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11-02-04, 12:15 PM
I waited just over 30 minutes, just after the polls opened at 6am

11-02-04, 12:35 PM
Voted early a couple weekends ago. No wait.

One of the polling places I pass by on the way to work (a bar, only in Texas :) ) had a line of 50 - 100 people waiting in the rain.

11-02-04, 12:40 PM
We vote by mail in Oregon, I was done a week and a half ago, no waiting...

11-02-04, 12:40 PM
Walked in at 9:25, stood in line for ten minutes, another 5 to vote, and all is good.

Now I have to sit around for a few days and see if my Dad has a job for another 4 years. ;)

11-02-04, 12:47 PM
I've got the day off to vote so I waited until 10 a and walked in and out with no line.

11-02-04, 12:50 PM
Two hours for me.

11-02-04, 12:55 PM
I only voted once. Overrated.

Dirty Sanchez
11-02-04, 12:56 PM
I bailed on the line this morning. I'll do the deed after work.

Sean O'Gorman
11-02-04, 01:39 PM
I didn't get up early enough this morning to vote, so I'm going when I get out of school. It is a good thing I wasn't scheduled to work today, from the sounds of things, I'll be waiting for awhile. This is the first election I'm eligible to vote. :thumbup:

11-02-04, 01:50 PM
Voted early a couple weekends ago. No wait.

One of the polling places I pass by on the way to work (a bar, only in Texas :) ) had a line of 50 - 100 people waiting in the rain.
hey! nothing wrong with some lubrication before you get ready to turn the wheels of democracy!

11-02-04, 01:56 PM
In and out. No wait. :thumbup:

11-02-04, 02:41 PM
Question from a canucklehead:

How many things do you usually vote on today?


11-02-04, 02:44 PM
"more than 30; but less than 60"

Two weeks ago....

11-02-04, 03:07 PM
Depends Devilmaster .
In addition to president and congress we had 14 ballot questions and a town council and an bunch of local races like town sargent and welfare director.
Other states/ locals have different things on the ballot.

11-02-04, 03:11 PM
Question from a canucklehead:

How many things do you usually vote on today?


I live in Harris County outside the city limits of Houston, Tx. 4th largest city in the U.S.

Today I voted in about 2 dozen different contests. President of the U.S.A. down to many County Judge seats up for election. Inside the city limts there are also a couple of proposition races.

11-02-04, 03:15 PM
I voted last week early, still stood in line for right at 1 hour.

Steve, this is a link to a sample ballot for Harris County, Texas. Soon to be The Republic of Texas if that thing from up yonder gets elected.


11-02-04, 03:19 PM
We vote by mail in Oregon, I was done a week and a half ago, no waiting...Yeah, and I don't miss standing in the inevitable rain at all. :thumbup:


11-02-04, 03:23 PM
Question from a canucklehead:

How many things do you usually vote on today?


U.S. Senator
State Senator
State representative
U.S. Representative
Three state supreme court justices
Two County Commisioners
County Engineer
County Coroner
County Treasurer
County Recorder
School levy
A couple circuit judges
State school board
Gay marraige ammendment
And a couple others I know I'm forgetting
No vote on governor though. :(

11-02-04, 03:44 PM
I won't be voting until about 11pm EST! It makes for an interesting experience on this coast.

Sean O'Gorman
11-02-04, 04:12 PM
Heh, I'm on my way out the door to vote when I see on MSNBC, Cleveland mayor Jane Campbell is talking about 2-3 hr waits. Hopefully it isn't as bad in Parma, I guess I'll find out shortly.

11-02-04, 04:27 PM
Vote for what?

Is it Playmate of the Year time already?

11-02-04, 04:34 PM
Thanks for that all.

After the last election and the lead up to this one, I never understood why voting ballots were so complicated.

I never understood why they need special machines and the like. Technology isn't always the best. But i'll leave it at that. If this thread drifts too much, it'll go into politics, and get slammed.


Sean O'Gorman
11-02-04, 04:55 PM
Nine minutes from when I left the driveway to when I came back home. Would've been longer if it wasn't raining, because I would've just walked there.

No challengers or anything of the like, just two people standing outside the doors. One was holding a sign for a state rep, the other for a county judge. Totally uneventful, and that is a good thing. :thumbup:

EDIT: Oops, not totally uneventful. There was a scare at first when they couldn't find my name on the list (I should've been listed between my parents), but it turned out they omitted the apostrophe from my name, so it was on the next page.

11-02-04, 05:15 PM
About 90 minutes.

Voted on all the stuff Rabbit mentioned plus six City bond issues, a Zoo tax levy, and a City-wide ordinance against smoking in public buildings.

11-02-04, 05:15 PM
Is there an election today? ;)

Took me 30 min. The line for last names starting with L-Z was 3x as long in my precinct. :eek:


11-02-04, 05:16 PM
a City-wide ordinance against smoking in public buildings.

Can the ban! ;)


11-02-04, 05:22 PM
Public access or publically owned?

11-02-04, 06:11 PM
Public access or publically owned?

All public access buildings and places of employment.

11-02-04, 06:29 PM
I am the worst kind of anti-smoker, an ex-smoker. However, that seems a bit harsh to try and pass a law that tells restaurants, bars and clubs that people cant smoke in their establishments.

11-02-04, 07:08 PM
No wait at all at 6pm CST. 1/2 the voting booths weren't even in use.

BTW, I didn't see the vote for new czar of OW racing. Wasn't that going to be on the ballot?

11-02-04, 07:18 PM
I left home early planning on having to wait in line to vote before work, ended up, there wasn't any line so the process took all of about 5 minutes to vote for about 12 or 13 things...had enough time to go out for breakfast :thumbup:

If I had to wait in line all day I would, I owe it to the guys that fought for this country, including 7 of my great uncles....plus the way I figure, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain.

11-02-04, 07:26 PM
I am the worst kind of anti-smoker, an ex-smoker. However, that seems a bit harsh to try and pass a law that tells restaurants, bars and clubs that people cant smoke in their establishments.
that law is the foremost reason I love NYC :D no smoking in the bars and resteraunts up there, dallas is sweet b/c if a joint is something like more than 50% food service, no smoking

11-02-04, 08:06 PM
Waited about 5 minutes in line this morning, and was #20 at 7am.

Voted on POTUS and VPOTUS, Senator, Congressperson, Judges (gotta love the vote for 3, and only 3 are running on all the parties), and state reps.
I think mayor of Buffalo is next year's election. That should be interesting.

BTW, I didn't see the vote for new czar of OW racing. Wasn't that going to be on the ballot?

Tony George v. Gentilozzi? Gentilozzi in a landslide. :)

nissan gtp
11-02-04, 08:31 PM
in-n-out, no wait :D

11-02-04, 09:00 PM
Total time from getting out of my car, voting, and back = 3 minutes. No line, no problem :) There's a township in the next county (Amity Twsp., Berks County PA) that they showed on the news that has an estimated wait time of 4-5 hours :eek: . The line went up and down each row of the parking lot and into the grass, fire trucks providing auxilliary lighting for the line.

11-02-04, 10:21 PM
Worked out of the House Today

Friend of mine worked at our Polling Place called me when the place thinned out around 10:45 AM I drove the 2 blocks ... voted and chatted with my friend

Total Voting time 3 minutes !

I was told it was crowded after 5 PM though ...So thanks to my friend! :thumbup:

11-02-04, 10:32 PM
In Oregon we vote by mail. Very simple. We all are just like absentee voters. Pretty cool huh.

11-03-04, 12:32 AM
In Oregon we vote by mail. Very simple. We all are just like absentee voters. Pretty cool huh.

If Oregon votes by mail, how come only 27% of the precincts are reporting in OR as of 11PM EST? Shouldn't they be able to report as soon as the West Coast polls close (Or even earlier today)? :confused:

11-03-04, 12:40 AM
In Oregon we vote by mail. Very simple. We all are just like absentee voters. Pretty cool huh.

Yeah, but you don't pump your own gas! :saywhat: :laugh:

Jervis Tetch 1
11-03-04, 12:53 AM
Took me an hour waiting in line, but from the looks of things, it WAS worth it ;)

The Doctor
11-03-04, 01:02 AM
Went during lunch break at 12:45. Waited ten seconds in line. One woman in front of me in my section of the alphabet was just finishing her signature when I got there.

11-03-04, 02:16 AM
If Oregon votes by mail, how come only 27% of the precincts are reporting in OR as of 11PM EST? Shouldn't they be able to report as soon as the West Coast polls close (Or even earlier today)? :confused:

I always wondered that also. I guess they don't count them until Election Day??

edit: In LA we voted on President, Senator, Representative, State Assembly member, 5 judges, 16 state measures, 1 county measure, and 1 city measure. And we used the "new INKA DOT system" with the cuuuuute little greyhound puppy. :rolleyes: No more chads. Just break your hand trying to make the daaaaaaaam ink pen make the blob on the ballot. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

CART License
11-03-04, 04:16 AM
Get with it…We voted via computer. apparently Ohio used crayons

Sean O'Gorman
11-03-04, 08:22 AM
Get with it…We voted via computer. apparently Ohio used crayons

Hey, get it right! We etched our votes into stone tablets!

11-03-04, 08:51 AM
I am the worst kind of anti-smoker, an ex-smoker. However, that seems a bit harsh to try and pass a law that tells restaurants, bars and clubs that people cant smoke in their establishments.

At least the populace gets the opportunity to vote on it. In my town the City council snuck an anti smoking law that took effect Monday. Restaurants and bar owners b*tched that the council had no right telling them how they could run their business ( I agree), council then amended the law to state smoking areas would be allowed if they were seperated by a wall from the non-smoking area AND the rooms had to be on seperate ventilation systems. :saywhat:

Gimme a break, the seperation of areas would be easy enough but seperate ventilation systems? :shakehead

11-03-04, 09:17 AM
Hey, get it right! We etched our votes into stone tablets!

It wasn't a show of hands at the Grange Hall ?

"...OK...I gotta start over...I messed up......1,2,3..."

11-03-04, 09:32 AM
It wasn't a show of hands at the Grange Hall ?

"...OK...I gotta start over...I messed up......1,2,3..."

Isn't that how Iowa does their Caucus??

11-03-04, 10:57 AM
If Oregon votes by mail, how come only 27% of the precincts are reporting in OR as of 11PM EST? Shouldn't they be able to report as soon as the West Coast polls close (Or even earlier today)? :confused:

They dont count them untill election day, and a vast number of people choose not to mail in thier ballot, but to drop it off on election day...

11-03-04, 12:56 PM
Ten minutes total from pulling into the driveway of the polling place and pulling out of it. I'm in the less than 15 minute category. It was more like two minutes because the poll workers seemed a little disorganized. We had touch screens this year and you could review your votes or go back before finalizing your vote. :thumbup:

11-03-04, 01:05 PM
No line. I checked in, sat down, voted; took all of about 3 minutes. Took me longer to drive there.

11-03-04, 01:38 PM
I worked all day yesterday and by the time Mrs. 'NUT & I made it to the polling place, all the other working folk were already waiting in line. It took over an hour and a half and I can't believe we really waited! But we did.
It was cold too and Starbucks missed a huge opportunity to make a killing off that line last night!

11-03-04, 01:55 PM
I was lucky in being able to vote first thing in the morning, as my wife went to vote after I got home from work (she stayed home with child #2 who was sick.) She left the house at 4:15 pm and returned after 7pm. The wait in line was about 2.5 hours. Just as she was leaving the house, our oldest son (age = 10) asked if he could go with her. He went, and he did not complain one time - that is quite a feat for any ten year old, IMO. He said he wanted to see what voting was like. One of the poll workers came out at 6pm to see whare the end of the line was at that time (official poll closing time in our county) and those people were allowed to vote. She said that friends and family were delivering coffee, pizza, McDonalds, etc. She had to park about a ten minute walk from the building.

Yesterday marks the first time that either one of us has waited in a line to vote longer than 2 - 3 minutes.

11-03-04, 01:59 PM
BTW, I didn't see the vote for new czar of OW racing. Wasn't that going to be on the ballot?It was on the same page as the ballot measure that would condemn the IMS to make way for a public race track facility. There was also a place to vote for race park director in the event the condemnation measure passed. I was amused to see that the only choices for race park director were members of this forum. :cool:
