a damn sight more likely to feel attatched to a series and therefore be more inclined to attend multiple events.

11-01-04, 01:11 AM
Back to the midwesterer whine:

Not too many years ago I could attend six to eight races a year within easy driving distance which it a damn sight more likely to feel attatched to a series and therefore be more inclined to attend multiple events.

A worthy whine.

But the price of still being around is receiving some checks to cash rather than having someone cashing your checks.

I can wait a few more years.

11-01-04, 07:39 AM
Back to the midwesterer whine:

Not too many years ago I could attend six to eight races a year within easy driving distance which it a damn sight more likely to feel attatched to a series and therefore be more inclined to attend multiple events.

Same here and if you think about it, that's how NASCAR developed such a strong & loyal fan base, by concentrating on one region and growing from there.

11-01-04, 08:56 AM
This thread shows a lot of passion among the hardcore, that’s a good thing. It’s a hopeful sign, but staging races at natural terrain road courses for the sake of “diversity” doesn’t make a lot of sense; especially when the owners of those courses feel nothing should be required of them other than to maybe refrain from having an IRL event at their facility instead. Champ Car should stage an event anywhere they can find a partner who can help them succeed. Anything else is throwing good money after bad.

As TravelGal points out, it’s amazing there is a Champ Car, and, frankly, those of you who compare the schedule of ten years ago and insist that getting it back at any cost is somehow the answer to all our problems are not facing reality.

The marketplace has changed. Champ Car is competing with the Gomer League in a market that has SHRUNK to a fraction of what it was. They can throw an infinite amount of money at Mid-Ohio and Road America and, most likely, fail, or they can partner with those who really want them to be there. Which is what they are doing. Give ‘em a break.

11-01-04, 08:58 AM
Maybe Natural Terrain Road Racing is dead in America

Everyone seems to want them, but no one seems to want to go to them ...


It's the hardcores like ourselves who make the best of these Road Courses!
I don't think there are enough of us left in each tracks geographic area to support it anymore!

But what used to attract the fans? What attracts them in Europe? What gets NASCAR fans out to a road race, they are well attended.

IMO the attendance at road events is a reflection of the popularity of the series, just like the cable TV ratings. It tells you how far people are willing to go to seek out the product, and unfortunately the answer is "not very far". Other than the aforementionned hardcores, of course, we'll always pop up. :)


11-01-04, 10:10 AM
But what used to attract the fans? What attracts them in Europe? What gets NASCAR fans out to a road race, they are well attended.

IMO the attendance at road events is a reflection of the popularity of the series, just like the cable TV ratings. It tells you how far people are willing to go to seek out the product, and unfortunately the answer is "not very far". Other than the aforementionned hardcores, of course, we'll always pop up. :)

jonoI think you have hit upon the central point. this series isn't what it once was. the owners have accepted that reality and have created a schedule that makes sense economically given that fact. the fans on bulletin boards are the hardcore, of course, they see things differently. i htink the owners have got it right here.

11-01-04, 10:22 AM
I think you have hit upon the central point. this series isn't what it once was. the owners have accepted that reality and have created a schedule that makes sense economically given that fact. the fans on bulletin boards are the hardcore, of course, they see things differently. i htink the owners have got it right here.

I think we almost agree, but I still would have liked to see more catering to the "hardcore" fans, since they (we) are the ones who keep the thing alive and tell all our friends about it. :)

There's a balance - if you ran all road circuits you'd be driving around in front of 10,000 people and the series wouldn't be sustainable. If you run almost none, you risk alienating those hardcore fans, and maybe they become casual fans over time.

I guess we'll see where things land, maybe RA or Laguna will still show up.


11-03-04, 10:22 PM
Laguna Seca appears to be firming up. The Formula Atlantic series announced an 11 race schedule today and added, "a 12th event, to be held within the United States, will be added to the series schedule and announced in the coming weeks." The preliminary schedule shows the date as coming after the August 28th Montreal race.