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11-10-04, 10:54 AM
Looks like the futility watch will be cut by 1 next year.

Carpentier will replace Carpenter at RBTC for 2005.

LINK (http://sports.iwon.com/news/11092004/v8062.html)

11-10-04, 11:13 AM
I hope Carpentier doesn't get killed but
I won't shed a tear for him leaving Cart.
He may have had trouble finding a ride (probably did)
but he chose to leave.

11-10-04, 11:49 AM
I hope Carpentier doesn't get killed but
I won't shed a tear for him leaving Cart.
He may have had trouble finding a ride (probably did)
but he chose to leave.

Nobody in Champ car would hire him. Carpentier is a talented driver but there are other talented drivers out there who will show up every weekend.

I don't blame the guy for taking a paying job. I'm sure he can hold the pedal down as well as anyone.

11-10-04, 11:55 AM
Be safe Patrick. :(

11-10-04, 12:02 PM
He always seemed to do well in the Hanford leap-frog races. He should be the rising sun of the Rindy Racin Reag.

11-10-04, 12:02 PM
With this week's manufacturer news, maybe the whole damn "league" should be put on the 2005 Futility Watch ...

11-10-04, 12:21 PM
Looks like the futility watch will be cut by 1 next year.

Carpentier will replace Carpenter at RBTC for 2005.

Don't worry. Be happy. Have confidence that Tony George will spend more of the family fortune buying Mr. Ed a ride for 2005. Afterall, the field must be filled!

11-10-04, 12:21 PM

Carpentier said after the season-finale last Sunday in Mexico City that he had been negotiating with three IRL teams because he wants to drive in the IRL's Indianapolis 500 and do more oval racing.

Let the kool-aid drinking commence.

11-10-04, 12:24 PM
BTW, many thanks to all who embraced The Futility Watch and contributed to the threads. Let's all look forward to more fine Futility in the 2005 vintage.

11-10-04, 12:40 PM
Remember this? :cool:


11-10-04, 12:54 PM
BTW, many thanks to all who embraced The Futility Watch and contributed to the threads. Let's all look forward to more fine Futility in the 2005 vintage.

Well, Lappable Larry was entered at Atlanta but failed to qualify and rumor has it that he is entered in the season finally at Homestead. BAM actually went there and tested!!

11-10-04, 01:45 PM
He may have had trouble finding a ride (probably did) but he chose to leave.

That's what we've heard all along, though the Forsythe PR this morning seems to want to spin that differently (that staying w/Forsythe was a valid option):

"Patrick Carpentier called me last night from Indianapolis to advise me that he had signed a contract with Cheever Racing to drive in the Indy Racing League in 2005" said team owner Jerry Forsythe...

"I think it's a shame that Pat has decided to make a move now, and frankly I don't think this is a good career choice for him personally - but this is his decision..."

Vice President of Operations Neil Micklewright added, "It's a pity Patrick felt he had to make such an early decision - we didn't want him to leave."

As for Ed, on yesterday's IRL banquet telecast he indicated he had another deal in the works (Sallee?) but wasn't ready to announce.

11-10-04, 01:55 PM
Remember this? :cool:


Yes, but is he actually running "commando" style?

11-10-04, 02:23 PM
That's what we've heard all along, though the Forsythe PR this morning seems to want to spin that differently (that staying w/Forsythe was a valid option):

Now that puts things in a different light. If he had the option of staying with Forsythe but instead chose Cheever in the earl then stay safe but don't let the door hit you on the way out. :shakehead

11-10-04, 02:28 PM
Now that puts things in a different light. If he had the option of staying with Forsythe but instead chose Cheever in the earl then stay safe but don't let the door hit you on the way out. :shakeheadDoesn't pass the smell test.

Lemmesee, Forsythe - Cheever, Cheever - Forsythe. How does one come up with a winner in Cheever land? Only if there ain't nuthin else. IMO.

11-10-04, 02:44 PM
Doesn't pass the smell test.

Lemmesee, Forsythe - Cheever, Cheever - Forsythe. How does one come up with a winner in Cheever land? Only if there ain't nuthin else. IMO.

Maybe Cheever promised him an F1 tryout?!!

11-10-04, 07:09 PM
Hiring a Canadian.....that'll kill Champcar...yup it will, all those Canadians will see the newest vision...yup they will..... :shakehead

11-10-04, 09:16 PM
Patreek was given ample opportunity to FIND a sponsor, and FIND a paycheck. He doesn't have the credentials to command a paycheck (read: PT, 03 Champ) but GF was willing to help him out as best he could. All that was ASKED of him was to put forth effort to go out and drum up SOME money.

Pat is likeable, a good interview, a nice guy, but he's showing real poor judgement here. Even Labrose has divorced himself of this deal.

Canada is ChampCar country. Carp is a favorite son in Canada. Why the F he couldn't get something rolling up there, with some initiative, and utilizing what I am sure is an extensive network of contacts only leads me to one conclusion:

He went for the easy manufacturer's money.

Am I calling him lazy? Probably. Am I calling him a Prima Donna? Maybe. Am I calling him stupid (especilly in light of recent developments in EARL [TF meltdown over Chebby & Yoda] ) YES. Am I calling him disrespectful of his former boss, fans, teammates, country and family? You bet your A$$.

Drivers are pretty much a dime a dozen. You blew it Patty. :shakehead

Sean O'Gorman
11-10-04, 09:28 PM
Patreek was given ample opportunity to FIND a sponsor, and FIND a paycheck. He doesn't have the credentials to command a paycheck (read: PT, 03 Champ) but GF was willing to help him out as best he could. All that was ASKED of him was to put forth effort to go out and drum up SOME money.

Pat is likeable, a good interview, a nice guy, but he's showing real poor judgement here. Even Labrose has divorced himself of this deal.

Canada is ChampCar country. Carp is a favorite son in Canada. Why the F he couldn't get something rolling up there, with some initiative, and utilizing what I am sure is an extensive network of contacts only leads me to one conclusion:

He went for the easy manufacturer's money.

Am I calling him lazy? Probably. Am I calling him a Prima Donna? Maybe. Am I calling him stupid (especilly in light of recent developments in EARL [TF meltdown over Chebby & Yoda] ) YES. Am I calling him disrespectful of his former boss, fans, teammates, country and family? You bet your A$$.

Drivers are pretty much a dime a dozen. You blew it Patty. :shakehead


Welcome back, BTW.

Pat had the whole off-season to try and find a sponsor, however unlikely that may have been. I doubt there were lots of drivers in line for that Cheever ride.

11-10-04, 10:02 PM
To add to the Spicmans post (hey JC! :D ), Patty's agents prodigy has some decent backing, and I imagine it wouldn't take much to toss a little of that Pat's way.

But maybe like Cheever he had to regress till he found his level.