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01-14-05, 11:31 AM
The new series starts tonight on the SciFi channel. It is a continuation of the mini-series from last year. :thumbup:

Jervis Tetch 1
01-14-05, 11:37 AM
Is Maren Jensen in it? I had a huge crush on her as a school boy.http://www.blast.net/hart/Athena2.JPG

01-14-05, 11:46 AM
Is Maren Jensen in it? I had a huge crush on her as a school boy.

Nope, all new cast.

Here is one of the new Cylons:



01-14-05, 11:50 AM
so you're saying the new cast consists of the best coke whores Dallas can offer? :gomer:

01-14-05, 11:55 AM
I caught some re-runs at lunch the other day of the original series. I loved it as a kid. I did some poking around on IMDB to see what the actors have been up too and all of the females in the series dropped out of acting (or could never get hired) around the mid-80's. Married producers I guess.

This is the second season of this new series. It was billed last year as the most high-tech CG TV show to date but didn't really get much response.

01-14-05, 11:59 AM
This is the second season of this new series. It was billed last year as the most high-tech CG TV show to date but didn't really get much response.

Last year was just a four hour mini-series and it received some of the highest ratings SciFi has ever had.

Jervis Tetch 1
01-14-05, 12:07 PM
Well then if there's no Maren Jensen, pooh.

Actually I knew about the new cast and all that. Trouble is will I have the time or find the time to watch it.

Oh and this is for you Maren wherever you are :thumbup:

01-14-05, 12:09 PM
Is Maren Jensen in it? I had a huge crush on her as a school boy.
Humina, humina, humina. <drool>

Sadly, no. I'm sure she's old and busted by now anyway.

EDIT: linky on Maren Jensen bio and whereabouts:


Who knows if it's true or not.


01-14-05, 12:14 PM
Humina, humina, humina. <drool>

Sadly, no. I'm sure she's old and busted by now anyway.

Considering her current age, she is actually still attractive. She was only 19 when she did the show.

As for the new series. I've seen the first 9 episodes. It is very different from the first series. Much, much darker. But it is good.

Jervis Tetch 1
01-14-05, 12:18 PM
Humina, humina, humina. <drool>

Sadly, no. I'm sure she's old and busted by now anyway.

EDIT: linky on Maren Jensen bio and whereabouts:


Who knows if it's true or not.

-KevinI had heard of that earlier this year when I did my annual perusing of the the IMDB.

If that's the case, I'm moving back to the Midwest!

I hope I don't get warned or anything, but I would reckon she's one of the ultimate MILFs.

01-14-05, 02:35 PM
Battlestargalactica.com used to have more recent photos before it was redone. Not sure if they are still there.

01-14-05, 03:15 PM
Bunch of stuff here as well: http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/

01-14-05, 04:02 PM
As for the new series. I've seen the first 9 episodes. It is very different from the first series. Much, much darker. But it is good. That actually sounds more promising. When I saw the advertising my expectations were not high, but hope springs eternal I suppose.

I watched the original series with some regularity, so I make no claim of superior taste. ;) However, am I the only viewer that was hoping that annoying kid with the robotic dog would get caught in the crossfire in some particularly gruesome manner? Unfortunately, the series met it's end instead. At the time I blamed the appalling writing, which was regrettably bad even by network TV standards. To this day SciFi writers, directors and producers seem inclined to forget that all the high-tech CG in the world won't matter if nobody cares about the characters and snoozes through the stories. The recent "Star Wars: Episode Whatever - Revenge Of The Empty Theater Seats" is a good illustration when compared to the original films. Even considerable acting talent hasn't been enough to save the characters from the writing.

Considering the new look for the Cylons, I'm guessing the writers consulted the "SciFi Writers Manual" and discovered that once you reach maximum babe density on the human squad your only option is to have the aliens/machine race resemble pole dancers. If this were an Showtime project the Cylons would probably resemble instead European nudists with an attitude problem and some would be gay. :laugh: Of course anything would be an improvement on the "police gumball machines on legs" seen in the original series... :D


Jervis Tetch 1
01-14-05, 04:05 PM
Sounds to me the plot of the Cylons taking human form is a rip-off from the 80s TV show "War of the Worlds."

But then that ripped off "Invastion of the Body Snatchers."

Round and round she goes.

01-14-05, 04:56 PM
Humina, humina, humina. <drool>

I'm sure she's old and busted by now anyway. Well, she may be long gone, but she was rather healthy in the day. The Wes Craven flick "Deadly Blessing" may not have been released in anything higher rez than VHS tape, but a dozen or so collages of captures from that film do exist if one knows where to look. Never seen anything from "Beyond the Reef" though, and it may never have been released on video.


01-14-05, 08:44 PM
The new series starts tonight on the SciFi channel. It is a continuation of the mini-series from last year. :thumbup:

I'll catch that tonight and the Stargate duo next week. SciFi has one helluva Friday lineup! :thumbup:

They need some new Go'aulds on SG1 (or bring Apophis back - again), but it's easily my favorite show on TV. Galactica looked like it would be a very good show too.

01-15-05, 01:10 AM
Ok. I've watched about a half hour of it and my first thought is: WHAT'S SO DAMN HARD ABOUT HOLDING A CAMERA STILL!!!! Geez, I get so sick of that moronic MTV camerawork.