View Full Version : Cat Season....only in Wisconsin
race chica
03-08-05, 10:26 AM
So i woke up this morning to a conversation on the radio about about opening up a cat hunting season for the strays and any other cats (of the domestic variety) that are outdoors in Wisconsin. Being a cat lover i started to listen more carefully. Any cat that is found outside would be fair game (no pun intended). I guess there is this guy near Eau Claire who wants to start an open season much like the morning dove hunt that goes on....
.....some people have issues
03-08-05, 10:38 AM
The issue that started it is cats eating birds and "depleting" songbird populations. The problem is much of the demise of bird populations is due to chemicals and habitat destruction. As family farms failed and corporate farming practices took over hedgerows, small plots of trees and other cover were destroyed. Not only does corporate farming destroy the A horizon of the soil, it wipes out animals and birds. Maybe we should have open season on guys riding enormous tractors :)
03-08-05, 10:44 AM
This is outrageous. I had no idea this could go on in the US of A in the 21st century.
Wake up Wisconsin people! Americans are supposed to be better than this!
:thumdown: :thumdown: :thumdown:
03-08-05, 10:53 AM
Sounds like a great place to live, if you ask me. Maybe I could find myself a nice plot of land in rural Kenosha. Chopper... got any land ya wanna part with?
Coming to save, the mother ****ing day YEAH!
dude, cat hunting season is the greatest invention since canned beer. cats suck. s'how it goes. my malamutes are gonna hunt cat. and they're gonna get ****ing treats when they bring one home. feral cats are the worst urban environmental hazard. my sis's neighbors feed about 30 of the ****ers, 2 big bowls at breakfast, lunch, after work, then evening, then before bed... you can't really get more irresponsible than that.
dogs > cats
dogs > everyone
me > okie
03-08-05, 12:04 PM
Irresponsible pet owners are to blame for the large numbers of feral cats. Don't fool yourself- they may look like your pet, but these critters are wild and carry rabies and feline leukemia which can infect the general pet population. Our neighborhood is overrun with feral cats - neighbor trapped almost 20 of them last summer. They're vermin.
Our two cats are strictly indoor pets; they're healthier, happier, and safer. Most veterinarians I've spoken with strongly suggest if you're going to have a pet cat, keep it INSIDE.
As for strays - in our area, stray cats help to keep down the rodent population. I'd rather be surprised by cat poop in my flower beds than by field mice and rats. Currently our cat population is well controlled by other predators and highway vehicles without needing assistance from a designated hunting program.
What would be the best way to control both populations - feral cats and rodents? I haven't found anything about our city's/province's strategy for controlling animals other than cats and dogs.
malamutes, lots of them...
they hunt :cool:
03-08-05, 12:33 PM
Our two cats are strictly indoor pets; they're healthier, happier, and safer. Most veterinarians I've spoken with strongly suggest if you're going to have a pet cat, keep it INSIDE.
As for strays - in our area, stray cats help to keep down the rodent population. I'd rather be surprised by cat poop in my flower beds than by field mice and rats. Currently our cat population is well controlled by other predators and highway vehicles without needing assistance from a designated hunting program.
What would be the best way to control both populations - feral cats and rodents? I haven't found anything about our city's/province's strategy for controlling animals other than cats and dogs. Right. Same on farms. Dairy barn without cats...nope, unless you want millions of mice. The "cats" are an invasive species argument is stupid. They've been here for hundreds of years and established a niche. 70-80% of a cats diet is rodents. This is just another redneck bid to be allowed to wander around in the woods and slaughter something else. I know...I worked on a farm as a kid...I have many Wisconsin Redneck relatives who enjoy nothing more than shooting things for fun.
there's a huge diff in population density in backwater USA and "inside the loop." in urban areas feral cat population densities are ridiculous and are very destructive, when you've got one cat per 1000000 acres out in farmer, WI you have a different story.
best. idea. ever.
the Browning Citori is coming to WI very soon :D
Little girl holding her dead kitty v. man holding a smoking .357 talking 'bout his songbirds.
G, wonder who wins that argument?
03-08-05, 01:10 PM
there's a huge diff in population density in backwater USA and "inside the loop." in urban areas feral cat population densities are ridiculous and are very destructive, when you've got one cat per 1000000 acres out in farmer, WI you have a different story.
Every farm has dozens of cats. Each winter they get thinned out by exposure. They are part of the rural ecosystem. Same applies to urban environments. It would be a really neat experiment to get rid of all predators in NYC and watch the entire city taken over by rats. The urban problem is, as usual a people problem. First of all, some people let their cat out. Bad idea in the city. Secondly, some people feed stray cats, bad idea. Stiff fines for letting your cat out unattended will solve #1. Education can reduce #2.
The guy proposing a Cat Season is just a typical ignorant redneck. The dick could trap the cat by his bird feeder.
BTW, I had a neighbor who let his huge dog do a lap in my yard twice a day. The dog tore my garbage apart, trampled my flower beds, pissed on my race tires, **** on my lawn and was a general PIA. The guy refused to tie the dog up or supervise it when it was outside. Sounds just like an irresponsible cat owner letting their cat wander around by the neighbors bird feeder does'nt it. Well, what should the solution be? Shoot the dog? No,not the dog's fault. Shoot the owner? Good idea, but illegal. Call the cops? Yup, leash law violation $$$, second leash law violation $$$$$$$$$$....and so on.
Say it with me now ...
If a female cat's litter size averages 4 kittens (I'm just guessing) and she can deliver once a year for five years (that's a conservative estimate), you're talking about 20 kittens from one mama cat. And so on, and so on, and so on.
On the other hand, how many females can a tomcat impregnate in his lifetime?
Go get your cat fixed. Now.
As for the delicate balance of healthy farms, the general population's need for sport and entertainment, and our responsibility to be good stewards of the resources we've been given (this translates into not being mean to animals), how about opening hunting season on dairy farm rodents? They're smaller than cats, which means they'd be harder to shoot, which ought to mean a better, more challenging game. And, if the hunters are good enough, my sour cream will be rodent-free.
These people who feed stray cats mean well, I'm sure, but they really need to get them fixed.
Now go get your cat fixed!
^^^ :thumbup: to spaying and neutering. I had a few brief moments of 'awwww...' when I thought of our cats never being able to have kittens, but seeing them in heat just once was enough to convince me. "MMMMMRRRRROOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Good grief, what a sound...
The spaying and neutering of strays would cut down on the population, but do you let just a few reproduce, to keep a supply of mice/rat predators? How would the city pick? Should cities maintain their own 'fleet' of predators, and completely control it? Hmmm....
03-08-05, 02:46 PM
Has anyone said, "They're good eatin'" yet?
03-08-05, 02:47 PM
LOL @ cats in heat. I've got a good story there. We have 3 cats. They are all indoors and never go outside, and all fixed. Anyways, our nieghbor has a few cats she feeds, but they are not hers. Anyways, in the spring time they make that awful noise and so on. Our male siamese, who's fixed, wakes me up in the middle of the night and walks me over to the porch door. The noise was unbelievable. I'd rather take a punk kid with loud music over Anyways, my cat just looks at me with the "WTH is his problem?" look.
Freakin funny.
In seriousness, hunting cats is just stupid, but feral cats do decimate songbird populations in urban areas.
spay/neutring is defo good. Bass and Stella are fixed... getting em fixed early keeps em from realizing what they're missing out on, plus i've read about dogs that experience it change permanently even after they're fixed they're still out trying to find other dogs in heat or vice versa...
03-08-05, 03:45 PM
Regardless what the problem with feral cats may be, or not be, gun hunting is ridiculous. Like Methanolandbrats posted, if the guy has a problem with feral cats, spend $35 on a live trap, catch the ones that are feral and destroy them. If the neighbor’s cat gets into the trap, decide if you're going to be a jerk or let it go. Feral cats are easy to differentiate, so there's no excuse for indiscriminate destruction.
We had an explosion in the skunk population this year so I'm trapping them out. Four down, and who knows how many to go. A few years ago it was raccoons and we thinned them out as well. If we had feral cats I'd do the same. This is the time to do it, when you can catch the pregnant females.
Best way to keep the cats away from the bird feeders is to put a Rainbird sprinkler on a motion sensor. Cats hate it. I realize that during winter in Wisconsin this won't work, but if you get the neighborhood cats trained before winter then you won't have the same level of problem in any case.
CART T. Katz
03-08-05, 04:24 PM
rednecks love hunting and dogs. most are generally republicans. they are sickened by the existance of cats. some equate cats to witches and the devil and the epitome of all things evil and un-christian. therefore:
not only is hunting cats the american thing to do, its also christlike. because after all, in jesusland, to not be a republican is to be an IMMORAL UNAMERICAN HERATIC! :gomer:
(of course the above is extreme hyperbole, but i think that the message gets across)
i like cats more than dogs although i never had pets. so can i move to canada with any cats that i may get so that i can not worry about getting it shot?
03-08-05, 04:53 PM
rednecks love hunting and dogs. most are generally republicans. they are sickened by the existance of cats. some equate cats to witches and the devil and the epitome of all things evil and un-christian. therefore:
not only is hunting cats the american thing to do, its also christlike. because after all, in jesusland, to not be a republican is to be an IMMORAL UNAMERICAN HERATIC! :gomer:
(of course the above is extreme hyperbole, but i think that the message gets across)
i like cats more than dogs although i never had pets. so can i move to canada with any cats that i may get so that i can not worry about getting it shot?
shakey ground. :saywhat:
My opinion is that modern society does not need vermin, be it cats, rats or dogs or deer roaming populated areas spreading rabies and being general pests. There are deer hunting season to keep the population down. If they wern't hunted, we would all have our own herd of deer in our yard nad they are very destructive.
Canada is a perfect place to send the cat though if no one wants to shoot them. :)
03-08-05, 04:54 PM
Although Rome has their cats, Spain has their monkeys and Indiana has thier gomers, so coexistance is possible. ;)
best. idea. ever.
the Browning Citori is coming to WI very soon :D
Nice shot gun :thumbup:
I think the guy probably knows that his proposal isn't going anywhere. So he's probably just looking to draw attention to the problem. Of course the proper way to handle it is to trap feral cats and take them to a shelter where they can be humanely bashed with a shovel ..err euthanized.
Honestly, people who allow their cats to run free in the city deserve a good scare.
Honestly, people who allow their cats to run free in the city deserve a good scare.
my sister's neighbors in her duplex would feed so many ****ing feral cats. the woman and her husband would fill two huge bowls in the morning, then at lunch, then after work, and then before bed. They literally had over 25 feral cats fed. Animal control did nothing about it.
So sis' bf ended up buying a pellet gun and shoots em in the side whenever they're on their deck or pooping in their gardens, the cats stay the hell away now.
He also wrote an anonymous story in the Houston Press about the ordeal and the success of the pellets bouncing off the cats' hides. The neighbors get the story somehow and figure it out the next day and totally freaked out, massive argument ensued, sis and her bf pwn3d them: "what do you mean they're not your cats, you feed them dont you? you're always playing with them right? you gave all of them collars no?" But now they're moving out because of all the hate . Neighbors went all over the street showing ppl the story, no one cared. Everyone hates those f'ing cats...
03-08-05, 11:33 PM
The local solution to packs of feral felines is a 22-250 prairie dog load. I'm told it works well.
One of the gun magazines had an editorial about 5 years ago relating to the author's elimination of feral cats on his farm. They ran letters to the editor for two months afterward. Every one of the Nay letters came from cities. Every one of the Yay letters came from rural areas.
Go figure.
03-08-05, 11:45 PM
The local solution to packs of feral felines is a 22-250 prairie dog load. I'm told it works well.
One of the gun magazines had an editorial about 5 years ago relating to the author's elimination of feral cats on his farm. They ran letters to the editor for two months afterward. Every one of the Nay letters came from cities. Every one of the Yay letters came from rural areas.
Go figure. Gun magazine? They were in favor of shooting cats? I'm amazed. Gun magazine psychos would be in favor of shooting anything. Same guys who watch OLN so they can experience the vicarious thrill as an overweight, mentally stunted white guy stomps across the tundra and shoots a caribou in the head.
Cats are Evil!
If this doesn't prove their sinisiter aims for world domination, I don't know what does.,2933,150007,00.html
"Cat Shoots Owner With 9mm Handgun" :gomer: If the felines are packing, we should be too ;)
03-10-05, 04:18 PM
Cats are Evil!
If this doesn't prove their sinisiter aims for world domination, I don't know what does.,2933,150007,00.html
"Cat Shoots Owner With 9mm Handgun" :gomer: If the felines are packing, we should be too ;) Soon as I saw that news story this morning I knew it would be in this thread... ;) BTW, he was shot in the "lower torso" and yet the Marquette hospital had no record of him being a patient... :eek: Evil conspiracy, garbled news, or is it that you was so humiliated that he got shot in the south forty by his cat that he went into hiding...?
he was really transferred to canada where they have extensive experience treating victims of the plots and ploys of the Feline World Domination League
03-10-05, 05:02 PM
If the felines are packing, we should be too ;)
If guns are outlawed, only cats will have guns?
race chica
03-10-05, 05:33 PM
he was really transferred to canada where they have extensive experience treating victims of the plots and ploys of the Feline World Domination League
So now there is a name for evil cats that inhabit the earth? :rofl:
Off topic and wrong. ( :rofl:
This isn't as bad as the proposed dove hunt a few years back.
Amanda B.'s Mom
03-10-05, 09:10 PM
WEll, there is (was?) a dove season in WI. Why, i do not understand.
For some reason, I can;t understand why anyone would find a thrill in shooting animals that were once domestic. Yes, I know there are many cat haters out there.
bad joke time here......How do you make a cat sound like a dog? dip it in charcoal started fluid and light a match......Woof! This comes from someone who likes cats and is the "surrogate mother" for Amanda's cats.
Next someone will propose legislation to allow people to hunt for farmers cows how have breached their fences. :rolleyes:
03-11-05, 11:52 AM
Gun magazine? They were in favor of shooting cats? I'm amazed. Gun magazine psychos would be in favor of shooting anything. Same guys who watch OLN so they can experience the vicarious thrill as an overweight, mentally stunted white guy stomps across the tundra and shoots a caribou in the head.
Whoa, back up there, big fella... :)
No, the thrust of the editorial was that the writer owned a farm, and whether it was a pack of feral dogs (and they ARE out there) bringing down deer/his livestock or feral cats after his chickens, as far as he was concerned if they were on his property they were as good as dead.
Bottom line is that wild dogs and cats are a people problem, not an animal problem (as stated in previous posts). Makes me wonder how much it would cost to develop a spay/neuter program paid for with voluntary state taxes, sort of like contributing to the political fund--get a pet from the Humane society and it's surgery is free, that sort of thing.
03-11-05, 12:49 PM
saw a kitty outside hooters yesterday, he was friendly and not feral, think someone abandoned him near there and he was scrounging for scraps because there was no residential housing for him to have run away from around there :saywhat:
I still wished I had the malamutes with me to scare the kitty though :D
Hunt kitties? Fine. Ya just have to eat what you bag. :)
(note that feral dog packs are around in N Wis. A lot of them. I think that there is even a bounty on them, not sure about that though. A co-worker was from there, they put their dogs in the orange doggie vests 24-7-365, not just during hunting season.)
Obviously, there aren't enough $3.95 asian buffets in Wisconsin.
Open up one of those on nearly every corner and you feral cat problem will be eliminated.
I asked a coworker of mine if he had ever eaten dog when he was growing up in Vietnam. He said, "Sure." I said, "what did it taste like?"
Tam says, "Hmmmm, just like cat."
Amanda B.'s Mom
03-11-05, 08:15 PM
Obviously, there aren't enough $3.95 asian buffets in Wisconsin.
Open up one of those on nearly every corner and you feral cat problem will be eliminated.
I asked a coworker of mine if he had ever eaten dog when he was growing up in Vietnam. He said, "Sure." I said, "what did it taste like?"
Tam says, "Hmmmm, just like cat."
There may not be enough Asian Buffets, but a SE WI Pizza Hut was busted for serving Dog meat on their Pizzas.
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