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02-25-03, 04:16 AM
Tonight I stopped by Woo Doggies to check with the good people there and make sure none of us had done too much damage by overly waving at the towel dispensers(Mello!). After saying hello to the people that matter and being assured that we are all welcome back in April, a couple of the regulars started to get verbally abusive about the fact that "their" NASCAR race was not allowed the widescreens on Sunday. I was told that I didn't know a thing about racing history, that Daytona or the Rock "had to be older" than the race I mentioned on Sunday(Milwaukee) and what kind of skill does it take to drive one of them "go karts"? At first I thought they were kidding but the insults kept getting worse and I could see that they were serious. I tried to calm them down by buying a round for them, but they proceeded to tell me how brave NASCAR drivers have to be to drive, and that CART drivers wouldn't know "racin" if their lives depended on it, as well as some choice comments about me that will go without saying. One of the employees hearing what was happening interrupted and told them the usual NASCAR crowd of 7 people would just have to deal with the fact that they can't expect to have the place to themselves every week, and that there would be no NASCAR during March Madness either, to which they really became incensed. It was not the frist time I was assaulted by NASCAR fans, that seem to have no clue either about the history of their own sport, or the fact that the world does not revolve around International Speedway Drive in Daytona. Needless to say I didn't give them the satisfaction of an argument, which I knew is what they wanted, because I learned years ago you can't argue with a drunk. I did politely let them know that they would be well advised to take their 5 friends and go elsewhere to watch whatever circle track epic will be running in April. They countered that this weekend they were having a NASCAR party at Woo Doggies complete with a contest to determine the winner and it's only "a buck" to play! Oh what I could do with that $7.00. Unfortunately for them, Woo Doggies doesn't know a thing about it, but I hope they have a good time anyway.:shakehead

02-25-03, 06:57 AM
Gee, I wonder why they didn't mouth off when Rocket and Warlock were around on Sunday?

02-25-03, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by Napoleon
Gee, I wonder why they didn't mouth off when Rocket and Warlock were around on Sunday?
Yah or when Racechic was there. We all know how well she can tackle.;)

02-25-03, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by Napoleon
Gee, I wonder why they didn't mouth off when Rocket and Warlock were around on Sunday? Gee, now I really wish I had gone. :laugh:

02-25-03, 09:01 AM
Good move Dr.

Never argue with an idiot, they just drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

02-25-03, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by rabbit
Gee, now I really wish I had gone. :laugh:

Between the 3 of you, you would have been almost 20 feet tall and 900 pounds.

02-25-03, 10:10 AM
Thats ridiculous. The two to three Nascab "fans" that came and quickly left did'nt say a word while we were all there, rather wait until The Doc is alone too unload their opinions. Doc, Kindly invite these fellas back for Long Beach. I'm sure myself, Kub, Warlock, Rocket, Chop, Devilmaster and every other self respecting Cart fan would be more than happy to "discuss the history of motorsports in America" with them.

02-25-03, 10:54 AM
Heck, now I might have to trek from Minnesota to Columbus for Long Beach. I'm 5'7" of pure wile. They won't know what hit them... or something like that.

02-25-03, 11:36 AM
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.


Right after I read it, I knew what to say to those yahoos. CART drivers wouldn't know tough racing? Hey ya goof, three weeks ago your hero Kurt Busch tried one of these cars. He stalled it first time coming out of the pits. Spun the car out not once, but twice on the track. And was a few seconds slower than most.

I brought my laptop, woulda hooked up to the net there, and showed him the video of Busch driving around, and him extolling the virtues of how well the car works.

Some people's children.

Ya know what? Lets do a party for Fontana. Its a nascar track, 500 miles, bring the yahoos and sit them dead front centre to watch it.


02-25-03, 12:07 PM
What puts things in perspective, at least in my findings, is that I (we) know their 'sport' better than they do.

It is frustrating.

I live South of the Mason/Dixon line and I have one of those classic 'No Doors' t-shirts from ICR magazine. I'll wear that old shirt to the hardware store and to the local sports bars and never, not even once has a NASCAR fan (identified by their Ford Racing hat and their Jeff Gordon Chevy t-shirt (you see, they are open minded!)) ever has said a thing about it. Why? Personally I just don't think they understand it. I mean it doesn't get any clearer, "Real race cars don't have doors, fenders, bumpers or mechanics named Bubba".

*I digress, that is the first time I've ever used parenthesis within parenthesis. Fun!*
*I digress further, I don't like saying "what puts things". The more I say it, the more it doesn't sound right.*

02-25-03, 12:24 PM
On the other hand, I say we simply bait them into insulting Patreeeek and then sit back and watch Mello whip there collective a$$e$$.

02-25-03, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by GoBucks
On the other hand, I say we simply bait them into insulting Patreeeek and then sit back and watch Mello whip there collective a$$e$$.
I was seriously thinking of never drinking again. But then I remembered all that Canadian beer Devilmaster brought us and I just can't let it go to waste.
You know it really is sad they have to be like that. As far as I knew they were having fun on Sat. night and Sunday. Heck we even had some shots bought for us. I really am sorry that they treated you like DR. All you do for people and the fun you bring into others lives. I really feel sorry for them. It must be awful to be that stupid and have to live with it.

02-25-03, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Napoleon
Gee, I wonder why they didn't mouth off when Rocket and Warlock were around on Sunday?

Well we were down by one end of the bar, and I did hear one guy giving the bartender some flack about it. She explained it politely to him, and switched the tv to the taxicab race that was right in front of him, he looked around at us, finished his beer, and left without saying a word. I kinda feel bad that the owner of Woo Dogies will more than likely catch some flack about this, but I'm sure in his line of work he has had to deal with drunken fools many times before, and will be fine.

Good for you DDO for not stooping to their level, you should have just told them that you refuse to have a battle of witts with an unarmed person and walked away. Probly would have taken many minutes for them to figure out they had just been insulted.

This is such a stupid thing for them to be upset over, I mean come on lets be realistic, the taxi race was pry on in 95% of the bars in this whole country, and their cryin about not being able to watch a race there, my 9 year old girl doesn't even act like that. Like nascar is some cult or something, you know what, if you want control of the tv all the time....BUY YOUR OWN FRIGGIN' TV AND GO THE FU** HOME.

That's it, I'm hopping in my truck and coming back tonight to take care of bussiness:D :eek: :D

02-25-03, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by mello
Yah or when Racechic was there. We all know how well she can tackle.;)

That was a tackle "samurai" Mike Singletary would have been proud of, glad your OK mello.

02-25-03, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by rocket
That's it, I'm hopping in my truck and coming back tonight to take care of bussiness:D :eek: :D

Not that you need my help, rocket, but pick me up on the way.... ;) :D


02-25-03, 08:27 PM
Aw, you guys just don't know what "common template" means.:D

02-27-03, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by rocket
That was a tackle "samurai" Mike Singletary would have been proud of, glad your OK mello.

O dear me.......:gomer: :shakehead :gomer:

02-27-03, 07:16 PM
DjDrO, it is no different than my own experiences with NASCAB fans. Safety in numbers...........
Mine and Lizzerd's Experience (http://www.racingpress.com/publish/article_65.shtml):mad: :confused: :mad:

02-28-03, 05:06 AM
WOW, I didn't realize that was you, I had read that before. To add to the frustration of this, the nice framed pics of our get together last year was found smashed, by me tonight. :shakehead :mad:

02-28-03, 06:40 AM
Originally posted by DjDrOmusic
WOW, I didn't realize that was you, I had read that before. To add to the frustration of this, the nice framed pics of our get together last year was found smashed, by me tonight. :shakehead :mad:

Geez you have got to be kidding me...unfortunately there seems to be a higher concentration of A--HOLES in that area than normal:mad:

Present company excluded of course.:thumbup:

All I can say is next time I'm in town, I dare one of those clowns to pop-off to me...I'll slap thier bubba azzz silly.:mad:

02-28-03, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by DjDrOmusic
WOW, I didn't realize that was you, I had read that before. To add to the frustration of this, the nice framed pics of our get together last year was found smashed, by me tonight. :shakehead :mad:


02-28-03, 08:35 AM
Dr, did you mention that to the owners? What was there response? It is pretty easy to guess who did it after all.

02-28-03, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by DjDrOmusic
WOW, I didn't realize that was you, I had read that before. To add to the frustration of this, the nice framed pics of our get together last year was found smashed, by me tonight. :shakehead :mad:

You gotta be kidding????
This is unbelievable.........:shakehead :eek: :shakehead
All of the pictures??????:confused:
It's one thing to verbally bash us, but to destroy property that represents us takes it to a whole other level best expressed by this......Too dumb for opera, too smart for NASCAR!!!!!!!

02-28-03, 11:46 AM
On my way back home that night, after having such a good time, I wondered why you never see NASCAR or IRL fans having getogethers like that---now I know why!

The Idiots don't have enough gray matter!
how sad!:mad:

03-01-03, 03:52 PM
I can't believe you actually bought those rabblerousers a round of beers. They certainly didn't deserve it.
And next time they spout-off about NASCAR being superior to CART just ask them about Jimmy Spencer. :p

03-01-03, 07:28 PM
Hey DjDoc, does the owner (can't remember his name) know about that picture getting smashed? If so, was it you that told him?

That kind of action just reinforces the stereotype of the typical tin-top-only crowd. I know, I know... they are not all that way. I'm making no broad accusations, but there is no escuse for that crap, and it is crap like that where the stereotype comes from.

Let's hope that Woo Doggies will actually let us have our meets in the future and value the presence of a few dozen class people who will spend 12 hours in their bar, eat, drink, and tip the staff well a few times a year over seven who might not show up on a couple Sundays when we are there.

03-01-03, 07:45 PM
And these NASCAB fans wonder why open wheel fans refer to them as rednecks therefore also known as NECKCAR racing. I've met some nice ones, but after my experience at the Brickyard 400 in 2002, I struggled very hard to keep an open mind. This is making it even more difficult........

It is the same cowardly crap I experienced of singling someone out of a crowd who was female and alone and from another country that brings them to say crap to DjDrOmusic while he was alone and not with us (a large crowd of passionate and devoted CART fans) hosting the gathering as well as to destroy personal property like you did when you broke your friends' toys when you were three years old.

I would love to see them show up in April and say these things to our faces and let's see if they can stand up for their beliefs in a mature way to a crowd and not break any more of our toys.....:mad:

03-01-03, 08:49 PM
Chic! You are angry!!!!!! I dunno how to take that! :D

03-01-03, 08:52 PM
Hi Cam!!!!
I can't help it.:rolleyes: