View Full Version : I keep getting Stuff
I keep getting Stuff. I don't know why. One day Stuff showed up in the mail and Stuff just kept coming. More Stuff every month. I don't understand it. I didn't pay for this Stuff. I don't mind Stuff. But I would never pay for Stuff.
I'm talking about Stuff magazine, another one of those guy magazine whose main attraction seems to be scantily clad minor celebrity bimbos and along with a gadgets, video games and stupid 'guy' humor. I mean, I like scantily clad minor celebrity bimbos as much as the next guy, but there's really nothing there worth paying for.
So what, do they think I'm going to subscribe when I suddenly don't get my free monthly dose of scantily clad minor celebrity bimbos? Isn't that what we've got he Internet for? :confused:
Jervis Tetch 1
01-07-05, 10:50 AM
Stuff happens. Get Maxim. It's a little higher level reading...but not by much.
Maybe you should try Playgirl :p
01-07-05, 02:00 PM
So why ya complainin'? You didn't pay for it. You get to look at scantily clad minor celebrity bimbos for free.
I was at the LBGP in '02 and they were pushing free copies of Maxim on us. Cool, right? Pretty, pretty, pretty, etc. Then I read some of it. Turned me into one of these ------->>>> :gomer:
Just sucked the smarts right outta the brain.
Man, I would not have found that crap entertaining in High School, let alone college.
Sean O'Gorman
01-07-05, 02:46 PM
Hey, I like Maxim. Where else can you learn how to open a bottle of champagne with a sword? :gomer:
01-07-05, 02:47 PM
I was at the LBGP in '02 and they were pushing free copies of Maxim on us. Cool, right? Pretty, pretty, pretty, etc. Then I read some of it. Turned me into one of these ------->>>> :gomer:
That's your problem! You READ some of it. Everyone knows you're not supposed to READ it! :D
when Maxim was first released, there was some entertaining writing, but after a year or two it quickly went downhill.
01-07-05, 05:06 PM
Yep, Maxim, Blender, FastCompany and Chile Pepper have been arriving unsolicited for several years now. The heavily Photoshopped bimbos in Maxim look like they were dipped in plastic, which seems nearly as bizarre as Hefner's alzheimer vision of cartoonish bottle blondes with XXL implants that look eerily like transvestites. FastCompany a 3/4" thick waste of wood pulp that speaks to career obsessed 30 somethings who are devoid of ethics and who want to affect the proper "image," so that's a clean miss on all counts. Blender seems to be about corporate music "product," so they could not have chosen a any person less interested. Chile Pepper is the pick of the litter as it does pay limited attention to BBQ, which is good with me, yet it seems aimed at folks with terminal caspicum addictions for whom life begins at 50,000 scoville heat units. These folks will have you shaking Habanero powder on your breakfast cereal and have recipes for stuff like Chipotle piña colada ice cream... :laugh:
Makes you wonder what demographic sniffing software ran amuck. Some program somewhere things I'm a plastic bimbo obsessed avaricious 30yrs old that drives an all-show-and-no-go bling infested crap mobile while listening to corporate rock and munching chocolate covered Pequins.
mmmmm, mesquite smoked penguin.... *drool* now thas' good eatin'
But I don't quite remember any of the resident knuckle-draggers *cough*OGorman*cough* taking exception to Danica's airbursh-spread in FHM :gomer:
That's your problem! You READ some of it. Everyone knows you're not supposed to READ it! :DWell, you gotta do something when you're trying to, um, recover. Takes a lot longer as you get older.
oc, your post cracked me up! Thanks, I needed that!
(replying dirty to the boss. Off to the penalty box with you G.!)
01-07-05, 07:29 PM
Chile Pepper is the pick of the litter as it does pay limited attention to BBQ, which is good with me, yet it seems aimed at folks with terminal caspicum addictions for whom life begins at 50,000 scoville heat units. These folks will have you shaking Habanero powder on your breakfast cereal and have recipes for stuff like Chipotle piña colada ice cream...
mmmm..... habanero. :D
And have you ever tried it on Captain Crunch? Its awesome!
Why don't I get this mag?!? :confused:
mmmm..... habanero. :D
And have you ever tried it on Captain Crunch? Its awesome!
That thounds hot. At least there is milk to help put the fire out. :eek:
So why ya complainin'? You didn't pay for it. You get to look at scantily clad minor celebrity bimbos for free.
Not so much complaining as confused. Wondering who shells out money for this stuff.
I got stuff once. But I found that the ointment they made up for me at the pharmacy pretty much cleared it up.
01-07-05, 10:50 PM
I have interacted with the editorial/production braintrusts from all of those crappy rags for alot of years in my previous life since they started cropping up in the early '90s, and I can tell you that, to a man, they're all stupid jerks - as you'd expect from anybody who can discuss "guy stuff" as a distinct area of inquiry, without an ironic smirk.
Unless they're gay guys, who are always clever and fun to talk to, I gots no time for grown men whose interests include "fashion" and "working out".
01-07-05, 11:30 PM
I have interacted with the editorial/production braintrusts from all of those crappy rags for alot of years in my previous life since they started cropping up in the early '90s, and I can tell you that, to a man, they're all stupid jerks - as you'd expect from anybody who can discuss "guy stuff" as a distinct area of inquiry, without an ironic smirk.
Unless they're gay guys, who are always clever and fun to talk to, I gots no time for grown men whose interests include "fashion" and "working out".
A-f'n-men, and I think that's the most you've ever written in one post. ;)
Oh, and I got my Northern Exposure DVD's for Christmas beotch! :)
01-08-05, 01:56 PM
And have you ever tried it on Captain Crunch? Its awesome! No, I can handle the Habanero just fine, but that much refined sugar first thing in the morning would ruin my entire day for certain... ;)
I did finish off a few bags of Blair's Death Rain Habanero chips the wife got me for Christmas last year and can highly recommend them. Excellent flavor and good chips (made by Rachelle's), but too much heat for me to want more.
Death Rain chips (
to a man, they're all stupid jerks - as you'd expect from anybody who can discuss "guy stuff" as a distinct area of inquiry :thumbup: :rofl: That pretty much explains their taste in women as well.
Dr. Corkski
01-09-05, 04:34 AM
I was at the LBGP in '02 and they were pushing free copies of Maxim on us. Cool, right? Pretty, pretty, pretty, etc. Then I read some of it. Turned me into one of these ------->>>> :gomer:
Just sucked the smarts right outta the brain.
Man, I would not have found that crap entertaining in High School, let alone college.Well maybe they just wanted you to fit in with the LBGP crowd. Looks like it worked. :gomer:
Only time I ever buy these things is if I have hours to kill because I am stuck at a s**t regional airport like San Jose. If I am lucky I get 1-2 half-decent articles to read along with all those pages of photochop.
2 free years of Stuff and Maxim. yours for the taking.
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