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11-02-04, 11:26 PM
:eek: Damn, on SPEED now...gotta be a tranny......no way that's a chick.

11-02-04, 11:41 PM
and stuff....... :rolleyes:

11-02-04, 11:59 PM
she is a nasty yard beast for sure

Jervis Tetch 1
11-03-04, 12:49 AM
Yeah, I saw her on Windbag. She's definitely no Amanda Peet, in fact she makes Sarah Fisher look downright appetizing :saywhat:

11-03-04, 06:06 AM
Jervis is right. She does make DNFisher look somewhat palatable...


11-03-04, 06:59 AM
Who's the Zero pilot?

11-03-04, 09:01 AM
Haters :rolleyes:

I'd hit it :)

11-03-04, 09:20 AM
Who's the Zero pilot?


11-03-04, 10:24 AM
^^^ :rofl: :rofl:

11-03-04, 10:50 AM
Ziggy, the only person that can make me laugh for 2 minutes straight by writting 5 words or less! :thumbup: :rofl:

Rogue Leader
11-03-04, 07:33 PM
Shes coyote ugly... if i woke up next to her id definitely chew my arm off to get away so as not to wake that beast!

11-03-04, 07:36 PM
1) Who the **** is she and why should I care?

2) Why is she wearing a shirt with her own name on it?

11-03-04, 07:41 PM
Why is she wearing a shirt with her own name on it?

Maybe shes a graduate of the Crash Alice school of self promotion????????

Joe in LA
11-04-04, 01:13 PM
This is what happens if you try to hire Lisa Kudrow and can't spell or speak clearly.

11-04-04, 04:32 PM
2) Why is she wearing a shirt with her own name on it?Makes as much sense as wearing a shirt with somebody else's name on it.

"Right this way Mr. Bauer."
"Call me Eddie."

/still laughing at the Zero pilot line. :laugh:

11-04-04, 04:50 PM
/still laughing at the Zero pilot line. :laugh:

A day later and I'm still laughing.

11-04-04, 04:56 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

11-04-04, 04:58 PM
I'd hit it :)

The one true post in the thread. :rofl:

Don't feel bad, if real life is like that picture, I would too...

11-04-04, 06:18 PM
Yeah, I saw her on Windbag. She's definitely no Amanda Peet, in fact she makes Sarah Fisher look downright appetizing :saywhat:

Now there is something yo don't hear everyday

11-04-04, 06:23 PM
"yard beast"....lol....I'll have to remember that one. :thumbup:

11-04-04, 06:37 PM
I found a couple more pictures. Apparently there isn't a lot of action in the pits at these events judging by where her pit crew is always looking. She apparently only owns t-shirts with her name on them. And "yard beast" is hilarious.



11-04-04, 07:11 PM
Who's the Zero pilot?Umm.., that's her husband and tuner Gary Kubo as I recall Zig. :laugh:

On a less humorous note her Saturn may win a lot and run in the 7's with a 2.0L engine, but it's got to be the fugliest race car I've every seen. :thumdown:


Rogue Leader
11-04-04, 07:17 PM
Yep the yard beast definitely got slapped with the ugly stick!

11-05-04, 12:43 AM
"yard beast"....lol....I'll have to remember that one. :thumbup:

manic mechanic
11-05-04, 01:06 AM
Why is she wearing a shirt with her own name on it?

Maybe shes a graduate of the Crash Alice school of self promotion????????

aww Zig, you are just jealous because both of them are charter members of the "I'm WAAAY faster than Ziggy EVER WAS" club!! :p

So what if she isn't much to look at..There is plenty of that at an Import Drag Racing event. The bottom line is that she can drive (just don't ask if she can turn right or left at 200mph).

Judge her as you may, but I'd chance to say that a great percentage of us (in equal equipment) would probably wreck the car she handles very capably. ;)


11-08-04, 05:50 AM
Ok the pics here are worse than she looked on WindTunnel....I thought she looked ok on there but then again she's still somebody I wouldn't be going out with.


11-08-04, 08:40 AM
Who's the Zero pilot?

That's Lisa Kubo with her main squeeze standing at her right.

Jervis Tetch 1
11-08-04, 12:09 PM
Ah so. :gomer:

11-08-04, 07:43 PM
Who's the Zero pilot?

Soburo Sakai ;)

Jervis Tetch 1
11-09-04, 10:10 AM
Soburo Sakai ;)
:D :thumbup:

Have you ever read Sakai's book "Samurai?"

One of the greatest war bios ever written and it gives a valuable account of what the Japanese pilots went through before, during and after (the few who survived) the war.

One of the all-time greats.

11-09-04, 07:04 PM
:D :thumbup:

Have you ever read Sakai's book "Samurai?"

One of the greatest war bios ever written and it gives a valuable account of what the Japanese pilots went through before, during and after (the few who survived) the war.

One of the all-time greats.

No I haven't but WW2 is one of my favorite topics to read. Thanks for the tip.

11-09-04, 07:17 PM
:D :thumbup:

Have you ever read Sakai's book "Samurai?"

One of the greatest war bios ever written and it gives a valuable account of what the Japanese pilots went through before, during and after (the few who survived) the war.

One of the all-time greats.

Yes....Great book and I've met the man actually in 1992. If all my pre digital photos weren't in storage I'd post one here.


11-09-04, 07:33 PM
you guys just dont have any class-

manic, I agree with you (but then I usually do). when she was on Speedfreaks, she didn't have those braces and she didn't look half bad. then I saw her at Pomona this year and she actually looked really good. she is NOT as big as those pics make her out tobe. I didn't see her on the Windbag, so I can't comment there. but from the couple of times I HAVE seen her, she is better looking than Sarah Fishmouth.

she drives a FWD saturn- if any of us could get that beast (meaning the car) off the starting line even though it wants to transfer teh weight in the exact opposite direction, and then keep it straight and fast enough to break 8 seconds- sheesch, she's got to be a stud.

11-09-04, 07:41 PM
you guys just dont have any class

Guilty as charged. :gomer:

keep it straight and fast enough to break 8 seconds


Sean O'Gorman
11-09-04, 07:52 PM
bla bla bla speed freaks bla bla bla im a tool

Typical overlandave post, I see.

she's got to be a stud.

You said it, not me. :eek:

11-09-04, 07:55 PM
you guys just dont have any class-

manic, I agree with you (but then I usually do). when she was on Speedfreaks, she didn't have those braces and she didn't look half bad. then I saw her at Pomona this year and she actually looked really good. she is NOT as big as those pics make her out tobe. I didn't see her on the Windbag, so I can't comment there. but from the couple of times I HAVE seen her, she is better looking than Sarah Fishmouth.

she drives a FWD saturn- if any of us could get that beast (meaning the car) off the starting line even though it wants to transfer teh weight in the exact opposite direction, and then keep it straight and fast enough to break 8 seconds- sheesch, she's got to be a stud.

how do you rate how good you are at what you do?

honestly, i'm curious.

how do you know you're not a complete tool at what you do?

i'm just curious...

11-09-04, 11:26 PM
you guys just dont have any class-

manic, I agree with you (but then I usually do). when she was on Speedfreaks, she didn't have those braces and she didn't look half bad. then I saw her at Pomona this year and she actually looked really good. she is NOT as big as those pics make her out tobe. I didn't see her on the Windbag, so I can't comment there. but from the couple of times I HAVE seen her, she is better looking than Sarah Fishmouth.

she drives a FWD saturn- if any of us could get that beast (meaning the car) off the starting line even though it wants to transfer teh weight in the exact opposite direction, and then keep it straight and fast enough to break 8 seconds- sheesch, she's got to be a stud.

A Saturn? A freaking Saturn?

So, she's a ricer-racer wannabe?

And she breaks 8 seconds in a pass? I'm afraid.

I'm very afraid. :laugh:

Helio thinks she's a stud too.