View Full Version : RA News...Again!
According to a phone inquiry from AR1 the RA boss is now saying it's too late for a May race (duhhh) but a date later in the season might work. Really? I thought he said the place was booked. May I suggest another joint effort between Grand Am and ChampCar on Labor Day weekend? ChampCar is in Montreal the previous week and GA is at Mid Ohio. Both in the neighborhood! (That'd mean 3 wks. in a row for GA, but they're ENDURANCE guys, right?) Top level openwheelers and an expanding sportscar series at RA on the same weekend? If they can't do it this year because the Lake Forrest Ferrari Owners And Polo Pony Association has the place rented, then the idea should be DONE for '06. The cars and drivers of both of these series SHOULD run at the best Road Course in North America!
Unless your Road Course is in a park near downtown, Champ Car isn't interested.
Examples of tracks that don't fit the bill:
Road America
Laguna Seca
Examples of tracks that do:
Monterrey, MX
since when is korea a road course :confused:
Unless your Road Course is in a park near downtown, Champ Car isn't interested.
Examples of tracks that don't fit the bill:
Road America
Laguna Seca
Examples of tracks that do:
Monterrey, MX
That's not an accurate statement. No one showed up at these races. Not enough to break even. Some fault lies at Champ Car but not all.
Miami was in a park in the middle of downtown, yet ChampCar still isn'tinterested.
I guess its back to the drawing board with that theory.
Steve H...(the "other" Steve H :D )...I can't believe what I'm hearing! So, they're not interested? I can think of only ONE other scenerio that would draw more people to RA than my suggestion, and it AIN'T F-1. Instead of lamenting WHY ChampCar isn't at RA why not think of ways to manage a successful return? Are you saying it's impossible? You love that place. You'd go see Grand Am with Champcars...and get the Atlantics back, too... with Grand Am Cup and Trans Am? Holy crap. That place is HUGE, plenty of room for all. We can have the friggin' "Dairy World Classic"...or SOMEthing. Sell the sponsorship, promote and count the money! Pic-nic tables and outhouses forever! :thumbup:
Miami was in a park in the middle of downtown, yet ChampCar still isn'tinterested.
I guess its back to the drawing board with that theory.
What are you talking about? The Miami course ran on city streets, through parking lots and between concrete barriers topped with catch fencing. I don't care how many swing sets they had to move, that's a street course.
02-08-05, 07:02 PM
The Miami course ran on city streets, through parking lots and between concrete barriers topped with catch fencing. I don't care how many swing sets they had to move, that's a street course.
All true. Apparently Miami was less than thrilled about having to divert so much of their trafffic for so many days prior to the race. Or that's the line I heard. Pehaps just an excuse to help explain CART bailing on them. Having driven there, however, I have to admit that any interruption is a major interruption. What a nightmare.
They are still talking, thats all that counts in my book. When they stop talking and there isn't a race at RA on the schedual, that's when I'll give up hope. Till then I have faith something is going to happen. I didn't think of it being Labor day weekend cause for the most part that is the last big weekend for the summer around here and alot of people in these parts head north, but now that you know where and when GA is racing you maybe on to something there, I thought Sept 11th but, GA is in AZ. Bottom line I'll give up when it's annouced there won't be a race.
Considering people are making vacation plans, planning time off from work now for later this summer, RA probably wouldn't have much of a crowd anyway this year especially for Labor day weekend. Patching something together now looks amateurish. make a REALLY good plan for '06. We'll knock 'em dead this year so they'll BEG to get us back. (I still think we need to piggyback on somebody, though...for awhile.)
Considering people are making vacation plans, planning time off from work now for later this summer, RA probably wouldn't have much of a crowd anyway this year especially for Labor day weekend. Patching something together now looks amateurish.
I think if they promote it the people will come, we both know last year we didn't see much of anything in promotion. There are alot of people that didn't even know a race was going on. Green Bay, Appleton, Oshkosh in none of those places was there any promotion. There is snowmoble racing at Lambough field this weekend and I have heard and seen a 1000 commercials on it, and yep I am going. As for Vacation plans yea you have a point there, but he11 I went to Vegas with no Vacation left, you know why? Cause I wanted to be there.
02-08-05, 09:09 PM
Just do it this labor day. Keep the tradition alive and then go balls out next year. Sounds like George is getting his head screwed on straight and Champcar can help pay the bills with some parade cash. It will take a few years to undo the damage, but we can be back to standing room only by 2008. Just f'n do it. :thumbup:
"In today's racing environment our series has to think outside of the box in order to grow our loyal fan base and the ChampCar openwheel product appeal. The Grand Am series is a quality organization with an exciting product and we agree...that this combination is worth a try. We look forward to working with Grand Am and to the potential of growing our relationship in the future." Joe C., CC Exec. VP....wouldn't it be nice if those words about Mexico would also apply to Road America? Of course it's all about risk. Grand Am is taking little risk heading to a venue that drew 220,000 on race-day alone, but RA and CC would be assuming a higher risk with my suggestion. If GA can help out enough, I hope the other two will go along. I would not underestimate the appeal of promoting "The Daytona 24 Hour winners!", or, "Former World Sportscar champions." :)
...Oh, yeah, and "FOUR ChampCar World Series Champions!" :D
Part of my worry is a half azzed effort that doesn't draw a crowd that "someone" can point to and say, "See nobody wants to come here". I definitely think Champcar needs tracks like RA and I dearly want to see them race their, it's a tough situation..... I'd like to see some effort on both sides towards a long term commitment, both because it's a great place to see a race and also how it helps define Champcar beyond racing on mickey mouse street circuits.
Part of my worry is a half azzed effort that doesn't draw a crowd that "someone" can point to and say, "See nobody wants to come here". I definitely think Champcar needs tracks like RA and I dearly want to see them race their, it's a tough situation..... I'd like to see some effort on both sides towards a long term commitment, both because it's a great place to see a race and also how it helps define Champcar beyond racing on mickey mouse street circuits.
I have a feeling that's what all the talks are about ("half azzed effort") We know what did and didn't go on and I am sure they know. The biggest problem was what didn't go on. It forsure is going to take both parties to meet 1/2 way on this or it isn't going to happen. And a double with GA wouldn't hurt a bit :D Good weekend would be CC,GA,TA and bring back that damn NEON Challenge! That was a great time watching those cars, corner workers marking of X's where they will land in Canada corner. How many were out there that one year? I think close to 100 when they had to split the field.
02-08-05, 09:37 PM
Champcar has to preserve a standalone weekend at RA. It's the line in the sand for open wheel road racing. **** GA. As I said in another thread, France owns oval racing and GA is a an attempt to crush Champcar and take over road racing. Having anything to do with them is dangerous.
Do we really need another thread debating Grand Am in the Champ car forum?
Champcar has to preserve a standalone weekend at RA. It's the line in the sand for open wheel road racing. **** GA. As I said in another thread, France owns oval racing and GA is a an attempt to crush Champcar and take over road racing. Having anything to do with them is dangerous.
I am a fan of CC,F1 because they are open wheel not cause they are road racers, thats just one part of it I like. France's are here and GA is part of that family and my guess is it is better to work with them then agaist them. Honestly I know very little about GA, the 1st race I watched was this past weekend and that was only because of the CC drivers in it. Isn't GA about endurance racing? I don't see that on the same level as CC.
Do we really need another thread debating Grand Am in the Champ car forum?
Here I thought this was a RA thread.
nrc...nope. Point made, I'm finished! :)
Sean O'Gorman
02-08-05, 11:00 PM
Do we really need another thread debating Grand Am in the Champ car forum?
And I haven't even chimed in yet!
I don't really plan to, other than to say that I imagine that a Champ Car/Grand-Am bill would seem to be one way to reduce the cost of bringing the series back to RA.
Also, how can Champ Car afford to be able to send Atlantics and Trans-Am to RA with ALMS, but they can't do a standalone event?
Here I thought this was a RA thread.
Nope. Another in a long line of teases. :D
02-09-05, 09:25 AM
GB at RA and BOD at RA haven't promaoted the event, and RA needs to up grade the facility, i believe Haas is still on the board, some of RA decisions have been questionable the last couple of years, yes i wasnt to see ccws at RA, however RA'a attitude has to change
It is going to take time to build up the date at Road America. Partnering with Grand Am will spread the risk, and the cost. My concern is more with Road America. I just can’t tell if they are into it or not. But if they are, I’ll be there.
What are you talking about? The Miami course ran on city streets, through parking lots and between concrete barriers topped with catch fencing. I don't care how many swing sets they had to move, that's a street course.
Look back in CART history and you will notice that there was a time when very good races were held at Tamiami Park.
I wonder if there's any tie at all with this I saw posted on that other forum a few weeks ago.
Dane County case #2003CV002109 in Wisconsin Circuit Court is a civil case with plaintiffs Irwin G. Jann and Michel F. Brozek filing suit against Carl A. Haas and Carl A. Haas Racing Teams Limited.
Brozek is a power lobbyist in Wisconsin and connected with Haas in the Milwaukee mile race. Don't know if he's connected with RA but he's employed by one of the states biggest Lobbying firms and he's been directly involved in sports and gaming B2B deals in the state. Jann is a lawyer who happens to be married to a state Judge.
02-09-05, 11:23 AM
also the state fair board is bidding out the promation for the Milwaukke Mile again, they say it's to expensive for them to be promoters , interesting on who will get this, i'm sure FTg and his cronies have a bid in, it's suppose to be secret
02-09-05, 12:24 PM
On that basis - Detroit should be back.
02-09-05, 12:43 PM
I'd love for Champ Cars to be back at RA. We had a thread not too long ago with some vintage photos of CART at RA in the early 90's and the place was PACKED. I just find it hard to believe that the vast majority of that crowd left because of the Split.
I just find it hard to believe that the vast majority of that crowd left because of the Split.
I think one of the big reasons is the lack of sponsorships. There used to be huge tents set up for Target and Motorola and the beer and oil companies. I assume those sponsors also provided tickets to most of their guests. The last few years there have been few corporate hospitality tents.
I think one of the big reasons is the lack of sponsorships. There used to be huge tents set up for Target and Motorola and the beer and oil companies. I assume those sponsors also provided tickets to most of their guests. The last few years there have been few corporate hospitality tents.Try, slightly, ie., 5 bucks off, reduced tix for employees plus hat, hotdog lunch, program, etc. No red hats there, you can be assured.
This takes nothing away from your premise. I think corporate promotion is key, here, as has been said many times before.
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