View Full Version : Inner Circle Now Free
Inner Circle membership is now free. Sign up and get a discount on Race Director.
02-23-05, 01:49 AM
Thanks ! :)
02-23-05, 02:05 AM
Oh and
" – 50% Discount We have arranged for a 50% discount to for all Champ Car Fan Club members. This offer is good for a new 1-year subscription to, the leading Champ Car insider online magazine. If you really want to know what’s going on behind the scenes in Champ Car, is for you."
Sean O'Gorman
02-23-05, 10:18 AM
Oh and
" – 50% Discount We have arranged for a 50% discount to for all Champ Car Fan Club members. This offer is good for a new 1-year subscription to, the leading Champ Car insider online magazine. If you really want to know what’s going on behind the scenes in Champ Car, is for you."
:thumdown: :thumdown:
Anyone else have a problem with the address trying to reply to the confirmation email?
Mine looks like this: Champ Car 85389445!449546!416854563 <>
This was from Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Vengeance
02-23-05, 10:46 AM
Anyone else have a problem with the address trying to reply to the confirmation email?
Mine looks like this: Champ Car 85389445!449546!416854563 <>
This was from Tuesday afternoon.
Just a hunch that the long number is a tracking number of some sort. I had the big number too, but the last digits are different than yours.
02-23-05, 11:03 AM
:thumdown: :thumdown:
Like A1 or not, it's entertaining and MarkC. is and always was a CHAMPCAR supporter. :thumbup:
nascar speed channel and racer mag :thumdown:
02-23-05, 11:21 AM
Why pay for a site where half the stuff is made up when you can just read any other Champ Car message board and hear the same rumors? It's no secret that AR1 takes things from other sites and posts them as rumors on their own. No thanks. :thumdown: (Speaking as a CCWS fan, not as site admin, btw)
02-23-05, 11:29 AM
Like A1 or not, it's entertaining and MarkC. is and always was a CHAMPCAR supporter. :thumbup:
nascar speed channel and racer mag :thumdown:
I remember him jumping on the 'unification' bandwagon days before the bankrupcty hearing last year.
I agree with RaceGrrl.
I heard that MarkC hates puppies...
and jesus!!
02-23-05, 11:40 AM
I want a free hat :)
Andrew Longman
02-23-05, 11:42 AM
I got an email from them this morning.
I'm just glad they asked.
Anything that shows they remember who really pays the bills is good.
02-23-05, 11:44 AM
Why pay for a site where half the stuff is made up when you can just read any other Champ Car message board and hear the same rumors? It's no secret that AR1 takes things from other sites and posts them as rumors on their own. No thanks. :thumdown: (Speaking as a CCWS fan, not as site admin, btw)
Agree obout paying for it, but rumors etc. is a same story with all sites and rumor is a rumor and why is CHAMPCAR supporting it?
Agree obout paying for it, but rumors etc. is a same story with all sites and rumor is a rumor and why is CHAMPCAR supporting it?could there be a new official alliance?
02-23-05, 11:58 AM
could there be a new official alliance? Well, Mark C. has been in the trenches longer than anyone else I can think of.
I want a free hat :)
Me too, i hope i was before #300 :confused:
02-23-05, 12:10 PM
Me too, i hope i was before #300 :confused: Hat's from Bangladesh are would be a smart move on Champcar's part to give away a freighter full of em..........sort of an outfit the troops move. Throw in some stickers too so the rolling army can advertise the series :)
Hat's from Bangladesh are would be a smart move on Champcar's part to give away a freighter full of em..........sort of an outfit the troops move. Throw in some stickers too so the rolling army can advertise the series :)I hear tell there's a place where you can get some red ones... :gomer: :p
Sean O'Gorman
02-23-05, 12:36 PM
My problem with AR1 isn't so much the outrageous rumors, but his constant pushing of his agenda as fact. A news article comes up about a NASCAR driver breaking a rib in a testing accident and suddenly the article says that it is why Champ Car shouldn't race on ovals, etc. :rolleyes:
What's sad is that apparently PG and KK think he represents a large portion of the fanbase. If KK was smart he'd push Mark out the door of his jet during his next transatlantic flight.
02-23-05, 12:38 PM
I hear tell there's a place where you can get some red ones... :gomer: :p See what I mean..........advertising.............brand recognition.............
What's sad is that apparently PG and KK think he represents a large portion of the fanbase.
Bah! "AutoRacing1" offered to let Champcar give a deal to their CCIC members. It doesn't necessarily mean they endorse him as representative of the fan base. If that were the case why bother with the survey, I'm sure AR1 could answer all those questions for them.
Sean O'Gorman
02-23-05, 01:11 PM
AR1 has had a banner ad on the Champ Car front page for some time now. It would be easy for them to deny him.
02-23-05, 01:20 PM
well, in the survey (which didn't give me a confirmation page) I made sure to put OC as my favorite racing website. Hopefully everyone else here did too. :)
Speed Channel's referenced AR1 last week for a news item.
02-23-05, 01:41 PM
Speed Channel's referenced AR1 last week for a news item.
That does it! I'm startin' me a web page!! Hardcard here I come!!!!!!!!! :)
AR1 has had a banner ad on the Champ Car front page for some time now. It would be easy for them to deny him.
Why would they deny him? If he's paying for the spot his money is green just like anyone else's.
02-23-05, 02:17 PM
Hey, we'll give Champ Car a deal too- FREE membership at OffCamber. Lemmings need not apply. :D
I've had Mark steal my posts word for word and post them on his site. And, we all know, I don't know diddly poo.
That said, this is a great tool for ChampCar. What they're really doing is building a database of their fans. It will help them market to us, which I don't think is a bad thing at all.
I'm an Inner Circler-er now too. Can't wait for the season to start.
Sounds like they'll be offering some additional products - cruise with drivers, pace laps with drivers, etc. :thumbup:
02-23-05, 02:57 PM
Hat's from Bangladesh are would be a smart move on Champcar's part to give away a freighter full of em..........sort of an outfit the troops move. Throw in some stickers too so the rolling army can advertise the series :)
Smart move and Champcar in the same sentence? :gomer: These guys could market Wal-Mart into the ground.
I'd settle for the Kneifel home clown make-up kit. :laugh:
02-24-05, 02:02 PM
Well, I signed up, but no confirmations other than the replybot. Where do I get my Race Director discount code? Do I have a membership number?
02-24-05, 11:47 PM
I signed up yesterday and hadn't gotten a reply or confirmation so I signed up again about 20-25 minutes ago and haven't gotten a reply. I'll sign up again if I haven't gotten something tomorrow afternoon.
I signed up yesterday and hadn't gotten a reply or confirmation so I signed up again about 20-25 minutes ago and haven't gotten a reply. I'll sign up again if I haven't gotten something tomorrow afternoon.
Why don't leave them alone for gods sake. :D
I signed up yesterday and hadn't gotten a reply or confirmation so I signed up again about 20-25 minutes ago and haven't gotten a reply. I'll sign up again if I haven't gotten something tomorrow afternoon.
stalker. :p
02-25-05, 03:44 PM
I guess the CC staff already went through the free hats? :shakehead
I want to go on the cruise with the Champcar owners and drivers. Ahhh.... sitting in a chaise lounge throwin down the Corono's and tossin the used up lemon wedges into Philipes hair. :gomer:
02-25-05, 06:29 PM
Why don't leave them alone for gods sake. :D
Check your grammar. :p
02-26-05, 09:16 PM
I just received an e-mail inviting me to take advantage of my $5.00 CCIC member discount for Race Director. Things are coming along nicely! :thumbup:
I signed up yesterday and hadn't gotten a reply or confirmation so I signed up again about 20-25 minutes ago and haven't gotten a reply. I'll sign up again if I haven't gotten something tomorrow afternoon.
If you have a spam filter or box, make sure you check to determine if their e-mail was caught as spam. I received my confirmation just minutes after signing up.
02-27-05, 02:26 AM
I've signed up 5x with no luck. Anyone else having this problem?
I've already been getting spammed regularily from CCWS to sign up again this year for RD. I wonder if one of these will include a discount code. Why do I have a feeling I'll be getting regular spam emails from CCWS whenever they're trying to dump all their 3XX T-shirts at half price. Oh well. :)
Yep, just checked the old email and there it is. $5.00 off the $29.95 subscription price. :gomer:
I've signed up 5x with no luck. Anyone else having this problem?
I signed up 1x with no luck, and that was on the same day the offer was made available. So far I've refused to sign up again. I may have to give in though.
02-27-05, 10:50 AM
I signed up 1x with no luck, and that was on the same day the offer was made available. So far I've refused to sign up again. I may have to give in though.
Typical...they have there core fans lock, stock and barrel. Great way to piss them off. :shakehead
02-27-05, 02:26 PM
Going to go on the advice of a friend and wait a few days before I try again. I don't need to "stress" over a problem as small as this.
3 times now with no reply. I'm not giving up yet though.
02-28-05, 03:14 PM
Typical...they have there core fans lock, stock and barrel. Great way to piss them off. :shakehead
Johnny, did you get lost on your way to trackforum? :gomer:
Got my Race Director discount email today. All signed up and ready for a race. :thumbup:
ps. It says on the Race Director payment confirmation page that the CCIC packages will be sent out in 2 to 4 weeks.
I just tried again (third times a charm) and I got the email right away. It didn't go to my bulk mail folder either. I'm not sure what the problem was before, but maybe now is the time to try again.
02-28-05, 11:53 PM
I tried again. Nada.
Al Czervik
03-01-05, 09:25 AM
I can't believe I misspelled "Off Camber" on the questionaire
D'oh :gomer:
I can't believe I misspelled "Off Camber" on the questionaire
D'oh :gomer:
It's the thought that counts. :thumbup:
What's the scoop on the RD discount? I received my signup confirmation, which I confirmed, but only e-mail I received since was an offer to signup for RD @ full price. :confused:
03-04-05, 02:46 PM
The only email I received was for 5% off RD. No confirmation of signing up.
What's the scoop on the RD discount? I received my signup confirmation, which I confirmed, but only e-mail I received since was an offer to signup for RD @ full price. :confused:
I sent you a PM with a link to the discount sign-up page.
I sent you a PM with a link to the discount sign-up page.
Sweet. Thx. Doesn't look like their signup system is running too smoothly, eh? :(
03-07-05, 09:54 PM
I've tried a few more times and nothing. I even tried with a different e-mail address thinking it might work, but nothing. Guess I'll keep trying every once in a while.
Almost three weeks l8r, and I just received my RD discount e-mail, as well as a couple of other e-mails from CCWS today. :confused: Almost seems like the folks running the CCWS site are running that Indy something or other site... :shakehead
03-24-05, 10:52 PM
I got my free HAT!
Just kidding. :)
For the people having problems, have you tried signing up with an email address from a different provider (like or Unfortunately the rocket surgeons who did the email confirmations used return addresses for the messages that are not legal according to the rules for email addresses. Some ISP's may simply throw them away as illegal, others might can them as spam.
speaking of which, this email arrived today
Due to the overwhelming popularity and response to our revamped fan club, we are experience a slight delay in the manufacturing of your membership cards.
Following this email you will be receiving details and special codes associated with your membership to the CCIC Fan Club including event ticket discount, Race Director, Speedgear and Champ Car Merchandise discounts. We want to thank you for your continued support of Champ Car and we hope you will join us for the great season we are sure to have.
Your official welcome packet should arrive by April 30th for US members and by May 15th for international members. Be sure to watch the opening round of the Bridgestone Presents the Champ Car World Series Powered by Ford, the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, shown live on NBC April 10th.
We want to thank you all for your patience while we complete shipment of all 2005 Inner Circle Fan club information
Best Regards,
The Champ Car World Series Team
03-24-05, 11:07 PM
I've tried two different e-mail accounts and still nothing. Trying again tonight.
speaking of which, this email arrived today
I got the same one and two others.
Got my package yesterday. CC sticker, member card, one letter explaining the bennies, one letter with a welcome from Seabass. :thumbup:
Haven't seen squat. :cry:
05-03-05, 06:16 PM
Got my package yesterday. CC sticker, member card, one letter explaining the bennies, one letter with a welcome from Seabass. :thumbup:
No HAT??? I thought she said we were supposed to get the hats from last year (that I never got.) :saywhat:
'NUT :confused:
05-03-05, 11:45 PM
Let's play the game of guess who's not a member yet...
I have had contact with a woman running it and she said she would enter my info manually. Nothing yet...
Fitti Fan
05-04-05, 12:27 AM
BMEP got his letter today. Still nothing for me. :(
Night Train
05-04-05, 10:44 PM
Got my stuff (w/ letter from Vasser) today!
Holy! :eek:
Just got back from Reno! Off to check the mail.
05-04-05, 11:07 PM
I got a warm letter from Seabass...and a sticker for my rig.
Checking mail. Check. No package. :(
It did stop snowing though. :gomer:
I got a warm letter from Seabass...and a sticker for my rig.
same here, got it Monday.
I was reading it with a frog accent. :eek:
05-05-05, 02:04 AM
Got mine today.
Window cling, membership card and an autographed 8"x10" of Sofia Vergara. :thumbup:
Got mine today.
Window cling, membership card and an autographed 8"x10" of Sofia Vergara. :thumbup:
Got mine also. I think that's a sticker, not a cling.
05-05-05, 07:52 AM
Got mine also. I think that's a sticker, not a cling.
I got a sticker. And a card and a letter "from" 'Dinger.
I kept the sticker.
05-05-05, 06:06 PM
I haven't received a package yet, but according to the woman I've had contact with I am a member! :)
05-05-05, 06:37 PM
I got a sticker, a card and the Justin Wilson letter.
05-05-05, 06:55 PM
No package here yet.....and according to the woman that I've had contact with, it's only a rash.
I received my stuff today.
sticker, card, and letter from PT here.
Andrew Longman
05-05-05, 08:28 PM
Sticker, letter from SeaBass, card
I think I'll just wear my Dana Rex Mays Classic hat to Milwaukee.
05-19-05, 05:46 PM
Got mine! Letter from Jimmy Vasser. and cc sticker! :)
Still waiting....
Hmm. I'll bet they've used your selection of favorite driver to determine who your letter comes from. :)
I think I'll just wear my Dana Rex Mays Classic hat to Milwaukee.
I have one of those must be old too :p
05-19-05, 09:57 PM
Still waiting....
Nuffin' here either (although expecting an OS delay)
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